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Month 11:8, Week 1:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5955:302 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Wednesday 20 January 2021
The Great Division
A Biblical Response to the Current Crisis


    Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah and welcome to this assembly on what may well prove to be a fateful day for the history of the USA and the world. This last week I have been pulled in multiple directions as to what to speak to you about. Should I:

    • 1. Make a series on the Bible prophets and how prophecy developped anciently which I have been mentally preparing now for some weeks;
    • 2. Make an analysis on how I see the interaction between Yahweh's and Satan's agenda will unfold leading to the Second Coming, and how to adjust our thinking and lifestyle to that;
    • 3. Discuss the growing cult of the Anti-Paulists which is ensnaring a lot of messianics and others; or
    • 4. Share some new insights on the apostle Paul's teaching on Justification by Faith in Romans 3?

    The Preacher's Dilemma

    Because the events that are rapidly unfolding are so important and critical and because there is so much division in the USA and throughout the world, it was also suggested I talk about peace and reconciliation. So coupled to this dilemma I have been looking back at all the half-finished series I started which got interrupted by one thing or another like illness and finally surgery in 2019, articles and sermons which I have never had the opportunity to put on paper and broadcast. Deciding what to preach on or teach is really a tough call for a minister because he sees the needs around him all of which have to be addressed. He has to separate himself from his own wishes and speak on what Yahweh wants him to speak. Being as we are both a local fellowship and an international ministry this can be a big challenge, a reason why some of my sermons appear to be such a hodge-podge of different things as there are so many different needs to be addressed. There was a time I could churn out an article or a sermon each day whilst holding a full-time job on differrent topics and themes to address those needs, but alas no longer, barring a miracle.

    Waiting on Yahweh to Direct This Sermon

    So this is what happened. Two days ago I struggled all day to know what Yahweh wanted me to talk about and I received no word. In the evening, shortly before bed, I picked up my RSV (Revised Standard Version) Bible and prayed. I told Yahweh that I knew of the urgency of the world situation, that I had no idea what it was that He wanted me to share with you today, and resolved that either I would remain silent on the Sabbath or would wait until He gave me a clear davar (word) - any word - and that I would trust Him to unfold it, even if that davar (word) was just a single word or verse from Scripture (as that is sometimes what He has done in the past). So without even realising what I was doing, I just opened my RSV and pressed the open pages against my face so that I was smelling the print. As I did this, with my eyes shut, I became aware of a thought - a very clear thought indeed - not a vision, not an audible voice, just an awarewness that He wanted me to think with my mind and my heart. In my head I had that list of options and in my heart I was pleading for a davar (word), not for me but for you at home and abroad. My mind will still, as I had exhausted the possibilities, but my heart was ready in anticipation for fresh input.

    Pressed Up Against the Pages of My Bible

    I remained like this for a minute or two, my face still burried in my old 1952 RSV as I sat up in bed focussed on Yahweh. 'Think with your mind and your heart' remained with me in the silence as I pulled the Bible away from my face and readied myself to get up late at night to go and prepare this sermon, not knowing what I should say. It was then I felt a strong urge to read the Scriptures where my face had been pressed on the pages and as I did so I knew that the substance of His message would be found there. And it was.

    The War Between Jeroboam and Abijah

    It consisted of the whole 13th chapter of 2 Chronicles. We are going to read it together and it is my prayer that the davar (word) that He gave me as I was reading it will crystallise out in your minds too as it did mine. So let us see:

      "In the 18th year of King Jeroboam, Abijah began to reign over Judah. He reigned for three years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Micai'ah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah.

      "Now there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam. Abijah went out to battle having an army of valiant men of war, 400,000 picked men; and Jeroboam drew up his line of battle against him with 800,000 picked mighty warriors. Then Abijah stood up on Mount Zemara'im which is in the hill country of Ephraim, and said, 'Hear me, O Jeroboam and all Israel! Ought you not to know that Yahweh-Elohim of Israel gave the kingship over Israel for ever (for the olam or age) to David and his sons by a covenant of salt? Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, a servant of Solomon the son of David, rose up and rebelled against his master; and certain worthless scoundrels gathered about him and defied Rehoboam the son of Solomon, when Rehoboam was young and irresolute and could not withstand them.

