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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 51

    3 ABRAHAM 51
    or Judith 43

    Abram marries Haguth. The Psalm of Haguth.

    1. And now I, Judith, speak somewhat concerning Haguth, the sixth wife of my lord Abram, for she is much after my own nature.

    2. For she loveth the deep things of the mind and of the mystery of creation.

    3. Now my lord took Haguth to wife in his thirty-fifth year;

    4. And Haguth was thirty-eight years of age.

    5. And Haguth is the only wife who is older than our lord.

    6. Now when Haguth was received into our family, my lord commanded her that she should labour with me as a teacher of the mysteries;

    7. And behold, her knowledge and enlightenment was a great blessing unto me, and she greatly assisted me in my labours.

    8. Now the name of Haguth meaneth Meditation, for Haguth would spend many hours in meditation that she might commune with the Great Father through His Word.

    9. And she was an exceedingly still soul, not given to outpourings of emotion like unto the rest of us;

    10. Nevertheless she was one with us, and embraced us, and taught us somewhat concerning the quiet realms of the Spirit.

    11. And though I, Judith, am more disposed to reveal the intensity of my love outwardly than Haguth, and though Haguth is not quick to reveal the deeper feelings of her soul, yet I know that the intensity of her feelings is as great as ours;

    12. And behold, when she is alone with our lord Abram, she is more disposed to open the floodgates of her soul.

    13. And I suppose this is on account of her age, for she came into our family later than the rest of my sister-wives.

    14. Now when Haguth was wed unto our Lord Abram she also wrote a psalm;

    15. And it is known amongst us as the psalm of Haguth.

    16. And these are the words that she wrote:

    17. "Before my lord Abram came unto me, I was with him in the bosom of the Father of Lights;

    18. "And before he was born, he was called heir.

    19. "I beheld the Lamb of Elohim, slain by the Father's love.

    20. "I beheld the Father nurchuring Him in His Breast, and holding Him tenderly to His Heart.

    21. "O precious Messiah!

    22. "The Father loved Him, and He became Love, the image of the Eternal Father.

    23. "O Messiah, Son of Elohim the First and the Last, first of His Words, Vessel of Eternal Lives --

    24. "O Word of Salvation, Messenger of the Covenant, I praise Thy Name!

    25. "Thou lovest us all, even with Thy father's love.

    26. "And as we went to and fro, and sang, and danced, and ate, and thought, and sometimes wandered from the thought of Thee, we were never from Thy thoughts, O Holy One.

    27. "By the sight of Thy Holy Eye we were Thy song, Thy dance, Thy food, Thine every thought.

    28. "We were the throbbing of Thy Holy Heart.

    29. "The Father vested Thee in Holy Robes and put on Thee the Name of Elohim.

    30. "O Holy Messiah, Thou hast given me my lord Abram again, most precious jewell in my heart!

    31. "I dared not come unto him, but I watched him from afar, yearning to be touched and loved by him.

    32. "For I saw Thy love in him, Holy Messiah, and I desired to be with him.

    33. "Yet Thou gavest Him unto me, precious Lord, and my yearnings and my dreams were fulfilled in him.

    34. "And now I am a passion song.

    35. "We yearn to love Thee, Holy Messiah, when we see Thy love, though it be but a particle because of our blindness.

    36. "Many eyes and hearts turned elsewhere when they laid on Thee the crown of gold;

    37. "But there were those who loved Thee, who sought to serve Thee by telling the others of the Living Word.

    38. "And they were named in Thy Name and written in Thy Book.

    39. "And we moved as a constellation through Thy realm whilst Thou didst steadfast stand, loving us to life.

    40. "And our moving was ever-more around Thee.

    41. "Stars of the morning, we called Thee the Morning Star;

    42. "And we learned to speak Thy Father's tongue, becoming children of the Holy One

    43. "And Thou wast our First Word, and became our Song.

    44. "And we danced and moved before Thee in Thy Name.

    45. "And we loved Thee, and Thou breathed life into us, the Breath of Life.

    46. "And we partook of Thee, Firstfruits of Thy Holy Father's love.

    47. "And Thou became at last our only thought.

    48. "O Abram, in thy warmth and smile I came, and I loved thee and touched thee.

    49. "O Abram, Abram, my love.

    50. "O Messiah, in the greatness of Thy Father's love, we were baptized into Thy Holy Arms, pressed to the fount of all life, held to the heart-beat of Creation.

    51. "And our tears mingled, and our spirits melted into one.

    52. "No longer separate, we became a part of Thee --

    53. "And the Body of the Fathers, One.

    54. "O holy mystery, Abram, my lord;

    55. "Messiah, My King;

    56. "Father, My Elohim.

    57. "How can I tell You apart?

    58. "O wonderful mystery, sweet to the taste, I understand, O Lord!

    59. "For when we are sanctified by Thy love, we become a part of Thee!

    60. "The Mystery of the Firstborn is mine. Hallelujah!

    61. "And with the Holy Hand we were ordained and dressed in royal robes of healing light.

    62. "And again in earth, we come again to Thee to be baptized in Thy Name and Self, and be dressed in the Holy Garments of Thy Word.

    63. "O Abram, exalted husband before us all, our all in all, everlasting to everlasting, bosom of eternity.

    64. "We learn again to speak our Father's tongue, to live and move and breathe again in Thee, ribs of thy bosom.

    65. "Thou hast called us heirs again in thee, ribs of thy bosom.

    66. "Thou hast called heirsin endless lives with thee.

    67. "But, holy, thou art our heir for us; and our increase we give unto thee.

    68. "O Light of the Fathers, Father of all Lights be, by Thy love slain, live by our love for Thee.

    69. "O Sire of Sires, Holy of Holies, we are by, for, through and in Thee, only Thee."

    70. And when Haguth had spoken these words she fell silent, and her eyes were red from tears.

    71. Therefore Abram took her up into his arms and kissed her, saying:

    72. "Blessed art thou, O Haguth, for thy love of Elohim and His Messiah, for He hath blessed thee with a great pool of light.

    73. "I love thee, Haguth, because of thy love for Elohim;

    74. "And I love thee because of the love of Elohim which burneth in my bones."

    75. And he released her from his embrace and said unto us:

    76. "My beloved ones, my fair ones, bones of my bone, and fleshes of my flesh, come unto me."

    77. And we each embraced and kissed him in turn.

    78. And behold, our joy was full.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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