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The atheist scientist, Carl Sagan, once said that "perhaps the most fascinating and mysterious universe of all is the one within us."

Psychology may be described as "the scientific study of behaviour and the mind". By behaviour is meant the actions and responses that can be directly observed, and by mind the internal states and processes - such as thoughts and feelings - that cannot be seen directly and that must be inferred from observable, measurable responses. Thus we cannot directly see someone's loneliness - we can only infer how that person feels based on his verbal statement that he is lonely.

However, behaviour, it is generally acknowledged, is extremely complex. Worse, behaviour is not something you can often directly measure or quantify as you can the physical or chemical domain. This leads many to challenge whether psychology can truly be classified as a scientific discipline at all in the strictest sense of the word. Attempts to view behaviour as a purely physical or material phenomenon have led not only to difficulties but to ever widening abuses, as this website documents. Is consciousness separate from physical matter (as Christians claim) or is it a mere byproduct thereof (as is maintained by atheist materialists)?

It is at this point that psychology (as an alleged material science) and spirituality are forced to diverge.

A generous but not unreasonable view of psychology, and one that we feel is of limited benefit, is that it can sometimes represent a useful interface between the material sciences (chemistry and physics) and religion.

'Psychiatry' (as opposed to psychology), was a term coined by a German physician, Johann Christian Reil, in 1808, and literally means 'the medical treatment of the soul or psyche'. As a pretended scientific medical discipline that claims to be the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of 'mental disorders', psychiatry did not seriously get underway until the late 19th and early 20th century, with the work of Sigmund Freud, Joseph Breuer in Austria, and Carl Jung in Switzerland.

There are two serious problems with the claims made by psychiatry to be a proper scientific discipline:

  • 1. There are no definitive, repeatable laboratory tests for any so-called 'mental disorder'; and
  • 2. All so-called 'mental disorders' are concocted, named, labelled, described and categorised by a committee of psychiatrists from menus of human behaviours without any objective means of determining what is 'normal'.

These are published periodically in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) by the American Psychiatric Association (est.1844) that seems to grow exponentially in size with each new edition, the latest being the nearly 1,000 page-long 5th edition or 'DSM-5' published in 2013.

What is deemed 'research' by the psychiatric profession is in reality haphazzard and vague, a chief deriving factor being the economic 'needs' of the pharmaceutical companies who maufacture highly toxic drugs to treat every single one of these DSM 'disorders'. The more mental-health categories that can be conjured out of the metaphorical 'magician's hat' by the psychiatrists, the more drugs can be sold and the more money that can be made.

Dr. Allen Frances, who headed up the project in 1994 to write DSM-4, the precursor to the 2013 edition, blew the whistle on himself and his colleagues in a paper ignored by both the mainstream media and his fellows entitled, Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness (27 December 2010), thus avoiding what should have become a scandal and the end of an entire profession and its lucrative love affair with the pharmaceutical industry. Dr.Frances was described by the New York Times as "perhaps the most powerful psychiatrist in America" on 19 April 1994, so he was no minor player in the field. Long after DSM-4 had been published, Frances was interviewed by Greenberg at the online magazine Wired and categorically stated that "there is no definition of a mental disorder. It's b*llsh*t. I mean, you just can't define it...These concepts [of distinct mental disorders] are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the borders". Indeed, his creation, DSM-4, had unscientifically rearranged definitions of ADHD and Bipolar in DSM-3 to permit many more diagnoses which led to a huge acceleration of drug-dosing with extremely dangerous, toxic compounds.

The fact of the matter is, there is no biological marker - no blood or saliva tests, brain scans, no genetic assays, nothing - for any of the so-called 'psychiatric disorders'. Take ADHD, for example. To date no one knows what causes it. There are, however, possible links (amongst a cluster of other things) to nutritional issues.

Dr.Russel Barkley, professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, admitted that there is no lab test for any disorder whilst insisting that this does not invalidate the claim that they are disorders. This is an admission that psychiatry is not a medical discipline because all, medical science, and disease-related research in particular, rest on the notion that a diagnosis has to be backed by lab tests. Without these you are, in effect, indulging in fantasy, which is why so much of psychiatry is purely subjective.

