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    Preface to Volume I
    (1 June 1997, Revised 16 September 2013)

    Late 20th & 21st Century Revelations
    for Hungry Christians and Messianics

    "A bomb for the sleepy,
    a barb for the wicked,
    a balm for the righteous"

    The Olive Branch (Volume I) is a collection of late twentieth century revelations, prophecies, visions and inspired apostolic counsel received from Elohim (God) over a ten year period (1986-96), principally through a single revelator though with contributions from others.

    At a time when the increasingly vocal and influential New Age/Occult religion, with its dangerous mish-mash of occultic doctrines and practices, is trumpeting a "new age of Aquarius" in which it believes it will make a major leap forward at the end of the twentieth century, it is appropriate that the true Creator, Yahweh-Elohim, our Heavenly Father and author of the greatest Book that has ever been, and ever will be -- the Bible -- should bring forth a new Davar (Word) for the Christian and Messianic community to enable it to meet the challenges of the forthcoming millennium and its mushrooming neo-paganism.

    The Olive Branch and the Bible

    The Olive Branch is not a new 'Bible', nor does it claim equality with the Bible (Protestant Canon), which is Christendom's 'Book of Books' in perpetuity. It is regarded as a very secondary canon of scripture by the community which espouses it. It is not, moreover, a self-contained record of the Gospel of Salvation as the Bible is. Reading the book as a self-contained manual of the emunah (faith) will give a distorted view of the Besorah (Gospel) and must therefore always be read with the Bible background in mind. We do not advise this book to be studied until the Bible has first been thoroughly digested.

    Certain themes predominate in this book, not because they are more important than other ones in the Bible but because the local needs of the Messianic Community (Church) and the age required that they be attended to in some detail. Each age has its own controversies and difficulties to which a revelation of Elohim (God) must address itself. The first believers faced very different problems to our own. For one thing, there was only one Messianic Community, not thousands of denominations as there are today. They fought against different enemies such as the Gnostics who presented a very real challenge to the apostolic emunah (faith). Today's Christian enemies, though similar, have appeared in newer, more suble forms. It is these that the Olive Branch principally confronts.

    A Book for All People

    For whom has the Olive Branch been written? It is for every man and woman who desires to "keep the mitzvot (commandments) of Elohim (God), and the emunah (faith) of Yah'shua (Jesus)" (Rev.14:12, KJV). It is for those who are truly searching for more light and emet (truth), who desire to know and have deeper communion with the Saviour of mankind, the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) (Lk.2:11; Jn.17:3), and who believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Davar Elohim (Word of God).

    It does, however, also contain a message for everyone of every religious or non-religious persuasion. There are keys of knowledge and understanding within its pages that will illuminate the human condition with all its perplexities and contradictions. There is help for all those who desire to better understand themselves, the purpose of life and the Plan of Salvation.

    The Modern World and its Dangers

    Our modern world is bursting at the seams with ever increasing numbers of pseudo-Christian and non-Christian sects each with a message of salvation for the individual and the world. The spiritual air-waves are jammed with strange and contradictory teachings. Everywhere there are false prophets, anti-christs, gurus and self-acclaimed supermen calling for disciples. Droves of young people are streaming towards these pied-pipers of the murky deep, and marching off to the drum-beats of the occult, atheism, evolutionism and materialism. And a great many of these prophets of the New Age are working within the Christian community, redefining biblical terminology to facilitate the absorption of Christianity into their emerging One World Religion.

    The Mission of the Olive Branch

    The Olive Branch makes the double claim of being both the spearhead of a messianic-evangelical, apostolic New Testament renewal for the twenty-first century as well as a manual for the Millennial Christian theocratic society that is to come. It regards itself theologically as the final phase of the reformation initiated by Martin Luther whilst also being the door to the complete restoration of the Besorah (Gospel) which will characterise the thousand year culture and civilisation of which Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) will be earthly Regent.

