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The 12 Books of Abraham

    Kasia's Corner 14

    Marriage Opposition
    The Adversary Attempts to Split

      Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus) (Philippians 2:2-5, KJV)

    It might appear that this biblical reference has very little to do with the title I want to discuss today, but as all matters in Yahweh; it all connects. Elohim (God) wants His bride to be a united (echad) one, both in brotherly and sisterly love and in marriage. What He combines is always good and gives exceedingly much joy to His people. But there is one who doesn't want anyone to be happy, and that is the devil.

    The reason I want to write now is because I have discovered a bit of how he tries to lure people into thinking it is better to separate. There are three main points that have been clarified to me, and they are:

    • (1) Trying to make one doubt and fear the one(s) Yahweh has put you together with;
    • (2) Flattering you to think you are better than the other(s) (a spirit of competition); and
    • (3) Offering another union which Yahweh has not blessed (hoping you will be discontent with Yahweh's gift).

    Let me elaborate:

    1. Sowing Distrust

    No two persons are the same. We all have certain ways of behavior, speech, expressing ourselves, perceiving things and so forth. Our personality is mainly based on genetics, upbringing, incidents and choices in life and nobody is exactly the same. This is good and gives us variation and the possibility to understand how infinite Yahweh's personality is amongst other things. It teaches us to be open to learning more about reality.

    The devil uses this however to set us up against each other - this is what racism is based on. He makes us look at how different we are and tells us it is impossible to bridge the gap (remember he is the father of lies), and therefore it is not worth trying. He wants to blind us from seeing how constructive such a relationship can be or (if we are already siblings in Christ or married) is. This is not only an attempt to make us doubt each other, but more importantly to doubt Elohim's (God's) providence. Preferably he would like us to be afraid of each other and Elohim (God) so that we don't want to have any contact.

    2. Flattering the Ego

    In 1 Corinthians 13:4 we are told that:

      Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

    This means that comparing and competing is not born out of love. Love is the unifying factor that holds Yahweh's people together. Satan wants us to hate, because he himself hates us. The best way to make us stop loving one another is to lure us into making comparisons, and then compete with one another. If we think we are better than our beloved ones, it is not long before we no longer need them, and then start removing ourselves from them.

    No matter what area we start comparing, the end result is invariably the same. We might think we are more humble, have a clearer vision, are more experienced, more honest, generally nicer, cleverer etc. it doesn't matter where our Achilles heel lies, it always makes us either take a 'superior' position - making sure we are always keeping ahead whether we really are or we imagine it, or we withdraw (neither make oneness in Yahweh possible). Paul knew of this trap when he warned in the opening verse I have chosen for this article:

      Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."

    3. Offering an Ungodly Union

    In order to make sure we do not see our error and return, the devious opposer has yet another trick up his sleeve. If we fall for it, it will be all the more difficult to straighten up. Yahweh is always able to do it, but having made the mistake will definitely make us regret it, as it most likely will hurt other people.

    The temptation I myself was offered was to leave my husband founded on the arguments above, and then to build a family with a boy I had a crush on as a girl. I have witnessed similar offers given. I have also been tempted to go back to the life I had before I was united with Stanisław. I know of people who have fallen for that one - the past can often look tempting when the struggles at hand seem overwhelming, but it is all empty, one can never retreat to the past, and it was never as glorious as it might be presented in retrospect anyway. (Sadly, this is exactly what she eventually fell for, failing to take her own sensible advice - SBSK)


    If you are married in Yahweh, or have made a godly relationship with someone - do not give heed to the devil's deceitful whispering, but stay firm, trusting Yahweh to always grant you the very best allies in life. That is the main issue really. Who do we trust, Elohim (God) or Satan? Satan has wanted our attention since the beginning of time because he wants to destroy our comfort and happiness - pay him no attention, he is a looser and deserves nothing from us - and definitely not the precious relationships that Yahweh so lovingly builds for us. Rather let us maintain and nurture every living gift we have from Yahweh, and never waste them...

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    Author: KMK

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    First created on 12 November 2001
    Updated on 7 August 2016

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