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Month 11:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5955:295 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 13 January 2021
Rosh Chodesh XI
The Little Elephant


    Chag Sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yis'ra'el and Mishpachah, welcome to the assembly of those wishing to hear the nevi'im (prophets) in response both to their concerns and know what Yahweh is saying to the messianic assemblies (church) in this grave hour for the United States, the West and indeed the whole world.

    Concerning the Present Crisis

    I have been asked by a number of distressed people to say more on the current political and social crises even though I have already said a great deal in my New Year Message and before that in the previous Rosh Chodesh Message at the beginning of the tenth month entitled, The Road to Anarchy, Revolution & Civil War. At that time I told you most of what I know, and counselled you to get your eyes fully on Yah'shua (Jesus) and off human messiahs. I never said who would win the Presidential election but I did say the élites would suffer a major defeat at some point. I did not say how they would be defeated or when, just that they would be defeated in the near future during the penultimate judgment during, one supposes, the period of my generation. That remains my position and I refuse to speculate on what I don't know or what I am not permitted to speak about. There are any number of different conspiracy theories circulating out there as many of you well know. So unless Yahweh speaks to me, or to someone I know who has the authentic prophetic anointing, I am going to take one day at a time and continue to prepare as best I can for the worst that tribulation and judgment are likely to present us with. We should all individually, as families, and as local congregations, be listening attentively to the Ruach (Spirit) and if we don't have the Ruach (Spirit) then we need to repent and reform until we are absolutely sure that we do.

    Mapping Out the Bigger Picture

    Having said all of that, there's a lot going on on both sides of the spiritual divide some of which I am being permitted to observe. It's no secret to anyone that the Enemy is making His 'big move' as I speak and doing so as fast as he can to make up for the 'lost time' of the past for years. The élites are in a frenzy for absolute dictatorial power, the Antichrist system is trying to break every heavenly-imposed restraining containment that sinful human beings will grant them the authority to do by giving them the legal grounds they need. However, they need to remember that Final Authority is in Yahweh's hands, not sinners'; and even though they can expose themselves by their folly, the course of history is under direct heavenly authority and no amount of cursing, subverting, murdering, high tech and remote viewing is going to advance their agenda as far as the global arena is concerned. Yahweh also has His intercessors in the picture too.

    Don't be so focussed on one thing that you miss the bigger picture

    A Resurgence in 'Christian' Astrology

    A phenomenon that is becoming more popular, as it typically does in times of crisis, is a resurgent interest in the alignments of the planets and stars, better known as Astrology. It does concern me when so-called Christian and Messianic 'prophecy-minded' folks turn to the heavens for spiritual 'signs'. I'm not saying Yahweh can't or won't code information in His positioning of the heavenly bodies as seen from the vantage point of earth. What I am saying is that Yahweh nowhere commands us to look for them there beyond calculating the calendar of moedim (appointments) and admiring the creation for praise. References to the sun being blackened, the moon turning red and stars falling out of the sky are, for the most part, to be understood symbolically and not literally (e.g. Mt.24:29). The few prophecies that may be taken as literal (e.g. Is.13:10) concern the blotting out of light from the night sky which these days we know could be explained by, for example, volcanic ash in the sky after one or more large eruptions. Those of you who were alive when Mt.St.Helens in western USA erupted will remember this phenomenon.

    The Red Blood Moon Hype of 2014-15

    Most of you will remember all the nonsense being spoken about Blood Red Moons between 2014 and 2015 and how this provided grist for the mills of the false prophets always in search of something sensationalistic with which to garner attention or find a following. Now all that stuff is largely forgotten. Idolaters of the biblical past are frequently rebuked, are they not, for turning to the stars for omens and signs when they don't have the true spirit of prophecy and revelation, or otherwise refuse to believe the plain truth taught in the Bible.

    The Visible Physical Universe is Changing

    Incidentally, I am one who does believe the constellations of the northern hemisphere tell the story of redemption in symbolic form but I have to say I know of few, if any, who were converted to Messiah because of them. Rather, they can make little sense of them without some prior biblical knowledge. And I freely acknowledge it is possible to 'read' things into a mass of objects in the sky because of our capacity to imagine things. Just ask someone to stare at some clouds and they will start imagining all sorts of shapes. Clouds, of course, change shape rapidly and whilst the arrangements of the constellations from our vantage point on earth remain pretty constant, they have changed over time. And not only their shape but also their brightness.

