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Month 4:28, Week 4:6 (Sheshi/Kippurim), Year Day 117
2Exodus 10/40, Omer Count: Sabbath #7/7 + Day 50/50
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 16 July 2023
Shavu'ot 2023
Antichrist is Here & Judgment is Served
Ending one Chapter and Starting a New One


    Chag Shavu'ot sameach kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and welcome to the fourth annual moed, appointment or festival of our Father, Yahweh-Elohim. Today, for 24 hours, I am suspending my sabbatical leave to relay an important davar (word) from the Father that requires careful unpacking and to discharge an obligation Yahweh has placed on my shoulders. But first some background revelation.


    Today, 16 July 2023 on the Gregorian calendar, is a turning point for the whole planet in the great Penultimate Judgment. Today I am serving notice from the Father to the Washington D.C. élites per pro an instruction I was given yesterday, and then my task in respect of the Penultimate Judgment is done. Today is a dividing of the ways, as I was shown in a vision last Friday, where those remnant believers emerging from their desert wanderings must choose one or other forks in the road. You and I both have to make big decisions today, whether to carry on as before or whether to follow Him 100 per cent. The difficulty for one who sees through carnal eyes is that both forks in the road look identical because they start out the same but lead to very different conclusions. What you choose today you will either choose in the flesh or in the Ruach (Spirit) so beware and be sober. Today is also, on the prophetic calendar, a day of divine intervention just as it was in the days of Moses on Mount Sinai and just as it was in the days of the apostles and the first believers in Jerusalem following the Ascension. Today is both an 'overturning' day as well as a 'turning over' day. It is the start of a preparatory 'apocalypse' of sorts and I will tell you why. So there is a lot going on. My impromptu talk (ITS005) last sabbath on prayer was, it turns out, preparatory to what I have to tell you today, even though most of what I have to share with you now was prepared some weeks ago ago.


    A. The First Vision

    Two weeks ago to the day, on 2 July very early in the morning around 4.45 am, I was shown two visions. In the first vision I found myself standing on a road and in the distance I saw a man leading a small entourage that was slowly moving toward me. Then I heard a voice say, "Antichrist is on the way". That was then, two weeks ago.

    B. The Second Vision

    Moments later a second vision opened up, pointing to today, and I saw that the man and his encourage had reached me; the same voice said, "Antichrist is here."

    The Antichrist is a counterfeit Christ

    A Failed Coup

    So that I am not misunderstood or misinterpreted (because people will make decisions based on what I am saying today) let me make it perfectly clear that this is not the event described in the Book of Revelation which we were recently studying until June when I was ordered to take a sabbatical - this is not the Great Tribulation described by the Apostle John. We would be in serious trouble if it were. This is the arrival of the Anti-Messiah or Antichrist now, in this the Penultimate Judgment, as he attempts to seize power ahead of Yahweh's prophetic schedule. This is why we have been having a war in the Ukraine and the uprisings in France, Belgium and Switzerland, and other related events around the world. The enemy is stirring up one trouble after another to create total chaos. He will not succeed in the present attempt as I have been saying now for some years. He is 'here' but the world will not be shown his face...yet...because he won't dare reveal it until he and the Dragon and the false prophet are absolutely sure they will get the absolute, global power they so much crave. You may have seen him but not known who he was because he has not yet claimed to be Elohim (God).

    Another Manifestation of the Spirit of Antichrist

    So for now this is, to all intents and purposes, yet one more manifestation of the 'spirit of antichrist' which John the Apostle speaks of in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament). This is but a foretaste of what is yet to come. The Enemy, who is not omniscient (all-knowing) like Elohim (God), is 'testing the waters' in much the same way we fellow but natural mortals do sometimes, a reason why we're seeing some politicians opposed to Antichrist's rule brought to court on false charges and others opposed to his system having their bank accounts suspended to neutralise their political impact on the demonic agenda. You might say that the population is being 'marked' with a trial-run 'mark' to test the effectiveness of their behavioural manipulation program which, when it is globally issued, will result in all true believers and opponents of the Anti-Messiah's rule being denied access to markets, having their bank accounts (and probably property) seized, having their persons put into prison (like some of the 'whistleblowers' we know of), and the like. This is what the two visions mean. The Antichrist is here trying to find out if the way is clear for him or not because he cannot fulfil the prophecies in the Book of Revelation until it is his divinely appointed time. The devil and his cohorts can only act with Yahweh's permission because they are, in part, the unwilling instruments of Heavenly Father's judgments. These things you know from the Book of Revelation course we have been having.

    A Last Chance to Wake Up

    This 'prequel' to the 'Final Act' of the Enemy is not just something he has been permitted to do that he may find out whether he has the green light or not for global dictatorship but, much more importantly, it is to wake up the sceptical amongst believers and unbelievers alike as to the truthfulness of Yahweh's Davar (Word) and to enable us, who do believe, to mobilise for spiritual warfare, evangelism and one, final revival. We have been plumb in the middle of spiritual warfare now for the past few days! This space of time is being granted to us by His Grace alone - His undeserved loving-kindness - so that we might fully awaken and so that we might ready ourselves to gather in the harvest of the Elect before the global troubles erupt as the Final Apocalypse. This is Good News - we are being given 'extra time', as it were. Let's make good use of it.

