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The 12 Books of Abraham

    Kasia's Corner 13

    Are We Made That Way?

    I have just re-read an article which I think is a good description of how Yahweh expects his people to live. It reminded me of how Stanisław often puzzles me with the way he answers people who visit our chat room at Yahoo. When people, mostly women, say they don't have the right personal traits for marrying polygamously, like being too jealous, stubborn, dominating and alike, Stanisław doesn't nod understandingly, instead he counsells them to repent and accept Yahweh's help in becoming less egotistical (which breeds jealousy), stubborn, dominating etc..

    In Yahweh no such 'character traits' are acceptable, because Yah'shua (Jesus) expects us to be perfect (Matt.5:48) and He has given all those who come to Him for deliverance His Holy Spirit - and:

      "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Messiah Yah'shua (Jesus) have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other". (Gal.5:22-26)

    This states clearly that unclear perceptions, depression, fear / a wish for war, impatience, harshness, evil, faithlessness, roughness, wildness, conceit, provoking behavior and envy / jealousy is not acceptable in a Christian's/Messianic's life. But it also states that those who are filled with the Spirit of Elohim (God) and who love His Law (Torah), will naturally seek and be enabled to produce the fruits of the Spirit.

    This means that even if we have different personalities, there is no person who is doomed to suffer from being dominating, stubborn, jealous, shy, scared, impatient, undisciplined, bragging, sexually immoral, abusive, bad tempered and so forth. We might have started on the wrong foot but when we become, and stay, covered by the cleansing and delivering blood of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), we will all be purified and set free...

    In short - if we let Elohim (God) define what is possible and not, then bumble bees can fly, and Christians/Messianics can be perfect! May Yahweh bless and make you fruitful according to His own Will is my prayer today. Amen.

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    Author: KMK

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    Updated on 7 August 2016

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