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Month 5:10, Week 2:2 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5945:128 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Monday 19 July 2021
The Apostolic Way I
Important End-Time Visions


    These last weeks I have been veritably assaulted by people, particularly online, those of often diametrically opposite viewpoints, trying to convince me that their way is the right way and unwilling to even consider any alternative without the kind of evidence that would take months or even years to amass. This isn't anything new. What is new is that we are in the middle of an actual, bona fide, in-your-face, see-it-with-your-own-eyes Judgment - the Penultimate Judgment of our time and the heat is being turned up more and more every day. Prophetic messages therefore become all the more important.

    Other Gospels

    One believer, repeating the Beatles mantra the other day, insisted that "all you need is love" and meant we could not possibly go wrong if that is what we choose to believe and do. She's right, of course - love is very important - but by whose definition, and with what content? Noneless, Yah'shua (Jesus) did not define Himself as "I am love" [1] but rather "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (Jn.14:6). True love is only known within that broader, context of explanatory attributes, and even these sometimes need further explanation, a reason why we have such detailed Scriptures. Another person, at an opposite extreme, full of head-knowledge but highly sceptical, has been trying to persuade me that Paul was a false apostle who altered the Besorah (Gospel) - he's not the first and won't be the last (see the Anti-Paulism website) - that a fair chunk of the Scriptures was the invention of a particular branch of Christendom and so aren't reliable. Then there are all those inbetween. It seems there is no shortage of 'other gospels' and not just the ones being paraded in Paul's day (Gal.1:8-9).

    The Working of the Current Heavenly Purging Fire

    If you have been wondering why I have been so quiet in terms of spiritual or prophetic output for the public of late it hasn't only been because of exhaustion and poor health - I've also been letting the current heavenly fire do its work and burn out the "wood, hay, [and] straw" (1 Cor.3:12, NKJV) in my own life - the extra baggage and garbage from earlier days of ignorance and sin. That has been - and is - painful, disturbing, and even horrifying at times. Cleansing is not a gentle process either, not when we are confronted by the fire of judgment, a reason we none of us like it. But, as Paul said, in such a time "each one's work will become clear; for the Day [of Judgment, of Yahweh] will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire" (1 Cor.3:13, NKJV). And though He had the final 'Day of Yahweh' in mind, the principle remains true in any and every situation where judgment is needed and implemented by Heaven. Another person, whose country is presently going through a terrible time, cried out in anguish the other day, "Where is Yahweh?" And my answer was, "Where He has always been". He's always present but not always engaged in the same activity, and it's particularlty hard to discern Him when one is in distress.

    Both Elohim (God) and His true servants are revealed by fire

    A Verdict Already Delivered

    I will not deny that the tossing and burning has caused me great discomfort and distress personally. It's no fun being thrown about inside. It's particularly hard when there's absolutely nothiing you can do to 'make your case', as Job discovered. My prayer life of late has been one more of goaning than concrete words (Rom.8:23; 2 Cor.5:2,4) - heart-intents rather than neatly formulated spoken sentences, and because of that I really haven't felt much like writing either. It's not a time for 'pleading our case'. The case has already been made by the witness of our lives hitherto, the verdict given, and all that remains is to accept the burning and await the outcome.

    Let the Fire Do Its Work

    Actually Yahweh has showed me a number of things these past few days but I have felt disinclined to share them. For one thing, when you're in that fire - when your foundations are being shaken, as they are for most people these days, your ear isn't really too inclined to hearing correctives from others - you just want the fire to stop! Well it won't, not until Yahweh is done, and whatever your particular fire is, and in whatever situation, you had better patiently endure it, because there's a not a lot else you can realistically do. If your foundation is "gold, silver, or precious stones", in the positive, spiritual, messianic sense, then you have nothing to worry about (1 Cor.3:12, NKJV). "For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)" (1 Cor 3:11, NKJV). Our dead branches - yours and mine - are currently being burned off. Let them be, don't fret over it. Best to get the pruning over and done with and to feel clean and tidy afterwards.

    What Matters are the Foundations

    What matters is the foundations of your soul. The Beatles' mantra isn't enough because the Ahavah (Love) is a package deal - we need emunah (faith) and tiqveh (hope) too, all within a matrix of Emet (Truth) and if the foundation is secure, all three will survive intact, provided it is genuine faith in the true King and His Kingdom Rule (and that includes His mandated Torah lifestyle), and your hope isn't in any collection of dead branches. Indeed, as Yahweh showed me one night [2], the statement, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (Jn.14:6), is even deeper and more profound than I had ever dreamed before, because these symbolise, respectively, the three Pilgrim Festivals of Pesach (Passover), Shavu'ot (Weeks) and Sukkot (Tabernacles), denoting movement (walking or running - the leaving of Egypt toward the Promised Land), Government through Law (the Torah), and the complete joyous Living of Life in Messiah (the ongoing end goal). This amazing Scripture, which for centuries stands prominently out and is so often quoted, is a summary of everything.