    The vision of the Olive Branch is revolutionary and challenging. It has little tolerance for lawless, watered-down versions of the Besorah (Gospel). It is a no nonsense book. The emet (truth) is stated plainly and at times (from a liberal view-point) brutally. Its purpose, for those who accept the challenge to read it, is to force all those who are earnestly searching for the emet (truth) to look at themselves honestly. And it will expose the naked lie of those who are fighting against Elohim (God) and His righteousness whether in or outside the Christian/Messianic community. It does not expect to be accepted by all those whom it views as being its natural allies any more than by those who will almost certainly makes themselves its enemy. And its greatest enemy will be the counterfeit Christianity whose purpose is to steer the churches into its neo-pagan One World Religion. Never, therefore, was there a greater need for a clear, straight-forward revelation from Yahweh to confirm and amplify the Bible message and to reach out a helping hand to a spiritually dying world.

    Historical Background

    Every revelation of Elohim (God) emerges from a cultural and religious backdrop, and the Olive Branch is no exception. Just as the Christian Church emerged from Judaism and was initially perceived as a Jewish sect, and as the Protestant Reformation emerged from the Catholicism of its chief mover, Martin Luther, so also was the Olive Branch a product of many Christian traditions in its early days, attracting people from across the denominational spectrum.

    Historically Protestantism gradually moved away from Catholic assumptions to an increasingly more New Testament paradigm as groups have tried to re-create what is sometimes called the "New Testament Church/Community". The purpose of the Olive Branch is to point believers towards not so much a "post-New Testament Church" or "messianic synagogue" as to a "Millennial Messianic Community" whilst providing direction for all believers living in the times leading to the coming pre-Millennial terror known as the Great Tribulation.

    There are many in the Christian and Messianic worlds who are rightly seeing in the signs of the times evidence of the rapidly approaching age of barbarism that is to prelude the return of the Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). The Olive Branch confirms such a vision in no uncertain terms. And by, amongst other things, accurately predicting major political events like the reunification of Germany, the break-up of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, and the outcome of the Gulf War, the Olive Branch claims at least some right to comment in the Christian and Messianic communities on matters of spiritual importance too.

    The People behind the Olive Branch

    No work of Yahweh occurs in a vacuum. As the Protestant Reformation was a 16th century effort to reconstitute the life and teaching of Western Christendom that began in Germany and spread throughout much of northern and central Europe, to then diffuse across the whole world, so the New Covenant Reformation and Restoration is a late 20th century effort to both reconstitute the life and teaching of New Testament Christianity that began in England, was developed in Norway and brought to completion in Sweden. It is a movement to prepare a body of committed believers for the Millennial Kingdom to come. However, the scale and modus operandi of the two are very different.

    Messianic Evangelical theology and practice, far from being a popular uprising against the abuse of ecclesiastical power and the corruption of Christian (or Messianic doctrine) by one particular Church (or Messianic synagogue), which was the impetus behind the Protestant Reformation, was conceived in Oxford, England, and evolved in a tiny crucible of like-minded souls. Known initially as the Restoration Christian Fellowship (1986/7), it has passed through many developmental phases, eventually becoming fully Torah-obedient from 1999 onwards. Volume I of the Olive Branch covers these earlier pre-Messianic church phases from about 1986 to 1997, with one or two revelations from the early 1980's.

    Small Beginnings for a Servant Ministry

    The Olive Branch is very much the product of the relationship between the people who formed the early prototype communities in Norway and the emerging teachings. It is therefore a history of congregations and individuals struggling to be faithful to the fullness of the Besorah (Gospel) of Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) as it was then understood, and records both their triumphs and failures. Because this ministry was very much a small local Norwegian phenomenon in its early days, it was not widely known internationally before the publication of the Olive Branch.

    This publication, and the events leading up to it, is very much a part of a divine timetable. Unlike the explosive origins of the Reformation, which led to bloody warfare and centuries of internecine strife, it is our hope that this work will be perceived as a servant ministry to the wider Body of Messiah and not as a competitor -- an ally of true Bible-believing Christians and Messianics, no matter which denominations they may come from.

