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Month 3:12, Week 2:4 (Revee/Shavu'ot), Year:Day 5942:71 AM
2Exodus 5/40, Omer Count - 7 Sabbaths + 4 days
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 27 May 2018
We Will Not Be Deflected
Abortion, the World & Betrayal

    The Powerful are in Charge

    Shalom chaverim. I hardly know where to begin today as I have a very sober - and I hope, sobering - message for you. Before I do that let me begin by reminding you of an observation made by Eliphaz the Temanite concerning the real world of politics and power, as part of what I need to say today concerns this:

      "The powerful possess the land, and the favoured live in it" (Job 22:8, NRSV).

    Ireland's Disasterous Choice

    Two days ago the citizens of the Republic of Ireland made the fateful and disasterous decision in a referendum to change the Constitution of that land which overturns the rights of unborn human beings to state protection. They have now withdrawn that protection and the unborn may be predated upon without fear of repercussions. In doing this, the door to abortion has been flung open in that land which will forever, and progressively, result in a descent into national and cultural darkness. That is not, of course, to say that there isn't already darkness in that beautiful land, for there is, but this is the first time an open invitation has been made by the people of Ireland to the murderous spirit of Molech to dwelland make a home there.

    Only Three European Countries Left

    Now there are only three countries in Europe that have not done this dastardlly act: one of my two homelands, Northern Ireland (Ulster), the Mediterranean island republic of Malta, and the little state of Andorra sandwiched between Spain and France in the Pyreneese mountains. May Yahweh have mercy on the Irish Republic and on all countries that continue with this abominable practice that has historically always resulted in the judgment and destruction of those nations which have practiced it! May Yahweh guard and protect my Ulster homeland and keep this wicked spirit out! And may many believers interceed daily to do so! Though I was slowly beginning to warm to the idea of Irish unification I can see now Yahweh's providential hand in keeping the two parts separate. It's a matter of redemption. It's a matter of deliverance. It's a matter of salvation. And these take precedence over politics and nationalism.

    A Revelation on Abortion from 1990 - Belgium, Romania and Canada

    What most of you may not be aware of is that on 14 April 1990, Yahweh gave me a revelation on the day that Belgium made the fateful decision, nearly 30 years ago, to allow abortion. Given the national crisis and chaos which is Belgium today, where the capital of the European Union is located, you will perhaps understand better the holocaust that the Irish have invited to their land. Let me read it to you:

      "Woe, woe, unto the land of Belgium, for she hath started to murder her unborn like unto the other nations. And behold, it shall not go well with her, saith Yahweh. And woe, woe, unto Romania and Canada, for they also have begun to slaughter their innocent, and therefore shall darkness be added to darkness until the final consummation. Blessed are the nations that protect their unborn, for it shall go well with them, and they shall receive a portion of the Light to protect them against the day of tribulation" (Olive Branch, 232:1-4).

    The Moral Decline of Canada and Romania's Poverty

    The depraved state of Canada today is more than ample witness of what has happened to that country as it slides into moral oblivion. And Romania today, after a violent revolution that overthrew communism, is in the depths of poverty. And terrible though the Stalinist Ceaucescu régime was, its one virtue was that it banned abortion, unlike other communist nations where it ran rampant.

    When Yahweh Praised Ireland

    These words were followed by more on Ireland which at the time was standing against the tide of Molech worship, yet there was a warning to resist the spirits seeking to introduce it:

      "Blessed therefore is the land of Ireland for she hath regard for her unborn; nevertheless the spirit of murder is abroad in her land which seeketh the blood of the unborn, even the spirit of Satan. And Satan reigneth in the hearts of many governments, even the spirit of murder, priestcraft and whoredom" (Ibid., vv.5-6).

