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Month 7:22, Week 3:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year Day 199
2Exodus 10/40
Gregorian Calendar: Friday 6 October 2023
Shemini Atseret 2023
The Millennial Manifestation & Presence
How the Second Coming Happens

Continued from Part 1 (Sukkot 2023)


Chag Shemini Atseret sameach kol beit Yisra'el and mishpachah as we assemble one final day to celebrate the eighth annual moed of Messianic Israel called the 'Last Great Day'. And though Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles ended at sunrise this morning, we are commanded to 'tarry' or 'linger' another day before returning to our homes and local congregations. If Sukkot is the celebratory 'Marriage/Wedding Supper/Feast' of the Lamb described in the Book of Revelation (Rev.19:9), then Shemini Atseret or the Last Great Day is the first day of the New Æon or Age, the start of the millennium-long Kingdom of our Messiah on the earth. Today is the day we look forward to when the resurrected returnees start their new lives and live them in peace and holiness in the way they always dreamed of without interference from demons or evil men.

Start Living It Out Now

That doesn't mean we can't, let alone shouldn't, start living out that messianic kingdom life as best we can while we muddle along in this perplexing and confusing world of contradictions as Light and Darkness do battle with one another. We have to have havens to which we can retreat from the business of being in the world and those havens are supposed to be our homes, with the next best thing being a lonely John the Baptist-type of existence as solitaries. For if we cannot create and enjoy peace and love at home with our families, we will never find rest during this probation. And that, sadly, is the experience of most, because when we fail to be overcomers we bring our own inner chaos into the heart of our own families.

Struggling to Maintain Our Homes

As every homekeeper knows, keeping our houses clean and well organised, as well as making a pleasant living environment, is hard work. Dust and dirt fast accumulate on the floor, on the furniture, everywhere. Pests like mice and black mold leave their messes too, not to mention pet animals. And the older and more infirm we get, the harder it gets to keep this under control until it eventually starts to overwhelm us. Then we start wanting less rather than more - as much as we can manage until even that becomes too much for us.

The Millennium and Beyond

Spiritual maintenance, like physical maintenance, requries constant work. Don't for one moment think that the resurrection world won't also need maintenance work, at least in the Millennium of which Shemini Atseret will one day be Day #1! The Millennium will see great changes to be sure, foremost of which will be an absence of death, pain and suffering. And though the planet will have undergone cleansing and renewal once Yah'shua (Jesus) has returned here as Regent-in-Residence, the world will not itself become a resurrected entity until the æon (age) after the Millennium. For as we are told, Satan and his demons will be released from the Pit at the end of the Millennium to try and tempt mankind one last, final time, before being permanently removed, never to be loosed again (Rev.20:1-3,7-10).

Understanding 2 Peter 3:10-13

What, then, are we to make of the following passage of Scripture often quoted in reference to the æon (age) to come? We have never really made a careful study of this before and it seemed good to me that we do so now. Turn with me, if you would, to 2 Peter, chapter 3, beginning at verse 10:

    "But the day of the Master (Lord) will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live qadosh (holy, set-apart) and godly lives as you look forward to the day of Elohim (God) and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness" (2 Peter 3:10-13, NIV).

Will the earth literally melt?

Confusing Millennial and Post-Millennial Chronologies

If we are to take this passage as literally describing a more-of-less instant event, then we face some challenges in exegesis (interpretation). The 'Day of the Master' must, we presume, refer to that Judgment at the final Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements) at Christ's Second Coming...or does it? If the demonic hosts are to be released one final time, is it to be in a 'new heaven and new earth' world? Wouldn't that defile it and require a second cleansing afterwards? Or are there two 'Days of the Master' (Lord) and not just one? It is such difficult questions that have led many to suppose that Christ returns not at the beginning of the Millennium but at the end of it, with the 'Battle of Armageddon' describing the New Jerusalem under siege at the end of the Millennium and not the 'old' one at the end of the current æon (age). Clearly someone somewhere has made some false exegetical assumptions along the way - but which assumptions and who has got it wrong? Or is there a third explanation?

