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    Though there always has been, and still is, what might be called a 'fellowship of understanding' and 'shared experience' (a spiritual fellowship) between the Królewiec family and others who have independently adopted the HEM way of polygamy, there are no longer the clubs and discussion groups that were an intimate part of the former FICP (and before that, FECPP) 'family of friends'. Today the HEM website is just a resource.

    Our own fellowship is today within the wider context of our missions, where we labour amongst polygamous peoples in East Africa (principally) and that of the Chavurat Bekorot, the Priesthood Order of the Assemblies we are a part of. So if you are interested in what we, the Królewiec family, are involved in, and would like to know more, we invite you to join in the discussion groups online. Though you'll not find the Królewiecs there, should you receive the call to be a part of, and decide to join up with, this work, then somewhere along the line we may well meet, whether on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda or Kenya, somewhere in Central Europe or Asia or elsewhere, I cannot say. You will, at any rate, find like-minded souls in the wider fellowship of the NCAY community.

    If in the future it is felt that there is a bona fide need to create a specifically HEM Community again, this will be the page to check up. However, this is not something we are envisioning, for the reasons elaborated on elsewhere on this website, so more likely we might cross paths on the mission field. And if not in this life, then certainly we shall meet, Yah willing, in the heavenly and millennial worlds to come.

    Author: SBSK

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    First created on 22 August 2016
    Updated on 23 August 2016

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