      "'And now you think to withstand the kingdom of Yahweh in the hand of the sons of David, because you are a great multitude and have with you the golden calves which Jeroboam made you for gods. Have you not driven out the cohenim (priests) of Yahweh, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and made cohenim (priests) for yourself like the peoples of other lands? Whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull or seven rams becomes a cohen (priest) of what are no gods. But as for us, Yahweh is our Elohim (God), and we have not forsaken Him. We have cohenim (priests) ministering to Yahweh who are sons of Aaron, and Levites for their service. They offer to Yahweh every morning and every evening burnt offerings and incense of sweet spices, set out the showbread on the table of pure gold, and care for the golden menorah (lampstand) that its lamps may burn every evening; for we keep the charge of Yahweh our Elohim (God), but you have forsaken Him. Behold, Elohim (God) is with us at our head, and His cohenim (priests) with their battle trumpets to sound the call to battle against you. O sons of Israel, do not fight against Yahweh, the Elohim (God) of your forefathers; for you cannot succeed.'

      "Jeroboam had sent an ambush around to come on them from behind; thus his troops were in front of Judah, and the ambush was behind them. And when Judah looked behind, the battle was before and behind them; and they cried to Yahweh, and the cohenim (priests) blew their trumpets. Then the men of Judah raised a battle shout. And when the men of Judah shouted, Elohim (God) defeated Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah. The men of Israel fled before Judah, and Elohim (God) gave them into their hand. Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter; so there fell slain of Israel 500,000 picked men. Thus the men of Israel were subdued at that time, and the men of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon Yahweh, the Elohim (God) of their fathers. And Abijah pursued Jeroboam and took cities from him, Bethel with its villages and Ephron with its villages. Jeroboam did not recover his power in the days of Abijah; and Yahweh smote him, and he died. But Abijah grew mighty. He took 14 wives, and had 22 sons and 16 daughters. The rest of the acts of Abijah, his ways and his sayings, are written in the story of the navi (prophet) Iddo" (2 Chr.13:1-22, RSV)

    Not About Political Parties and Presidential Candidates

    Brothers and sisters, this exactly confirms the message I had originally been planning to give, part of the second option I mentioned at the beginning, about how the immediate future is going to unfold. All the important elements are in this account. The battle lines as they are drawing up now in January 2021 are not between opposing political parties or rival presidential candidates. It is between those who are putting their trust in the Elohim (God) of the Bible and those who are trusting in foreign gods - who are no gods at all - and those who are trusting in themselves, their own 'arm of flesh'. And when you are trusting in the true Elohim (God) of Israel it does not matter what the numerical odds against you are, or whether the opposition has installed traps and ambushes that seem impossible to extricate yourself from. It doesn't matter because Yahweh will frustrate every device of the Enemy on behalf of those who trust in Him.

    A Civil War Between Brethren

    There is a twist to this, though. This is not like one of David's wars with neighbouring pagan nations like Syria, Philistia, Moab or Egypt. This is a civil war between kinsmen, between those of the blood of Jacob, 10-tribed Israel in the north and 2-tribed Israel in the south. What faces us now, as then, is civil war, between those of the same original nation, between those with the same ancestors. And both parties were formerly loyal devotees of Yahweh - but now only one of them is being true. One has abandoned the Elohim (God) of their nation, Yahweh, the other has remained loyal.

    A Question of Basic Faith

    Now we know that Judah in the days of Abijah wasn't enormously righteous. We know that Abijah's father was a hardly a paragon of virtue, in spite of Abijah's eulogy to him, but he had not wholly apostacised from the true faith as Rehoboam had, the servant of Solomon who installed two golden calves for his nation to worship in the north and the south (one in Dan and another in Samaria), the original sin committed by Israel in the desert of Sinai for which they paid dearly, leaving the covenant they had with Yahweh dangling on a thread, and saved only by Moses' intercession. We are talking today about basic faith. How was that expressed in those days? By the cohenim (priests) carrying out their duties in the temple at Jerusalem, acknowledging both the Name and Torah of Yahweh. Today we are under a different priesthood and our Cohen Gadol (High Priest) is the resurrected Christ, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), whose instructions we now follow.