    But because the content of the Olive Branch is wholly new, it will undoubtedly (though unfortunately) be perceived by many as a threat. The people who produced it therefore expected, and have received, a mixed reception from the world.

    Spiritual Warfare

    We live in the last days when a spiritual war is being waged between the powers of good and evil for the possession of the souls of men and women everywhere. It is a war of life and death. The present world system, which is rapidly evolving towards a One World Dictatorship under the control of evil powers, will be short-lived, but at its apex will ruin millions of lives, as the very first of the revelation of this book attests.

    This contest begins in the mind of man. Our language is being subtlely changed so that evil, using the vocubulary of good, is able to masquerade as good itself. Even Christian terminology has, as we have said, been hijacked and is being used to create a false Christianity in the world. And this false Christianity is expanding rapidly, deceiving millions.

    The Olive Branch, though difficult in some parts to understand, is nevertheless not a book for a spiritual élite, but for all. It contains a call for both rich man and pauper to draw near to the Kingdom of Elohim (God). And though its use is principally for one group, it has practical application for all believers who wish to conform themselves more faithfully to serious practice of the biblical faith. It is, in short, a manual of discipleship for everyone claiming the name of Messiah.

    Opposition and Persecution to Come

    Much evil will be said about this book, and its additional volumes, in the future. Many will wish for it to disappear but it is destined to play an important rôle in Christendom in the future no matter what men will say about it. Critics will attempt to place it on the dissecting table and tear it apart in the same way as they have tried with the Bible. Some will say it is a fraud, the product of a dangerous cult, a work of Satan, and slander it as only such men know how. Some will be motivated by ignorance, some by fear, some by pure evil. Those who espouse it are bound to be opposed, as the bearers of every fresh revelation of the Davar Elohim (Word of God) have been in every age. It will, in time, be condemned, banned and burned by men, churches, governments and secular organisations alike. Like its mother, the Bible, it will be hated because it is a thorn-in-the-side of the wicked, whose sins it unashamedly and boldly exposes.

    Your Choice

    For you, the reader, this may well be a choosing time. For those who fear to have their lives shaken up, we recommend that you put this book aside now, because once you have been illuminated by the light of its emet (truth), and have received a witenss of the Ruach (Spirit), whether you accept it or not, you will become accountable before Yahweh as to how you live your life.

    May the Elohim (God) of Israel, who is the Olive Branch's inspiration and to whom it is dedicated, bless you and illuminate you, through our Master and Deliverer Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), as you prayerfully read through its pages. Amen.

    The Revelations Committee
    Oslo, Norway, 7 December 1996
    Revised, Glava, Sweden, 16 September 2013

    Supplement to the Second Edition
    (30 March 2001, Supplement 25 November 2010,
    Combined and Revised 16 September 2013 and 3 March 2018)

    The First Hardcopy Edition Olive Branch has now been in circulation for many years and is widely used by a number of ministries and groups internationally. A number of new revelations have been received and these have been appended as a supplement to the main book prior to their being transferred to, and incorporated into, Volume II. Some of these revelations are of major importance and will affect the layout of the Second Edition when it is finally printed.

    The Names of Deity

    When the first hardcopy edition of the Olive Branch was published the practice of using the Anglicised Greek and other forms of Deity was used. The Second Online Edition sees the complete deletion of the unscriptural "Jehovah", a compound of the vowels of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) with the vowels of Adonai, the Hebrew for "Lord". This term has been in usage for many centuries and evolved because of the Talmudic Jewish superstition that the true Name of Elohim (God), Yahweh, should never be vocalised. Unfortunately, this bastard word is also blasphemous, hovah in Hebrew meaning "perverse". Accordingly the word "Jehovah" has been completely struck out of the Second Edition and been replaced by 'Yahweh'.

