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Month 1:21, Week 3:6 (Sheshi/Kippur), Year:Day 5945:21 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 3 April 2021
Chag haMatzah 2021 VII
The Stone About to Strike &
the Twelve Baskets of the Remnant

    Continued from Part 4 (Yom haBikkurim)


    Shabbat shalom and welcome to the seventh and final day of Chag haMatzah, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This will be my final message of this week-long Pesach (Passover) season that marks the beginning of the Penultimate Judgment.

    Review of the Passover Season

    To be perfectly honest with you, I have always found the ending of this festival to be slightly mystifying and I have never been entirely sure how to end a sermon on it prophetically-speaking. The season begins with the high drama of Pesach (Passover) itself, which is all about 'exodus' or 'leaving' - a departure from slavery, whether it be physical (from Egypt) or spiritual (from sin), or both. Then the theme of purification starts Chag haMatazah (Feast of Unleavened Bread) itself, underlining the importance of proactively getting the leaven of sin out of our lives; and then it culminates, it seems, on the second day with Yom haBikkurim, the Day of Firstfruits, the glorious resurrection of our Master, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), which brings with it the hope of our own resurrection in the day of final Judgment and justification for the saved. It has always seemed to me, that Days #3 to #7 have been about the rest of our life in mortality, as we plod along, as it were, working out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil.2:12), a reason why the festival doesn't end on any special note of importance. Today, then, is the last metaphorical day of our life and we need to ask ourselves, what have we done - and what are we going to do with the remainder of - our '7 days' on earth?.

    The Two Seven-Day Festivals Contrasted

    The imagery of the seven-day week is picked up again at the end of the annualseason of festivals, in the autumn (fall), when we gather for another week that represents the seven days of joyful festivities which we, as the metaphorical Bride, celebrate upon our Master's return - seven days of celebration immediately prior to the eighth and final day - Shemini Atseret - which marks the beginning of the 1,000 year-long Age of Peace, the Millennium. The seven 'days' of striving at Chag haMatazah, as we get on our knees collecting all the old leaven up from, every nook and cranny of our souls, as represented by the ceremony of cleaning out our home, is then contrasted with the seven literal days of feasting and celebration with the Bridegroom.

    Two Multiplaction Miracles

    The other day Brother Gabriel shared an interesting teaching with us on the Four Gospels [1] and demonstrated quite convincingly, to my mind, that the two feedings of the multitudes, which are slightly different from each other, were not only two entirely separate events, as Mark and Matthew testify, but are of great prophetic significance. The first, he said, took place early on in Yah'shua's (Jesus') ministry, in the spring, and was a representation of the Spring Festivals, confirmed by the fact that the apostle John identifies the loaves as being made of barley and says this took place during the Passover season; and the second, took place perhaps at or around Shavu'ot (Weeks, 'Pentecost') in the same year. Why would Yah'shua (Jesus) repeat this miracle twice if it did not have some prophetic meaning concerning the future? You will notice in the table (below) that there were differences in the number of loaves and fish served, the number of people present, and the number of fragments or remains recovered plus the size of the baskets the remains were placed in, on the two separate occasions:

    The Two Miracles of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes***
      Earlier (Passover) Later (Shavu'ot)
    Men 5,000 4,000
    Loaves 5 7
    Fish 2 a few
    Baskets 12 (small) 7 (large)
    References Mk.8:20-21*; Mt.14:13-21*; Jn.6:1-14**; Lk.9:18-29; Mk.6:30-43 + 8:19*; Mt.16:13-72*

      *Mark & Matthew name both events
      **John identifies the loaves as barley = Passover

      ***Mk.6:52 Disciples did not understand the significance

    The Early Miracle at Passover Time

    As he was speaking, my mind wandered to the five loaves and two fishes described in the earlier of the two multiplication miracles which took place, and to the barely concealed symbolism of 7 in the 5 loaves and 2 fish (5+2=7). That particular 2 + 5 count is present in Chag haMatzah, the second day taking us to Yom haBikkurim, leaving us with another 5 days that bring us to, and including, today. You might say, then, that there are 2 'fish' days and 5 'bread' days in the Feast of Unleavened Bread which are a single, whole, spiritual 'meal', just as the bread and fish was the complete meal for the multitudes. Not only did Yah'shua (Jesus) miraculously multiply the fish and loves but at the end of the day the talmidim (disciples) collected 12 small baskets of leftover remains, unlike the 12 man-sized ones collected the second time the miracles was done (there are two different Greek words for these baskets, I believe - the apostle Paul was lowered in the latter kind over the wall of Damascus).

