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Month 7:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5955:178 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Friday 18 September 2020
Yom Teruah 2020
Proclamation of the King's Judgment

    Introduction and a Proclamation

    Chag sameach Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets/Shouting), chag sameach Rosh Chodesh (Head of the Moon) and shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el, Mishpachah and all who love Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and His Coming. One day, within a generation of time, a navi (prophet) of Israel - a Prince of Israel - will stand as I am standing here today and proclaim the imminent messianic fulfilment of this triple Sacred Day, the Second Coming of our Master, Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus)!

    The Future Prophetic Announcement at the Last Yom Teruah

    Today is, rather uniquely, an annual, monthly, and weekly divine moed or appointment all rolled into one. It only happens once a year in the divine calendar. The announcement by this end-of-endtimes navi (prophet), which will be global, will be accompanied by the blowing of twin silver trumpets both in Heaven and on earth. On earth they will be blown in the 12 gathering places of the 12 Tribes of Israel located around the world, places that the Enemy will have tried multiple times to destroy, but without success, in spite of all his survellance systems and advanced weaponry, because they will be supernaturally protected.

    The Mighty Shout

    Following the blowing of trumpets - not shofars - Yahweh's people will raise a mighty shout, a shout that will be supernaturally amplified and will reverberate around the world. It will, in some ways, resemble that shout of victory on the seventh day during the Jericho Marches which brought down the walls of that much feared Canaanite fort touted to be impregnable.

    Consummation of the Ages

    All this will take place as the consummation of the æons (ages) is announced, as judgment is pronounced and executed on the world 8 days later at Yom haKippurim (Yom Kippur, Day of Atonements). The entire Old Order will be swept away by a massive wave of fire and light that will envelop the world as the waters once did in Noah's day. Then, 5 days later, after the Babylonian system is gone, with all its institutions and systems of control, exploitation and oppression, and all its unrepentant operators and supporters, a triumphant Wedding Feast of the Lamb will be celebrated with much simcha (joy) at Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths, Tents). This Feast will be for the whole of the Master's New Covenant Messiah-trusting and Torah-obedient Israelite Bride, the Messianic Community ('Church'), consisting not just of those who survived the Great Tribulation, but all the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) from every æon (age) who, along with the survivors, will be resurrected. Thence will follow, beginning at the last Shemini Atseret or Last Great Day of the Feast, the beginning of the Millennium.

    Gathered in One Accord

    Unfortunately, brethren and sisters, today is not that particular day but it is one very much like it and with a similar purpose. Today inaugurates the final dress rehearsal of the final Act in the Drama of Redemption. We are all gathered here, united in the Ruach (Spirit) "being like-minded, having the same ahavah-agapé love, being of one accord, [and] of one mind" (Phil 2:2, NKJV), desiring the same things and the same Kingdom Rule of Christ that believers have longed for for hundreds and hundreds of years.

    This Penultimate Announcement of Yahweh's Judgment

    I am here today to deliver a message together with my fellow avadim, the servants of El Elyon (the Most High) around the world. We are here to make a proclamation of huge importance. We don't do so lightly, fearfully knowing as we do what its terrible yet glorious outcome will be. Therefore we announce in the unity of the Ruach (Spirit) - with one undivided voice - the commencement of the penultimate Judgment in this time of the Final Exodus - that aforementioned Judgment - the Judgment which Yahweh-Elohim, the Creator and Sovereign of this immense Universe, He who is the Father of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), He who is also our Father by adoption, which adoption we have received by grace, through active emunah (faith, trusting) in His Son. It is this emunah - this faith, this utter trusting that leads to works of righteousness - by which we are all justified or declared righteous. Therefore we declare this the penultimate judgment of this wicked world, and nothing can stop it being executed. By what means Yahweh shall do this, whether supernatural, natural or through human and angelic instruments, or a mixture of all three, is not as important as the fact that is shall be done. And again, I repeat, no hand can stay or prevent it.

    A Mighty Army of Malakim to Execute Judgment

    The King is not returning today but a mighty army of qadosh (holy, set-apart) malakim (angels) is. It will, at any moment - and maybe it has already started - be released into the world for a Great Culling of the Wicked between now and Yom haKippurim and the days leading to Sukkot (Tabernacles). You will be amazed - shocked - to see who the guilty ones really are on both sides of the political dividing lines because these political divisions are quite artificial. This is not about 'conservative' versus 'liberal' but about righteousness versus wickedness.

