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Month 6:29, Week 4:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5942:176 AM
2Exodus 5/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 9 September 2018
Three Score and Ten
Last Chances May Be Ending


    Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah. Welcome everyone to this assembly and especially to those who are following us in livefeed from abroad. It's the last Sabbath of the sixth biblical month and tomorrow we start the seventh which is an utterly unique Rosh Chodesh or New Moon Day because it's not only an annual moed (appointment) - Yom Teruah (the Day of Trumpets) - but it's a High Sabbath also. And why's that so important? Because it not only marks the day that Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) will return but it also initiates an 8-day countdown to Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonement) which is also the Day of Judgment. So tomorrow we enter a very serious and sobering time of the year - that time when the Saviour might return and the time of Judgment when the days remaining for making Teshuvah - the days of repenting - are over.

    A Time for Reflection and Repentance

    By tradition Messianics spend 40 days engaging in deep repentance prior to Yom haKippurim - or Yom Kippur as it is better known in its abbreviated form. This starts on the first day of the sixth month. Though there is no Torah mitzvah (commandment) to set aside 40 days prior to Yom haKippurim in which to deeply reflect on our conduct over the past year and seek to get right with Yahweh, it is very definitely in the right spirit of the season.

    Three Score and Ten Years on Average

    The summer is over, autumn (fall) is here (along with all its bugs), and we are reminded in this time of seasonal change that all of us only have a fixed period of time to get right with our Heavenly Father. None of us knows how long we will live because none of us is guaranteed the 'three score and ten' years that is the average mortal span of mankind as we read in Psalm 90 in the King James Bible:

      "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away" (Ps.90:10, KJV).

    Translating that into modern English:

      "The days of our life are 70 years, or perhaps 80 if we are strong: even then their span is only toil and trouble; they are soon gone and we fly away" (Ps.90:10, NRSV).

    Shakespeare's Hamlet

    In 1605 William Shakespeare wrote his famous play, Macbeth, and used the well-known expression which found its way into the King James Version of 1611:

      "Threescore and ten I can remember well:
      Within the volume of which time I have seen
      Hours dreadful and things strange; by this sore night
      Hath trifled former knowings."

    The Mass Genocide of Humanity

    Modern medicine has lengthened the average lifespan to be sure but equally all the poisoning going on in our food, air and water - not to mention drugs and vaccines - is rapidly shortening our lifespan again. So what we 'gained on the roundabout' we 'lost on the swing'. And when the Collapse comes, as it will, the pressure on mortality is going to be greater still. I remind you of these things not to frighten you but to sober you all up: these are very dangerous times, the élites are desperately trying to get us into a new world war and they are already well advanced in their program of mass genocide. And though they won't be allowed to kill off the 90 or so percent of humanity that has been their aim for a very long time now, the Bible does tell us that in the end about half the planet will perish along with a third of all the natural resources like water and vegetation. So great trials lie ahead for which you need to be mentally prepared.

    Evil Being Made Visible

    There are strange and unnatural events going on even as I speak. Since Donald Trump became president of the United States, it's like almost every dark and evil force has been forced up into the light. As you walk in your garden on a dry day you are largely unaware of there being millions of worms between your feet but when there is a sudden fall of rain, up they come so as not to be drowned, and then that, of course, is the happy feeding time for our chickens and for all birds in general. So this great 'flushing out' is going on in society. Devils do not come out by choice but have to be forced to. So Yahweh has released this wild bull and what we are seeing is the ugly reality that some of us have known about for a long time, but which the common man and woman can now for the first time see for themselves too. Look at all the communists and pedophiles coming out of the Babylonian system's woodwork! And you will see more - much more. This is a time of great exposure prior to Judgment.

    The Eclipse of Civilisations

    At such times, old civilisations become eclipsed in the midst of turmoil, disruption and disorder. We are seeing it all over the world, and not just in north America and Europe. Signs of collapse and anarchy are clearly present in South Africa too, the continent's richest and most advanced nation, and what happens there will affect the whole of the rest of Africa. The continent was warned in advance by Yahweh by what happened in Zimbabwe under the Mugabe terror but nobody listened then and few are listening now.

    Canada, China, Russia and Venezuela: Prelude to Collapse

    Canada is in the middle of a giant social mudslide and though it might not seem so, even the great economic powerhouse of China is shaking. And if you want to know what things will look like globally after the Collapse, you only have to look at the socialist nightmare that is Venezuela today. And though it will not be left untouched, Russia will probably come through this time of chaos better than most. They will thank Vladimir Putin for what he did in preparing them.

    The Prepared and Unprepared Body of Messiah

    And that is why we, in our turn, must prepare the Body of Messiah, as indeed we have been trying to do for several years now. Many have responded, most have not. And then there are those who have believed but have done nothing who I fear will be the ones who will have the greatest regrets of all. You see, it is never enough to believe. You have to act too. True emunah (faith), like true ahavah (love), is pro-active.