    Reasons for the Visions Today at Shavu'ot

    Why is this being announced through visions specifically at Shavu'ot, which is today? There are two reasons:

    • 1. To remind the Elect that in addition to trusting in Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus) they are under divine covenant to be obedient commandment-keepers if they are to be in right relationship to suceed and prosper, this being the day that the Torah was given on Mount Sinai to Israel through Moses; and

    • 2. To remind the Elect that they must be endowed with spiritual power from on High in addition to possessing spiritual truth if they are going to be effectual witnesses in this dark hour because without it they will absolutely not succeed in penetrating the hard, calloused hearts of even the smallest part of a world deep in delusion and rebellion, let alone be heard that Yahweh might proceed with apocalyptic judgment on those who reject His Davar (Word), one last time.

    Identifying the Spirit of Antichrist

    I'd like to point out an important play on words in the phrase 'on the way' that Father used when He said, "Antichrist is on the way" because there is a double meaning here:

    • 1. He is 'on the way' in the obvious sense that he is journeying and will soon arrive; and
    • 2. He is 'on the Way' or 'Derech', that is to say, the Gospel Way of Christ, or at least pretending to be since he is a religious figure, a counterfeit of the true Messiah, hence the title 'anti-christ' or 'anti-messiah'.

    A Double Warning and the Johannine Clues

    This is, then, a double warning. The Beast is approaching fast 'on his way' and, worse, he is pretending to be the Messiah or Christ by acting out the rôle of the Son of Elohim (God). That means he is making his appeal not only in the world but especially in the churches which even now, as I speak, are in the process of splitting apart at the seams...every single denomination. The Elect are leaving them. So how does the Beast do this? What are his instruments of deception and subversion? In the three ways that the apostle John describes. Let's straight away take a look at those three passages in depth:

    • 1. "Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have [already, in the first century] come. This is how we know it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us" (1 John 2:18-19, NIV);

    When is the 'Last Hour'?

    The 'last hour' began two millennia ago, uin the first century, from the time of the First Coming of Christ amd will continue until the Second Coming (Ac.2:17; 2 Tim.3:1; Heb.1:2; 1 Pet.1:20). There have been, and will be until the actual 'Antichrist' physically arrives and is announced publicly, many forerunner 'antichrists' - history is littered with them, powerful poltical figures acting in a religious capactity in some form or another, demanding worship and adoration. Hitler is a good recent example, an anti-Christian political leader who claimed to be a messiah or saviour of the Germans and of all Aryans pretending, at least in his early days, to be a faithful Catholic. He tried to construct the precursor to the modern European Union but was stopped. We have our own political leaders like him right now in our midst too but now claiming to be saviours of the whole politically-correct, 'woke' human race. John tells us that we know this is the 'last hour' when the false believers depart from us, a tricky interpretative key to turn when you consider that when true believers leave false churches those self same churches use John's writings to make the claim they they, the false believers, are the true ones! Think of all the cults that do that! This is an example of complete truth inversion, making black, white and white, black.

    The 'last hour' is rapidly coming to its prophesied end

    Two Kinds of 'Leavings'

    Additionally, consider the new secular 'woke' religion with its bizzare creed that treats their kind as 'good' and the right-minded folks who oppose them as 'evil' people who must be 'cancelled' or destroyed without mercy or opportunity to 'recant' - it has all the makings of a cult, and verily is one, like the former Soviet system on which it is modelled. And because the whole political system endorses wokeism, the system has itself become a cult too. So there are two different kinds of 'leavings' going on - the righteous departing from the ungoldly and false, and the unrighteous departing from the among the godly and true. John is speaking of the latter. And when speaking of the Antichrist, he is speaking of the end of the 2,000 year-long messianic æon or age. The 'last' in the phrase 'last hour' also expresses a sense of urgency and imminence. With two thousand years of 'imminence' we have had plenty of time to repent as the human race with many prophetic voices sent by Father over the centuries many of whom were imprisoned, tortured and murdered both by unbelievers and by the apostate church.

    The 'woke' system is a cult

    The Lawless Mark of the Antichrist

    An identifying mark of the Anti-Messiah or Antichrist' is called by Paul "the man of lawlessness" or "Torahlessness" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (NIV) which means he (and all the forerunner antichrists) will speak against the Torah (Law, Teaching) and proper commandment-keeping by maintaining the 'faith-alone' doctrine that Martin Luther invented by claiming that the Torah has been 'nailed to the cross', twisting Colossians 2:12 where Paul is referring to the penalty of Torah-disobedience being nailed or removed because Christ took the penalty of commandment-breaking on Himself on behalf of those who repent and receive Him. This means that any church, denomination, ministry or group which says we no longer need to observe the sabbath, the annual festivals, the dietary law, the laws of tithing and all things-in-common and all the moral and ethical laws of our Father in Heaven, are speaking in the spirit of Antichrist and should not be joined by true believers because to do so is to be linked by a covenant of judgment and death. These people who do this are called (in theological language) 'antinomian', a word that comes from the Greek meaning to be 'anti-law' or 'law-less'.

