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Month 8:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5949:207 AM
2Exodus 6/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 29 September 2019
Rosh Chodesh VIII
Wolves Devouring Wolves

    Continued from Part 1


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah - I pray this will be a blessed month that lies ahead though I suspect it is going to be tumultuous one politically and I already know it's going to be tumultuous spiritually and psychologically. More about that in a minute.

    A Great Leap Forward to Death

    As always, let's get straight to the message that I have for you this morning. Let's do so by recalling the words of the 20th century's greatest mass-murderer who is admired by millions who don't know the truth about his dark deeds let alone the spirits that drove him. How many he killed we may never know but in a period of 4 years alone after the communist victory following World War 2, during the 'Great Leap Forward' or, as we know it in the West, as the 'Cultural Revolution', at least 45 million people died, often horribly, under his leadership in 'peace time'. That's more than half the number of souls that perished in the Second World War over a 6 year period. Here's what he said:

      "The young people are the most active and vital force in society. They are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking. This is especially so in the era of socialism."

    The New Deadly Cocktail

    The man who spoke these words was Mao Tse-Tung and "the era of socialism" - (or at least its more virulent, deadly variety called communism) which allegedly died with the Soviet Union on 26 December 1991, but which is, in reality, not only alive and well - hasn't even begun its deadliest work yet. Today it has shape-shifted multiple times by allying itself with it's alleged mortal enemy, corporate capitalism, and its old pretended rival, fascism. This is a purposefully-blended deadly cocktail, however unlikely a mixture it may appear to be on the surface, with apparently contradictory political, economic and social goals, that have been forced together into a combination of evil that the world is progressively having unleashed onto it whenever and wherever the safety values of righteousness are rejected by the masses. This is, and will be, the most deadly cocktail of evil the world has ever experienced. We're getting a foretaste of it already under its present camoflage known as 'social democracy' and 'liberalism'.

    So Much Potential News

    In light of the Greta Thunberg phenomenon, I think you'll agree that Mao was absolutely right in his prognosis. But there's something else going on that you need to be aware of. I realise that there is so much news these days that it's virtually impossible to keep up with it all so we are blessed to have watchmen and watchwomen who are keeping an eye in all the various quarters of the world where newsworthy things are happening that the Body needs to know about in order to be prepared and to 'stay ahead of the game'.

    The Frightening Voice of the Next Generation

    Something that Christopher Gregory, a contemporary missionary in China, said a couple of days ago in the aftermath of 16 year-old, Antifa-supporter Greta Thunberg's speech to the United Nations, really hit me hard. This is what he said:

      "...it was clear to me that THIS is the voice of the next generation and one that will not continue on the path of the former which went before it, no, this generation has bought into the concept of Globalism to such a degree that change, and how to bring about that change, will drastically alter the future not only for those who are here now but as well as the church itself.

      "There is a generation which will not serve God the way we did in the past. This new generation will forsake the gospel as the ultimate truth, for new thought, a new idea, a better way. That is what I believe, in some small way, that Greta, and those like her, are preparing for a new Global concept of radical change.

      "I have stated this many times before, and I'll state it again, that it won't be my generation or my parents' generation who will give us a Global deception in the future, it will be this new generation that is rising who have become technologically segregated from society, from faith, from conservative ideas, which will thrust us into a brand new world" (24 September 2019).

    The Devouring Dark Female

    He's putting it mildly. Something interesting has been happening in the aftermath of the Greta Thunberg phenomenon, something I hadn't noticed before, and it's this: the wolves are devouring each other. But we can be more specific than this: what we're seeing is the female spiders devouring the male spiders with whom they've mated to produce political, social and religious offspring.

    The female spider that makes with, then devours, her mate

    Rise of the 'Great Mother'

    Something psychologst Jordan B. Peterson said recently really caused pieces of the globalist puzzle to fall together in my head. Speaking of the media and the social-political narrative they are pursuing, what he said was this:

      "...they rely on forcing the story all the way down to the mythological Archetypal level. I thought of ideologies as fragmentary mythologies. That's where they get their archetypal and psychological power, but in the postmodern world, this seems to be something that's increasingly seeping out into the culture at large [so now] you have nothing but the [claimed] tyrannical father [and] nothing but the [claimed] destructive force of masculine consciousness, and nothing but the [claimed] benevolent 'Great Mother'. It's an appalling ideology, and it seems to me that it's sucking the vitality [out of our culture]" [1]

    Cults of the mother goddess - ancient (Kali) and modern (a New Age Gaia)

    Assembling the Matrix

    The Deep State, which was conceived, and is completely run, by satanists, is following a collection of 'scripts' which they are programming systematically into our culture to get us to completely think in a new way that will enable the élites to gain complete mind-control of the population. It's deliberate brainwashing and Greta is just one symptom of that. They are literally creating the 'Matrix' which they announced in the Matrix movies so that people are no longer connected to the real world but instead to a manufactured pseudo-reality. People are no longer thinking for themselves but reacting viscerally - emotionally - to everything that happens. It's pure Pavlovian behaviour programming which the élites are expert at manufacturing and manipulating. We have got to think for ourselves, and to think rationally, clearly, and above all, scripturally.

