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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 4

    3 ABRAHAM 4

    Abram is put in the care of Judith and taken to the Temple. He is introduced to Noah.

    1. Now after that my sight was recovered, and I had seen the many souls of the city, and partaken of their love, I was approached by a young maiden of my own age who was called Judith.

    2. And she took me by the hand and led me unto the Temple of El Elyon which stood in the centre of the Holy City.

    3. And behold, the sweetness of her spirit was as a brook of refreshing, cold water to my soul, for I had never seen any child in the days of my youth, having known only my mother Amthelo and nurse Edna, and my father Terah and my elder brothers Nahor and Haran.

    4. And when I saw her I at once loved her, and desired to be united with her always.

    5. And it came to pass that I was led to the Temple doors and usshered into the holiness of the House of Yahweh.

    6. And Judith led me unto a great chamber whose walls were of polished stone like unto marble.

    7. And each stone was a light, perfectly fitted into place, such that everywhere there was light.

    8. Across the great chamber was a veil of light that had the appearance of cloth, but which one could pass through.

    9. And that which lay across the veil was invisible to me though I could sense the presence of souls beyond it.

    10. And Judith said unto me: "Abram, let us enter into the presence of my father Noah."

    11. And she knelt upon the ground, and bade me to do the same, saying: "Father, I have brought thy son Abram who seeketh thy presence."

    12. And I was usshered across the veil of light and into the presence of Noah.

    13. When I saw my father Noah I was atonished at the glory that was round about him; his eyes shone like diamonds and his hair seemed to issue a light all of its own.

    14. And again the blindness that afflicted me when I entered the city for the first time returned, but my sight was restored more quickly this time, for though I had been in the city this short time, I had begun to grow accustomed to the light.

    15. And as my sight again returned unto me this second time, I saw my father Noah, and the greatness of his age.

    16. Yet he was as the fount of youth and the spirit of eternity dwelt with him.

    17. And he spake unto me, saying: "Come forth." And I drew near unto him.

    18. And behold, he took me up into his arms, and lay my head on his breast, and said unto me:

    19. "Blessed art thou, Abram, for Yahweh hath brought thee unto His City and unto the Assembly of the Firstborn where thou shalt remain until thou art called to depart therefrom."

    20. And so saying, he began to weep, and embraced me the more strongly, for he had waited these many years for the one who would bring forth the seed of the Messiah.

    21. For he had witnessed the fall of generation after generation of his posterity as they embraced the wicked orders of Nimrod;

    22. And he groaned within these long years as his flesh and blood had turned away from the true and living Elohim and followed after Satan.

    23. Therefore was his joy full.

    24. And he became as a father unto me, even a father after the spirit, for my earthly father Terah had not walked in the paths of righteousness but had gone awhoring after gods of wood and stone.

    25. Therefore I had become fatherless.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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