    Core Truths

    Therefore in today's context faithfulness is demonstrated by trusting in Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, and trusting in the all-covering blood sacrifice or atonement of our eternal Cohen Gadol (High Priest), Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), irrespective of denominational differences, irrespective of secondary doctrinal errors. I am talking about the basic or fundamental faith of a nation as expressed in the Apostles Creed. That is not to say the 'secondary' things are unimportant, because they are vitally important when it comes to complete faithfulness and loyalty to Elohim (God), and will in major part be tthe basis of the separation of the Remnant from the disobedient bulk, but we're not talking about that today, even though this separation is going on in parallel with the national crisis which we face right now.

    Iberia Post-Collapse Revelation

    And now I want to share something with you that I know will interest you, especially those who are anxious about the implications of what's happening today in Washington DC with the inauguration of President Joe Biden. It certainly interested me because I've been wondering too. Yesterday morning Yahweh showed me what the post-collapse world is going to look like. Why He took me to Iberia and not somewhere else I'm not entirely sure - I'm not 100 per cent sure whether it was Spain or Portugal but it looked like Spain to me. I was taken to a large city - it can't have been Madrid because it was by the coast, and Madrid is in the centre of the country, and I am guessing it was the Mediterranean because of the climate and local tourist industry. It wasn't, however, summer but winter, and though to me (a British expat living in Scandinavia) it looked a pretty agreeable climate. But this is what I saw.

    The Local Military and Police

    The city looked now like a Third World country with most of the infrastructure having disintegrated. It was busy, bustling but not at all prosperous. People were doing their best to get by. There was no sign of any state authorority around though there was a military barracks which seemed to include and incorprate the police force - you could not tell the two apart. They pretty much kept to themselves in their compound 'fortress' in the city but it was clear they had all they needed for basic creature comforts. They were a self-contained unit and they were looking after themselves first and foremost. I could see that it was not a good idea to involve them in your life because they were automatically suspicious of you no matter whether you were a 'good guy' or a 'bad guy'. I think they viewed everyone as a potential trouble-maker.

    No Proper Food Around

    One thing I noticed early on was the poor diet of people. They were mostly eating whatever junk food had survived the crisis as there was little evidence of any contact with the countryside. I never saw a fruit, vegetables or meat except maybe once. There were no pets or other animals around at all, presumably long since eaten to stave off starvation. People were eating processed food out of wrappers - I say 'food' but what I'm talking about were things like biscuits, sweets (candy), crisps (potato chips) and the like, the sort of things you get from vending machines. I didn't notice any canned food, no bread either though perhaps it was around and I just didn't see it. It was plain that this junk food would eventually run out and then there would be major trouble. Maybe that's why the police and military were so edgy.

    The Sparcity of Medical Facilities

    The regular medical services had entirely collapsed. What was interesting, though, was the retired professionals of the ex-pat communities there were coming into their own, and perhaps that is why Yahweh engineered the former EU politics of the day to encourage them to migrate for such an emergency as this. I saw a number of British ex-pats from the medical profession and they had organised to provide what relief they could. But they were desperately short of drugs. Nevertheless they did their best. There were no 'clinics' or anything like that for they would have been raided and cleaned out. Rather, they formed an informal network and helped those they could, particularly people they knew. I'm guessing that's what other professionals did too, keeping a low profile so as not to excite the interest of the wrong people - the criminals and the gangs trying to eek out an existence through crime.

    Street Vendors

    I was shown the streets of this city. They were very ramshackle, there were roughly constructed booths, tables and all sorts of services offered on the streets but customers mostly did not go into the big buildings behind them. All business was done on the streets, in the open, or at least, the legitimate or semi-legitimate business. Other services were presumably offered out-of-sight. Though there was no police force to be seen, there was a kind of 'order' based on an unwritten law which imposed certain boundaries, though I saw no gangs or militias (which isn't to say they weren't there somewhere). I remember a stove on the street (a reason I believe it was winter) around which some people were huddled for warmth though to me with my Scandinavian acclimatisation to the cold it seemed unnecessary. But people experience heat and cold differently depending on their geographical location. There was more good will than I expected, to be frank, but then I only saw a little area of the city. It might have been different elsewhere. A boy removed a brick from the side of the stove so he could cook something on the end of a fork, the only time I saw anything that looked like meat.

    Ship in the Dock

    As I said, this city was by the sea. It had evidently been a big tourist place in its heyday but that was all gone. The only foreigners were the ex-pats who were well integrated into the community and seemed by and large to be accepted, and particularly because of their skills. A huge liner was moored at the quayside but it was not going anywhere, and seemed to be rusting for lack of maintenance. I'm guessing it was used like any other building in the city to accommodate people, businesses or officialdom.

