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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 45

    3 ABRAHAM 45
    or Judith 37

    Rea brings a new understanding of affection into the family.

    1. Now Rea was such a soul, and she taught us much concerning spontaneous giving.

    2. And behold, whenever she came upon our lord and husband, Abram, she would fling her arms around him and smother him with kisses.

    3. Now at first Kadar and I thought this improper, but our lord rebuked us, saying that the fount of love should never be quenched.

    4. Nevertheless we were not to impose ourselves on one another against our will.

    5. And if my lord Abram was in an embrace with Kadar, or Rua, or myself, Rea would not come up unto him, unless he bade her, or we had departed.

    6. And if he bade us, we obeyed, for we know of his holiness before Elohim.

    7. Now my lord never turned us away, for his love was overflowing.

    8. Therefore we never feared that he might withhold from us, for he was as an open door.

    9. And because he lived strictly after the law he was always full, and never tired of us, even though we were wont to be a burden unto him in moments of weakness and selfishness.

    10. Therefore be bare us all and never turned us away.

    11. Therefore we love him, and see Messiah in him.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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