    The Litmus Test of Faithfulness

    Now as I have pointed out to you many times there are degrees of antinomianism or lawlessness and part of genuine repentance is to start choosing to be obedient or proactive once we learn what all those mitzvot or commandments are. (We are obviously not judged by our Heavenly Father in the days of our ignorance - Acts 17:30). Yah'shua (Jesus) obeyed Father's mitzvot (commandments) to the letter and without sinning, owning them as His commandments, and commanding all His talmidim, disciples or followers to be faithful in their obedience to them, indicating that this was a litmus test of their faithfullness...and remember faith + obedience = faithfulness. We are initially saved by faith but at the last day by our faithfulness...which is the 'fullness of faith' - mark that well! Remember that. He specifically commanded that we obey the mitzvot (commandments) as a demonstration of any claims we might make that we love Him, adding an important promise that links together Old Covenant Shavu'ot with New Covenant Shavu'ot:

      "If you love Me, you will obey what I command. And [then] I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor (Comforter, Advocate) to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth (Ruach Emet)" (John 14:15-17, NIV).

    The Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit

    Notice please how the Saviour links obedience to the mitzvot (commandments) to the Counsellor, Comforter, Advocate or Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), calling Her "the spirit of truth"! Torah-obedience, done in love the Christian way (rather than slavishly, by weaponising it the cultic way), in a spiritually regenerated or born-again believer, is the evidence that they operate in Truth which is the evidence that they possess the Spirit of Truth or Ruach Emet who is the authentic Ruach haQodesh or Holy Spirit! Do you see how they are all connected? This is why this subject is so important to the end time Remnant for if they walk in obedience to the truth and the mitzvot (commandments) they will not be deceived by the Antichrist or by the spirit of antichrist generally. This is therefore also security against deception and destruction.


    It is no accident, therefore, that those who speak in 'tongues' or gibberish in the Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions are anti-Torah and preach a 'new', lawless Gospel accompanied by a supporting counterfeit spirit. I repeat again, for the thousandth time, that those who speak in any 'tongue' other than a known human language for the purpose of evangelism only and not some imagined 'self-edification' (we are never to edify self), were never a part of us and will by the by leave us unless they repent. Remember, remember, what the Saviour said:

      "When you pray, do not battologeo - do not stammer, stutter, babble, throw out [meaningless] words - like the heathen" (Matthew 6:7).

    Battologeo Does Not Mean What You have Been Told

    This word battalogeo, which is a specialised Greek word with a very narrow meaning and appears only once in Scripture in Matthew 6:7, doesn't just mean to keep repeating the same words of a known language again and again (like Aramaic, Greek or even English) but rather to make mysterious sounds and babbling gibberish which was viewed by the pagans as the 'language of the gods'.

    Battalogeo - to throw out (speak) meaningless words = gibberish

    If you speak gibberish supernaturally, under any circumstances, you are under a false spirit, the same spirit of the pagans who did - and still do - this. And so that there cannot be any doubt about what tongues is, I leave you with a definition with Yahweh gave me a week ago:

      "The true, authentic, biblical gift of tongues is the ability to supernaturally prophesy (foretell and forthtell) or witness in a known foreign language that the one possessed of the gift has not learned naturally, for the sole purpose of evangelising those who speak said foreign language naturally who can be communicated with in no other way."

    Not even AI (Artificial Intelligence) can, or will in the future be able to do this perfectly because it cannot detect spiritual nuances, because AI is not 'spiritual' in the divine sense even though it may be linked to dark spirits in the future...and perhaps already. Therefore the gift of speaking foreign languages supernaturally, by some who are thus gifted by Yahweh, will remain an important gift until the end.

    Denying the Incarnation and Deity of Yah'shua

    Now 1 John 2:18 also tells us that one of the things those posessing the spirit of antichrist do is deny the incarnation. It greatly alarms me to see not just in the messianic movement but amongst some evangelicals too the belief that Yah'shua (Jesus) either somehow 'left His divinity behind' when He was born a human or never was divine in the first place. This gnostic idea was a major heresy in John's day and is the reason he brings it up in his first epistle. This is not, as some believe, the only identifying mark of someone who is possessed by the antichrist spirit but it is one the apostle chooses to highlight here because it was a serious problem that urgently needed addressing in his day as it was threatening the unity of the Messianic Community (Church). It has definitely reappeared in our own time. We are not saved by superior knowledge but by complete surrender to Yahweh that results in Torah-obedience and fully trusting in the resurrected Messiah and the Comforter whom he sends.

    Beware of Gnosticism!