    Unpacking the Symbols and Numbers

    Again, the symbolism of the 12 is supposed to be noticed by us, 12 being the number of the apostles. 7 is the number of completion and spiritual perfection (the 5+2 loaves and fish and the 7 days of the Feast) and 12 is the number of Yahweh's government perfection or rule (the 12 apostles, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 months in a year, 12 hours of daylight, and so forth). But here there is another meaning to be discerned for the 12 baskets of crumbs or fragments are the leftovers or remnants of the multiplied loaves (and possibly fish too) as represented by the last 5 days of Chag haMatzah (unleavened bread). Here, on one level, the symbol is of a Remnant group, of those who have been multiplied in terms of righteousness and good works - signifying a faithful stewardship, if you like, or a life well lived - who are themselves destined for rulership in the everlasting Kingdom of our Elohim (God) like those first 12 apostles. The 12 come out of the 7 fishes-and-breads after divine multiplication has been accomplished and the 'crowd' have taken their fill. And still there is so much left over. The 'crumbs' are the product of the miraculous.

    The Unnoticed Remnant

    This Remnant is typically unnoticed, unsung, unappreciated by the crowd or 'great multitude' of the saved, because, I believe, the crowd does not witness this final collection (though I could be wrong). This Remnant is contained in 12 small baskets, as 12 separate tribal entities, destined to be gathered in the 12 end-time Cities of Refuge. These last 5 days of Chag haMatzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread) are therefore most significant indeed because they represent what lies beyond the resurrection represented by Yom haBikkurim. We are not told in the accounts what happens to these 12 small baskets of crumbs but I am guessing these are the 'bread' - more specifically - the lechem chayim or 'bread of life' which is the food of the Remnant. The symbolism goes even deeper and ties into many other themes, including the Master's (Lord's) Supper and the reminder by Yah'shua (Jesus) which so shocked (and separated) His early followers from the doubters and uncommitted, that those who wished to remain with Him would have to 'eat his flesh' and 'drink his blood', a metaphor for deep, personal communion and identification (Jn.6:53-58) by participation in His suffering and death.

    A Bout of Muscle Cramps

    And though you may be thinking that this is the main message I have to share with you today it is, in fact, but a leader or introduction because though this is what Yahweh showed me whilst Brother Gabriel was teaching, it was not the message He gave me when at 4 am last night when I had an excruciatingly painful episode of muscle cramps caused by fibromyalgia. As many of you know, my own physical condition has actually worsened these past seven days. Two nights ago I retired to bed feeling abominably ill with my legs barely able to carry me, my muscles telling me that I might be in for a painful episode if I were not careful. So I retired, still searching for a sermon for you today but not finding any, and supposed - because this happens to me quite often - that Yahweh would give me a message at the 'last minute'. Exhausted, I went to bed and slept, it seemed to me, reasonably well, at least for a short while.

    A Prophetic Dream - the Two Rockets

    Around 4 am I had an intense and most peculiar dream. I seemed to be on a large asphalt field, reminding me of the kind of army parade or drilling ground which which I had been familiar as a soldier-cadet. It was completely deserted apart from two people - a man and a woman - on a rather dull day not unlike the ones we have intermitantly been having here lately. Each of them had rocket a little larger than themselves in length but for some reason my focus was on the rocket next to the woman. It looked like a stubby, experimental rocket on a frame supported by wheels. (It probably wasn't that, the symbolism was unfamiliar to me and therefore fuzzy, representing a lack of proper understanding). Though these were not large rockets, they were not small either, and were, as I said, a little bigger than the two persons but I only got to see the woman's rocket which reminded me of Sweden's first jet fighter known as the 'Barrel', almost comical-looking, and of the sort you might expect to find in a cartoon or something like that. Some sort of trial, test or experiment was about to get underway. Each of the persons - the man and the woman - was in some way associated with his or her 'rocket' and had to accompany it during its trial but at a safe distance.