    The Crimes of the United Kingdom and United States

    Ireland held out for 28 years but was, yesterday, finally overwhelmed by this terrible murderous spirit riding on the backs of foolish leftists, liberals and feminists. Yahweh had harsh words to say about the UK and USA who had not repented in 1990, and who still haven't, but rather have slipped further and further into darkness, resulting in the existential crises that we see today in these once great nations:

      "Woe, woe unto the nation of Great Britain who hath murdered My little ones, saith Yahweh, for her skirts are covered in blood. And therefore I cannot bless her unless she repenteth...Cease murdering your little ones, else their blood shall cry up against you at the last day, and awful will be their curse. Cursed is the land of America which hath blasphemed Yahweh-Elohim of Israel, even Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), through the slaughter of her little ones. Each murder empowereth the evil one, whether it be of the unborn or the born, it mattereth not, for he delighteth in violence and bloodshed. Repent, ye sons and daughters of darkness, and wash away the blood of your offence against Me by obeying My torot (laws). Then I will begin to prosper you, but not before. Amen" (Ibid., vv.7-13).

    Pray for Northern Ireland and the House of Zarah-Judah!

    I pray for my country of Northern Ireland, the last substantially-sized European nation not to have fallen under this curse. I pray that the people of Ulster will hold out and not imitate their southern neighbours! For Yahweh has yet a work to be done in this land, which is a remnant of the House of Judah, and specifically, the branch which is the House of Zerah.

    Condsider Your Church Membership!

    And now a sober message for Christians and Messianics, a heavy davar (word) which many of you may not like to hear but must obey if you wish to be untainted by the sins of Molech and the imminent judgments which will lay a large part of the world waste: HAVE NOTHING DO TO WITH ANY CHURCH, CONGREGATION OR DENOMINATION THAT ALLOWS OR PROMOTES THE MURDER OF THE UNBORN! And understand that the bulk of the traditional Protestant churches recognise a woman's 'right' to kill her unborn children, euphemistically but disgustingly called 'terminating pregnancy' or 'elective abortion' - O how easy it is to hide sin behind long, impressive-sounding morally-neutral words!

    Denominations in America That Permit Abortion

    So who allows their women members to kill their unborn sons and daughters? We'll take a representative sample from the USA. The Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Churches, the National Council of Churches (USA), the Presbyterian Church, the Unitarian Universalist Association, the United Church of Christ (one of the worst), and most Methodist Church Associations. You will have to check out what your local church's position is and check up to see what the position is of the associations those churches are signed up as members of. You also need to check the 'small print' of those churches who officially oppose abortion because many of them will have exception clauses - some very vague indeed and permitting considerable lattitude of choice - permitting abortion in certain circumstances. Thus the Southern Baptist Convention is opposed to abortion except in very rare cases where the life of the mother is clearly in danger. The United Methodist Church shifts the buck somewhat by saying that "those considering abortions should prayerfully seek guidance from their doctors, families and ministers". That may sound very reasonable on the surface until you consider that the more liberal churches, like the Presbyterian Church in the USA, use similar vague language, saying that they will "maintain within [their] fellowship those who, on the basis of a study of Scripture and prayerful decision, [those who] come to diverse conclusions and actions", meaning that there is no moral reference point; anyone can interpret the Scriptures any way they want to based on their personal feelings. In other words, emet (truth) is not subject to a diversity of opinions.

    The Idolatry in Choosing Abortion

    One of the other sins that leads to abortion is that it is idolatry, where man makes himself a 'God' in determining who should live or not. Once you start granting the freedom to murder a child because is is deformed, for example, you are playing 'God', and that is idolatry and blasphemy. Yahweh is the one who gives life and only He can take it. If your congregation or denomination belongs to a National Council of Churches, then they are signed up to the idolatrous contracts and vows of the World Council of Churches, a United Nations-linked and communist-controlled body which opposes so many biblical truths and mandates. As far as The Buddhists and Catholics are concerned, they are in so many ways more righteous than the traditional Protestant denominations which have become increasingly liberal and secular.