    The Constant Flux of Righteousness and Evil in Nations

    After being shown this I can only say that I experienced crystal-clear mental clarity and I knew what the final part of my message was to be for you today. In the days of Jeroboam and Ahijah, 'good' and 'bad', relatively speaking, were pretty sharply delineated. But, you know, the righteousness or evil of any community or nation is in constant flux, and as we know from our knowledge of history, there were far more evil kings in Judah than righteous ones. The fall of the Northern Israelite territory was pretty fast. Within a generation under Jeroboam, the nation was ubiquitously idolatrous (the faithful Yahweh-worshippers having earlier emmigrated to Judah) whereas Judah at that time at least retained its basic faith, trusting in Yahweh and carrying out the torot (laws), chukkim (statutes) and mishpatim judgments) of Yahweh by which they were justified or made right in the eyes of Yahweh. And that is why Judah under King Abijah was given a spectacular military victory even though they were outnumbered two-to-one and were practically encircled in a military trap.

    The Destruction of Israel and Judah

    Northern Israel never repented and was in due course, after Yahweh's grace was exhausted, taken into captivity by the much feared and cruel pagan Assyrians, never to return to the Holy Land, dispersed to Europe and elsewhere around the world where they intermarried with non-Israelites. In time, Judah fell into the same sins of idolatry and wickedness generally and was harrassed by Assyria and then taken into captivity by Babylon where they learned many of the ways of those pagans. Judah was given one more chance, again because of Yahweh's loving kindness and not because they merited it, so that He could keep His promises to David and bring forth the Messiah in the meridian of time, the final Davidic King. And then, as you know, Judah was finally and permanently destroyed and dispersed by Rome. This is the divine prophetic tavnith or pattern which is being repeated in our own day.

    Politics vs. Religion

    Now listen carefully and learn this lesson. Judah was justified in the days of Abijah not because its politics were good but because its faith in Yahweh and its obedience to the mitzvot (commandments) were in order. Later, when they started appealing to their genetics as the children of Abraham or Moses as the basis of their righteousness ahead of other things, Yahweh blasted them away as useless chaff. Your nationality or race means nothing to Elohim (God). Your politics means nothing to Elohim (God). Your endorsement of a political party or ideology means nothing to Elohim (God). What mattered to Him then, and what matters to Him now, is your faithfulness and obedience to Him. In the days of Abijah it was right that the people give allegiance to their king, because their king was doing what was right. But our allegiance is always contingent upon whether our rulers are doing good or evil. Yes, we are to honour and respect the offices of the secular authority that has been granted to them from on High, we are to pay our taxes and support the instruments of law that are protecting the people from murderes, robbers, rapists and the like, but beyond these things our allegiance is wholly to Yahweh. In times of anarchy, and civil war particularly, Christians and Messianics should not be in any doubt as to their course of action [1].

    The Good Cop/Bad Cop Scenario

    My strong advice to Americans in particular but Europeans and others too is this: it is time to get out of politics altogether because the 'sides' will themselves degenerate into lawlessness more and more and none of us wants to be guilty of their crimes by association. A point will come, and has already arrived to some extent, when the two 'sides' won't even know why they are fighting for what they are fighting any longer. And the reason they won't know - indeed can't know - is because they represent two forces deliberately pitted against each other by the same satanic being who controls them. What you are witnessing, or are about to witness, is not a Rehoboam vs. Abijah situation, where the boundary between right and wrong is more clearly defined, but a 'bad cop'/'good cop' situation where both sides are run by the Enemy. Superfically, on the outside, the 'good guys' appear to have much in common with believers but in reality it is a counterfeit light that is steering them. The 'good cops' will finally 'win' in the current conflict but by the time they have, they will not only come to more closely resemble the 'bad cops' they defeated but will themselves finally turn against all believers, some of whom have already unwisely allied themselves with them. And know this: it is the present 'good cops' that the Anti-Messiah or Antichrist will manifest among in his first 3½ years of power, appearing as the 'Good Guy' and 'Saviour' but in his second 3½ years he will reveal himself to have been the leader, all along, of the 'bad cop' people too. You see, the 'good cop' side exists only to lure the children of Elohim (God), to persuade them to make unholy alliances so that by the by they start compromising the true Besorah (Gospel) and begin morphing into adherents of the false New Age religion.

