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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 61

    3 ABRAHAM 61
    or Judith 53

    Kehah preaches to Periz, her father, and to his household. Kehah's devastation when her message is rejected. Abram tries to comfort her. She is healed by an angel.

    1. Now behold, Kehah, having received the testimony of the fathers, and having a desire that she might bear witness of the Messiah and to persuade her kinsmen to forsake their idols of wood and stone -- therefore she returned unto the presence of her father, Periz, and discoursed before him on the Messiah.

    2. And Periz received the message in his heart privately but would not abandon the religion of his kinsmen on account of his fear that they would remove him as their king by force.

    3. Therefore he feared men more than Elohim.

    4. Nevertheless he desired that his immediate household should be saved;

    5. Therefore he allowed Kehah to witness unto her brothers and sisters and her mother.

    6. Therefore Kehah did witness unto them but returned alone, for the Perizzites are hard-hearted and love not the ways of the Spirit.

    7. And I suppose that if our lord Abram had not a reputation that they would have driven us from the land.

    8. Therefore we dwelt in peace amongst them, but we had no social intercourse with them.

    9. Now Kehah was exceedingly saddened that none of her household would receive her message;

    10. And this was in part because the peoples of the world will not receive the words of a woman, for they consider such to be of evil.

    11. Therefore we sister-wives said little save when we were amongst the women-folk of the tribes, lest we provoke the wrath of the tribes and cause their darkness to attempt to engulf us.

    12. Therefore we held our tongues.

    13. But this is not so amongst us, for all are considered equal amongst us in the family of Abram.

    14. Nevertheless we are subject unto our lord for righteousness' sake, and this because of the will of El Elyon.

    15. Now Abram comforted Kehah for many days, for she was, as it were, in a spirit of death, for she had desired with all her heart to convert her people for Messiah's sake.

    16. Therefore Abram showered her with affection, and lifted her up, that she might no longer grieve.

    17. And never before have I seen such grief in those who are living, and I suppose this is on account of her exceeding great love.

    18. And my lord Abram, being troubled over Kehah's broken-heartedness, importuned El Elyon, that He might heal her of her great sorrow.

    19. And it came to pass that an angel of El Elyon came into the tent of Kehah and touched her upon her forehead, saying:

    20. "Peace be unto thee, Kehah, for the offering of thy heart hath been received by Elohim."

    21. And straight way the burden was lifted from her heart and she was healed.

    22. And from that day she was at peace, and began to minister unto the family continually.

    23. Unto this day hath Kehah been as the oil of healing unto those who are troubled in spirit;

    24. And this is the meaning of her name, which is Healing.

    25. And thus we are given to understand that El Elyon permitteth us to suffer that we may become like Him, and know His Love, and be of service unto others.

    26. And we know that it is impossible to know the love of Elohim without also knowing the suffering of Elohim, for the two are one.

    27. Therefore we have come to rejoice in our afflictions, as they severally come, for we see them as an opportunity to enter into the Heart of El Elyon, and thus know Him.

    28. Now we do marvel at the works of Kehah, for she was without fear.

    29. And lo, she would go into the cities of the land whenever we moved camp, trusting in the Arm of Elohim for her protection, that she might seek out any who might be of our Order.

    30. And it was on account of the works of Kehah that Darash was found and entered into our family.

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    Author: LThE

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