    Symbolism of the Rockets

    Before I tell you what happened I need to explain the symbolism of a rocket. Rockets, as you know, are potentially dangerous to be around, whether they be used for military or civilian purposes (like space travel). They enable you to gain momentum very quickly because of their immense power. So in the general sense a rocket can represent speedy progress. They are indicators of some type of plans or ideas reaching unimaginable heights and taking off in a big way. Rockets are usually long and sleek in order to minimise drag caused by friction and air flow over the surface and are archetypically a male rather than a female symbol. So the rounded shape of the woman's rocket was certainly more in line with the traditional curvy imagery of femaleness.

    A Rocket Out of Control

    Both rockets ignited and began to move at great speed but my focus was on the woman because things were not going correctly. She was far too close to the rocket which she seemed afraid to lose control of and therefore stand back from, unlike the man who was at a safe distance trusting all to go well. The rocket roared toward the perimeter of the asphalt parade ground and it was clear it was not going to take off but would crash and that the woman, who was far too close, would be consumed in the conflagration that would shortly come if she did not drop back. I yelled at her at the top of my voice to warn her but she would not listen and in the next moment I was awake with one of the worst fibromyalgic leg cramps I have ever experienced. It was agony and I really thought my leg would be permanetly injured in a perpetual lock. The nightmare lasted for about two minutes and then mercifully I was able to go to sleep because of the exhaustion that came in the aftermath.

    The Problem With Feminism

    Over the last three days I have been putting together a new subsite called Complimentarianism which is all about authority in male-female relationships in marriage and in the messianic community (church) in which I cover old subjects such as coheadship and the like. I felt strongly there was a need for this after I listened to a conversation online the other day about women leadership in the Church. Without getting into this subject and going off on a tangent, as you know there has been a huge drive since the middle of the 20th century (and arguably earlier) by the feminist movement to gain power in the churches, in politics, and elsewhere. It's a very impassioned debate and has led to tremendous controversy and acrimony. So I wrote this new article summarising what the Scriptures teach, reiterating our own position which has been consistent from the beginning. The authority to lead and rule is vested in the men - in the husbands and pastors/elders - and those who tamper with this divine arrangement are storing up immense grief for themselves.

    The Remnant Must Be Firm About Gender Rôles

    The dream I had illustrated graphically what happens when women try to seize the authority that is not granted to them. And the point of the dream? To remind me that this issue must be resolved, and submission given to the divine order, before the Remnant can gather. There has to be proper order in the Kingdom of our Elohim (God) or tragedy will result. One of the many issues that is being laid out in the Divine Council in Heaven right now concerns this matter. We must all of us - whether it is an issue of gender or of Kingdom callings generally - yield to the will of the Father and do so without resentment. Again, I don't want to get into a debate because there is the issue of ungodly leadership on the part of those men legitimately called which also has to be resolved too. The message is, though, that this kind of authority, when claimed and seized by women, leads to terrible grief. Much of the judgment you will see happening quite soon will concern women who have seized or accepted pastorship, eldership or apostolic rôles they were never entitled to assume, and part of their repentance will be to relinquish these and to position themselves where Yahweh has ordained them to be. At the same time the men who either exercise unrighteous dominion, or who have yielded to the demands of feminists in the Body of Messiah, must themselves also repent. This is the first message I have to issue and I care not whether I am hated or loved for it. I know it is highly contentious. The great gender battles currently being fought politically now all stem from the lusting, by either gender, for power not granted by Yahweh or otherwise, if legitimate, being unrighteously exercised. I became aware of this yesterday morning as I sat down to prepare this message. However, it is not my principle message to you today.

    Gender reciprocity

    The Dream, the Cramp and the Judgment

    As soon as I awoke, and before I started writing this account, I immediately became aware that all of this was tied into the greater prophetic work spoken of by the navi (prophet) Daniel whom we were studying recently, to whom I said we would return after this set of moedim (appointments) was over but which apparently also concerns this particular moed (appointment) we are celebrating the last day of today. You see as soon as I awoke, I was made aware of the Great Stone of Daniel as it pertains to this Penultimate Judgment.

    Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

    If you have your Bibles with you, I would invite you to open with me to Daniel, chapter 2, starting at verse 31 - we will take our text from the New King James Version (NKJV, Evidence Bible (EB), p.1201). Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, has had a perplexing and frightening dream which he does not understand. He demands his wise men not only interpret it but he refuses to tell them what the dream was, expecting them to find out for themselves by divination, threatening to kill them if they did not get it right, Of course, they couldn't, and in the end Daniel is called in, and said that he cannot re-tell the dream or interpret it either as only Yahweh has such power. So let us read the account:

      "'You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendour was excellent, stood before you; and its form was awesome. This image's head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

      "'This is the dream. Now we will tell the interpretation of it before the king. You, O king, are a king of kings. For the Elohim (God) of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory; and wherever the children of men dwell, or the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven, He has given them into your hand, and has made you ruler over them all -- you are this head of gold. But after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours); then another, a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth . And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. And in the days of these kings the Elohim (God) of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold -- the great Elohim (God) has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure'" (Dan.2:31-45, NKJV).

    A Future Judgment and a Dress Rehearsal

    This is the message I am to give you today - I am not speaking of just this little congregation but to the wider international Body of Christ. The latter part of this prophecy will be fulfilled in the years ahead (and possibly beyond too), but not right now. It is for the generation after my own. Rather, we are to witness a dress rehearsal of this prophecy and see it come true before our very own eyes in the Penultimate Judgment which is underway, and has been underway now, since Pesach (Passover).

    Kingdom of Clay and Iron

    There is a kingdom of clay and iron that represents the feet of the great image Nebuchadnezzar saw. It is the United States - the global American Empire - and her allies in Europe and elsewhere, but specifically, the hidden nefarious és that run it and all the nations of the world to whom the citizens of this world give their assent. It is a kingdom internally divided, a kingdom both strong and weak, represented by the iron and clay. It is both strong and fragile. That is why you have been told over the years to get out of the cities and to go to those places in the countryside where its power is weakest - where it is 'clay'. Like Nimrod of old, who built Nineveh and the first cities, the devil has an easier job doing his work where people are concentrated together and are dependent on a sophisticated infrastructure that is easily controlled.

    The American Empire and Allies to Be Struck

    Though this kingdom will not be utterly destroyed at this time, it will be struck hard, and parts of it will shatter, because of its great wickedness and refusal to repent. Many nations are going to split up in the same way that the Soviet Union, Yugolslavia and Sudan have done in my own lifetime. Do not be surprised if at some point the USA, Russian Federation and People's Republic of China split up, or if Nigeria and South Africa do too, to name but two more. What happens - whether they split or not - will depend on whether there is any significant repentance.

    An Act of Grace

    This action of the Stone will once again be an act of grace on the part of our long-suffering Elohim (God), to give the world one last chance to repent before this dream of Nebuchadnezzar is literally and completely fulfilled, when the aspirant global satanic power comes crashing to the ground permanently, being destroyed in a single day, as the original Babylon was under Belshazzar. The modern-day American power was given a four year lease of grace in which to repent under the previous administration in Washington DC, but it would not. Instead one part turned to their 'king' to be their messiah, which he was not, and can never be, and committed even greater idolatry, whilst the other half tried to destroy him and his followers and yet mean to if they can. Trump surrounded himself with both good and bad people, good faithful believers and disobedient believers, including those claiming authority they did not possess. They, and their followers, falsely prophesied, and that is a reason why this previous 'king' is no longer in power. Yahweh has instead now installed a clown-king (Biden) in the seat of power precisely to bring him, and those he represents, and those who support and control him, to judgment.

    A USA Eagle Stripped - from a 2014 vision

    The Stone is About to Strike

    The Stone is poised to strike, and to strike hard. And when it does, the whole planet will experience much woe and grief, as idols, struck in the feet that hold them up, crumble before peoples' very eyes. Nations are going to be crushed. Our part is to get our House - the House of Yahweh, the Beit Yahweh, in order, and one of the first things we must do is proclaim the proper Order of the Kingdom as far as the genders are concerned and as far as the exercise of righteous dominion by the men is concerned. There has been far too much compromising with the Beast system that is now in a feverish hurry to seize world power in a visible and overt way. It is to be struck violently but so are those who give it allegiance in any shape or form, including rebellious, disobedient Christians and Messianics.

