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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    2 Abraham
    Chapter 4

    2 Abraham 4

    Lamech consults Methuselah who consults Yahweh. Noah's hair and eyes burn with celestial fire for eight days.

    1. These things were a source of amazement and concern unto Lamech who thereupon went unto his father Methuselah, and finding him in the temple, he said:

    2. My father; this day did my wife, thy daughter, bear a manchild. And at his birth the room was full of light so that we could not look upon him.

    3. The child's hair was white and fire seemed to come from his eyes; and then he stood on his feet and sang an hymn of praise unto Yahweh, and lo, he seemed to have the tongue of an angel.

    4. Tell me now the meaning of these things and how I can raise such a son?

    5. Hearing these words Methuselah too was troubled and said: Fear not, my son, for although I know not the meaning of these things, I will go unto Yahweh, for He will explain all things unto us.

    6. Whereupon Methuselah traveled to the top of the highest mountain whence he could speak unto Yahweh, and said unto Him:

    7. Father, my daughter, who is the wife of my son Lamech, hath this day brought forth a manchild.

    8. And at his birth the room was full of light so that they could not look upon him; and when they could look upon him, behold, the child's hair hair was white and fire seemed to come from his eyes;

    9. And then he stood upon his feet and sang a hymn of praise unto Thee, and lo, he seemed to have the tongue of an angel.

    10. Thus saith my son Lamech and he is greatly perplexed as to the meaning of these things, and how he can raise such a son.

    11. Hearing this report, Yahweh comforted Methuselah, saying: Fear not, My son, nor trouble thyself about this matter, for did I not send an holy angel to visit thy son Lamech and tell him that this should be the seed of the Covenant?

    12. For this cause have these things happened, but on the eighth day when the child is circumcised he shall be covered, and shall appear as other men except that his hair shall remain white as a token that I, Yahweh, will do a mighty work.

    13. With this word did Methuselah return to his son Lamech, and he was comforted.

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    Authors: JB, LThE, SBSK et al

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    First created in 1990
    Updated on 6 June 2016

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