    The Climax of War

    This is the time the Olive Branch revelations received by this ministry in the 1980's and 90's calls the 'Great Division' with "the good on the one side and the evil on the other" (OB 279:12). If you hadn't already noticed - and of course most of you have - the world is at war and has been for some time. This war, both covert and overt,is coming to a mighty climax this autumn (fall) and winter and possibly all the way up to next spring. And when I speak of war, I speak of both spiritual and physical (whether civil or between nations) war. Revolution has already erupted on our streets with the war against Elohim (God) and the talmidim (disciples) of Christ ramping up all the time in countries once regarded as bastions of liberty.

    Not the Second Coming and No Rapture

    And may I say, for the benefit of those who have not heard or read me before, lest there be any misunderstanding, that this period of violence and chaos is absolutely not the prelude to the Second Coming! Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is not returning in a few weeks' or months' time, or even in a handful of years, and those who have been saying so (some have even said the apocalyptic Seven Year Tribulation has already begun), need to repent and recallibrate their thinking and expectations by re-aligning their minds and hearts to Scripture and true prophecy. Furthermore, there will be no 'rapture', no escape for those seeking to escape responsibility. All who are alive must go through the fire. Everyone will either pass through this particular tribulation (or time of distress) or the Last One in a generation's time, and some who are alive today will be there will pass through that final one. But understand this, those who have been deceived by false teachers and prophets, no one will be whisked away into the rarified atmosphere and beyond to some other place. If you have refused to prepare yourselves spiritually and physically in expectation of being spared these troubles, you are already in serious trouble and need to repent! Pray for grace and for a means of escape!

    Do Not Be Dismayed

    Though these are, and will increasingly be, trying times, and though they are going to get a lot worse for a while, do not be afraid - but rather be confident and walk faithfully in the shalom (peace) of our Saviour! For it is written:

      "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I (Yah'shua/Jesus) have overcome the world" (John 16:33, NKJV).

    The Saviour as Lamb and Lion

    For the Lamb, who is additionally symbolically a Lion, is also a Mighty Warrior, come to trample the unrepentant wicked of my generation in particular, as a sign and a warning to their young underlings and to lacklustre and lukewarm Christians and Messianics - this is a wake-up call! But as swiftly and as terribly as He comes now with drawn sword to bring a pre-emptive judgment against those determined to continue with evil-doing, so is He equally quick to save those who will authentically surrender to Him, trust in Him, and, once saved, walk in the way of holiness by obeying His Father Yahweh's mitzvot (commandments). The Saviour says to all who do not know Him:

      "If anyone thirsts (for truth and righteousness), let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of mayim chayim (living water)" (John 7:37-38, NKJV).

    Why Judgment Now?

    So why is this judgment happening exactly now? Because, on the one hand, periodically Yahweh calls the cruel rulers of this world to account in order to keep the world moving on its foreordained course, and for the sake of the godly who must suffer under their unjust rule. Wicked rulers are never allowed to continue indefinitely. And so judgment comes in cycles, following the pattern revealed by the nevi'im (prophets) and by Messiah Himself. Admittedly it does seem, at times, as if the gap between forced accountings seems too long. I think of the poor souls in China who have been living under communism for over 70 years now - and even though repression eased in more recent times, it has suddenly burst forth again like an aggressive cancer. But it cannot last, any more than the Soviet Union which collapsed after a similar length of time. What replaces it may look something like modern authoritarian Russia. Tyrants like Stalin and Mao lived into old age and died natural deaths whilst others, like Hitler and Mussolini, were cut short. Communist and other tyranies will end, some before Messiah returns and others only when He does.

    Other Reasons for Judgment Now

    But there is a second reason why judgment is being executed now, the same one, in fact, that was responsible for the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel and also for the drowning of the better part of the earth in the time of Noah's Flood.