    Purging of the Camp-Followers

    Yes, the devilish system will recover, very briefly, later, but only after it has sustained heavy losses both financially and in terms of life and power. The seventh and last day of Chag haMatzah, along with the four days before it - five days in all, corresponding to the multiplied loaves and the 12 baskets of leftovers or fragments - is specifically for those who are truly repentant, obedient, members of the Remnant. Remember these baskets are not large, unlike the 7 huge ones that will come forth out of the Great Tribulation in the future and their contents be changed to immortality in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor.15:52). The 'Remnant' itself has to be purged at this time, and is already being purged, because there are many 'camp-followers' trying to hitch a ride who are not godly men and women, who care not about the King and His Kingdom, and who demonstrate that by neither living by its precepts nor actively promoting it, but who only wish to save their own skins for they too see what is coming. Because many of these are our own 'kith and kin', we have been sometimes been soft on them and compromised, as King David did with his own wayward offspring. Once the Remnant has been purged, then some of the things we have been longing for will start to happen.

    Armies Mobilising in Europe and Russia

    I pray that everyone is now fully prepared. We may be about to enter a global conflagration like the previous two world wars. Though you won't find much mentioned in the mainstream media, who's mission is not to inform you of the truth, there's currently a huge troop build-up happening in Eastern Europe as I speak. NATO is pouring troops and military hardware into the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on Russia's northern border, troops are massing on either side of the Poland-Belarus frontier as relations break down between those two countries, and armies are assembling on the Ukrainian-Russian border, with NATO supporting Ukraine, a country I was told to visit many years ago in prophetic dreams [2].

    China Becoming More Aggressive, Syrian Children Starving Again

    China is making aggressive moves against various Asian countries like Taiwan which it is threatening to invade and is already wearing that little remnant of Nationalist China down. Children are again starving in Syria [3] since the new wicked warmongering régime took power in DC. It's looking bad for the innocents and for the peace of the world. Let us pray nothing worse happens but we should be prepared for the worst nevertheless. We've long known a Third World War was coming at some point. A Judgment of the Nations is getting underway.

    NATO and Russia Poised for War in Europe

    The Good News

    The good news is that if you're trusting in Yah'shua (Jesus) with all your heart and obeying Him out of love and not fear, you're already IN the Ark of safety, a far better prospect than trying to ride the Ark on the outside in all the gale-force wind, rain storms and the billowing deep. I have spoken of this Ark many times in the past years. We need to rest in Him and pray for a speedy deliverance and salvation for loved ones and friends. And remember, the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, to be followed by the gathering up of 12 baskets of bread crumbs doesn't just show us Yah'shua's (Jesus') omnipotent power as our Provider but also shows us His love and care down to the very least of us. We are invited to study the consistency of His behaviour toward saints and sinners alike, and to consider how He treats left-overs - those who don't fit in, or who disappear down the denominational cracks, the outcasts and the forgotten. He gathers them up too, all of them! If He saves the remains of mere 'fishes' and 'loaves of bread' which were no longer needed or wanted by the masses - the leftovers - then we are assured that He will save everyone who are lost sheep, the lost coin, the prodigal son, and the left-over crumbs like the Syro-Phoenician woman. So it really doesn't matter whether you see yourself as a bread crumb, a dead fish or a champion of the faith like a freshly-baked loaf. It is the goodness, the love, and the grace of the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) that will continue to saves us.

      "So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained" (Matt.14:20, NKJV).


    And that, brethren and sisters, brings us to the end of our Chag haMatzah assemblies for another year. Who can say what the world will look like next year at this time. Noah and his family boarded the Ark on the 17th day of the 2nd month (Gen.7:11) which is on 28 April on the Gregorian Calendar this year in just under four weeks' time during the Late Passover Season. The flooding lasted 150 days (Gen.8:3) before things started settling again. Yahweh bless and keep you all. Amen.


    [1] Video series #GL013
    [2] What happens in the Ukraine is a key to the unfolding of the Penultimate Judgment - see Mishpat Yahweh 1a: Judgment Against the Narions and Mishpat Yahweh 1b: Halakah on Ukraine and Moldova
    [3] See Mishpat Yahweh 1e: The New Battle of Carchemish

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "Precious message. Thank you!" (MW, USA, 10 April 2021)
    [2] "I praise Heavenly Father for you, Brother Christopher! Thank you for your wonderful, timely and much needed message to me. I so appreciate the inclusiveness of your message for me and others who feel among the crumbs. Father's Love comes through you again to help keep the focus on the Joy that abides in the knowledge of the Truth. May you be blessed with a miraculous healing, our precious teacher" (MM, USA, 10 April 2021)

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    This page was created on 3 April 2021
    Last updated on 12 April 2021

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