    The Reaction

    One of my many prayers to Yahweh has been a request that I be shown my status before Him. I hope that's yours too because I know a lot of people are doubting where they stand as they experience, what they suppose, to be His heavy hand. Such doubting arises from the cumbersomeness of those burning dead branches. When they have fallen to the ground and turned into ash, if your foundation is secure, your doubts will vanish too. For myself, actively and almost exclusively engaged in the ministry now, with enemies many of whom are snapping at my heels and spreading ugly rumours about me because they don't like what I say and write, I have particularly wanted to ensure that this work is not lost or destroyed in anyway. The fact that so many are angry with me because of the hot potatoes I have served them and for challenging their traditions, is actually quite reassuring evidence, far better than any lukewarm response. Better to be loved and hated than to simply be given a lukewarm reception and accepted as an indistinguishable blob in the grey mass of the world system.


    Before I share with you what happened this morning I need to backtrack a little and tell you of three of visions from 5 days ago (14 July 2021). In the first I saw a very large green frog with a gaping jaw, and out of its mouth crawled an alligator or crocodile, I'm not sure which. The crocodile, moreover, had the same green tint as the green frog, showing its relatedness or psychic connection. Frogs, as you know, were one of the judgments on Egypt immediately prior to the First Exodus - there was a plague of them (Exodus 8) to demonstrate that the Egyptian god of fertility, Heket, was powerless before Yahweh. The Canaanite equivalent was Baal-Peor. The frog and crocodile were facing me in the vision. I knew what that meant at once because we have the meaning of the symbolism given to us in the Book of Revelation even if the combination of the symbols is rather unusual:

      "'Then the sixth malak (angel) poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false navi (prophet). For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of Elohim (God) Almighty. Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame' And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon" (Rev.16:12-16, NKJV).

    A crocodile came crawling out of the gaping mouth of the frog...

    The Demonic Frog Family

    Now before anyone gets the wrong idea, what is happening today is not what is happening in this passage of Scripture. What we're living through is a sort of 'dress rehearsal' for that day, so some things will be the same, but others not, along with the degree of severity. What's happening today is simply an attempt by Satan's dupes at what is yet to come based on this tavnith or pattern. What happens in the Scripture is that three demons represented as frogs, whose characteristic is uncleanness, emerge, respectively, out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Navi (Prophet), respectively. In other words, these are things they say with their mouths, unclean words. In my vision, a crocodile - which is a violent, cunning though crude beast of prey, and represents fierceness, demonic authority and autocratic power - emerges from this unclean frog or demon. Specifically, in our timeline, the frog represents the family of demons steering the current world system - the 'Deep State' and the 'élites', if you will, about whom we are all most aware, who are themselves types of this demonic dragon-beast-false prophet trio.

    Probably Time to Get Out

    Up until now they have been simply spewing words in the media, principally, but now something more violent is about to be unleashed, represented by the crocodile. And the crocodile is the clue. Crocodiles mostly wait concealed, completely still, in bodies of water, looking like inanimate logs, or congregate on the shores of rives and lakes. In the water you don't even know they're there much of the time. Rarely do they venture too far inland, they're most at home in the water which represents emotions. They play on our fears and lusts. So that's your clue as to what's about to start happening. Babylon is changing gear from merely enticing words to more threatening, violence-filled words that in due course will be translated into action unless they get pushback. The words will still be there but now they are going to get more aggressive.

    The Dark Powers Getting More Aggressive

    If you have been wondering at the sudden clamour by some governments for mandatory vaccination and passports, with one government threatening to send people from door-to-door to force people to be injected with their destructive gene-modifying 'therapies', then you have at least one idea of what's on the agenda. As I speak the French, who have had enough of this and are traditionally militant, are rising up in large numbers in protest as the Macron Government threatens to jail vaccination non-compliants with up to 6 months in jail and huge fines. So be prepared, be in your places of safety. Though I obviously can't say what Yahweh wants for each of you in your specific situations and nor would I attempt to advise you - that's for you alone to determine from Him in prayer (that's your responsibility) - I would say that generally-speaking this is probably the time to either 'get out' (if you're still in the city) or to remain firmly where you are (if you're in the place He has called you to be, almost certainly in the countryside, fully prepped for a prolonged siege).