Jon Rappoport, author of The Matrix Revealed, notes in Waking Times (20 November 2019):

    "Psychiatry is all fraud all the time. Without much of a stretch, you could say psychiatry has been the most widespread profiling operation in the history of the human race. Its goal has been to bring humans everywhere into its system. It hardly matters which label a person is painted with, as long as it adds up to a diagnosis and a prescription of drugs.

    "300 so-called mental disorders caused by…what? No lab evidence. No defining diagnostic tests. No blood tests, saliva tests, brain scans, genetic assays. No nothing.

    "But psychiatrists continue to assert they are the masters of causation. They know what’s behind 'mental disorders.' They’re in charge. What about the generalized 'chemical imbalance' hypothesis stating that all mental disorders stem from such imbalances in the brain?

    "Dr. Ronald Pies, the editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, laid that hypothesis to rest in the July 11, 2011, issue of the Times with this staggering admission: 'In truth, the 'chemical imbalance' notion was always a kind of urban legend — never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.'"

The 'chemical imbalance in the brain' doctrine is the driving motor behind the psychiatric claims to being grounded in science and is what is used to justify a whole, highly lucrative, division of the pharmaceutical industry that has arguably done tremendous harm to society as a whole. But as Rappoport points out:

    "The problem [is], researchers ha[ve] never established a normal baseline for chemical balance. So they [are] shooting in the dark. Worse, they [are] faking a theory. Pretending they knew something when they didn’t.

    "In his 2011 piece in Psychiatric Times, Dr. Pies tries to protect his colleagues in the psychiatric profession with this fatuous remark: 'In the past 30 years, I don’t believe I have ever heard a knowledgeable, well-trained psychiatrist make such a preposterous claim [about chemical imbalance in the brain], except perhaps to mock it…the 'chemical imbalance' image has been vigorously promoted by some pharmaceutical companies, often to the detriment of our patients’ understanding.'

    "Absurd. First of all, many psychiatrists have explained and do explain to their patients that the drugs are there to correct a chemical imbalance. And second, if all well-trained psychiatrists have known, all along, that the chemical-imbalance theory is a fraud… …then why on earth have they been prescribing tons of drugs to their patients……since those drugs are developed on the false premise that they correct an imbalance?

    "The honchos of psychiatry are seeing the handwriting on the wall. Their game has been exposed.

    "The chemical imbalance theory is a fake. There are no defining physical tests for any of the 300 so-called mental disorders. All diagnoses are based on arbitrary clusters or menus of human behavior. The drugs are harmful, dangerous, toxic. Some of them induce violence. Suicide, homicide. Some of the drugs cause brain damage.

    "So the shrinks have to move into another model of 'mental illness,' another con, another fraud. And they’re looking for one.

    "For example, genes plus 'psycho-social factors' cause mental disorders. A mish-mash of more unproven science.

    "'New breakthrough research on the functioning of the brain is paying dividends and holds great promise…' Professional PR and gibberish."

A tremendous amount of research work is being done on the brain but what is all the remarkable, were any of the results to actually be conclusive, is that not one of them ever appears in the DSM as the basis of the definition of a single mental disorder. Gero Miesenböck, Waynfleet Professor of Physiology and Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford University, admitted that "we have no idea how the brain works" (Oxford Today - the University Magazine, Trinity Term 2011, Vol.23, No.3, p.10).

If, then, all these mental disorders are a fiction, if the chemical-imbalance nonsense has been discredited, why are there so many plainly mentally disturbed persons? There are both physical and spiritual answers to that question. On the physical side there are a number of areas that can be investigated using proper scentific methods which include:

  • 1. Severe nutritional deficiency;
  • 2. Toxic dyes, colours and preservatives in processed food;
  • 3. Ingestion of pesticides and herbicides;
  • 4. Profound sensitivities to certain foods;
  • 5. The ingestion of toxic pharmaceuticals;
  • 6. Life-altering damage as a result of vaccines;
  • 7. Exposure to environmental chemicals;
  • 8. Alcohol and street drugs;
  • 9. Prior head injuries; and
  • 10. Chronic infection.