    The 'Father' of the Gnostics

    Gnosticism, then, appears to be an increasingly serious problem in our day too! Those who deny the divinity of Christ, whether unincarnated or incarnated, are possessed by the spirit of antichrist and must repent! The mortal Messiah was both fully divine and fully human but limited Himself in mortality to living a life as a mortal human being so that He could effect an infinite atonement and eternal salvation for us which only an infinite Being can do. Accordingly, those of the antichrist spirit deny the incarnation (1 Jn.4:2; 2 Jn 7) and that Yah'shua (Jesus) is the Divine Messiah (1 Jn.2:22). In so doing, John says, they also deny the Father, Yahweh-Elohim (v.22), and in doing that, they witness that they do not have the true Father in them (v.23) and must therefore be possessed a different father. And you all know who that is.

    Deceivers, Liars and Tares

    John calls such who bear testimony "liars" (v.22) and "deceivers" (2 Jn.7) because they bear false witness to the character and identity of Christ. He also says there are 'many' Christians/Messianics like this in his day (v.18), as indeed there are in our own, and notes than in John's day they left the Messianic Community (Church) because they had nothing spiritually in common with true believers (v.19)! They were the 'progressives' of their day, thinking they knew better because they had more 'knowledge'. 'Anti' means 'against', John declaring that they are therefore 'antichrist' because they are 'against' the true Father and the true Son (2 Thess.2:4; Rev.13:6-7). This, brethren and sisters, is very, very sobering, and bears some serious, prayerful meditation on. I know this will upset a lot of people hearing me say this but this is a matter of truth and salvation. It doesn't matter if someone claims to follow 'Yahweh', 'God', 'Yahuah', 'Jehovah', 'the Lord', 'Jesus', 'Yah'shua', 'Yeshua' or any other names currently being given to Deity out there if he or she does not believe in the incarnation and/or claims the Torah has been done away with! This is mighty serious! And the trouble is that such antichrist Christians and Messianics will look like the real article until they come to maturity because only then are the tares seen to be different from the true wheat. They are about to begin the process of separation and for a while seem to look alike which is why in the first vision I shared with you at the beginning the two ways looked identical. They aren't.

    Test the Spirits

    The next scripture is this:

    • 2. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from Elohim (God), because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognise the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God): Every spirit that acknowledges that Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) has come in the flesh (incarnated) is from Elohim (God), but every spirit that does not acknowledge Yah'shua (Jesus) is not from Elohim (God). This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world" (1 John 4:1-3, NIV).

    We are commanded to test every spirit and expose counterfeits

    The Main First Century Heresy

    As I have said, Paul is highlighting the main heresy of his day which was denial of the incarnation. The gnostics back then believed Yah'shua (Jesus) was a phantom and not really in possession of a physical body like ourselves, a reason why all gnostics hate or despise the physical body (not to be confused with the fleshy nature that resides in the physical body) and for whom the idea of a physical resurrection for themselves is either remote or plain anathema. This is why then, as now, all they talk about is heaven as if it were the final destination. It isn't. Our final destiny is not as disembodied spirits.

    The Incarnation of Christ in the Virgin Mary is a litmus test of true faith

    Twisted Ideas About Sex and Marriage

    Well, as you all here know, heaven or the spirit world is kind of a 'traveller's inn' (N.T.Wright), a way station, a transit or stop-over before the main destination which is getting back our bodies in a perfected and immortal form on the physical earth again after it has been cleansed. A failure to accept this may be why such people don't believe in 'eternal marriage' because what need, in their minds, do spirits have of marriage? It's why many (like Catholics) believe that marriage in mortality is a 'necessary evil' in order to procreate children (as though Yahweh had made a mistake and couldn't design a 'better' way to make babies) and why they think all sexuality is 'evil' when in truth these are gifts of our Father. So they think of marriage in the eternities abstractly as solely alleglorical with Messiah when it is far, far more than that.

    Marriage in Christ is sacred and eternal

    The Goal of Occultism and Satanism

    The spirit of antichrist has assumed an even more menacing posture in the 21st century as it reveals more and more its true intent as far as marriage and sexuality are concerned. The goal of occultism and satanism has always been the elimination of the trationally and biologically understood divisions between male and female. Having dealt with people coming out of satanic covens and learned what they believe, it's become clear to me that they are committed to the elimination of the genders that can come about either by the creation of an 'hermaphrodite' race possessing both male and female sexual and behavioural characteristics simultaneously or a completely genderless human being, the goal being to eliminate marriage and human procreation altogether. This is why the West is being assaulted by gender wars currently and why transhumanism is being pushed so strongly. The goal is the destruction of humanity altogether because Satan hates people, and he hates people because they are fashioned in the likeness of Elohim (God) whom He is in rebellion against and at war with.

