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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 28

    3 ABRAHAM 28
    or Judith 20

    The three degrees of Patriarchal Marriage. The true order of plural relationships.

    1. Now there are many orders of patriarchs, each order being after the disposition of the various types of soul, and also their willingness to enter the fullness of every covenant, sacrificing the personal desires of the flesh and of the fallen nature for the sake of that which is spiritual.

    2. And it was because of our desire for the fullness of the spiritual that we wives entered into the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage, for we knew that all things temporal must pass away and that that which abideth in the Paradise of Elohim is spiritual.

    3. Therefore it did not matter unto us how many wives our lord Abram had, for we did not measure marriage after temporal things, but after the depth and quality of love that this marriage gave unto us.

    4. And we discovered that it was better to spend one night alone with a true patriarch every two weeks than it was to spend each and every night with a man endowed after the world.

    5. Therefore our time was precious, and we squandered it not, whether it was in the presence of our husband Abram, or with each other, or with our children, or with the believers.

    6. Therefore we numbered our days and became aware of all that we thought, felt and did.

    7. Therefore was all laziness banished from us as we grew in sensitivity, love, and zeal ...

    8. And because the daughters of the world envy us these qualities they are wont to criticise us, for their own shallowness and loneliness is revealed by our love.

    9. Nevertheless we do not raise the voice of criticism against them, for no-one can understand our mystery who hath not come unto it.

    10. And behold, the sons of the world desire what we have, but not for righteousness' sake, for they are carnal, sensual and devilish, and feel only after their lusts.

    11. Therefore the marriages of the world we have no intertest in, for most are adulterous and blasphemous;

    12. Yea, for the sons and daughters of men lust only after each others' flesh, to despoil one another, and to be consumed in selfishness.

    13. But our marriages, even the marriages after the Chavurat Bekorot of Elohim, are pure and undefiled, for our object is the glory of the Father, to multiply His love upon the face of the earth, and to raise a Godly seed.

    14. Now as pertaining to the Orders of Patriarchs there are many, which shall not be recorded here, but they are of three main types.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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