    Erich Neumann and the 'Mother-Goddess'

    Psychologist Erich Neumann wrote a book, first published in English in 1955, called Die große Mutter: Der Archetyp des großen Weiblichen - in English that translates to The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype, a work inspired by the psychologist Carl Jung. It's essentially all about the so-called 'mother-goddess' and had strongly impacted post-Christian Western culture. And if you know anything about Jung, you will know that he was heavily influenced by the occult.

    The Demonisation of Men and the Masculine

    In short, what this is really all about is the end-time control of society using the motif of the female spider (or praying mantis) devouring its mate and we see this happening before our eyes on the political stage. We are witnessing the demonisation of men and all things masculine in the new occult-inspired and occult-driven satanic philosophy of the West which is nothing less than the resurrection of ancient pagan mother-goddess worship about which I have written and spoken a great deal in the past.

    The Demons Responsible for Emasculation

    The demonic spirits behind this force in society is a set of very dangerous entities that I personally know a great deal about owing to my encountering them in deliverance ministry over the years. They are called Hecate, Lilith, Sophia, Heqet, Carpo, Lucia, Jezebel, Morena, and many, many others. Their dark mission is the spiritual castration of the male psyche and they are collectively represented in the fallen natural world by the spider spinning its web and devouring its prey.

    Why the Feminist Movement Was Created

    Satan has created and used the feminist movement to accomplish this, destroying femininity by first destroying unborn children, then the men, and finally, the whole of Adam and Eve's posterity. Here in Scandinavia, and especially Sweden, we have the mythological story of Tintomara, an androgynous being, representing the complete collapsing of the binary male-female creation of Yahweh, which is the goal of satanism. There's even a movie about her. I don't want to go into any sort of detail here today as you can find lots of materials on our deliverance website - there are also many links you can check out in the printed version of this talk.

    Statue of the androgynous Tintomara in Säffle, Sweden

    Turmoil in the Political World

    Why is President Trump hated to much? In large part, because he is an alpha-male who stands in diametric opposition to this satanic gender neutralisation script. Had Hilary Clinton won the last presidential election, we would be far further down this satanic road than we currently are in society. Not only are these people turning on the mortal enemy of the Deep State - the white, heterosexual, Christian male - but now they are turning like 'wolves devouring wolves' on their own males when they have served their purpose or are otherwise guilty of 'messing up' on their assignments. Greta Thunberg is being cynically exploited - 'abused' would be a better word - as part of this Illuminati script, her handlers now turning on their own like President Emmanuel Macron of France, a globalist stooge (whom Greta attacked, which enfuriated Macron) and the ultra-liberal President Justin Trudeau of Canada who as you know is immersed in a scandal for having thrice 'blackened up' in the past. They will throw both of them to the wolves once they have served their rôle as 'useful idiots' (to borrows the words of Lenin). All 'useful idiot' males will be disposed of eventually, once they have outlived their usefulness, apart from those in the hightest echelons who are highly demonised men manipulating deceived women to do their dirty work for them in the lower echelons of society.

    The New Brainwashing

    If you want to know why homeschooling and biblical Christianity are being systematically made illegal everywhere, as it was recently here in Sweden, it is to ensure two things:

    • 1. That biblical values and traditional gender rôles are no longer heard, taught, or practiced; and
    • 2. That everyone is brainwashed to think alike with the same globalist, mother-goddess mindset.

    Birthing of the One World Religion

    Now, as you all know, a mutated form of 'Christianity' will exist in the future but it will be 'something else' and not possess the power to save. It will be fake, a counterfeit (like early gnosticism), and it will persecute true believers. The worst of it is that the modern Body of Christ (Messianic Community, Church) is ripe for this take-over by the globalists with nearly all the mainstream churches already fully infiltrated and hijacked by the Deep State, a reason the Remnant will have to get out or be swallowed up by them. The current Roman Catholic Pope, Francis, who is a Jesuit, and the first Pope to ever emerge from that sinster blood-soaked organisation, is about to sign his gigantic church of 1.2 billion members up to a global humanistic (read 'mother-goddess') compact which is one of several steps toward a satanic One World Religion. Please know that the Roman Catholic Church neither worships Christ nor the 'Virgin Mary' (idolatrous though the latter is). Indeed, theirs is a mother-goddess religion dressed up in Christian garb to appear Christian, and this current Pope is revealing what its founders actually believed in. Read my article on Morena and you will understand how all the dots connect.