    The Russian Question

    From Ireland we must now move to Russia and to a change of topic. Russia, as you know, is very much in the gun-sights of the élites who have been doing their uttermost to bring her to her knees because she will not comply with servitude to the New World Order. The Western narrative has been to portray post-Soviet Russia as the 'big, bad monster' who must be stopped at all costs. You know how so much tripe has been manufactured by the Deep State to demonise that nation, and not just in the media, but the movies too. If any of you are familiar with the TV series, Homeland, the narrative is being pushed for all its worth there too.

    What is the Truth About Putin?

    What actually is going on there? How has Putin managed to survive? How, indeed, did he get hold of power in the first place? What are his objectives? Why has he formed an alliance with a diabolical communist government in Beijing? And why has he banned all Christian groups except the Russian Orthodox Church? What, prophetically-speaking, is his end-time rôle?

    Yeltsin, Putin and Trump

    I don't know all the answers, obviously, but I am learning more every day. Vladimir Putin was originally an Illuminati élitist, I believe, who was set up to be the 'fall-guy' for the disaster and corruption of the Boris Yeltsin régime whose mission was to hand over economic control of Russia to the Western banksters. But Putin outsmarted and surprised them. Putin is, as I have said many times already, a latter-day Cyrus, not Trump as many Christian pundits are claiming. President Donald Trump is controlled by one of the waring factions of the Illuminati, the Sabbatean Zionists, a very dangerous extremist, ultra-nationalist mob who run one of the two main wings of the New World Order in the West. Trump is basically following their agenda, and is surrounded by their agents in the White House and in his administration. As I was shown in a vision, he is not in control, even though he appears to be doing some 'desirable' things like fixing the economy and 'making America great' again. It won't last out the collapse.

    Putin's Achievement

    Vladimir Putin is probably one of the most intelligent and brilliant politicians of our time, as you might expect of a fomer KGB-agent. Now I understand, more than I ever did before, why he is behaving the way he is. Why has he threatened to expose the élites but never done so? Because he was one (which they can use against him if he crosses certain lines), knows exactly how they work, and is in possession, as it were, of their complete 'manual of operations'. He know their modus operandi and has learned to imitate some of it to defeat them at their own game. He is a Russian patriot and saw an opportunity to get Russia out of the élite's clutches by using their very own methods, staging false flag Chechen terrorist attacks (like the élites have done in Europe, the USA, and elsewhere with 9/11). By winning a terrorist war in Chechenya, he scored a huge political coup through military operations. His decisive action there strengtheed his presidency enormously and today he has the support of three-quarters of the population, no mean achievement. No politician in living memory has achieved such genuine support as he has restored Russian pride in itself and fought to preserve conservative values which the majority want.

    Dangerous Allies

    Putin's allies - like China and Iran - are allies only of necessity and he knows he is playing a dangerous game, especially with China which could so easily become a rival and threat one day as it did after the USSR changed course following the death of Stalin. He cannot actually expose the Illuminati without exposing his own former connections and the fact that he is using their tactics against them. He is a modern Strongman, and a very successful one, and happens to be ruling by popular consent, through the ballot box. The world is destined to be ruled by Strongmen and kleptocrats [1] like Putin hereafter.

    Putin Got Hold of Their Manual of Operations

    Putin is playing a very dangerous game indeed and in the long term is no one's friend for he knows that the only way to combat and defeat the Illuminati mafia he broke away from in the West is to set up a parallel system in Eurasia. It's a deadly game which will eventually result in a global dictatorship. Both Putin and Trump are spanners in the demonic works whom Yahweh has sent to buy time for the elect.

    We Have to be Red-Pilled

    Most Christians and Messianics have no idea what I am talking about, of course, as only a small percentage of the world is actually awake as to what is happening in our world, and even then they believe different versions of the true story because of all the misinformation that has been deliberately sown together with the true. But the Remnant does need to understand how the world works if it is to survive. It has to be, as they say, 'red-pilled'. At Professor John Lennox reminded us in one of his many lectures, "God invented the human mind, so not using it would be an insult to Him" but equally we must be careful how we express it:

      "Much dreaming and many words are useless" (Eccl.5:7, NIV).

