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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 5

    3 ABRAHAM 5

    Abram is taken to father Shem (Melchizedek) who betrothes Judith to him.

    1. And it canme to pass that father Noah said unto me: "Abram, thou art young, yet thou shalt be inducted into the mysteries of Yahweh-Elohim of Heaven and of His Messiah, for this is according to the grand design of the Heavens.

    2. "Therefore go unto thy father Shem who shall instruct thee in the ways of righteousness, that Elohim may raise thee up a priest after His Name, to administer in His sanctuary."

    3. And thus I departed from the presence of Noah, and was taken unto another chamber in the House of Yahweh.

    4. Now it came to pass that Judith remained at my side this entire time, and had not departed from me. And I spake unto her, saying:

    5. "Judith, wherefore hast thou been sent unto me, to walk by my side? For when thou art with me it is as though we are one. If thou departest from me, I shall surely perish!"

    6. And Judith smiled at me and said: "Abram, I am Judith and I am Abram, for we are one."

    7. And I was greatly perplexed, not comprehending her speech, which was as another language unto me.

    8. For I knew nothing concerning the New and Everlasting Covenant of marriage, neither understood I the affairs of the heart. Therefore I was inncocent.

    9. Now when Judith took me into the chamber of Seth, she began to draw away from me, and it was as though a rib had been torn out of my breast. And the pain therein was terrible.

    10. Whereupon Judith returned unto my side, and the pain departed at once.

    11. "Abram," father Shem said unto me, "I am Shem, and I am thy father. Therefore approach me."

    12. And I approached him, and knelt at his feet, saying: "I am thy son, my lord."

    13. And he laid his left hand upon my head, and his right hand upon the head of Judith, who had ever remained by my side and had knelt down with me.

    14. And Shem said unto me: "Upon your heads I seal the blessings of the fathers, that ye may arise as husband and wife in the Covenant of the Fathers."

    15. And in this manner were Judith and I betrothed......

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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