    Many Ways to Heavenism

    The ministers of this emerging false global church steered by the mother-goddess are already active in blessing abortion clinics, supporting every ultra-left wing, liberal and anti-biblical idea and cause you can think of, from feminism to transgenderism. They, as ultra-ecumenicists, regard all religions as equally valid ways of 'getting to heaven'. If you want to understand how all of this has been engineered over the last half-century, get old of and read Dr.Henry Makow's book, Cruel Hoax [2] and then share it.

    A Time of Chaos is Coming

    Over the weeks and months ahead pay especial attention to the wolves devouring each other, not only in the political establishment but in the corrupted Body of Christ too. For several years I have been warning everyone to be prepared for a judgment and it's already underway. Watch the Hillary Clinton's, Angela Merckel's and Anna Soubry's of this world's establishment and their replacements. Watch to see who is devoured on their way out of power and influence. Many who failed or wanted to defect have been murdered by this devilish cult running our political and military-industrial system. There's a huge backlash coming now and we're beginning to see it manifest in Great Britain which is centre-stage. Brexit is the big issue of our time here in Europe because it's success or failure will redefine everything. There are growling, snarling wolves everywhere poking their heads above the establishment ramparts. A time of chaos is on the way. You need to know what's going on, what you must do, and why. You must be informed and not bury your heads in the sand. Ignorance is not bliss, to be misinformed or uninformed is to expose yourself to great risk. So do your homework, and do it well.

    Mind Renewal and Configuration is Essential

    The apostle Paul said:

      "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom.12:2, NKJV).

    We alone are responsible for how our minds are transformed - what we believe, what we accept, what we imitate. The mind is an extraordinarily sensitive and complicated mechanism that's constantly changing based on what it is fed. Our neuronal networks are forming and unforming all the time. The longer we think about or occupy our minds with certain modes of thought, the more 'permanent' or 'set' the neuronal networks become. As we say in the IT industry about computera and their programs, 'GIGO', or 'Garbage In, Garbage Out'. A computer is no better than its programming and thus, ultimately, its programmer. We have been given the free will to feed our minds with what we will. So incredibly powerful is this free will that those prisoners-of-war in Germany during the Second World War who faked being insane in order to be released to the Swiss Red Cross and sent back home to their country or orgin, often spending months perfecting their acting skills, quite frequently remained insane after they got back. In order to convince the Germans that they were mad they had to act the part to perfection to the point that their brains actually became reconfigured - or perhaps the right word would be deconfigured - to the point that many of them were unable to regain their sanity. It would have been better for them to have waited out the war and gone home in their right minds. Don't mess with your brain! Be genuine, be truthful, be in Messiah who alone knows how to guide in its proper, harmonious configuration.

    Your brain is a highly complex, sensitive mechanism designed by Elohim

    Don't Passively Absorb Everything Around You

    All I am saying is this: you not only have to be very careful what you feed your mind but you need to be aware of what it is being fed unconsciously by your surroundings - the music you hear in the mall or at work, day in and day out, the kind of thinking that you osmotically absorb in watching movies that are promoting a philosophical or religious line of thought, the kind of company you keep, particularly if you are the more passive kind of person who readily absorbs whatever is around you. Young children are particularly susceptible to programming of this kind which is why the state wants them in their schools from ever younger ages, so that their minds can be filled and patterened after the ideology of the state and whatever or whoever is pulling the strings of the state behind the scenes. If we are going to be in the world, as me must be in order to earn our daily bread and to witness, then we need to know early on in Whom we believe, why we believe in what we do, and to feed our minds with positive, uplifting and truthful thoughts. Having a home to go back to where such is the default mode or way of being, where you can relax without having your guard up, is therefore important. So, you believers, when you get home, don't go and fill your minds with all the junk programming on the TV and Internet, and if you're going to use those media, use them wisely. They're programming you in all sorts of subtle ways. Spend quality time with Yahweh in Scripture study and prayer and with fellow believers, for mutual edification. We are in a war zone and wars aren't won passively. I have known so many strong Christians go off the Way simply because they passively absorbed the world around them and let it change them.


    May Yahweh bless your week, and especially to set-apart quality time for the King and the Kingdom, for the sake of your minds, that they may be renewed every day, especially when you wake up and just before you go to sleep, but also, like Daniel, at noon, punctuating your daily rhythm with the signature tune of everlasting chayim (life). I am very, very serious about this. Don't take this message lightly. Establish good spiritual habits becaause you are literally wiring your brain one way another with all the thoughts, images and sounds which you entertain. It can take a long while to restructure your thinking because of the way you have let your mind get wired through hearing and uncritically accepting wrong ideas. Build good mental foundations, give sovereignty of your life to Yah'shua (Jesus), and watch Him build wonderful things! Amen.


    [1] Jordan B.Peterson documentary: A Glitch in the Matrix (David Fuller production), 17 February 2019
    [2] Henry Makow, Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order, the Attack on Your Human Identity (Silas Green, USA: 2010)

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    This page was created on 29 September 2019
    Last updated on 29 September 2019

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