    A 1988 prophecy About Russia and China

    Yahweh did warn me that Russia's period of freedom, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, would be brief. China is already a totalitarian state and persecution of Christians there has been suddenly ratcheted up after a seson of comparitive peace, which was prophesied in 1988. Please pay close attention so that you know what is to come:

      "...the giants of the East, even Russia and China and those who hold fellowship with their governments, shall know a period of greater Light and shall cease to persecute the children of Elohim (God) to the extent that they have been doing so. And as the righteousness of the eastern nations riseth, so the righteousness of the western nations shall decrease, until all nations are swallowed up in [the western nations'] iniquities and blasphemies, from one end of the world to the other. And thus the [Great] Tribulation shall begin, and the qodeshim (saints) shall be gathered out of the world, [even] those who hearken and are obedient. Therefore gather ye, gather ye, for I am working a sifting of all nations, and I am beginning in the West..." (Olive Branch 55:15-18).

    If you are reading this or hearing me say these words in Russia and China, please prepare accordingly. There is more about Russia which you can read in the Olive Branch and what is going to happen (OB 158).

    The Real Cyrus

    I know that many of you in America reading and hearing me believed, and may still believe, that Trump is a Cyrus or some national deliverer. He is not what you think he is because he is not his own man. Both he and Putin are mavericks but Putin has a much freer hand to work with than Trump, and Putin understands the Deep State better, is a better politician and statesman, and knows how to conduct himself in a controlled manner. Trump is the proverbial bull-in-a-china-shop, a businessman first and foremost. I could spend a long time explaining in more depth the complexities of the political processes that are underway but that would be to go beyond my mandate of this talk.

    Philosopher's Hat

    If I may, I would like to exchange my political hat for my philosopher's hat. I have been speaking about matters based on personal observations, research and occasional prophetic insight. Now I want to talk from my own experience and try to link these to some of the things Yahweh has told me that I am permitted to make public. I'd like to share some personal things.

    The Death of Religion in France and Sweden

    For a good part of my life I have been a utopian idealist. The bitter experiences of life have seen so many hopes dashed as I have realised that the nations are, for the most part, utterly beyond redemption now. Too many lines have been crossed, and the rejection of Yahweh is almost complete. Visit a country like France or Sweden and you will discover that religion there is practically dead, something that is hard for Americans to grasp because religion is still very much alive in your country. Of those who identify as Catholics in France, 50 per cent say they are atheists, would you believe it. The same or similar is true of the Luthern Church in Sweden which I have often said is just a branch of the Social Democratic Party. Religion and church are now primarily a cultural phenomenon, a social label.

    Revivals to Come?

    Governments and cultures are becoming progressively more satanic, of which abortion is but one of many symptoms. Yahweh was showing me Hamburg (Germany), Denmark and Norway in vision yesterday. I'm afraid things are going to get progressively worse everywhere and you need to be prepared mentally for this. There is much talk of revival still, and I am not saying that some revival will not break out here and there - in Kenya, Sweden, the Philippines and Bolvia, to name the four we know the most about because they will be the most long-lived. Brief revivals will happen here and there in order to initiate the gathering of the Remnant. But I doubt it will lead any nation as a whole to repent.

    The Death of Utopianism and Idealism

    I said I was pessimistic about the nations, and I am. I long ago ceased being a utopian or optimistic about political reform in the direction of righteousness. It's all downhill from now on for the most part, and we can do little more than observe the downfall and write the obituaries. These last few days I have had some other illusions painfully shattered too. You think you know people and then, suddenly, 'boom', they turn out to be something completely different. It's shocking when this happens. You're so sure that they are on the strait-and-narrow and then, suddenly, the Enemy somehow managed to seize them and change them beyond all recognition almost overnight. Unseen things may have been going on for a long time but then, like the sudden emergence of a plant out of the gound, all is made bare.