    How Doctrinal Belief Shapes Our Spirituality

    This is why John urges the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) to "test the spirits" and by 'spirits' he isn't necessarily just speaking of demonic entities who promote lies but more immediately those people or 'spirits' who teach false doctrines. You and I are 'spirits' in physical bodies. Our essential being or self is a spirit being. The physical body is our spirit's outer clothing. That's why true doctrine matters so much because behind every person and spiritual entity is a set of beliefs and doctrines that shape their very essences and identities. (This testing is not, by the way, to be confused with Matthew 7:1 where Christ is refering to the self-righteous moral judgment of others, and not to testing truth and lies). Those who teach falsely are prophesying falsely in the spirit of Revelation 19:10 which speaks of the 'spirit of [true] prophecy' as being the 'testimony of the [true] Yah'shua/Jesus'. When John wrote his epistles he had already received, written down and shared the Book of Revelation so he would have had this in the back of his mind. Just because someone testifies of 'Jesus' (or other names by which He is known today) does not necessarily mean that he is testifying of the true Messiah if he disbelieves the incarnation and rejects the Torah in part or as a whole. Pronouncing the Divine Name right doesn't put you in right-relationship with Deity! Such a person testifying of 'another Jesus' and 'another Gospel' (Gal.1:8-9) is a false prophet because the Saviour literally came in the flesh as Elohim/God-in-the-flesh, having the fullness of deity in Himself (Col.2:9) which if He did not, then neither do we have the fullness of Christ (Col.2:10) and our religion is in vain ...just a set of powerless, unredeeming intellectual propositions wrapped up in a cloak of human emotions instead of the genuine Ruach (Spirit)!...plus He taught the mitzvot (commandments) of our Heavenly Father and said they were, in effect, eternal (Mt.5:17-20).

    Thoughts and Emotions are Not Spirit

    O, but there is more in this passage! When John says that "every spirit (person) that acknlowledges that Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) has come in the flesh (incarnation) is from Elohim (God)", he isn't merely making an intellectual, theological statement (because even unregenerated people can do that) but makes a public confession of such divine presence that even the demons shudder (Jas.2:19; cp. Mk.1:24). Now if you're not born again and declare that Jesus is the Christ or Yah'shua is the Messiah I guarantee the demons will not be shuddering because it's not the synapses at work in your brain that makes them tremble with fear but the fact that your truth-declaration is authenticated by heaven with an anointing of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) in your lev (mind and heart) - and it is that Ruach (Spirit) that terrifies the demons because it is filled with heavenly power.

    It is the presence of the Ruach/Spirit that frightens demons

    Your Emotional Outbursts Frighten No Demons

    Nor will an emotional outburst in your flesh frighten them because that is not spiritual power from heaven but a manifestation of your own fleshy passions: emotions do NOT equal Spirit or Truth, mark that well - one who has the Ruach (Spirit) can have an emotional outburst but so can one who hasn't. The thoughts and emotions are not the same as the Ruach (Spirit), a mistake so many believers make, especially Pentecostals and Charismatics. Understand this and understand this well! Just because someone is emotionally worked up doesn't autoamtically mean they are 'Spirit-filled' - no sir, no ma'am - not at all. Just because you have warm fuzzy feelings doesn't mean you have spiritual discernment, a mistake Mormons commonly make! The Ruach (Spirit) occupies quite a different dimension which someone who does not authentically possess Her, or only in part, can never understand.

    When People Make Seeking and Feeling God Up

    What you may not know - and this is a perfect example of a confirming revelation that I spoke to you about last Sabbath - is that my wife, who had no knowledge of what I was preparing for this sermon you are hearing today, were discussing only three days ago, the problem with the false anointing that charismatic tongue-speakers have. She had never given the pentecostal gibberish-tongues question much thought though she had always felt something was not quite right about it. Unknown to me she had gone to Yahweh in prayer to ask Him what was actually going on with these people. Do you know what Father said to her? These are His own words:

      "People are so desperate to 'see' and 'feel' God that they make it up." [2]

    And it absolutely is made up in most cases though in others it is demons giving voice. You can study this out further on our Tongues website. Now to be fair to Pentecostals and Charismatics, we all make things up sometimes, usually not consciously, but because we desperately want something to be so. I've done it - not tongues, per se, but wanting Yahweh to speak without patiently waiting on Him and forcing Him to speak (as we imagine) and ended up hearing my own flesh. That's why I say complete surrender to Elohim (God) [1] married to biblical truth is paramount. Without it the door to deception is wide open.

    Desperation to feel God causes believers to make things up

    Which Christ Do You Follow?

    So my question to you today must surely be this: which Yah'shua or Jesus do you profess? And does your testimony of Him move spirits (rather than the fleshy emotions) and make demons tremble? Or does it merely titillate people's ears? Do people get authetically saved and delivered when you testify or do they just imitate the fantasies and fleshy habits of those who testify to them - are they momentarily convinced in their minds and emotions only? The great test, of course, of authentic spiritual endowment is staying power in the face of adversity, because if you don't have staying power, or endurance, or aren't willing to sacrifice and even offer your life but choose rather to depart from the assembly of the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones), then the spirit that drives you isn't from Elohim (God)...or you have competing spirits - the true layered upon the false or vice versa - within you and need to make a decision to have the false ones expelled. Today is such a day to decide to have removed all false, competing spirits with the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). This is where New Covenant Shavu'ot becomes so important.