    Genetic Tampering Before the Flood

    There are certain lines that may never be crossed by rebellious man. If they ever were to be crossed, irrepairable damage would be done. Some things we are simply not allowed to do such as, for example, to utterly destroy the planet through a nuclear conflagration. Had, for example, Yahweh not intervened through the global deluge in the days of Noah, the messianic line would have been completely extinguished through destructive genetic contamination introduced by the fallen Watcher malakim (angels) through their forbidden breeding with humans. Only Noah and his wife and at least two of his sons had unmodified DNA. Had Yahweh not so intervened, the Divine Plan would have been ruined, requiring the complete re-creation of a new world.

    Genetic Manipulation Today

    Similar tampering is being attempted once again, but by other means, whether by the introduction of corrupt genetic material through RNA-containing vaccinations, artificially maipulated viruses and bacteria, or through experimentation with chimeras - man-animal combinations. And everyone knows about GMO's and how they constitute a major health hazzard already.

    Tampering With the Forces of Creation

    Likewise, if we consider the parallels with the Tower of Babel event, mankind is today tampering with the very fabric of creation itself which, if not stopped, would result in global destruction more permanent and final than even a global flood, from which at least a remnant of 8 were saved for reseeding the planet. There are therefore reasons, and others too, why Yahweh must, and often does, intervene with harsh but necessary judgments and interventions.

    The Boundaries of Agency

    Yes, we have free agency but not absolute free agency. There are fixed boundaries within which we are free to operate, but not beyond them. This is to ensure that mankind, in its foolishness, does not entirely destroy itself and the rest of that precious creation called life.

    The Dynamics of Saving Remnants

    The destruction that will come in the end will be great and terrible, resulting in the deaths of billions of souls, but that cannot happen until mankind is fully ripened in iniquity, so that all who are ordained to be born into this world may have the opportunity to choose or reject salvation. Elohim (God) would not destroy Sodom and Gomorah so long as there were ten righteous souls living in it (Gen.18:32). Only when the righteous have been gathered out of the cities of wickedness does He permit their annihilation - the end of the wicked. Right now we are in a separation time, and though many have already been directed by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) to leave numerous cities, and go to, certain places, and whilst more will continue to be directed in the early stages of the Last Exodus, the final evacuation has yet to be effected. Will there be double-minded people like Lot's wife? Of course, and they will include both those who refuse to leave and those who want to turn back (and may even do so), as the bulk of the Israelites wanted to do in the First Exodus at various times and to return to Egypt. So you see, Yahweh's timing will be very precise.

    The Final End of the Potentates

    There's an awful lot going on in the world, and will yet happen in the days ahead, so I don't want to oversimplify events. It's impossible to mention them all in one short sermon. But let me highlight one important event - many, really, but let's lump them together for convenience so you have a single handle to grab onto. Some of you may remember that six years ago I saw a vision of the death of the potentates, the devil's human agents on earth, men and women occupying important positions of power who steer governments from behind the scenes. We refer to them as the 'Deep State' sometimes. Let me read to you part of what I said then, because this is the time, and then you can read the entire account after this assembly if you want to:

      "I saw the Devil's human potentates, old and decrepit, slump to the floor and die, huddled together, their mouths opened as though their breath had been suddenly and forcibly extracted from them. There was much fear amongst those who watched. The few who repented did not die. The devarim (words) of judgment were repeated again and again, 'Repent or die in Yah'shua's Name', and they fell, most of them already old and eaten up by sin and wickedness, in their expensive suits that now held silent corpses. They were from many nations where there is wealth. Younger ones (in their 40's to 60's) repeated again and again, 'I repent! I repent!' and were spared for a purpose known only to Yahweh that many captives might be set free, and one I saw was Asian, perhaps Japanese or Chinese, I do not know. They lived, but only by the grace of Elohim (God), for their sins were not small either, and there was much by way of restitution that they had to make."

    Naming Names

    I have named many of these potentates to you and shared visions about them over the years. Hillary Clinton is one I have mentioned many times [1] because she had been chosen by the Enemy to bring about great destruction had she won the presidential contest in America nearly four years ago but as we all know Yahweh intervened directly to prevent her. (See Ba'al and Jezebel Rising in the West) Some of the smaller fry have already been removed but wait and watch as Yahweh removes the bigger fish! The important thing is that they are now being served notice to prepare to meet their Maker.