    Two other visions, that followed the one I just shared with you on the same morning, pretty much confirm this message. The second was a warning to be very, very careful and particularly about travel right now. I saw a vision of one of our garage doors - the one where we keep our car - and a few meters in front of it was a portal of some sort, like a square arch, through which the emerging or returning car would have to pass to leave or re-enter the garage. This means be very sure you only travel to do what is absolutely necessary and with the permission of Yahweh. It means taking extra precautions because the time is basically one of 'staying put', 'keeping your head low' and 'bolting down your hatches'. Check with Yahweh before you leave your 'place of safety' to go and do anything because timing is going to become very critical. These agents of the Babylonian State are 'crocodiles'. Think 'Soviet Union', think 'Communist China', think 'Nazi Germany' or any totalitarian society and remind yourself that what's attempting to impose itself on you is something very like those. And I know lots people from Soviet times and the great care with which they were forced to live their lives in order to stay safe. You don't need to live in fear, just be circumspect, wise as a serpent but as harmless as a dove (Mt.10:16), live in Yah'shua (Jesus) and keenly listen to His instructions.

    A. The 2016 Vision

    The third vision 5 days ago was like the first one, only this time the unclean creature was one I already knew - one I encountered in the recent past, but this time it was in profile so it was not facing me and did not concern me personally but others I know. Five years ago I was visiting kin in the United States and we were in Mississippi. At that time, upon arrival late at night, I was shown the territorial spirit (demon) of that area and state - you can read more about it in my article, Mississippi Tales: Examining the Spiritual Landscape. In short, a vision opened up to me and I saw a massive grey amphibian-like creature, though not a frog per se but from the same 'family'. It was huge but had tiny black beady eyes. It didn't move at all and appeared to be underground. I sensed a great sleepiness and heaviness about this spirit, whose spirit was afflicting the people. I couldn't tell whether it was sleeping of brooding.

    B. The Crocodile and the Mississippi Beast

    Five days ago I saw it again, that Mississippi beast, but in profile, just beneath the surface of the ground. This time, though, it's mouth was open, like the green frog, and out of its mouth came crawling another crocodile, also large, like the amphibian before it. In both visions the words of the 'beast' are becoming more violent and threatening, as we see in countries like France. Now we are being threatened with prison, heavy fines or total isolation from society if we do not comply with their diktats.

    A crocodile emerging from the mouth of the Mississippi territorial spirit...


    I share these visions with you so that you are not surprised by what is coming and to warn you to be on your guard which leads me to the visions I had this morning, only one of which is for the public and which I will share with you now. As I awoke this morning around 7 am, I saw a road or path stretching in the distance that was as straight as a ruler. It was lined, on both sides, by walls of flame. Everywhere else was on fire too but these flames stood out because they symbolise the hedge of Torah that bounds the Derech or Way which is Messiah Himself, protecting the obedient qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) that walk along it. They are what keep us within safe bounds so that we do not become lawless and wander from away from the authentic Messiah. In the middle of this path were 12 tall lit candles which did not melt in the intense heat rthat was everywhere - everything was literally yellow and red. There the candles stood, tall and majestic, side-by-side, each with its own flame which matched the fire round about. (See illustration at beginning of article).

    Accepted and Vindicated by Yahweh as Ministers of Fire

    I knew at once that the 12 represented the sh'lichim apostles, that ours was a bona fide apostolic work, that Yahweh had accepted it (a huge load off my shoulders), and that the Way of Fire is not only what the true Remant qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) are supposed to walk in all the time, but that it is our natural habitat. For is it not written that Yahweh makes "His ministers a flame of fire" (Ps.104:4, NKJV; Heb.1:7) like the malakim (angels) themselves? And by ministers of flame of fire, the Scriptures do not mean those charismatics putting on a psychuc show by hopping about and babbling like the heathen making a lot of noise and drama. This is, rather, the fire of cleansing and purification, a ministry of the pure Davar (Word).

    Yahweh makes authentic ministers a flame of fire...

    The 12 End-Time Apostles

    The vision lasted a while and gradually the 12 candles began to merge with the path without ceasing to be visible. You could still discern their outline. There are to be 12 principle end-time firstborn apostles for the Second Exodus and Final Gathering as there were 12 at the very beginning of the New Covenant æon. In the vision, the apostles were part of the Derech or Way itself even as Yah'shua (Jesus) is Himself our apostle:

      "Therefore, qadosh (holy, set-apart) brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and Cohen Gadol (High Priest) of our confession, Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus), who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house" (Heb.3:1-2, NKJV).