    This Second Online Edition uses the proper Hebrew Name of Jesus Christ throughout, namely, Yah'shua haMashiach (or simply Yah'shua the Messiah), which we believe to be the correct vocalisation (many others believe it should be Yeshua, Yehoshua, Yahushua, or more simply Y'shua). The usage of the correct Name is important because of its meaning, which is literally Yah saves. The Anglo-Greek "Jesus" has no meaning whatsoever and was not a known name in New Testament times. However, we shall be retaining the use of Jesus Christ in parentheses in the Second Edition because the Name is so widespread and because it bears no negative connotations. The claims by some extremist Messianics that 'Jesus' is simply a contraction of the pagan 'Ye-Zeus' and should never be used, is completely rejected by us. There can be no doubt whatsoever that the Name 'Jesus' has saved millions of souls throughout the centuries and that it should be seen as simply a dialectical variation of Yah'shua. However, we shall, from now on, be stressing the true Name, Yah'shua.

    Names like "Lord" and "God", which appear liberally throughout the Olive Branch, are more difficult to deal with. Our modern English Bibles use the word 'LORD' (in capitals) to render the Divine Name, Yahweh, and 'Lord' (in lower case) to render the Hebrew Adonai, which translates as 'Master' (though is itself a pagan loan word from the Greek god 'Adonis'). As it would be quite impossible to know who the original 'Lord' in the Olive Branch referenced, the Revelations Committee has opted to simply render it with equivalents like 'Master'.

    Similarly, the English word 'God', which is a generic term for any kind of deity, true or false, as well as of malakim (angels) and human judges, may be rendered by many different Hebrew words like El, Elohim, Elah, and Eloah, all of which have different shades of meaning. The most common, Elohim, is often found combined with Yahweh in the Old Testament as Yahweh-Elohim, our Heavenly Father, and we have therefore decided to use 'Elohim' as a substitute for all references to 'God' whether in reference to the Father or the Son.

    The changes in Names of Deity is therefore the single largest cosmetic change to the Second Online Edition of the Olive Branch and will doubtless affect its whole appearance and, we hope, the spirit. There is something special and wonderful about using the true Names of the Father and the Son. It will, we believe, both honour Yahweh as well as give the reader a closer identity with Him.

    Christian or Believer?

    The origin of the term "Christian", though pagan, and though possibly a term of abuse, has nevertheless become a thoroughly established and respected word for a person who is a Believer in Messiah (Christ). There are a number of extreem Messianics who insist that the term be dropped from our vocabulary, who maintain that this is a term associated with the 'whore church'. We do not accept this contention, even if we do understand where they are coming from. But by the same token there are many who call themselves 'Messianic' who follow equally apostate Talmudic traditions but that does not mean we should demonise the designation 'messianic'. Scholars are not agreed on the etymology of "Christian" but most concur that it basically means "a follower of Christ". As such, therefore, we consider this to be an honourable designation, in spite of its abuse by the nominal and unregenerated believers of the present and the past. Olive Branch readers are not about to conceed another word to the devil just because some of his followers abuse it.

    The designation New Covenant Christian first appeared in the Olive Branch in Section 293 and was specifically chosen to distingish our members from other Christians (vv.16-17). The term was incorporated into an earlier name we went by briefly in 1992 during our New Covenant Christian Fellowship phase. Today most of our people prefer to call themselves "Messianic Evangelicals" or simply the New Testament designation of qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones, holy ones). As the epithets we use to describe ourselves constantly change, and as our members once called themselves 'saints' in common with the practice of many Evangelicals and others (and was the term originally used in some of the earliest revelations of the Olive Branch), we have elected to revert to the Hebrew form of this term in the revelations, namely, the qodeshim.

    The Sabbath and Hebrew Holy Days

    Although the Olive Branch references the Sabbath Day in many places it is mostly concerned with (a) it's proper observance and (b) its spiritual meaning - the revelations never identify which day on which calendar it is to be celebrated. Our earliest members, coming out of a Christian tradition, assembled on Sundays (and called it the 'sabbath') and when we became Torah-observant, transferred to Friday sunset to Saturday sunset (and called it the 'sabbath'), even though in both we were completely wrong before being led to the Creation Calendar. Footnote commentaries and in-text clarifications perpetuated these errors which has meant the updating of a number of footnotes, and their later inserts, which address the subject and which perpetuate the Romish and Rabbinical errors.