    The Pentecostal Who Refused Deliverance

    I know many of you have heard the story of the Pentecostal who came to me for deliverence, one supposedly 'spirit-filled' and who proclaimed his gibberish tongues as the evidence he was both born-again and 'baptised in the Spirit'. He was oppressed and couldn't find relief. I tested the spirits in him and asked if he was willing to have his 'spirit baptism and tongues' tested. He was reluctant at first (because these are charismatic sacred cows) but I tested them in the Name of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) anyway and when I did he felt a steel-like band tightening around his head which was the original oppression he came to me to have fixed. He now knew that the cause of his oppression was his charismatic 'spirit baptism' and so-called 'tongues' but these were so much a part of his spiritual identity that he chose to walk away undelivered - they choose their emotional experiences (whether natural or supernatural) over against the truth. And that, alas, is the condition of so many millions of Christians today. They don't know what the authentic Ruach (Spirit) is like because they are so utterly sold out to the complex, doctrinal soup of untruths and deep emotional outpourings that so define charismatic Christians. You'd be surprised how unwilling most believers are to 'test the spirits' for real. They love their traditions and emotion-soaked experiences too much with which they have developped a drug-like dependence, never mind that so many of the prophecies of such 'spirit-filled' people prove to be false time and time again.

    The Destructive Nature of Progressivism

    When John goes on to say in verse 4 that "you, dear children, are from Elohim (God)" (1 Jn.4:4, NIV) he is talking about the authentic born-again, Torah-compliant and incarnation-believing follower of Christ (1 Jn.2:29; 3:9-10). True believers are in the world but not of it - the world community with its system of values holds no attraction for them. They can't wait for Yah'shua (Jesus) to return. A lot of Christians have tragically fallen for the postmodernist heresy that claims there is no objective truth and have allowed themselves to be mentally 'deconstructed' on that basis, and have ended up losing their faith altogether. You'll find lots of such tragic 'testimonies' on YouTube. This is why I recommend all western pastors and teachers get a hold of Alisa Childers book, Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity (2020). It's something we need to talk about a lot more if we are to rescue the current generation of doubt-filled Christians, many of whom have been deceived by the 'progressive' lie just as those of my generation were deceived by the 'evolution' lie but which now has become so entrenched in most churches. Objective truth is critical; your 'own truth' is meaningness and leads to mental delusion and a collapse of rational thinking. You see, we absolutely need to be able to distinguish between the objective "spirit of truth" and the subjective "spirit of falsehood" that John speaks of (1 Jn.5:6: Jn.14:17).

    The 'progressive', postmodernist mind is a mass of confusion

    Many Deceivers

    This brings us to our last Johannine passage on the spirit of antichrist in his second epistle:

    • 3. "Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist" (2 John 7, NIV).

    That's pretty much a re-iteration of the gnostic heresy described in 1 John which is that the Son of Elohim (God) did not become flesh (Jn.1:14) but that He temporarily came upon the man Yah'shua (Jesus) between His baptism and crucifixion. For the gnostic, a false dichotomy exists, namely, that spirit is good and matter is evil. And from this dualism sprung the idea that man's body, which is matter, is evil, in contrast to Elohim's (God's) which is spiritual and good. Therefore, for them, salvation was escaping from the body and back to the infinitely superior disembodied spirit-world.

    Gnostic Salvation Compared

    So for them, salvation was escape from the body, achieved not by faith in Christ but by special knowledge. Since they regarded the body as evil, it was to be treated harshly, something Paul addresses and corrects in Colossians 2:21-23. Many sects and cults treat the body in this wicked way. The great paradox of this anti-body belief was that it led to the very thing is was supposed not to - licentiousness! And the reason, they claimed, licentiousness was OK was because matter - not the breaking of the Torah - was considered evil, and therefore lawlessness was of no moral consequence! This is why aescetic denominations like Catholicism have so many sex scandals and why in the past monks and nuns had secret liasons and abortions. Not so long ago a secret graveyard of baby skeletons was found in the area between a nunnery and monastery in Spain. As I mentioned earlier, their skewed ideas about sex led to temptation, sexual immorality and the murder of pre-natal infants.

    Gnosticism in Modern Christianity

    The fact that Yah'shua (Jesus) came in the flesh to deal with the fallen Adamic nature resident within it undermines the whole gnostic thesis and its modern spin-offs. Western Christianity - whether Catholic or Protestant - has a mixture of the true faith and gnosticism all mixed up together. Eastern Orthodoxy has its own related problems. We Messianic Evangelicals are not here to trash everything about Catholicism, Protestantism or Eastern Orthodoxy as though they were 100 per cent contaminated and therefore wholly apostate, as many radical, ultra-messianics do (who are usually blind to their own mixtures), but simply to point out and correct the errors in every 'mixture' and to encourage everyone to seek the truth and apply it in their lives. We don't want to 'pick' on anyone in order to boost our own image. We're being sifted too.

    The Gnostic in All of Us Has to Be Rooted Out

    But 2 John goes much further than pointing these things out. His writings on the subject contain a deeper element of dire warning attached. To become an antichrist doesn't mean you grow horns or become a devil-worshipper (though the latter will definitely qualify them as antichrists). The spiritual disease of gnosticism is rarely that obvious. You see, anyone who is against any of the truths about Messiah that John here talks about is against Him and is antichrist to one degree or another and that's something we need permanently removed. The final, full manifestation of the spirit of antichrist is the Anti-Messiah, Antichrist or First Beast himself. This is the spirit of antichrist in full bloom and what you may think is harmless - because your antichrist spirit is immature as of yet - doesn't mean it will forever stay like that. Spirits are living things and will grow. Bad ideas lead to bad fruits.