    The Principle of Annual Weighing

    But really, you know, this penultimate judgment isn't just about the potentates, rulers or autocrats - it's about everyone, including the Messianic Community or Church. That is why Yahweh built into the annual festivals the moed called Yom haKippurim, or Yom Kippur as it is better known, because life is a vast and complex structure of rulers stretching all the way from Dads and Mums through bosses at work to Presidents and Prime Ministers and thence to the Deep State potentates. From the very beginning of this work practically, Yahweh ordained a 'Priesthood Day of Weighing', undertaken by the Chavurat Bekorot (Holy Order), which nobody much liked because no-one likes to be weighed in the balance. We would much rather be unaccountable to either men of Elohim (God) or to Deity.

    Learning to Judge Righteously

    The idea that believers should be weighed at all is anathema to most Christians (particular liberalised Western ones) who have got this idea that we should never judge anyone. True, we should not judge unless we are prepared to be judged ourselves - the Saviour taught as much when He said:

      "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye'" (Matt.7:1-6, NKJV - Evidence Bible, p.1337).

    Becoming Instruments of the Divine

    If Yah'shua (Jesus) had meant we should never judge anyone, would He have told the hypocrite to remove the plank in his own eye and to then assist the other to remove the speck in his own? There are two important things here to realise:

    • 1. We are permitted only to judge once we have delt with our own hypocrisy; and then
    • 2. We're actually supposed to help the one we are judging!

    True Judgment is Redemptive

    We learn from this that Yahweh judges, however strictly, in order to ultimately save. But if we are to be instruments in being channels for this saving work, it means quite simply we have to get our own acts in order first, otherwise certain condemnation awaits us. And that is why at another time Yah'shua (Jesus) clarified what He meant when He said:

      "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment" (John 7:24, NKJV).

    Help Your Neighbour Find Deliverance

    Think about it. In whose best interests is it to demand a 'do not ever judge' attitude? Isn't that the way of the modern liberalised postmodernist world? It is in the interests of the one with a metaphorical plank in his eye because if he does not judge he does not need to remove his 'plank' and need never show grace by helping the other fix his problem too! He can carry on as before, condemning but never being redemptive in his behaviour, never showing grace, only condemning or judging unrighteously. Doesn't that sound an awful lot like our modern 'cancel culture'? The whole notion of righteous judgment contains within it the corollary - that which follows - of helping your neighbour find deliverance. 'Live and let live' is not an option within the Messianic Community (Church) until you have resolved to get yourself fixed. That is why divine punishment is always remedial in the long-term. Yahweh never punishes for punishment's own sake. That's not in His character at all. He is not some capricious pagan god who behaves more like an unredeemed man. He wants all men and women to be saved.

    The King and His Ministers

    Now we could make this into two or three sermons if we had the time because there are many ramifications to this teaching but let me conclude by drawing your attention to something much neglected in the Christian community at large. We often speak of Yah'shua (Jesus) as our King and ourselves as therefore members of His Kingdom. But what exactly do we mean by that? If a King appoints ministers - judges, officials, or whatever - and those judges and officials disobey the King's laws, would you describe them as good or bad judges and officials? And would you, as the Sovereign or King, continue to call or employ them if they refused to uphold and implement your laws amongst the general populace - if they continued to disobey those laws and encourage the citizens to disobey them too? Of course not, you would dismiss them, however much they paid you lip-service by enthusiastically proclaiming their loyalty to you! And would you call them to positions of responsibility knowing they were still of a mind to disobey you and encourage your subjects to disobey you? Certainly not, unless you wished anarchy to reign and to undermine your own throne.

    The Treason of Absalom - How It Began

    Do we have a biblical example? Certainly! Do you remember Absalom and how his treason began? Turn with me to 2 Samuel 15 and we will read the first 6 verses. If you are not familiar with the whole story, you can read the rest later:

      "In the course of time, Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him. He would get up early and stand by the side of the road leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone came with a complaint to be placed before the king for a decision, Absalom would call out to him, 'What town are you from?' He would answer, 'Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel.' Then Absalom would say to him, 'Look, your claims are valid and proper, but there is no representative of the king to hear you.' And Absalom would add, 'If only I were appointed judge in the land! Then everyone who has a complaint or case could come to me and I would see that he receives justice.' Also, whenever anyone approached him to bow down before him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and kiss him. Absalom behaved in this way towards all the Israelites who came to the king asking for justice, and so he stole the hearts of the men of Israel" (2 Sam.15:1-6, NIV; cp. NKJV EB, p.418).