    Our constantly changing physical universe - one of many supernovas

    Even Time is Changing

    The Stingray Nebula, for example, which has been photographed by the Hubble telescope since 1996, has appreciably dimmed in the space of a mere 20 years. Orbital telescopes have even picked up stars which were once there in the heavens which have since vanished, usually because they have exploded as supernovas. Sometimes they can even observe this event happening. So the heavens do change. Even time is changing and not just the calculations of the age of the universe made by secular astronomers and cosmologists whose latest guestimate says it's 13.88 billion years old plus or minus 40 million years. Recent studies have shown that over the last 50 years the earth has sped up as it turns on its axis so the length of the day is getting shorter albeit by an infinitessimally short period of time. My point is simply this: the physical creation is constantly changing so it is unwise to go looking too deep for spiritual truths in it because spiritual truth is constant: "Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb.13:8, NIV). Yahweh has given us His Davar (Word) for that, tempting though it is to want to delve into the tidal wave of data that now saturates our knowledge base.


    Let's now move from the cosmic to the personal. The big events currently in motion are in Yahweh's hands and I've said all I want to about that for now. Today I am going to share a prophetic dream from my wife with you. Six days ago, on Thursday 7 January 2020 in the morning, my wife had what I recognised immediately to be a prophetic dream. I received the interpretation as she was relating it to me. She has had a few of these intermittantly over the years. I am going to share it with you now in my own words from what she related to me and then we'll look at its meaning:

      Our family was out in a field tending to our crops collecting fruits. Evening was approaching. There was a thick fog, not at ground level where we were but high up in the sky. I was engaged in a theological conversation with a believer warning him of the immediate dangers to come but he did not believe me and scoffed at what I said. We ourselves had just returned from a long journey and there were others round about who were gathering with us. There were very some simple shelters or small houses the people were living in. Then my wife looked up and saw a huge passenger plane that appeared to be in some considerable difficulty. It was trying to make an emergency landing but was coming down too rapidly with its nose pointing too low for there to be any chance of a safe outcome. My wife was afraid that it would crash near to, or on top, of us, thus endangering our lives and so she wasn't sure whether we should all lie down or run for safety. However, I stood still, unafraid, so she followed my cue and stood her ground too, as did the rest of the company of people with us. When the aeroplane hit the ground it burst into flames, the conflagration resembling a nuclear explosion because of the blinding flash. There was fire everywhere but it did not harm us.

    "It...was coming down too rapidly with its nose pointing too low..."

    The Interpretation

    The ground is reality or truth, the foggy sky the realm of confused, distorted thought and fancy. The field is the world (Mt.13:38) where we are ministering, a well understood biblical symbol, the harvest is of souls, on one level, and truth on another, the fruits of our labour in this our Third Field. The fog, as I said, represents distortion, confusion, the veil of blindness in that 'higher' realm of ideas and meanings where both the world system and the apostate church is located. The aircraft is the vehicle of those trying to steer themselves through that fog in their current state of confusion and darkness. Those in charge of 'Babylon' are trying to bring in the vehicle of their activity to a safe landing but it is going to spectacularly crash without any harm coming to the true Remnant. Therefore we are not to worry but to keep on ministering.


    Interestingly enough, the day after, I too had a prophetic dream along similar lines. In the dream, we had invited a messianic brother from another ministry to come and share with us the benefit of his Torah knowledge. We were sitting, in a living room, while he gave an excellent talk to a group of us. He was talking about Yahweh's providence in establishing the nation of Israel, beginning with Jacob and his story and how he received his four wives who became the mothers of the Twelve Tribes. Then suddenly he stopped himself short, and blurted out, "But we don't do that anymore!" as though he had inadvertantly testified to an ancient marriage principle that he did not believe and which the Christian churches have rejected since the Edict of Justinian in the sixth century officially banning it. (The Jews similarly banned it in the year 1000 for a thousand years which expired in 2000). There was a pause, the gushing, enthusiastic spirit suddenly gone out of the man, and he turned to the group of about 20-30 souls and rapidly changed subject, saying he wasn't sure whether we Messianic Evangelicals were this, or that or (and this was his last option) "a cult" since he knew that we openly welcomed polygamist converts from the Masaai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania who still live like Jacob and the ancient patriarchs. Indeed, as many of you know here, we caused no small stir in some of our Kenyan congregations when we sent out a directive to the presiding elder there not to withhold priesthood responsibilties to polygamous men in good standing who clearly had the gifting as some of those raised in the Western-oriented cities like Nairobi took exception, not to mention churches from other denominations for whom these people are second-class members. I wrote a teaching illustrating the problems this lifestyle has caused Christian denominations in Africa when they have made converts from the Maasai and others, as well as preached a sermon on marriage at the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Kenya qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) in 2014, which may be of interest to some of you.