    Authentic Sh'lichim Aren't Greek 'Apostles'

    In other words, any true gathering of believers must be both apostolic in its mindset and possess authentic sh'lichim or apostles doing and saying the same kinds of things we read about in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament). There will, by our understanding, be only 12 of them, one for each of the gathered-out Tribes of Israel. Though we believe there may be some apostles being prepared today, there are currently none acting in that ministry because of the impurity of the Body of Christ. That is, in part, what this Penultimate Judgment is all about, at least for believers.

    Representative Envoys

    Though the word 'apostle' is used 79 times in the New Testament, we use and Anglicised version of the Greek translation, apostellein, meaning 'one who is sent out'. In the very broadest sense all believers are 'sent out', and especially evangelists (whom we call 'sub-apostles' in NCAY), so all are 'apostolic' in the Greek sense of the meaning of the word. But the Hebrew word, sh'liach, is slightly different, describing as it does the Israelite legal institution of representative envoys, who were sent with plenipotentiary authority of their senders, or as 'equivalents' of the senders themselves. This is a far deeper sense than the Greek apostellein. Thus in Hebrews 3:1 cited above, it would not be wrong to render the passage as "of Him we confess as Elohim's (God's) Envoy and High Priest" (NEB) or even "Emissary" (HRV, ISRV).

    Yah'shua as Chief Sh'liach and Example

    The responsibility of the authentic apostle becomes, then, not to just be 'inspired' and do the occasional miracle but to be as he were Messiah Himself, speaking with the kind of invested plenipotentiary power and authority implied. In other words, he starts to look more and more like a classic NAV'I or PROPHET too. That's a huge, huge responsibility. Notice how the word is linked to the office of the Cohen Gadol or High Priest in the case of Messiah; thus an authentic human 'apostle' would have to be linked to the office of Cohen or 'Priest' on the tier below Messiah Himself. Yah'shua (Jesus) alone has the authority to represent Yahweh the Father as the Sh'liah/Apostle/Envoy/Emissary-Cohen Gadol/High (Chief) Priest and only 12 men at any one time may do the same on a human level. This is not something to be trifled with. Therefore, there must be a visible, divine Imprimatur on the modern Apostle...and it isn't babbling in so-called 'tongues' because Yah'shua (Jesus) never did any such thing Himself, and He is the Chief whom the apostles must imitate. Indeed, as the Father sent Him, so He sent His sh'lichim (apostles) (Jn.20:21b).

    The End of False Apostolic Systems

    This final vision I have shared with you spells the end of all counterfeit 'apostolic' systems whether it be Mormon, New Apostolic, Pentecostal or Charismatic, or those who make the same claims but using other terminology like Episcopalian (the rule of Bishops), Presbyterian (rule of the Elders), Papists and others who manage to slip in 'apostolic' somewhere in their blurb about their claimed authority. This is also a judgment of those false systems for they will not be able to walk in that fire and will be seen to be completely vacuous when the real apostles and "sons of Elohim (God)" are finally revealed to the Body and to the world (Rom.8:19).

    The only true apostles must walk in the footsteps of the first ones


    These, then, are the things Yahweh has been showing me this last week. This is serious business now. Words, for the most part, are at an end and it is substance that counts...fiery substance. Therefore:

      "Shame on those...who do not look to the Holy One of Israel or seek guidance from Yahweh! Yet Yahweh too in His wisdom can bring about trouble and He does not take back His words; He will rise up against the league of evil-doers, against all who help those who do wrong...when Yahweh stretches out His hand, the helper will stumble and he who is helped will fall, and they will all vanish together" (Is.31:1-3, NEB).

    Glory be to His Name. Amen.

    Continued in Part 2


    [1] Though Elohim (God) is described by the apostle John as 'love' - "Elohim (God) is love" (1 Jn.4:8,16), one of the shortest verses in the Bible, he wasn't saying that that was all He was. He is also described as being "gracious and merciful" (2 Chr.30:9; Dt.4:31), "a consuming fire" (Dt.4:24), "jealous" (Dt.6:15), "a refuge" (Dt.33:27), "mighty" (Job 36:5), "a just judge" (Ps.7:11), "angry with the wicked every day" (Ps.7:11), "pure" (Prov.30:5), "righteous" (Dan.9:14), "true" (Jn.3:22), "spiritual" (Jn.4:24), "faithful" (1 Cor.1:9), "good" (1 Tim.4:4), "living and poweful" (Heb.4:12), "greater than our heart" (1 Jn.3:20), etc., it's clear He has many attributes, not just one, and that all are inclusive of each other; He is love but He is much more than love.
    [2] Wednesday 21 July 2021 - this reminiscence was added two days after the sermon was broadcast live and has been added retrospectively to the written text here

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    This page was created on 19 July 2021
    Last updated on 26 July 2021

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