    Setting the Son Against the Father

    Absalom was a thief - he robbed his father of his authority and honour by cutting corners and undermining his Torah-based laws! This later on turned into open rebellion and insurrection that resulted in Absalom's death, along with the death of thousands of others who took sides in the ensuing civil war. Do you see why the Body of Christ must also be judged for stealing the hearts of believers away from Elohim (God) when its ministers encourge them to pursue a more liberal gospel, a lawless gospel, saying, 'You don't need to follow that old-fashioned Torah any longer, even though it is the Rule of the Kingdom - go, and be lawless! Be a bohemian! Be a libertine! Do your own thing! Be your own master (or mistress)! Yes, you can go and drink alcohol, eat pork, ignore the sabbath and the festivals - you have been set free by the King to do whatever you want - all that's been supposedly nailed to the cross - just follow your feelings and unconscious impulses and call it the 'Spirit'. All you need is 'love'!

    Robbing Yahweh of His Rightful Glory and Authority

    This is robbery - it is usurpation of the love and respect due to the King. So who do you think you are, especially if you are a minister, when you tell people to become lawless and disrespectful of the Heavenly Father? Who are you to set the Son against the Father? How dare you water down the mitzvot (commandments) of the Father and in so doing elevate the Son into a superior place as once the Gnostic cult did by accusing Yahweh of being an inferior 'Demiurge', an inferior angel? Is that any different to those who have turned the Virgin Mary into a virtual goddess and redemptrix or co-saviour, and demonising Christ by making out that only she can soften the angry heart of her son so that He will hear the pleas of human beings?

    Lawless Officials Serve No Kingdom But Their Own

    Now I am not only speaking to the 'apostate church' here but to those who aspire to be the Remnant too - us! Do you imagine for one moment that Yahweh is going to call believers into responsible positions in the Remnant who are lawless, and in being lawless so bring dishonour to the true servants of the Kingdom? Can a lawless 'official' or minister bring someone into the Kingdom of our Elohim (God) whilst encouraging him to be lawless? It is impossible! It is the sin of Absalom. Understand this, and understand it well: that until the Bride is subject to the Bridegroom by yielding to His torot (laws), mishpatim (judgments) and chukkim (statutes) there is no way he is called to occupy any office in the Remnant because the Remnant is Messianic Israel - Christ-submitted, Torah-obedient Israel. And that is why the Melchizedek Order is what it says it is - an Order, not some vague, lawless, happy-clappy, do-your-own-thing charismatic thing where people follow their whims as it suits them. A disciple is under discipline - that is what the word 'disciple' (talmid) means in English - because he is a servant.

    No Melchizedek Order Yet

    Let it be known that the Melchizedek Order has NOT been restored yet because there is no order, because the awakening Remnant is still lawless. 'But wasn't Israel judged back in 2015? And wasn't the Melchizedek Priesthood dedicated earlier this year?' Certainly, but the judgment of Israel is not over yet, and though it started there first, it will continue to be judged alongside Babylon - in parallel - as Yahweh uses Babylon to discipline it, and vice versa. Likewise, though the Melchizedek Priesthood was dedicated, does it mean that it is in operation yet? No sir! No ma'am! It is not. It has been - briefly - but not currently. The call has gone out but only those willing to be fully submitted and disciplined will at length be chosen again. But first comes the judgment of Yom haKippurim in a week's time.

    Shaking the Hornets' Nest

    The hornets' nest is about to be shaken. We have had literal hornets here in our garden for a few years running now, fresh invaders from outside. On the last two occasions they killed half of our bee colonies. That was, I believe, a prophetic sign. It was a warning telling us that of those who come up to the School of the Nevi'im (Prophets) in Tsiyon, half will fail. They remind me a little of those creatures mentioned in the Book of Revelation who plagued mankind for five months who "had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails" (Rev.9:10, NKJV). Many are called but few are chosen. The separation goes on amongst us as it does in Babylon, but woe unto Babylon if it comes up against Tsiyon, even in its apparent weakness, for the Yahweh will burn its agents up through His Elijah nevi'im (prophets)!