    It's happened to many times in my own life that I suppose I should have been prepared. We are commanded to think the best of people, especially believers. And maybe you, like me, have experienced betrayal in your life, and just as you think it could never happen again, 'boom', it suddenly happens, and always when we least expect it. Yes, we must do as Paul counsels, and "in humility consider others better than yourselves" (Phil 2:3, NIV) because that is the way of ahavah (love) and of humility. But you can never really be prepared for that moment when someone you are close to sticks the knife in and twists it. 'Et tu, Bruté?!' you ask, broken-hearted in shock and in disbelief.

    Fickle, Traitorous Humanity

    Human beings will always be fickle and traitorous, believers and unbelievers alike, making it harder and harder to trust people as the world plunges into darkness. This is a terribly hard time of testing and cleansing, there are many casualties already, and there will be many more casualties yet. So it's always a pleasant surprise to see who is faithful and who will stick with you through thick and sin. It's true, after a while, you cease to be as surprised as you were in the beginning because of your earlier naïvité, but the pain does not lessen. Part of growing up and maturing is discovering just how despicable fallen humanity is.

    How 'Saved' are You Really?

    This is a time of discovering just how saved we are or aren't. You know, I have grown weary of all the salvation clichés in Evangelical Christianity. Leonard Ravenhill hit the nail on the head when he challenged those who said they were 'saved'.

      "If I was to ask you tonight if you were saved? Do you say ‘Yes, I am saved’. When? ‘Oh so and so preached, I got baptised and...’ Are you saved? What are you saved from, hell? Are you saved from bitterness? Are you saved from lust? Are you saved from cheating? Are you saved from lying? Are you saved from bad manners? Are you saved from rebellion against your parents? Come on, what are you saved from?"

    Where are the Signs of Salvation?

    It amazes to me to meet people who claim to be saved yet what are they saved from? How is their life so radically transformed as Scripture proclaims - that they are new creatures in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus) (2 Corinthians 5:17)? What evidence is there that the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God) is working in their life to produce holiness, passion for Elohim (God), prayer, faithfulness in marriage, obedience to parents and husbands, longing for the Davar (Word), a hunger to worship Elohim (God) in every area of their life? Where is the cry that for them to live is Messiah and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)? Where is the crucified life (Romans 6:11)? Where is the taking up of the cross to follow Yah'shua (Jesus) every single day (Luke 9:23-25)? Where is the ahavah (love) for Yah'shua (Jesus) that makes our love for those around us look like hatred (Luke 14:25-27)? Where is the hatred for the world and the flesh (1 John 2:15-17)? Where is the passionate praying (1 Thessalonians 5:17)? Where is the hatred from the world because we are talmidim (disciples) of Yah'shua (Jesus) (John 15:18-19)?

    What If?

    This is what it means to be an Arminian, as Messianic Evangelicals profess to be. We need more radical teaching like Leonard Ravenhill gave or A.W. Tozer or David Wilkerson or K.P. Yohannan. We need radical emunah (faith) married to radical Torah-obedience! You can't pick and choose what mitzvot (commandments) want to obey, or ignore, or - Yah forbid - repudiate! We need to hear that Yah'shua (Jesus) requires that we obey Him (John 8:31-32; 14:15; Romans 1:5; 1 John 2:3-6). We need to hear that we will stand before the judgement seat of Messiah (2 Cor.5:10), and we will be asked if we obeyed His Heavenly Father's Torah (Law) or not - not in part, but in whole, because if you pick and choose you will distort the Besorah (Gospel), for only then will be led to fear Yahweh as we ought (2 Cor.5:11; cp. Prov.1:7). What, for example, if a wife should arise, inspired by the missionary activities and sacrifices if the original apostles, and suddenly declare to her husband that she was going to go to some far off land as a missionary, abandon her husband and children, and claim a seizable chunk of the family funds? What if she claimed Elohim (God) had told her to do this, and her husband said, no? Should she go? No, because she is under the authority of her husband, to be submissive and obey him. You cannot break one mitzvah (commandment) to supposedly obey another! Likewise, a man who says that Yahweh has called him to go and minister to alcoholics and drug addicts and to blend in with them by drinking alcohol and taking drugs, living their lifestyle to the full - yes, I know people who have claimed such things! - such are lawless just like that disobedient, rebellious wife. You cannot pick and choose which part of the Torah (law) that suits you, and if the Ruach (Spirit) tells you to do such a thing, then you may know it is a false ruach (spirit).