    Shavu'ot/'Pentecost' is Wrongly Calculated by Most

    We are assembled here today at the annual summer feast of Shavu'ot to remember these things and to make such life course corrections as are needed. Christian churches only tell you half the story about this feast which they, and the world, better know as 'Pentecost' but which is properly called 'Weeks' or Ekatost - 'weeks' because it has involved us carefully counting seven sabbaths or 'weeks' plus the counting of 50 more days after that ('pentecost' - pente = 50) making a total one day short of 100 days (hence Ekatost - eka = 100). All of Christendom and nearly all of the Messianic Movement calculate this day incorrectly [2] in consequence of which they both miss the true appointment day and, in claiming the original Spirit of Pentecost, have acquired a false spirit also leading to the plague of false 'tongues' (gibberish) - whether public or private - which we see everywhere practiced in charismatic circles.

    The day of Shavu'ot or Pentecost is almost universally miscalculated

    Keeping a Wrong Appointment

    Have you ever gone to an appointment a day or a week too early because you it wrote down wrongly on your calendar or in your diary? I did that with a car-repair appointment recently and the man I hoped would look at my car wasn't, of course, available. When we set up and attend a festival on the wrong day it's like going to a conference to find that the speaker isn't there. If you attend Shavu'ot a month or two early you will not obtain the anointing He promises at Shavu'ot which is only for the actual day. Just as keeping our appointments ('moedim') on the right day and at the right time is important in the world, doing so on Yahweh's sacred days it is even more important. It means, then, that you must (in the case of Shavu'ot) not only count the Omer right but observe the correct calendar too! That goes for the sabbaths also. If it's the fullness you want, then you have to be diligent in your time-keeping and not assume the devil's changing of Yahweh's times and seasons is of no consequence to your spiritual life (Dan.2:21).

    What We Mark and Affirm Today

    Today we mark, affirm, claim and embrace both the giving of Torah Covenant on Mount Sinai as well as the true outpouring of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and renounce all the false manifestations of so-called 'Pentecost' which includes Pentecostalism, the Charismatic Movement, and the legalistic spirit that attends the misapplication of Torah in its New Covenant setting in Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus). New Covenant Torah flows out of a life in Christ and the true Ruach or Spirit of Shavu'ot (Weeks, Ekatost) flows out of this matrix of holiness too. Anything else is counterfeit. It's chief identifying gift which is given to some (not all) is the ability to supernaturally preach the Gospel in a known foreign language to the as yet unconverted to bring them to Messiah for their edification and building-up, not yours. If you would like to know more about this festival in depth, then please take a look at last year's sermon.

    The Three Facets of Shavu'ot 2023

    Today is not only the right day of Shavu'ot in our area, we're not only reminding ourselves of its twin characteristics or meanings - the covenant of Torah-obedience and the supernatural anointing of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) to evangelise and witness effectively, but we're also here today because, in this time of Penultimate Judgment, today is the hinge or negative turning point for the wicked élites trying to seize global power and set up their Antichrist dictatorship.

    A Proclamation

    Today I am called to make a Proclamation and declare that as of this moment their program will officially fail and from now on it goes downhill fast for them, leading to a concrete judgment of many of them in the autumn moed of Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements) in the next 2-3 months. They have been teetering on the edge of failure for a little while now but today they go over that edge and henceforth it is free-fall for them. Today their wings are well and truly clipped by our Heavenly Father so they cannot fly away from the rage of their intended victims on the ground but shall themselves become prey to their victims. They will continue conspiring from their positions of power only for a short while. Between Yom Teruah (15 September) and Yom haKippurim (29 September) their hegemony is over for a season. Though their successors will eventually be even more deadly than themselves and provoke the final events described in the Book of Revelation, they will take some time to reorganise their forces, craft a new narrative (to replace the current one that's collapsing), perfect their latest round of tricks and gismos (remember we've not seen them play their UFO and alien card of deception yet) and assume new positions of power for a very short season. It is therefore up to us to use the breathing space between the fall of the old élites and the accession of the new élites for the final witness to the unsaved and final gathering of the elect remnant. We don't get this chance again.

    If You're Still...

    Let us therefore rededicate our lives to Yah'shua (Jesus) and renew our Torah-covenants. This cannot be a casual affair - if you haven't tithed, you need to stop robbing Elohim (God) and start tithing (Mal.3:8-10)); if you're still speaking gibberish tongues in public or in private, you need to stop altogether; if you're still using a false calendar, you need to start using the true one; if you have been lax on the Kashrut laws, you need to start eating kosher properly; if you are drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco or taking recreational drugs, you need to quit immediately; if you are living a sexually loose and immoral lifestyle, you need to either quit the immoral relationships you are in or, if they are declared clean in Yahweh's Davar (Word), marry your partners with lifelong commitments in the presence of 2 or 3 witnesses at least; if you're not observing the true biblical luni-solar sabbath, you need to start now...and so forth, because by the autumn/fall festivals there will be a full judgment on the Remnant itself along with the rest of the Christian and Messianic worlds as well - this is the 'splitting' I spoke of earlier. And if you aren't born-again, it is time to become a new creature in Christ (it's a lot more than reciting a 'sinner's prayer'); you must receive the gift of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and undergo a complete life reboot so that you can walk in the freedom, power, love and holiness of a new reality, and learn to daily hear, and respond to, the voice of Elohim (God). It's not too late, but please don't procrastinate.