    The patriarch Jacob and his large family, the foundation of Messianic Israel

    The Little Elephant on the Cheek

    Anyway, back to the dream, and this is where it gets really interesting. I gently took the visiting preacher aside to a large sliding glass door overlooking the garden so that the group would not be able to hear our conversation, and politely asked him not to start a controversy but rather to talk out any problems or issues with me personally as the host minister. It was then I spotted a tiny live, grey elephant, no more than 2 cm long, resting at a 45 degree angle right in the middle of his right cheek, seemingly defying gravity, which this man was wholly unaware of. It looked so cute! I gently reached over, removed the elephant from his cheek, and made him aware of it. At first he was startled upon seeing it (as he had no idea it had been there) but the moment it was detached from his skin and he could see it with his own eyes, he was overcome with joy and rushed out into the garden, and sank to his knees on the uncut grass and began to praise Yahweh with all his heart, all the while holding on to this little living elephant. Dusk was approaching. The dream went on but this is the part that I wanted to share.

    Symbolism of the Little Elephant

    I can tell you that the symbolism surprised me when I woke up - which was immediately afterwards - as it did the preacher in the dream as I have never dreamed of anything quite like this before, nor come across anyone having such a dream during my 40 or so years interest in dreams. The outcome was, of course, that the visitor's objections and prejudices upon seeing the elephant evapourated and he was praising Yahweh while looking into the heavens above. So, what does the symbolism mean? Firstly, let's look at the size. Normally we associate elephants with huge land mammals yet this one was tiny. In other words, it was orders of magnitude smaller than in real life, and given the subject matter and context of the dream, the elephant can only refer to the man's prejudice against the ancient patriarchal lifestyle which Scripture prophesies will return in the last days in Isaiah chapter 4 and also why. Elephants are usually regarded as loveable creatures and this one was undoubtedly cute. Why the symbol of an elephant other than the size question? Ask yourself what an elephant symbolises. To us, an elephant 'never forgets'. In Africa in particular the elephant represents strength and power, for obvious reasons, and is praised for its size, logevity, stamina, mental faculties, cooperative spirit and loyalty. Ask any Maasai, or anyone else who lives this principle righteously, about his way of life and he or she will tell you that loyalty, a cooperative spirit, mental acuity and stamina are some of the fruits of living this way. Obviously, like all marriages, it can be, and is, lived badly at times, and there perhaps a rogue elephant would be an appropriate symbol, one that must be culled. The context here, though, is the Christian and Torah-obedient practitioner.

    The patriarchal lifestyle, hidden yet so visible

    A Controversial Ministry

    Fellow believers have objected to a number of our teachings over the years (see Hot Potatoes) but none more starkly than to this one. I have been told many times by lots of people that were I to withdraw my support of those righteously living this way that my ministry would have been more widespread and popular. However, I did not become a believer to be popular or to follow any crowd. I believe what I believe because I do not doubt that it is right and it is that I intend to stand by, come what may. It's not even a primary teaching (since it applies to so few people) but is way out on the periphery as it isn't a salvational issue, but it is so hated by the Romanised West that it tends to provoke a reaction out of all proportion to what it actually is. In other words, it seems, in people's imagination, to be a dangerous, giant rogue elephant when in reality is it a tiny, harmless, sweet one. And the man in the dream saw what it was - small and beautiful, a picture of the Kingdom, which in spiritual terms is very great indeed.

    Why on the Cheek?

    If you're wondering why the little elephant was on the man's cheek I'll explain that to you now. As I mentioned, expressing any degree of sympathy, let alone practicing, this lifestyle is likely to provoke a great deal of hostility. The Scriptures mention the 'cheeks' 13 times, most of which are 'struck' by someone angry, as in, "...[do] not to resist an evil person, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also" (Matt.5:39, NKJV). Notice it is the 'right cheek' that is struck, not the left - most right-handed people will strike the left cheek using their right hand because that's the reflexive response to spontaneous anger. And Romanised Christians have been striking the cheeks of patriarchal believers in anger for centuries. To strike someone's right cheek premeditatively you have to use your left hand, in other words it is deliberate and calculated and not in the heat of the moment (see Turning the Other Cheek. In other words, this action of persecution is a serious sin because it is not committed in the heat of the moment.

