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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    2 Abraham
    Chapter 5

    2 Abraham 5

    Noah is circumcised. His hair remains white as a token. Noah takes twelve wives. The universal corruption of the second generation.

    1. And on the eighth day when the child was circumcised, he was covered that he became as other men except that his hair remained white. And they called his name Noah, which by interpretation is 'comfort' because Lamech said: My heart is comforted to know that my seed shall be preserved through the great flood.

    2. And the child grew and waxed strong in wisdom, and mighty in the Name of Yahweh, for he was taught concerning the mysteries of the Firstborn in his childhood and grew in grace wherewith by faith he could call upon the powers of Heaven to combat the forces of the adversary.

    3. And when he was come of age he took twelve wives and begat many sons and daughters who grew up in righteousness and served Yahweh all their days. And some died, and others were caught up unto the City of Enoch.

    4. But in the next generation they corrupted themselves, for the daughters of Noah's sons did go forth and lay with the the sons of men, who were not of the Covenant and were not sanctified by the Priesthood, which thing was an abomination in the eyes of Elohim.

    5. Wherefore Yahweh said unto Noah: Behold, the daughters of thy sons have sold themselves, for behold, Mine anger is kindled against the sons of men for they will not hearken unto My voice; wherefore, all those who go in unto them will be destroyed with them.

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    Authors: JB, LThE, SBSK et al

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    First created in 1990
    Updated on 6 June 2016

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