    Strange and Unnatural Events

    In Shakespeare's Macbeth, which I have cited deliberately today, we are given hints of how things will go here too, since the human condition is the same in all generations. He describes strange and unnatural events, such as horses going wild as if they were to attack humans, and which actually eat each other. We too shall see strange and unnatural events of which transgenderism, terrible though it is, is tame by comparison. I am just waiting for the public disclosure of chimeras - part man and part animal creatures. The Enemy wishes to destroy all that is unnatural.

    California, Infant Porn and Sexual Abuse

    You may have heard that in Calfornia they now want four year-olds at pre-school to watch pornography - and they want to encourage these small children to sexually experiment with one another. What an abomination! All this is, of course, just a way of incrementally getting the public used to accepting pedophilia.

    The Fall and Judgment of California

    Four years ago I warned of the imminent Judgment of California and I have been urging all who live there who will listen to get out of that state before calamity strikes. The drouts there, and now the fires, have been but warnings of far worse things to come. So I urge my friends and acquaintances in Calfornia: have plans in place to leave and go to a safe place! Better still, if it is in Yahweh's will, get out now while you can! I very much doubt they will partition the state into two or three new ones. The élites want to keep political entities like states and nations together to make them easier to control. Indeed, they want to merge them together into one vast global state ruled by them as absolute feudal dictators.

    The Warnings of Yah'shua to All

    However, Californians are not alone. We read of warnings by the Saviour to everyone in the Gospel of Luke:

      "At that very time there were some present who told [Yah'shua (Jesus)] about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. He asked them, 'Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way that they were worse sinners than all other Galileans? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as they did. Or did those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on them - do you think they were worse offenders than all the others living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you: but unless you repent, you will all perish just as they did'" (Lk.13:1-5, NRSV).

    The Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70

    What happened to Jerusalem? Within 40 years of saying these words, Jerusalem was beseiged from 30 August to 8 September, AD 70, and was reduced to rubble following a four year revolt. The Roman Emperor Hadrian built a pagan city on the ruins and called it Aelia Capitolina, named after himself. Doubtless some of those who had heard the Master preach were witnesses to the end of the Holy City and the Second Temple and maybe some of them even died in the conflagration. If you go to Rome, you can still see the Arch of Titus, the conquering Roman general, which celebrates the sack of Jerusalem, which actually is of great archaeological significance because it shows us what items from the Temple, like the golden Menorah, actually looked like.

    Parable of the Unfruitful Fig Tree: On Borrowed Time

    Having spoken about the Galilean massacre, and the collapse of the Siloan Tower, the Master then went on to relate a story to warn His listeners that while Yahweh does extend grace, it is not indefinite, and usually only very short, to remind us that we all live on borrowed time:

      "Then he told this parable: 'A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, 'See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?' he replied, 'Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears no fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.''" (Lk.13:6-9, NRSV).

    The One Reprieve of the Adulterous Woman

    When Yah'shua (Jesus) was called upon to judge the woman caught in adultery (Jn.8:1-11), she was guilty of a capital offense. Like the fig tree, she should have been "cut down". But she was given one reprieve, like the fig tree, and admonished most strictly never to do it again.

    The Cutting Down of Individuals and Whole Nations

    You and I do not know how many reprieves we have been given for sins that merited far worse punishments than were actually meeted out to us by Heaven. So seriously consider, please, that we may only have been given one more chance - "one more year" - already. We may be out of spiritual credit! And what is true for us is also true for the nations. We are the nations, and if we do not repent, then we are cut down. And if we are cut down, if there are sufficient numbers of us sinning and not repenting - if as a people we have ripened or come to full maturation in inquity, meaning that final lines of no return have been crossed as happened to the Amalekites and Canaanites anciently - then our nations are cut down too. That is why you are going to see not only large numbers of people cut down in the immediate days ahead but whole nations too.

    They Were Not a 'Cut Above' the Victims of Calamity

    Luke chapter 13 is the Master's climactic call to repentance, starting in the 12th chapter. He wants a change of heart and a change in lifestyle that manifests in a change of life, inwardly and outwardly. Those who brought the report of the Galileans to Yah'shua (Jesus) doubtless regarded themselves as above judgment - as being 'righteous' - since they had not yet suffered from a similar calamity. Indeed, having heard Him preach in the previous chapter, they had assumed that there were two categories of person - the good folks who escaped the Galilean massacre and the bad ones who did not. They must have viewed themselves as a moral 'cut above' those Galileans.

    Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

    But Yah'shua (Jesus) rejects this kind of thinking most emphatically. Instead He reminds His listeners that such calamities as we may witness around us today - and there are many - is a warning to everyone to repent. All of us. Just because were were not caught up in some shooting or terrorist massacre or deadily Ebola epidemic does not mean that we are somehow better than the victims, some of whom were likely innocent, because if believers are not in the right place at the right time - which they likely would have been if they been listening attentively to the Ruach (Spirit) - then they are going to get caught up in the middle of the judgments as they happen to the wicked.