    Get Out of the World System

    Brethren and sisters, the world you and I grew up in has gone forever. There's no going back so it's unrealistic and a waste of time to try. Society is a big, complex thing. Between now and the biblical New Year in the spring - preferably now to minimise the personal damage to you and your family - you have to make a clean break, at least on the national political level, with the 'good cop' organisations. New militias are springing up all over the USA. We already have a prior allegiance to another Kingdom which should be all-consuming as far as our interest, devotion and active duty within are concerned. Christ made no bones about this. To Pilate, representing the world system as it was two thousand years ago par excellence, He said:

      "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight...but...My kingdom is not from here" (John 18:36, NKJV).

    Walking the New Way of the Saved

    Speaking to former unbelievers Paul would later say:

      "...you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But Elohim (God), who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Messiah (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus), that in the æons (ages) to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus). For by grace (undeserved loving kindness) you have been saved through emunah (faith), and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of Elohim (God), not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus) for good works, which Elohim (God) prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Eph.2:2-10, NKJV).

    Carl von Ossietzky and the Ever-Changing Political Landscape

    Political parties evolve and change, and come and go as the result of the complex interaction of people and their ever shifting thinking and mixing, usually unconscious, with spiritual entities. Everything in this world is in a constant state of flux. You will never find constancy or permanency in this world even in those who have the best of intentions. Only Elohim (God) is constant. Socialist idealists like Carl von Ossietzky, who lived in the Weimar Republic between the First World War and the Nazi era, was shaped by the Christian ethics of imperial Germany even though he was not himself a Christian. The editor of a book containing his writings called The Stolen Republic, published in 1971, which I was reading yesterday during some of my work breaks, insisted that Ossietzky would have felt at home in the former communist East Germany (DDR) but I very much doubt it as this was a murderous totalitarian state that Germans in central Germany had been transitioned into from the Third Reich relatively easily after 1945. So much had changed in nearly 40 since 1938 when Ossietzky died in nazi custody that I imagine he would have been appalled by the crimes of that totalitarian, Stalinist régime. And now, 50 years on, modern Germany is unrecongisable compared to the one I remember in the 1970's.

    Religious Flux Too

    Indeed, everything is unrecognisable now. The Anglican Church I was raised in is unrecognisable just as the American Democratic Party is unrecognisable to the one that was led by basically honest, decent, idealistic men like J.F.Kennedy and Harry Truman. Today it is just postmodernist Bolshevik Party, thoroughly infliltrated and controlled. And the Republicans of America and the Conservatives of Europe long ceased to be 'conservative' political bodies and those who defend them are thinking back to idealised versions of them half a century out-of-date. All these parties are now firmly in the grip of the Enemy with a few decent politicians sprinkled on both 'sides' here and there.

    What Believers Must Now Do

    What of the immediate future? What should the attitude of believers be? The two 'sides' are going to be at each others throats for a while and some of you may be tempted out of a sense of 'patriotic duty' or 'political idealism' (or whatever it is that commands your loyalty) to throw in your lot with one or the other. It will be a deadly game and you do not need your families messed up in that. It will serve no good, no one will benefit from your involvement, and you are likely to be the loser in the poisonous mud bath that will follow. President Trump's political career is quite likely over, and definitely so if he is impreached, and all those bold prophecies made by so-called 'Spirit-filled' Pentecostals and Charismatics will be shown - and are now being shown - to be false. Yahweh is striking hard at the charismatic movement, bringing it to jusgment, because it has been so bold and vocal in his false pronouncements. A lot of Protestant Christians are already in shock and disillusioned.

    Continue to be Socially Active

    I'm not saying you should be a 'fence-sitting' or 'neutral' about important issues - you can definitely campaign to save lives and help the poor but do it in a godly context, and don't get so sectarian that you become handicapped in your main calling to share the Besorah (Gospel) with those on the 'other political side' of where you have been standing. Our calling is to minister the Besorah (Gospel) to all people, whatever their political persuasion, without hindrance, and you can't do that if you are nailing your colours to a corrupt political mast when the two are violently waging war with each other.