Life That was Preserved Off the Ark During the Flood

Problems occur, as we have been discovering in our Book of Revelation course, when we mistakenly assume the symbolic to be literal. Think about it. Were the elements to be literally melted - the mountains, earth and all the land - all life on earth would totally cease to exist because it would be incinerated - plant as well as animal life. When Yahweh destroyed the earth in Noah's Great Flood, all life was destroyed except that which had been preserved on the ark...or was more preserved? Did not fish survive in the oceans? There is no mention of any fish being taken aboard the ark. There were no giant fish tanks for whales, dolphins and sharks, be they baby marine mammals of the spawn or fry of fish, were there? So all sea life did not perish. Was Noah commanded to establish a seedbank like the one on the Norwegian island of Svalbard (Spitzbergen) so that plant life could be reseeded? No mention of such is made in the text. But seeds would have easily survived the flood and germinated anew after the waters had subsided.

Those Taken on the Ark

No, Noah was explicitly told to bring aboard pairs and sevens of birds and land creatures only and such food as would be needed to feed them:

    "Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth...They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark. The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as Elohim (God) had commanded Noah. Then Yahweh shut him in" (Gen.7:7-10,14-16, NIV).

Understanding Apocalyptic Language

We also know from Scripture that the final judgment of the world prior to the Second Coming will be by fire as Yahweh promised never to flood the earth with water again. The Book of Revelation is full of fiery, destrutive imagery. But how much is literal and how much is figurative or symbolic? This we have discussed long and hard in our course as we grappled with a whole genre of apocalyptic literature together with its own unique language...imagery like the sun going dark, the moon going red, and the stars falling out of the sky such as we find described in Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:25 and Revelation 6:13, &:12 that echo Isaiah 13:10 and other Tanakh (Old Testament) passages where sometimes the stars are described as falling out of the sky and sometimes being darkened. This is all apocalyptic language and is not literal! This isn't something that is going to be observed astronomically. Isaiah and Daniel are filled with apocalyptic language and though this is not something our own 21st century cultures are familiar with becase we have become scientific literalists, the ancients did understand it well and in that respect understood far more than we do.

You Can't Mix the Literal and the Symbolic

As far as sun, moon and stars are concerned, these represent persons or rulers with power and authority being overturned, as when the Babylonians were displaced by the Persians and Medes. Were the stars to literally 'fall' out of the sky you would either have to theorise, as flat-earthers do, that the lights on the imagined hard dome would start falling off like exploding light-bulbs and strike the earth (a silly idea) or something along the lines that the earth suddenly stopped spinning which would result in cateastrophic tsunamis and flooding on a massive scale. Yes, the moon tuns red during lunar eclipses and when the atmosphere is filled with smoke or ash from massive forest fires and volcanic eruptions, respectively, and the sun might be obscured from something like that but the stars don't start 'falling' out of the sky unless you speculate that kokavim are now meteorites. You wouldn't be able to see them anyway were the atmosphere saturated with smoke or ash. You can't in any case have two parts literal and one part symbolism - it's either all one or the other. A knowledge of how apocalyptic imagery works solves the dilemma. The heavenly bodies represent people.

Some speculate that the 'falling stars' could be 'shooting stars' or meteorites?

Will the Elements Literally Melt?

Peter was a fisherman, not a scientist (there was no 'science' back then as we understand it today) and what he does in 2 Peter 3:10-13 is make a stab at describing what for him was the indescribable, as John also tried throughout the Book of Revelation. So what is almost certainly being taught here is not the 'heaven' that we speak of as Paradise in the invisible spirit world but, more likely (as this is again Tanakh or Old Testament imagery), the atmosphere or sky, which in Hebrew was a word (shammayim) used to describe both the sky and the spirit world. The Hebrew language, like all languages, is polysemous,which means that each word can have several meanings. We still employ the same word today in English when we speak of 'heaven bucketing down water (i.e. raining) and 'heaven' as the invisible residence (from an earthly perspective) of the disembodied spirits of the dead. What Peter is describing is not the spirit world being 'dissolved' but chaos in the sky...or really, really bad weather! Likewise, Peter was not describing the dissolving of the elements of the Periodic Table formulated by Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) that we learned at school in Chemistry classes (which was unknown back then - the Hebrews knew nothing of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen or nitrogen) but most likely was describing the aftermath of volcanic activity, remembering earthquakes and the like are described frequently in the Book of Revelation. The 'elements' do indeed appear molten when viewed as melted rock or magma.