    Following on the heels of the Sabbath Revelation has been our observance (since 1999) of the Hebrew Festivals which Yahweh has commanded in perpetuity. These festivals are: (1) Pesach (Passover); (2) Chag haMatzah (Unleavened Bread); (3) Yom haBikkurim (Firstfruits), (4) Shavu'ot (Pentecost/Weeks); (5) Yom Teruah (Trumpets); (6) Yom haKippurim (Atonements); and (7) Sukkot (Tabernacles/Booths).

    The celebration of these festivals in their New Covenant context and setting required, for ecclestiastical purposes, that we return to the Hebrew Luni-Solar Calendar and abandon the Gregoran solar one, which was done in 2011. This means that our previous observance of Holy Week (1-6 April), used to commemorate the death (1 April), Resurrection (3 April) and Birth (6 April), has been superceeded. The Second Online Edition therefore includes the rewriting of Section 82 to reflect the lunar cycle and the removal of Section 301 and its replacement by instructions on the Seven Annual Festivals, Rosh Chodesh, the Sabbatical Year and the Jubilee. Though both the original Holy Week and Hebrew Festivals were observed in 2000, this proved both impractical and an unnecessary duplication. The observance of the former 'Holy Week' ceased in 2001 and its elements integrated with the actual moedim (appointments).

    New Revelations

    As we do not know when the Second Hardcopy Edition will be published (we must clear the First Edition from the New Covenant Press store room first), it is not known exactly how many new revelations will be included or whether they will all be transferred to Volume II. At the time of writing there were about 20 published revelations, only one of which has been officially incorporated into the Olive Branch (PWNC 990201). Hundreds of unpublished revelations appear scattered in sermons and will one day be compiled for Volume II.

    The final compliment of sections is not therefore known at this stage.

    The Nature of the Revelations

    Since the publication of the Olive Branch we have been asked to define the nature of the revelations: are they verbal-plenary or conceptual?

    Almost all the Olive Branch is what is called conceptual revelation. What this means is that the content was given to the revelator conceptually and this was then translated into his own words using his mother tongue, English. This mode of revelation is to be clearly distinguished from the infallible plenary verbal revelation of the original autographs of the Bible which, in the original Hebrew, are not only word-perfect but letter-perfect also.

    The Olive Branch revelations are not - cannot - be word-perfect and must not, therefore, be viewed in the same light as the Bible. This is why the Olive Branch is classified by us as deutero-canonical or "secondary canon" on a lower level than the Bible, occupying a similar position, and enjoying a similar status, to other deutero-canonical writings such as the epistles of the sub-apostolic fathers (Clement, Polycarp, etc.). As primary scripture, therefore, the Bible defines the deuterocanonical scriptures and not the other way round.

    Usage of the Olive Branch

    The Olive Branch is principally a tool of the ministry to assist its members in teaching and the administration of the congregations. Acceptance of the Olive Branch, previously enjoined upon all members, is today required only by the ministry (Deacons, Elders, etc.). There are many reasons for this:

      (a) It is crucial that a foundation be built on the Bible, and the Bible alone. Secondary sets of scriptures can have the unfortunate effect of encouraging immature believers to build upon them first and foremost because they are of more recent provenance. The effect of this would be to give an unbalanced picture of the Besorah (Gospel), as explained in the original Preface above;

      (b) The Olive Branch is a very large (and still growing) book and it would be unreasonable to expect new members to have a grasp of its overall content in a short time. It was for this reason that Yahweh commanded the New Covenant Christian Fellowship to devote several years to Bible study (1992-6), putting aside the revelations, until a proper foundation on the Bible had been established first for those who would become its leaders. All new members are expected to devote their energies to Bible study;

      (c) Even the Deaconate is not expected to have a grasp of the whole Olive Branch and is limited to a selection of revelations that pertain to their essentially temporal ministry. They are to principally administer from the Bible;

      (d) The Eldership, by contrast, is expected to have a sound grasp of the Olive Branch and whilst the primary book of instruction remains the Bible, they are to have a good grasp of Olive Branch principles.