    The Revolution is Underway

    We are in the middle of a coup d'état, a violent revolution, where people are being murdered and their reputations destroyed, where decency is now an alien concept to a huge segment of society that's never been exposed to Christian virtues. Many of the top people who are taking over, if they succeed for a while, are devil-worshippers, pedophiles, torturers, rapists, liars, slanderers, and vicious murderers, who have no idea what the words 'love' or 'grace' mean because many were born into and raised into this stuff. It's all they know and now they're swarming like rats in Washington, Westminister and the halls of power of other nations. And they're on both sides of the political divide. And because they are now more numerous, they will get bolder and more aggressive because that's how it always works. That's why you have to stay right out of it in the places of safety Yahweh has told you to go to. The only ones who should be involved, when they're told to be by Yahweh, are the Elijah nevi'im (prophets), experienced believers who have a special anointing and who know what they're doing. The intrigues of Caesar's domain are of no interest to us. Yahweh will take care of all that. Be realistic: did the 'swamp' get drained? Nope. It's as infested as ever, if not more so. Were any of those swampy creatures ever brought to trial or imprisoned? Not one. So do you still believe the rhetoric and propaganda? Reality is a hard thing to embrace but you have to do it.

    The Danger of Kingdom Now & Dominion Theology

    The war that is about to start, and has already started at some levels, is not of Yahweh's making. Unfortunately, those Christians indoctrinated in 'Kingdom Now' or 'Dominion' theology will think otherwise and openly involve themselves on the 'good cop' side making the real work of evangelism all the more difficult because they themselves are deeply deceived, thinking that the Kingdom can only be brought to pass through direct political involvement and action. They're wrong, that will never work, and the Kingdom isn't like that remotely. Indeed, if we believe the Saviour, did He not prophesy that when He returned He would find almost no faith at all? (Lk.18:8) That is not to say we cannot, or should not, endorse the individual truth principles incorporated by the parties - just remember they were included in order to hook decent people into accepting the bigger agenda which is most definitely against their interests - what I am saying is that you cannot have membership or active participation in either side in this current contest because this is a time of penultimate JUDGEMENT.

    No Christian Nations Left

    So much 'separating from' has to be done now by sincere believers and those called to the Remnant Bride. We no longer have the luxury or safety to dabble in mixed waters and expect to remain untainted or unscathed. A Jeroboam-Ahijah situation is clear-cut, even if you're a northerner from Israel, but we don't have choice that any more. Ours are former Christian nations where no political party represents the ideals, morals and ethics of the Besorah (Gospel) whether we agree with all the teachings of the national church or not (if there is one, as in Britain). The British situation is a rather unique one where we have a constitutional monarchy that leads and upholds the Church of England which today is virtually totally apostate. I know the current monarch holds basic Christian values and so I have no problem sustaining that image she represents to the nation, however tarnished, over the next monarch who is openly New Age and Globalist. When the present Queen of England dies I will cease to be a monarchist. In fact, I won't be able to support either the monarchy or any of the two major mainstream political parties, and haven't now for some years. I believe Britain is finished just as I do all the other nations of Europe, though their is a faint glimmer of hope in the Vizegrad countries in spite their all being spiritually steered by the Vatican. America is now moving in the direction of Europe at lightening speed along with all the Israelite nations or what's left of them. That is why Judgment is about to be unleashed, and is being unleashed. You need to be as far away as possible from the conflagration.

    The Timetable

    America may yet surprise us - that's my hope. After all, it seems that the majority did not vote for the incoming president. And though only a small percentage of the population may be said to be authentically Christian, putting the whole Torah question to one side for the moment, the majority still hold on to many Christian values. Whereas what Peter Hitchens calls the 'afterglow' of the 'post-Christian nation' is now all but extinguished in Europe and we live in the dark purposelessness and hopelessness of a nearly total post-Christian continent, it's still alive in the United States - just. If I am right and the 'bad-cop' élites are defeated over the next few months or years (assuming there isn't a counter-coup before that) and the afterglow remains or is rekindled a little, then the world will have a breathing space for evangelism and the Final Gathering. If not, then the whole world will descend into a nightmarish communist/fascist dictatorship (as I have been prophesying for many years) and we will see the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) arising very soon. My current understanding is that the 'good-cops' will 'triumph' and expose the 'bad-cops' without completely exposing the Satanic cult behind both, the 'bad-cops' will go underground until they resurface again for their 'last hour' - a brief 3½ year rule of global terror on a scale never before seen which Scripture calls the Great Tribulation (Mt.24:21; Rev.2:22; 7:14). And then the Saviour returns and the nightmare comes to an end! That's the simple version of what is a very complicated state of affairs.