The Physical Aftermath of Judgment

That's the first point that needs to be made. Peter is using the apocalyptic imagery common to his time so what we find written in this passage must be viewed in the way Peter used it in the first century AD. This is not a description of the complete and utter destruction of the earth to the point that all mortal life is eradicated on it, but it is describing an apocalyptic scene of destruction noneless, much as Germany looked in the mid 1940's after the continuous Allied bombing in the years before. The cities were heaps of rubble, millions died, but not all life was wiped out. And when we look at extreme weather, particularly during the monsoon and hurricane seasons, the sky is also in turmoil. We may with good reason therefore assume when Christ returns and all the judgments of the Book of Revelation have been completed, that cities and the countryside alike will show extreme destruction. The picture of molten lava flowing out of volcanoes caused by earhquakes worldwide will indeed present a scene where it looks as though everything is melting. But some life will remain. The surface od the earth won't be completely dissolved. The details aren't as important as the fact that the world will look a complete shambles and need rebuilding. Will there one day be a complete purging? Certainly, when the planet as a whole must some 'die' and then be resurrected, albeit it maybe at lightning speed...at the end of the Millennium.

How Many 'Days of the Lord' are There?

A more important question is to understand what this 'day of the Master', 'day of Yahweh' or 'day of the Lord' is...and indeed, just as importantly, how many of them there are. Just one? If so, there is immediately a potential source of confusion. The only way to understand what Peter (and others who use the same expression elsewhere) meant is by first of all understanding the way prophetic time works in the Hebrew worldview. So important is this that I have created an entire website devoted solely to examining how Israelite time works. In fact I talked a bit about this in my Sukkot sermon precisely because it is so important that we understand how this works. And since we are dealing with apocalyptic imagery here, it's also important to understand that Hebrew prophetic time is usually cyclical.

The Day of Yahweh - one or many?

A Repeating Pattern of Judgments

In other words, the same pattern or tavnith repeats itself again and again and again. How many judgments are there in the Bible? Just Noah's Flood? Certainly not! The Bible is full of judgments and each one of these is a 'day of the Master', a 'day of Yahweh', a 'day of the Lord' or a day of Judgment. This does not mean that there isn't a final Day of Judgment right at the end of each æon (as there was, for instance, when Judah was destroyed by Rome, the temple burned, Jerusalem reduced to rubble, and the entire population expelled and dispersed throughout the Roman Empire) but it can, and does, mean that there are many such smaller judgments leading up to the 'biggie' about which the Bible mostly speaks. That there would be a 'day of Yahweh/the Master/the Lord' immediately preceeding the Millennium therefore makes perfect sense just as there will be a final 'Day of Yahweh' at the end of the Millennium because we know that judgments take place just before and right after that time.

A Spiritual Deposit Pointing to the Final Renewal

Which brings me to a third and vitally important point about the renewal of man, the world and the cosmos which I regularly speak of as this is the dominant theme of the Bible from beginning to end. But is this is one single event only? Clearly not, because the Spirit of Renewal was released into the world for the first time at the First Messianic Shavu'ot (Weeks, Ekatost, 'Pentecost') on behalf of the true believers, otherwise known as the 'new birth' or 'spiritual regeneration', a kind of spiritual 'deposit' for what is going to happen at some time in the future Day of Resurrection of the whole cosmos. And true to form, we see a pattern on the human level that is repeated on the prophetic: the 'new birth' is not the end of our spiritual transformation but the beginning of it, for renewal builds upon renewal in a process of sanctification. We should not therefore be surprised to see the same process at work in both the eternal world as a whole as well as, finally, the entire cosmos. It's not, as some segments of Evangelical Christianity believe, a question of 'once renewed, always renewed', but 'once renewed, keep on being renewed more and more until you have the fullness.' And to have that means daily overcoming sin and daily receiving more of what Yahweh wants to give us. The Transfiguration, witnessed by Peter, James and John at Sukkot, gives us a clue, where we see the 'three degrees' of the Second Coming represented, respectively, by Moses, Elijah and the Messiah Himself bathed in glory.