Classical psychology may be able to help in areas such as:

  • 10. Heavy physical and emotional abuse in the home or at school; and
  • 11. Battlefield stress and trauma (also present in certain neighbourhoods)

and indeed in this ministry we highly recommend the work of psychologists/psychotherapists such as Dr. Arthur Janov (1924-2017), creator of 'Primal Therapy', who had notable success in treating and curing a number of neuroses, gender identity disorders, and the effects of psychic shocks. This he did through counselling alone. His books, The Primal Scream (1973) and The Feeling Child (1979) come highly recommended. In response to his critics in the psychiatric fraternity who accused him of using harmful methods, he replied:

    "We have 50 years of published material to the contrary. We have several scientific articles in the journal Activitas Nervosa Superior, plus other journals. We do serious science and leave the nonsense to others" (quoted by Oliver Hotham, 2017).

The essence of good counselling is to focus on one patient at a time and to discover what it is that has affected him or her. No two people are alike. However, this kind of treatment does not depend on the pharmaceutical industry and in consequence came to be riddiculed and marginalised. Any psychotherapeutic method that does not dovetail with the drugs-for-cash industrial program and the wider political goals of the globalist deep state for total population control, that includes in its program psychotropic drug dependency, will meet with strong resistance, even though psychiatry "will continue on as a dead man walking, a zombie."

Rappoport concludes, perhaps having the 'conventional' cancer industry in mind:

    "Psychiatry is: fake, fraud, pseudoscience from top to bottom. It’s complete fiction dressed up as fact. But the obsessed devotees of science tend to back away from this. They close their eyes. If a 'branch of knowledge' as extensive as psychiatry is nothing more than an organized delusion, what other aspect of science might likewise be parading as truth, when it is actually mere paper blowing in the wind?"

But even sound, scientifically-minded secular psychotherapists like Janov are powerless when the dark spiritual realm impacts human mental health, and it is here that skilled ministers in the Messianic Community (Church) must take over. Besides, all branches of psychology are committed to adjusting the minds of those with real or imagined mental health issues to whatever happens to be the politically-manipulated social, behavioural 'norm' of the day, norms which are themselves in continual flux. What was regarded as a mental disease 50 years ago is today deemed 'normal', and vice versa. For more information on the spiritual dimension, see our Deliverance website.

Unfortunately, psychiatry made serious inroads into Christianity beginning in the late 20th century and in particular into what is known as biblical 'counselling'. But is psychiatry a tool that can be added on to, and in some way aid, the work of the Besorah (Gospel), or is this an unwarranted presumption? What are the philosophies and doctrines behind psychiatry? Are they at all compatible with biblical Christianity/Messianism and the message of the Besorah (Gospel)? Or are they totally disjunctive? Learn the real truth behind psychiatry and whose ends it most effectively serves on this website.

Click here

(27 November 2019)

Psychiatry in Perspective
1. Psychiatry and a Right View of Reality (Art)
2. The Case Against Psychotherapy (Art)
3. Psychotherapy's Delusions (Art)
4. Yom Kippur 2008 II: Exposing and Being Rid of the Id (Art)
5. The Memory Thief: The Story of Dr Ewen Cameron (Movie)
6. Swedish Psychiatry in the Dock (Art - in Swedish)
7. Fruitfulness, Multiplication & Ownership - Part 2: Pantheism (Art)
8. Lost in Mental Chaos: Planet of the Psychiatrists (Art)
9. Your First Love: Whatever Happened to It? (Art)
10. Planet of Madness: When Billions All Start Detoxifying (Art)
11. Insanity: It's Origins Revealed (Art)
12. Sigmund Freud: His Idiosyncratic Religion (Art)
Also see our Swedish Psychiatry & Postmodernism Websites

Key: Art=Article | FAQ=Frequently Asked Question | Sc=Science | St=Sermonette | Occ=Occult | OB=Olive Branch | PCM=Patriarchal Christian Marriage | NCCM=New Covenant Christian Ministries | Sab=Sabbath | Sal=Salvation | 5Com=Five Commissions | AI=Apostolic Interviews

"Psychology has become more a sentiment than a science and is now part of the problem of modern life rather than part of its resolution" (Paul C. Vitz)