    The Olive Branch is not presently studied as a scriptural work in itself but serves as a supplement to Bible studies to illuminate areas not dealt with in any great depth in the latter. The only Olive Branch Studies per se are done by the Ministry, and rarely in the local congregation as a whole but in the Priesthood Schools. By this means we feel that we are able to maintain the proper checks and balances. (See The Wheat Sheaf & the Olive Branch).

    A Resource to be Used, not Abused

    Though indispensible for the theocratic work of this ministry, the Olive Branch is not needed for salvation, any more than this ministry itself or any other Church or Messianic assembly is. The salvation message needed to guide souls to the New Birth and to heaven is already present in the Bible. The Olive Branch is not actually therefore needed for evangelism and is not used for that purpose by us at all. It is not a "second witness for Christ" nor a more "perfect Scripture", a claim made by certain cults of their own extra scriptures. The Olive Branch is never, therefore, used to bring souls to Yah'shua (Jesus). That is the function of the Bible, and the Bible alone.

    Neither is it indispensible to bringing Christians to a maturity of the emunah (faith) for this also is contained in the Bible. Where the Olive Branch comes into its own is in occasionally providing a magnifying glass to certain areas of the Bible which have been interpreted in several ways, but more importantly in laying down the beginnings of a blueprint for the Millennial Theocracy. It also lays down a structure for Communities and Congregations, and in assisting the talmid (disciple) in his walk towards greater purity and sanctification. The Olive Branch may therefore be said to be for those who are already in Messiah, already built firmly on the Bible, and are on their way to Zion.

    Format, Style and the Nature of the
    Inspiration of the Olive Branch

    The Olive Branch revelations are, for the most part, written in the style of the King James Bible which was the version the author grew up with. Suggestions have been made to modernise the Jacobean English for the Second Edition and you will find quotations in sermons and articles of versions in contemporised English. Whilst we do no feel that conceptual revelation, where the mother tongue is English, is invalidated by attempts to modernise grammar and vocabulary, we have opted to leave the original style intact. We have no objections to modernised renditions being used provided they accurately reflect the original concepts.

    The first edition of the Olive Branch, following in the Restoration and Pentecostal traditions of formal revelation-writing, is periodically punctuated by "thus saith the Lord" (or "thus saith Yahweh" in messianic terminology) phrases. The author wishes it to be understood, in the light of remarks made above, that these qualifiers are not to be viewed in the same light, authority or emphasis as found in the prophetic writings of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) of the Bible, but serve several functions peculiar to the Olive Branch revelation itself:

    • 1. They reflect the author's belief that he has, as accurately as he can, rendered the original concepts revealed to him into the words of his own language, and his personal conviction that these concepts are themselves inspired;

    • 2. That what follows, or preceeds, these qualifiers is nevertheless to be privately tested by the reader to determine whether these words are inspired or not, and should not be assumed ipso facto to be the words of Yahweh, bearing in mind that no infallibility is claimed in or by any Olive Branch revelation;

    • 3. That the private reader is mandated to test and prove all things written in the Olive Branch, without compulsion or constraint, and should live by his conscience as the Bible demands; and

    • 4. That in spite of these qualifiers, acceptance of divine infallibility of the Olive Branch writings shall never be made as a test of membership or faithfulness, or used to intimidate or force members to confess their divine origin which alone belongs to the Protestant Canon of the Bible.

    Nevertheless, where doctrine and ecclesiatical organisation and function are concerned, the Olive Branch shall, at the very minimum, be accepted by all members as an Assembly Consititition as defining official congregational doctrine and practice in the areas touched upon. As such, then, it functions alongside the NCAY Constitution. The Olive Branch is not written in stone as were the Ten Commandments and should therefore be always viewed as existing in the shadow of the original Bible revelation that inspired them.

    This statement has been made by the original author out of a desire to preclude any cultic spirit that might follow any idolisation of the Olive Branch by spiritually immature members.

    This page was first created on 23 April 1997
    Last updated on 7 November 2022

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