    A Thing of Beauty

    I have seen so much vitriol poured on those living patriarchal marriage that I have come to the conclusion it is something the Enemy hates, not Yahweh, because of the conservative, family-centred values it represents. Twice in the Song of Solomon the cheeks are described as beautiful places: "Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments...his cheeks are like a bed of spices, banks of scented herbs" (Song 1:10; 5:13, NKJV). All of this is part of the symbolism, no doubt, but the obvious reason the little elephant was there on the man who rejected the truth was because the cheeks are so close to the eyes and yet out of the field of vision...you really have to turn your eyes far down to see them and even then that is a blind spot. And so the beauty of righteous patriarchal marriage has been, and is, a blind spot for so many. That, I believe, is the reason the little elephant was located there. People are sometimes blind to what is near and this creates fear and even disgust because we loathe the unknown. And yet, in the end times, it is spoken of as a "holy" practice by the survivors in the days of "the spirit of judgment and...the spirit of burning" (Isa.4:4, NKJV). And though this practice is only for a few, the hostility against it will cease in the camp of Messianic Israel and those living it the godly way will be highly esteemed because of the high moral character required to live it as Yahweh intends.

    The Current Areas of Contention - Judgment and Prepping

    But this wasn't even the subject of contention as revealed in the first dream between me and the other Christian in the field. He was objecting to our teaching about prepping and the economic collapse, penultimate judgment, the Final Gathering and the Last Exodus because so few Christians accept these things. When the plane crashed he knew, then, that I had been right, as the whole world will shortly come know, because the whole rotten system is about to go up in a blinding flash. So all that remains for us now is that we confidently wait and see.

    Understanding Enigmas and Taming the Abyss

    King David said that "to many I have seemed as an enigma, but You (Yahweh) are my firm refuge" (Ps.71:7, JB). Yahweh's ways and those of His people living them are indeed an enigma both to unbelievers and to disobedient believers. So do not be like "Dame Folly" who "acts on impulse, is childish and knows nothing" (Prov.9:13, JB) but consider soberly all the ways of Yahweh and not just those that your flesh does not object to. "Tame the abyss" of your unruly heart and "plant it with islands" of emet (truth) (Sirach 43:23,25, JB). If "all things hold together by means of [Yahweh't] Davar (Word)" (Sirach 43:28, JB), especially the 'little elephants' whom you have supposed were monsters, then adhere to the whole counsel of Scripture and not just those parts you like or understand. We are here to help you with the difficult things and to make sense of the big picture.

    Enter the Strongman Rulers

    Both these dreams are, then, a vindication of what we as a spiritual community have been preaching, endorsing and doing. I think many will be surprised by the 'little elephants' on their cheeks which they had supposed were monsters to be feared and opposed. But even more surprised will people be by the huge political changes that are about to happen and how Yahweh is about to intervene to punish the wicked. We are at a major crossroads and turning point in history. The way the world used to be has gone forever. We are approaching fast an era of strongmen rulers in the West, both good and bad, in such as has always been the case in other parts of the world like the Middle East. And though we will continue to call them 'presidents', 'prime ministers', 'chancellors' and 'premiers', in reality we are re-entering a time of monarchs both in the world and in the Messianic Community (Church), and the true kings - the righteous kings - will "take pleasure in honest lips [and] they value a man who speaks the truth" (Prov.16:13, NIV). We are going to have to learn to adapt to a new set of societal presuppositions and behaviours and to learn anew how to be content with what we have in those situations. The Christian age of political freedom and classical libertarian democracy, which we have hitherto taken for granted, is about to assume a new, more patriarchal form. And that, brethren and sisters, is the message I have been given for you today.


    I do not know what we will be doing next week but at some point soon, Yah willing, we shall be starting a series on prophets and prophecy by doing an in-depth biblical study because we have got to be absolutely clear what real prophets and prophecy look like which are very different from all the mush we're seeing in apostate Christianity. I hope that will promt you to do some research of your own in the meantime. Yahweh bless you and the week ahead, bolt down your hatches and watch Yahweh work as the storm grows and bursts. Amen.

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    This page was created on 13 January 2021
    Last updated on 13 January 2021

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