    You need to be born again in Messiah Yah'shua

    Unity or Dissolution

    This year there will be no Shavu'ot covenant-taking today because I know some of you will want to speak with me first before entering covenants you presently feel you cannot, or will not, keep. Tomorrow is the Sabbath and the day after is Rosh Chodesh so we will be assembling again for two short messages and a time to talk things out. There cannot be a postponment of any of these issues any longer. Grace has been extended for many years in order to enable you to work things out. If we are to move forward with Priesthood covenants these matters need to be resolved. We have to walk in complete unity or dissolve and pass this work on to others. This is a fork in the Way - one way is the Way of Christ, the Derech Mashiach - and the other is the way of the Antichrist or Anti-Messiah. Space has been granted by Yahweh to resolve these issues but that space ends next Rosh Chodesh because we are all about to choose a fork in the road. A similar fork in the road was reached at Mount Sinai when Israel apostacised and Yahweh threatened to destroy everyone but Moses. Do you remember that? Only Moses' intercession and offering of his own life prevented that. However, this time there isn't a 'lesser way' anymore, at least not for us. There's only the High Road from now on, at, least as far as this work, which was called into being in 1984, is concerned.

    The Leadership Must be United

    If you want to return to wherever it was you came from denominationally or spiritually, we will bless you on your way but we are no longer the spiritual equivalent of the 'multicultural' body we seem to have drifted into at times. Of course, there's always space for maturation and lots of grace for new and growing believers but for the leadership this kind of luxury is no longer possible, at least not in the fundamentals. The leadership must present to the world a single, unified Firstborn System of Belief, Practice and Ruach (Spirit) as presented by the calling, commissions and revelations of this fellowship. We're not a 'rainbow' coalition or an assorted mix of beliefs. We have always, and will continue, to find common ground with other Christians and Mesianics and cooperate wherever possible in sharing the basic alpha-gospel - the first 4 Commissions - but there can only be One Ground in the Royal Melchizedek Priesthood - one Way, one Truth, one Life, even if that means pruning the leadership down to almost nothing - the 5th Commission, which is the gathering of the Tribes. There are 12 apostles now scattered around the world who are almost ready to come together now with 7 future younger apostles-to-be ready to start training to replace those who will pass on. Who they are will not be made public until they are ready to be sent out when they are of one mind, heart and spirit in all things.

    The Third and Final Phase

    And so we enter, at least for me personally, our Third and Final Phase. We have come a long way since 1988 when we began here in Scandinavia, of which there are now only three surviving witnesses - myself and two of you! The Second Phase ends at sunrise tomorrow and a new dawn begins. I do not know how many will choose to walk with me into this new beginning and it doesn't matter as far as Yahweh accomplishing what He intends to accomplish is concerned, because He'll always find faithful ones to do his work. I shall continue regardless until it's my time to be taken home. Yahweh is raising a new generation - the Final Generation. My generation has had its day and it is rôle, save for the surviving Moses', is well and truly over now. My attention is being given to the Joshua's and Caleb's and not to those of my generation who want to go their own ways. We go One Way or no way henceforth. You'll learn more of this at the autumn festivals. As for me, I am returning to my sabbatical leave so you will not be receiving any more sermons like this for a while again...if at all, I don't know.


    My final word is a word Father gave to me on Tuesday morning. I hope it blesses you and brings you comfort and assurance as much as it did to me:

      "I am twittering like a swallow,
      I am moaning like a dove,
      My eyes turn to the heights,
      Take care of me, be my safeguard.
      Of what can I speak to Him?
      It is He who is at work.
      I will give glory to You
      all the years of my life for my sufferings.
      Yahweh, my heart will live for You,
      my spirit will live for You alone.
      You will cure me and give me life,
      my suffering will turn to health"
      (Is.38:14-17a, JB).

    May His peace and love be upon you this day and forever more, in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), our Master. Amen.


    [1] There are many good books on this subject. See, for instance, Andrew Murray, Absolute Surrennder & Other Addresses (Merchant Books: 2012) & A.W.Tozer, The Pursuit of God (Tate, USA: 2010)
    [2] See The Sacred Number 50: Make Sure You Observe the Right Shavu'ot, The Wrong Shavu'ot: The Winter Wheat Error Exposed, The True Shavu'ot Count, Wrong 'Pentecost'! Shavu'ot is Not in May or June and Paul's Shavu'ot Journey: The Omer Count is More Than 50 Days.

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    This page was created on 16 July 2023
    Last updated 16 July 2023

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