Important Books on Psychiatry
Paul C. Vitz, Psychology as Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship (Paternoster, Carlisle, England: 1994)
Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissm: Americfan Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations (Norton, NY: 1978)
David G. Myers, The Inflated Self (Seabury, NY: 1981)
Michael & Lise Wallach, Psychology's Sanction for Selfishness: The Error of Egotism in Theory and Therapy (Freeman, San Francisco: 1983)
Thomas Sasz, The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric and Repression (Anchor/Doubleday, Garden City, NY: 1978)
Martin L. Gross, The Psychological Society (Random House, NY: 1978
Bernie Zilbergeld, The Shrinking of America (Little Brown, Boston: 1983)
Richard D. Rosen, Psychobabble (Avon, NY: 1979)
Philip Rieff, The Triumph of the Therapeutic (Harper & Row, NY: 1966)
E. Fuller Torrey, Freudian Fraud (Harper Collins, NY: 1992)
Martin & Deidre Bobgan, The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way: Are Christianity and Psychotherapy Compatibe? (Bethany Fellowship,. Minneapolis: 1978)
Mary Stewart van Leeuwen, The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Christian Looks at the Changing Face of Psychology (InterVarsity, Downers Grove, IL: 1982)
William Kirk Patrick, Psychological Seduction: The Failure of Modern Psychology (Thomas Nelson, Nashville: 1982)
William Kirk Patrick, The Emperor's New Clothes (Crossway Books, Westchester, IL: 1985)
D.Hunt & T.A.McMahon, The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days (Harvest House, Eugene, OR: 1985)
Don Browning, Religious Thought and the Modern Psychologists (Fortress, Philadelphia: 1987)
Os Guiness & John Steel, No God But God: Breaking with the Idols of Our Age (Moody, Chicago: 1992)
Jay E. Adams, Competent to Counsel (Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company, Nitley, NJ: 1972)
Rodger K.Bufford, The Human Reflex: Behavioural Psychology in Biblical Perspective (Harper & Row, San Francisco: 1981)

"Psychiatry is the disease it pretends to cure" (George Mikes)

Important Links to Other Articles & Websites
(Not All the Views Here are Necessarily Those of NCAY)
1. Against Biblical Councelling: For the Bible (Martin & Deidre Bobgan)
2. PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries - Books online
3. PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries - Main page
4. What's Wrong with Psychology?
5. Should Christians Go To Psychiatrists?
6. Psychiatry - The Fifth Column, Inside the Church
7. Miserable comforters are ye all...
8. Homosexuality and Psychiatry
9. Psychiatry & Big Pharma (Mike Adams)
10. The Bible vs. Psychology: Words of God vs. Words of Men
11. Psychiatry is Evil!
12. The Antipsychiatry Coalition
13. Children used as Guinea Pigs by Psychiatrists for Big Pharma
14. Psychiatric Drug Facts (Dr.Peter R.Breggin) & Videos

"[There is a] widespread human tendency - and illusion - to see things as reliably favourable to the self. Success is our achievement; failure is the fault of someone else, or the environment, or bad luck" (Paul C. Vitz)

Click here for CCHR

"All modern psychological theories of human motivation and personality assume that reward for the self (i.e. egoism) is the only functional ethical principle. In short, psychology [is a] deep commitment to narcissim, egoism, self-worship, the individual, the isolated self...[to] SELFISM" (Paul C. Vitz)

The Age of Fear: Psychiatry's Reign of Terror

“There Are No Rules About Psychiatric Diagnosis —
And That Must End!” Paula J. Caplan, NARPA

Three cultural paradigms*
showing how the One World Religion is Evolving


Old Paradigm




New Paradigm

The Bible reveals reality Science alone explains reality  Feelings and experience prove reality (existentialism, feminism)
Yahweh (God) is personal (loves us) and greater than His creation Religion is a crutch, an illusion, the opium of the people (atheism/fascism/ communism/liberalism) An impersonal universal god (pantheism = occultism) makes all things one (monism = satanism)
Teach personal responsibility (accountability to Truth who is Yah'shua the Messiah/ Jesus Christ and Torah) Teach human rights
(you are your own truth
= self-worship and
Teach collective duties, responsibilities or obligations
(the state is Truth = Totalitarianism = no accountability = dictatorship)
Don't tolerate sin
(but love sinners)
Tolerate all lifestyles
(moral anarchism)
Don't tolerate dissenters
(zero tolerance = persecution = prison, torture and murder)
Trust Yahweh (God/Elohim) Trust self (self as god) Trust the state (state as god)

* A cultural paradigm is a social awareness, a worldview, a pattern or framework for understanding reality, a point of view that determines how the general public evaluates good and evil, right and wrong. A paradigm shift means a cultural transformation, a total change in thinking, seeing, and evaluating social issues.

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Last updated on 2 August 2023

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