    The Spiritually Productive are Guarded

    Now having said that I don't want to oversimplify - we don't know all the 'why's' and 'wherefore's' in this life, and sometimes it is just our time to leave, and Yahweh may suddenly take us home in the middle of a calamity like a tsunami or earthquake. Yah'shua's (Jesus') point is that if our lives are spiritually sterile and are not characterised by fruitful productiveness, we are in grave danger with our souls.

    Qualifying for Yahweh's Work

    You will have noticed in accounts like these in the Scriptures that Yah'shua (Jesus) hammers home those qualifications required of those who shall take part in Yahweh's work. Those situations are noteworthy inasmuch as they are characterised by conflict and the talmidim (disciples) are onlookers. As elsewhere in His teachings, those qualifications allow for no wedge to be drawn between one's disposition and one's practices - the way one feels and the way one behaves. The big question that runs throughout accounts like this one is; Who will participate in the Kingdom of Elohim (God)? Who will be worthy of it?

    The Nation of Israel in Yahweh's Gun Sights

    These events and lessons in Luke 13 weren't just aimed at individual talmidim (disciples). Yah'shua (Jesus) had in His sights the whole Nation of Israel, or rather that Judahite portion of it that had been allowed to return to the Promised Land after the Babylonian exile. Here they were under Roman occupation, itself a judgment for the excesses and wickedness of the Maccabees which Jewish nationalists so highly exalt in their Hanukkah celebrations.

    Last Opportunity to Repent

    You see, this was Israel's - and specifically, Judah's - last opportunity to repent before being permanently dissolved as a nation and scattered to the winds. The "three years" probation given to the vineyard signifies that Israel had had more than enough time to repent, yet He extended grace for another year because of the prayers and petitions of the righteous. That is why intercessory prayer is so important, whether for invididuals or whole nations.

    The Work of the Saints in That Final Year

    The "digging" around the vine trees implies loosing the soil - softening hearts - so that the water of ahavah (love) can easily flow to the roots. The manure is the further nourishment of the the saving emet (truth) of the Davar (Word). That is the work that believers have to do. That's what we're doing right now, pleading with people to listen, pleading with them to abandon their sins, pleading with them to turn to Messiah and embrace the Besorah (Gospel). But if no response is forthcoming after the work of the nevi'im (prophets) and evangelists and witnesses generally has been completed after that "year" of grace, then the tree (Messianic Israel) in that vineyard (the world) must be cut down and destroyed. That means an end of Yahweh's long-suffering because He will not be mocked while man continues sinning without remorse.

    A Very Speculative Timetable

    The first Mishpat or Judgment was issued on 4 April 2014 (just before the civil war in Ukraine broke out) and the last Mishpat of Judgment (of nine) (when notice was served to the satanic globalist deep state) was made on 1 October 2016, over a period of 2˝ years. (If you're unacquainted with these then please see the Mishpatim Yahweh website). Over four years have passed since the first one so by my estimation (and it's only a rough estimation since I don't have the mind of Elohim/God as far as the exact timing is concerned) the Judgment is already underway and may last another couple of years at least. I do believe that the point of no return has already been crossed and that we going to see more and more wickedness and anarchy maifest in the USA especially but elsewhere too. But we will see. If sufficient numbers repent as they are obviously doing in Russia then things can change and that is something we must continually pray for.

    Do Not Presume Upon His Patience and Grace Indefinitely

    We are always on heightened alert at this time of the year as these coming autumnal (fall) festivals present a picture of Judgment, such as is carried out at Yom haKippurim. This is also the time our own Priesthood is weighed. The way Yah'shua (Jesus) formulates His sentence in the Greek translation, at any rate, of the Parable of the Fig Tree suggests that this last ditch attempt - the extra year - will be a failure for Messianic Israel or the Church overall, reminding us that Yahweh's goodness and patience should never be presumed upon. That does not mean, though that individuals, families, villages, towns, regions and even some countries will not repent, for they will. Free agency cannot be circumvented, there is no question of the Calvinist's 'irresistable grace' here, nothing is predetermined on the personal level, only foreknown by His omniscience or all-knowingness. We absolutely can and do resist His grace but that doesn't necessarily mean all of such are not saved, it simply means that many are disobedient servants even if some are indeed not saved.


    That said, remember that if we take care of the pennies, the pounds or dollars will take care of themselves. We can only make individual, family and congregational responses, which is the level I am principally addressing today, even if these autumnal (fall) feasts are about the whole Body of Messiah - the whole of Messianic Israel. I will have more to say about that tomorrow and to recall what Yahweh has told in the past. We are in for phenomenally huge changes but though these may at first seem frightening they are, in reality, very good news, because Yahweh is about to do a new thing. May we, therefore, complete our repentance, lay the flesh down and arise renewed in the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name. Amen.

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press

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    Last updated on 9 September 2018

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