    What to Expect

    In the meantime I have great hope, great shalom (peace) and - yes - great simcha (joy) too, because I know who wins. Even though today is a dark day, the triumph of the 'bad-cops' will be relatively brief, but getting rid of the arising dictatorship will be costly and there is going to be much woe, as we have been saying for so many years. Dictators almost never leave office peacefully. But we have had lots of time to prepare. The dark side is going to institutionalise sin even more and bring out every weapon and gimmick at its disposal in order to bewilder the people and to so hold onto its ill-gotten power for a season which it has fraudulently obtained. Watch out for the 'Galtieri Gambit' when the economy plunges (General Galtieri of Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands to tap into a patriotic vein as his régime was failing economically - he lost that war and with it his 'throne' too). You are going to see some very strange things indeed. What we once thought was science fiction will become reality though I believe most of that is being held in reserve for the dramatic entry or appearing of the Antichrist when he presents himself as a word deliverer. The craziness that has characterised the past few years, which was promoted and used by the dark side to create the chaos necessary for their coup, will likely diminish and the 'useful idiots' and their insane causes employed by the same élites will be sidelined and eventually eliminated, if they can accomplish that in time before their exposure by the 'good-cops' and others. Even the devil has to make sacrifices to achieve his aims, the principle victims being, of course, his own canon fodder foot-soldiers, gullible human beings who will not repent and who were captured and enslaved in the first place by their own vices.

    Plagued by a Desire for Omniscience

    We all of us need to get our eyes squarely on King Yah'shua (Jesus) and His Kingdom. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil has deep roots and high bushy branches and we're only ever going to be able to comprehend the smallest part of it. We don't need to know all the details of the devil's machinations, just his main objectives and moves, and walk in the power of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). The Tree of Death, as I call it, is a maze and we are told in no uncertain terms not to eat its fruit, which causes death to the partaker. I do fear, though, that the lustful eyes of far too many believers have been seduced by its beautiful outer appeal. They must be called to repent and return to the Tree of Life before they get lost, because they are living in a state of ever spiralling spiritual death by attempting to nourish themselves from it.

    Nature of the Tree of Death

    The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in and of itself is not evil because it was created by Elohim (God) along with everything else which He proclaimed to be "good" in the beginning. What it does is provide man with the opportunity obey or disobey, and it is the choosing to disobey, however apparently 'little' the disobedience may seem, which provides an opportunity for sin and death to enter in. And once it's in, there is no quick and easy way back, because repentance must be genuine and a return to the godly Torah lifestyle must be done thoroughly and with integrity. The lure of that Tree is the hope of omniscience or 'all-knowingness' which Elohim (God) alone possesses. Satan, as a created being, is not omniscient, he has vast blind spots even if he is intelligent and obsessive about his pursuit of knowledge because that is what he operates by using a huge demonic spy network. His followers - both the 'bad cops' and the 'good cops' - are even more blind and know only what he selectively shares with them, keeping them even more in the dark than he is. They see only what he wants them to see.

    The Insatiable Lust for Knowledge, GMOs and 'Vaccines'

    The hunger for knowledge in our day is insatiable, and like a drug we want more and more, and the more we get, the greater opportunity for sinning presents itself to us because we cannot handle so much. Look at the disaster that genetic engineering is turning out to be, whether it be in cancer-producing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) when we eat them, or the latest disaster, mRNA (so-called) 'vaccines' with its dark agenda of transhumanism...turning us into genetically-modified organisms ourselves who thereby become the more easily manipulatable, a reason we must adamantly refuse them, because they will demand we take more and more of them supposedly for our 'protection but in the process of which we will gradually lose more and more of our humanity'. We were made in Elohim's (God's) image and that is the way we must remain and any attempt to change that image - spiritually or physically - is blasphemy not to mention exceedingly dangerous to our health and well-being. We're only just beginning to see the fallout from the new Covid 'vaccines' - so many are dying and becoming seriously ill with the disease they are supposed to be protecting those injected from, and getting other crippling medical conditions too.

