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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    2 Abraham
    Chapter 26

    2 Abraham 26

    Abraham moves to Bethel and offers sacrifices. Abraham and Lot part and Lot settles in Sodom. Lot's faction is unwilling to live the United Order. The Holy Order prospers under Abraham.

    1. So I went up out of Egypt and Lot accompanied me who had taken three wives in Egypt, namely Yemimah, daughter of Eliezer of Damascus, Devorah, daughter of Kumen who had come out of the City of Ur, and Asterah, daughter of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.

    2. Travelling slowly and stoppping often to camp upon our way, we eventually reached Bethel, where yet stood the altar that I had built there at first. I restored it to its perfect form and offered sacrifices thereon to El Elyon.

    3. And I called there upon the Name of Yahweh of all worlds and offered praise to the Name of Elohim, and blessed Elohim, and gave thanks before Him for all the possessions and prosperity which he had bestowed upon us, and for the many souls we had won in Egypt, and for having brought us back safely to that land.

    4. Now ater our departure from Egypt, a faction arose among our people upon seeing the great wealth which Pharaoh had entrusted to us, for they desired property which they could call their own. Lot was also among them, which thing grieved me greatly, but seeing they would not be reconciled, we gave unto them a portion of the common property and they departed from us under Lot's direction and settled in the Valley of the River Jordan.

    5. There they went from place to place as their flocks needed pasture until they reached the City of Sodom where they mingled with the inhabitants and became one with them. Lot also built a house in Sodom and settled there, but of all the company that went out from us, only Lot maintained his integrity and did not violate the Covenant of Yahweh nor bow to heathen idol-gods.

    6. Nevertheless Lot did not walk perfectly in the way of the fathers for he dwelt not among the people of Elohim but built his own house. And he coveted his own property that he should govern it rather than holding all things common with the believers.

    7. Nevertheless, Lot did continue to serve Yahweh, and Yahweh loved him and his family. And his property grew very large. But I was grieved in my heart that Lot had parted from me, for he had stood at my right hand and had been instructed in a better way.

    8. Meanwhile I, with my people, dwelt in Bethel where we did worship Yahweh our Elohim after the Covenant and did strive diligently to establish the Chavurat Bekorot of Elohim among us in ever increasing perfection. Wherefore we did banish from among us all contention, all covetousness, all selfishness, and we were of one heart and of one mind, and dedicated all of our service unto Yahweh. And our material possessions we held in common, for no man called anything his own.

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    Authors: JB, LThE, SBSK et al

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    First created in 1990
    Updated on 6 June 2016

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