    Divine Judgment is Redemptive

    Remember, please, also that all divine judgment and punishment is redemptive. I started off talking about the judgment of Babylon and its potentates but we have long left them behind now because Yahweh will take care of all that, barring a few authentic nevi'im (prophets), with signs accompanying (like Elijah of old), whom He will send out into those hornets' nest to destroy them.

    A Question of Fairness

    And now a word about divine fairness. Yah'shua (Jesus) said:

      "'Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?' So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen" (Matt.20:15-16, NKJV - EB, p.1365).

    And do you remember the context of these words? It was one group of workers complaining that He was unjust because they measured justice in an entirely different way to the Master. They measured according to the flesh. Just to remind you of part of the parable the Saviour told:

      "And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, saying, 'These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.' But He answered one of them and said, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you" (Matt.20:9-14, NKJV).

    Justice Tempered and Matured by Grace

    Two days ago, in our informal Sabbath here [2], we talked about the character of Yahweh, remember? Well, here is the character of Yahweh on display in an unexpected way. What say you of it? Do you agree with the landowner's decision or did you judge him unfair? Those who study the Scriptures typically forget that the two sets of workers were under entirely different covenants: the first workers agreed to a fixed wage, and the latecomer agreed to let the landowner decide what he should be paid because he trusted Him to be just and fair. Most people in our age think the landowner's decision to be terribly unjust because we have been indoctrinated by communistic egalitarianism. Elohim (God) is not an egalitarian, yet He remains perfectly just because His justice is tempered and matured throughout by grace - undeserved loving-kindness. Yet justice remains because He is an Elohim (God) of Law too. And, no, He is not a 'legalist' in the sense in which antinomians use the term in a derogatory sense because they wish to disparage those who are favoured by grace because of their trusting.

    Like Headless Chickens

    The Remnant has so much yet to learn. Does anyone seriously believe we are ready for the Second Coming?! It is an act of mercy toward us that Messiah does not return yet because we still think and act like the world in so many ways. Those worldly thoughts and behaviours must be burned out in the fiery desert of affliction before a people can be forged who are worthy of the blessings of the Melchizedek Order. When you start seeing the Elijah Nevi'im (Prophets) at work and don't just hear people 'talking theology' or trying to imitate the ancient gifts through charismatic play-acting, then you will know the Order is nigh and the Remnant is forming. All that's going on right now is either fakery or lawless and immature younglings in the Ruach (Spirit) running around like headless chickens. Love is not lawless. Truth is not lawless. Covenant-love is not worldly-type romance or entertainment. Elijah, John the Baptist and the apostles did not run around the way the Remant wannabees are doing right now continuing unreformed in their old traditions. And it's not just the extremes of Prosperity Gospel and Calvinism that have to be extirpated.

    Repent, Surrender, Love and Relearn

    The Good News is that Yahweh is onto our case. He is working but He will never let us get away with lawlessness or cold-heartedness. He loves us, and because He loves us He will chastise us to keep us safe. We just have to keep repenting, surrendering a little more every day, maintain the proper order and discipline of the Kindom, keep cultivating love, and stop following the ways we learned from our fathers. A season of silence and contemplation will follow the upheavals which are literally days away now, both for our own sakes and to keep the Enemy clueless. Headless chickens aren't much use to the Kingdom even if all the excited activity may give the headless chickens themselves, and those watching, the impression at first of being actively involved in the Kingdom-building enterprise.


    Our Elohim (God) is "ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love" (Neh.9:17, RSV) if we will now turn to Him. Martin Luther King said that "forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude" [3] and it is here we must begin and always return. It is the defining boundary line around Christian Justice and Grace. "But," as C.S.Lewis reminds us, "forgiveness needs to be accepted as well as offered, if it is to be complete". Finally, lest we forget, with all that is going on around us and is about to be unleashed in the next few days leading up to Yom haKippurim:

      "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him" (Ps.103:11, RSV).

    May the grace of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) be with you all until nex time. Amen.


    [1] See the Clintons website
    [2] Unrecorded
    [3] Martin Luther King, The Words of Martin Luther King (Collins, London:1986), p.23
    [4] C.S.Lewis, The Problem of Pain (Centenary Press: 1941), p.110

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    Last updated on 18 September 2020

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