    The Simpler Way

    The world cannot handle all this knowledge, not even the cleverest who are easily tempted to wield such knowledge for evil purposes. And those who have stuffed their brains with it seem only to get more and more despotic because only the wise and spiritually mature can handle large amounts of knowledge safely. Look at the present generation of Technocrat Dictators censoring the internet. 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing', as the saying goes, because it leads to the Dunning-Kruger effect - those who know a little think they know a lot more and so often make disasterous choices in their ignorance (just think of all the flat-earthers who think they know more than experienced physicists, or materialists and evolutionists who deny conscience is real and non-material). The one eating from the Tree of Life, on the other hand, cannot so easily sin but abides in a state of innocence and is satisfied, obtaining exactly what he or she needs, learning what he or she needs to know for the greatest good and happiness. In such a state of bliss we have but one choice to make: to not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Evil. That's how simple it was for our first parents. But that discussion is, as they say, for another day.

    Goals of the Élites

    A final thought. This morning I watched the farewell speech of the outgoing President, Donald Trump. For those Americans and others who got caught up in the MAGA or 'Make America Great Again' rhetoric please understand that the gains made could only ever have been temporary. You can't build a strong economy and keep printing ludicrous quantities of paper money ('quantitative easing') and not expect massive inflation to result. America was, and still is, trillions in debt. The economy, both in America and here in Europe, is built on ever mounting debt, and now stands at over $27 trillion in the USA alone, a debt that can never be repaid. Once that bubble collapses everything achieved would have been wiped out instantaneously and another Great Recession would have set in. The only way MAGA could have worked was for Trump to have dismantled the Federal Reserve banking system, a huge Ponzi scheme which Trump never went anywhere near because, perhaps, he was a part of that system himself. Maybe that was what he intended to do in his second term, we don't know, a task far greater than anything he fought for in his now ended presidency. If true, it would explain why so many dirty tricks were used against him, including electoral fraud, to ensure he never had the chance to accomplish this, because if he had it would have undercut the entire élite power base.

    The Great 'Reset'

    How do the 'bad-cop' élites, now that they have wrested governmental power in the USA again, intend to cope with this huge debt? They call it the 'Reset' which, if they get their way, will start almost imemdiately beginning next week. They are angry because Hillary Clinton didn't win four years ago, and very impatient indeed to acquire total control so that an outsider like Trump never upsets the apple cart again. That's why they're trying to impreach him, so he can never stand for election again. How will the 'Reset' work? They, the élites, will cancel the vast debts they themselves have created in return for everyone surrendering all freedoms and all private property and in exchange for that promising a guaranteed fixed income for everyone, whether in work or not. In short, a Bolshevik Revolution without all the blood-letting of Stalin and Mao. That's what they mean to do, creating a global China-like, feudalistic dictatorship, an amalgam of communism and monopoly capitalism. Those who persistently refuse will end up in FEMA camps and find their heads on the guillotine blocks. Will they achieve it? That is what the next phase of the struggle is going to be all about. As I speak, Bill Gates is hurriedly buying up massive tracts of farmland because, you see, while the masses will own nothing, the feudalistic lords at the top will own everything - its capitalism for them and communism for the masses. This is the biggest property grab in history. It will mark the total end of liberty and democracy as we know it with anyone not supporting the Agenda suffering the consequences. Has Yahweh permitted it? Of course - He has multiple agendas and will topple the régime that is about to arise, as well as the final one at the very end. However, He uses tribulation to sort wheat from chaff, and sheep from goats. Be prepared for a few surprises.


    This can't all happen in a day even though, as I said, they are very impatient to see it through. I cannot say how long we will be allowed to continue to operate on social media - we could find ourselves cancelled quite quickly now even on the new 'good' media we have moved to - you all know what happened to Parler at the hands of Google when it suddenly booted off the net. Our website may even be down for a while as a battle for the servers ensues in which case you may wish to purchase a copy of the whole website offline on DVD or USB Memory Stick. If we do disappear from one medium, you can find information about mirror sites on our Contact and Discussion webpages. In the meantime, our trust is in Yah'shua (Jesus) and we have a lot of work to do! So let's get to it. Until next time, Yahweh bless you and keep you. Amen.


    [1] The Limits of Obedience to the State: A Study of Romans 13:1-7

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "Good advice" (SW, Germany, 21 January 2021)
    [2] "Thanks so much, Brother Christopher, for your inspirational message, from the bottom of my heart for all of you have done and continue to do in being a blessing for us who love Yahweh and Yah'shua. We love you!" (6 February 2021)

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    Last updated on 6 February 2021

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