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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 27

    3 ABRAHAM 27
    or Judith 19

    Abram has fifty daughters in the Holy City. The true order of patriarchal love.

    1. Now I am Judith, and I bare unto my lord Abram seven daughters.

    2. And behold, Abram bare fifty daughters through his seven wives in the City of Salem, and all remained in the city after that we had returned unto the world.

    3. Yea, and most had already wed by the time we had departed, and some had also raised grandchildren [for Abram].

    4. Now my lord Abram also came to adopt twelve sons, some in the Holy City (for their fathers had gone forth from the city to bear witness of El Elyon and had died martyrs unto the faith and are now in the Paradise of Elohim) and others in the world, chief of which was Eliezer of Damascus, whom he appointed his heir, for he had no male issue.

    5. Therefore by the time of my lord's fiftieth year were we an exceedingly large family.

    6. And we learned somewhat concerning the joy of multiplication.

    7. And my lord and husband did truly multiply and replenish his wives [with light], and behold, as our family grew, so also did his love for us multiply.

    8. Never at any time did we become strangers unto him for we always abode in his bosom.

    9. Therefore we came to more fully understand the love of El Elyon, and of His Son, and how it is that holy beings love all men and women everywhere, both the good and the bad.

    10. And it is only because the love of man waxeth cold on account of disobedience, and because he will not always obey all of Elohim's law, that he cannot comprehend the true order of love;

    11. Therefore he knoweth not his Maker and worshippeth gods after his own imagination, each god after his own disposition.

    12. Now there are not many amongst the children of Elohim who are able to live the Law of the Ancients, for not all are willing to sacrifice everything in order to receive the highest sanctification of all.

    13. But my lord Abram, who despised the things of the world and considered them as dross against the holiness of El Elyon, was willing to sacrifice all.

    14. Therefore he sought for wives after his own disposition, who would lay down all, and receive every blessing of the fathers.

    15. And we also, desiring this great love, sought wives for him also, that we might enter into the full mystery of the Assembly of the Firstborn which we began to taste.

    16. Therefore we thirsted and hungered after the fullness.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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