    Rebellion is Like Witchcraft

    So what, I ask, do we think we are saved from when we claim to be 'saved'? If we are not delivered or saved from the sin of rebellion, if we are not saved from the sin of compromising the mitzvot (commandments) in order to be accepted by those whom we seek to reach (these are just two examples), then how dare we claim to be 'saved'?! This is an illusion, a delusion. If you claim to be 'saved' and yet are committing sins, then you are not saved from those sins. And if you are not saved from certain sins, then terrible is your condition! Yah'shua (Jesus) told His hearers to "Repent or perish!" (Lk.13:5) and that is what deceived believers must do too. There is no salvation in rebelliousness for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft! For it is written:

      "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
      And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
      Because you have rejected the davar (Word) of Yahweh,
      He also has rejected you..."
      (1 Sam.15:23, NKJV).

    Dead to Righteousness

    Do you understand, then, the terrible, wicked lie the doctrine of 'once saved, always saved' is?! If you are in rebellion, then you are operating in the spirit of witchcraft, and you have rejected the Davar Elohim (Word of God) and He has rejected you. This is what the Almighty has decalred. Will you call Him a liar? We should be shaking in our boots, but we are not, because we are all too often too dead to righteousness and blinded by religion to perceive the awful condition of our souls. It is no use weaving Scriptures around a spirit of witchcraft to protect yourself! What good will that do? You can make the most eloquent patchwork quilt of scriptures to wrap around in order to justify yourself but if you are in rebellion against Yahweh, woe unto you! No amount of scripture-quoting will justify you. No amount of preaching will save you. Repent! For then your works are profitless, and you will have no reward.

    Which Body?

    Brethren and sisters, hard though this may be to hear for some of you, the Remnant is still in bondage, and badly so. I realised yesterday that all my optimism about people was foolish and vain, and that nothing can save us now except a whole-hearted repentance and a completely new spiritual immersion. The old ways will not see us cross this river. A new bridge is needed now - the old ways of doing revival won't do because the Shavu'ot (Weeks, 'Pentecost') age is over. The Body is rotten and the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) have to get out of it. How can someone who believes, supports or practices abortion be a part of the Body? How can someone who is in defiant rebellion, operating in the same spirit as those who practice witchcraft, claim to be saved? These things are impossible without repentance and reformation. Those who try to remain with the old, corrupt and dying body of believers will perish along with it because now is the time of separation and purification, to enable a new Body to be formed - a Body filled with the Sukkot anointing.


    These are the things that Yahweh filled me with last night which I am sharing with you today. Over the years many have tried to shake me off my course and calling but all have fallen by the wayside and I am still heading the way I was directed nearly 40 years ago. I am not going down any other path even if I have to complete this journey alone in the wildnerness and I know there are many of you out there with the same mind. If that is your mind, then I want to know you, and fellowship with you. Please contact me if you would like the same. May the grace and shalom (peace) of our Master Yah'shua (Jesus) be with you! Amen.


    [1] See Karen Dawisha, Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia? (Simon & Schuster, NY: 2014). This book does have its biases, of course, and is promoted by the establishment. Nevertheless it does give some insights into corruption in modern Russia.

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    Last updated on 27 May 2018

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