The Transfiguration also represents the 3-stage manifestation of the Second Coming

The Kingdom Within and Around Us

Think about it for a moment. How does Christ describe the Kingdom? What is it? Where is it? Well, He says it is in the believer who by dint (the force) of his movement or witness or shining, manifests it in the world in order to spiritually 'infect', 'leaven' or 'ignite' others, as it were, thus impacting, little by little, the environment occupied by true believers: "the kingdom of Elohim (God) is within you," the Saviour said (Luke 17:21, NIV) because that's where it starts - always. Previously, under the Old Covenant, the Kingdom was primarily envisaged as an externally imposed theocracy - a political entity of sorts (and that's certainly a manifestation of it in the New Covenant too) but it cannot be imposed in the first instance from without in the New Covenant in the way, for example, circumcision was imposed on all 8 day-old male infants. This wsn't something they underwent by choice.

Circumcision and Baptism Compared

Baptism, however, which is for both genders in the New Covenant, should not be imposed externally (even though historically it has been by false churches - I think of the conversion of Russia as a good example, when Vladimir baptised his boyars/aristocrats and then all his people in 988 AD) but must first be preceeded by inner conviction, a choice to receive Christ as Saviour, followed by the New Birth administered supernaturally from Heaven. Baptism is only for true believers old enough (around 12 or older as a rule) to make such a decision - baptising the unwilling or the unregenerated is not true baptism. It's the same with the Kingdom. It must begin within, because as an externally-imposed thing it is spiritually dead - that which is externally imposed, without consent, is always spiritually dead, leading only to nominal religion.

The Torah Must Be Written on the Heart First in the New Covenant

That's why Jeremiah said the Torah (Law) would have to be written on people's hearts by the pen of the Ruach (Spirit) in the New Covenant-to-come - it could not simply be imposed externally:

    "'This is the [new] covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,' declares Yahweh. 'I will put my Torah (Law, Teaching) in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their Elohim (God), and they will be My people" (Jer.31:33, NIV)

Inner and outer must become echad or one. That is why I love the Amplified Version translation of this passage best of all which reads:

    "For behold, the kingdom of Elohim (God) is within you (in your hearts) and among you (surrounding you)" (Lk.17:20-21, AmpV)

Peter Witnesses Earth's Transformation

So Peter is not describing the complete destruction of the physical, material universe (as though Creation were something bad, as the gnostics once believed and still do) but he is describing its transformation in the first of two stages, into a resurrection world: the Millennial Kingdom world leading finally to the post-Millennial Kingdom world. If, as the Book of Revelation seems to hint, the latter will be a world that needs no literal sun or moon, then certainly Peter's language, when understood literally, makes better sense, but even so I would urge caution in going down that route for the simple reason that this language is genre-specific - it is apocalyptic, and the apocalyptic is steeped in symbolism and metaphor. Remember, the purpose of apocalyptic is to tell a story by engaging every human faculty, not to necessarily, or always, make scientific statements about events in the external world.

The Three-Stage Great Transformation

From these observations I deduce that the Great Transformation takes place as a process but with three distinct quantum leaps, as it were:

  • 1. The first right after the cross at the first Messianic Shavu'ot (Weeks), corresponding to the spring festivals of Pesach (Passover), Chag haMatzah (Unleavened Bread) and (particularly) Yom haBikkurim (Firstfruits) - symbolised too by Moses;
  • 2. The second at the beginning of the Millennium where resurrected humans mingle with unresurrected ones, corresponding to the summer festival of Shavu'ot (Weeks) - symbolised too by Elijah; and
  • 3. The third at the beginning of the post-Millennial, Eternal Resurrection World when everything becomes immortal, corresponding to autumn/fall festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles) - symbolised by Christ Himself.

Heaven and earth are therefore joined together in three distinctive stages, the 'intersectionality' getting deeper and deeper until heaven and earth are fully merged together without veils or barriers of any kind. If you want a graphic picture of this, think of a foggy day with the fog suddenly clearing dramatically three times as opposed to a gentle process of lifting, a bit like my studio light here with has several brightness settings from low light, to middle light to bright light. That is how I view the way heaven and earth come together...in Three Divine Acts that follow seamlessly one after the other, rather like conception, birth and resurrection.

How Will Christ Return?

