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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    2 Abraham
    Chapter 19

    2 Abraham 19

    Sarai is among the believers in Ur. Her beauty and virtues are extolled. Abram marries Sarai.

    1. Now among the believers were Lot, the son of Haran, and Haran's daughters Milcah and Sarai. Milcah was fair but Sarai was beautiful above all women.

    2. Her face was as that of an angel filled with light, her cheeks as two roses in full bloom, her hair as spun gold which men treasure above all, her eyes as pools of blue reflecting the glory of Eloah's sky, her nose delicate and lovely, and her countenance truly was fair as the sun.

    3. Her breasts like two mountains rising above the plain of Shinar were fair to behold, and her complexion truly like the clouds in purity. Her arms were comely, her hands perfect and delightful to behold, always in the service of those in need and quick to hasten to the service of Yahweh her Elohim.

    4. Her palms were lovely, unmarred by her constant labour, her fingers long and slender. Her feet were comely and always set in the path of truth. Her thighs were well-rounded and soft, yet never failing to sustain her in her labours in behalf of the servants of Elohim. Truly was no maiden fairer than Sarai, the daughter of Haran, for her beauty was greater than all other women's and she excelled them all.

    5. But with her beauty was great wisdom and perfect faith in Yahweh, and constant service in behalf of the believers, for her hands never ceased from blessing the people of Elohim.

    6. Wherefore my brother Nahor took Milcah, the daughter of Haran, to wife; but I, Abram, took Sarai at the direction of Yahweh. And I found great joy in her.

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    Authors: JB, LThE, SBSK et al

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    Updated on 6 June 2016

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