Which brings me to a fourth and, I hope you will find, particularly interesting point, which concerns the very nature of the Second Coming itself. What is it going to be like? How will we 'see' or 'perceive' it here on earth especially if we're all going to be witnessing it at exactly the same time even if we're on opposite sides of the globe? Will those in Australia and the UK, for instance, be able to 'see' Christ 'descending' from Heaven to Jerusalem? Where exactly will the Saviour be coming from - from which direction? Up, sideways, or what? Indeed, where is He now?

What exactly will the Secong Coming look like visibly?

The Mormon Heaven is a Planet Called Kolob

In the minds of most materialist-orientated Westerners, 'heaven' is some distant place 'out there' and coming from it - let alone getting to it - requires a long journey...as though Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is living on some planet in some other star system. The Mormons are at least bluntly honest about this and claim He lives on a planet called Kolob which revolves around the throne room of their god, a belief that got translated into a TV Science Fiction series in 1978 which some of you may know of called Battlestar Galactica, written by a Mormon called Glen A. Larson, about humans fleeing their home planet that has been destroyed by their enemies, the Cylons. That home plant is called Kobol (not the computer program Cobol), a rearrangement of the letters 'l' and 'b' of the word for the Mormon heaven called Kolob. Christians don't go quite that far but when they imagine heaven it's certainly viewed by millions as some distant place they think of at which one could theoretically point ones telescope in a certain direction to see, were it near or bright enough.

Silly Rapture and Flat Earth Notions

So when many evangelicals speak of a 'rapture' and of people ascending into the sky, the motif is of believers allegedly being transported off the earth to some other distant world in the universe where 'God' lives, remembering they believe they will still have their mortal physical bodies. They all go 'up' from the surface of the earth in this imaginary scene and then presumably change direction at some point else they'd all go to different parts of the universe and miss one another - the Brits and Australians going to different parts of the Galaxy. The idea of a 'distant' heaven along with the whole notion of 'rapture' is, needless to say, pure fantasy - an invention of the Western mind strongly influenced by scientific Enlightenment thought. At least the literalist Flat-Earthers can make fun of this idea of folks going off in multiple directions by claiming that on a flat earth we'll all be pointed in the right direction ('up') though it beats me, if that's the case, why we haven't already collided with 'Heaven' since according to flat-earthers the world is continually accelerating upwards in order to create artificial gravity (though though they don't call it 'gravity') so we don't all float away. It's at this point where I hope it should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense that going 'up' to 'heaven' cannot be taken literally whether on a globe or a fantasy flat-earth and I'll explain further now.

Millions of Christians believe in a 'rapture' of believers off the earth

We Now Understand Rapture Imagery

How, then, you may ask, are we to understand the two passages where we are told we will meet the Saviour 'in the air', 'coming down' in the same way He was Himself transported 'up' into heaven when He left His talmidim (disciples) in Mark 16:19 and Luke 24:51? Was He lifted like a rocket into the air to then disappear in the literal clouds to then head off into space to the raptureland-to-be heavenly paradise above or was the language being used here once again apocalyptic and symbolic? Were the witnesses once again decribing something they could not understand in the same way Peter saw the earth being transformed, and struggled to put that picture into words, resorting to nationally accepted apocalyptic language to make himself understood? Thanks to the exceptionally detailed scholarly work done in recent years on cultural imagery, we now properly understand the so-called 'rapture' language (remember, 'rapture' isn't a biblical word) as a picture of the citizens of a city going out to meet and greet their returning King accompanied by his entourage, to then escort him and his troops back into his home city. Those who meet the returning Messiah 'in the air' (whether that is literal or symbolic is not so important) are a welcoming committee made up of the saved, overcoming citizenry of 'City' Earth welcoming back their Masterand His army or 'host' of the resurrected departed, not being carted off to the Christian equivalent of the Mormon 'Kolob' to avoid the tribulation, something that's made clear in the Book of Revelation studies we've been doing.

Adventus and Parousia

What about the Second 'Coming' or Second 'Advent' as it's also sometimes called? Where in English have we derived these two words? Well, 'Advent' is from the Latin 'adventus' which means 'coming' (hence their season of Advent, which is the Roman Catholic countdown to Christmas, borrowed, incidentally from paganism) so they are one and the same word. We get our English word 'Coming' from translating the Latin or Vulgate Bible which was Catholicism's equivalent of the 'King James Version' for almost a thousand years before Protestants started translating the Scriptures into their own languages. So where did Jerome, who made the Vulgate translation, get 'Adventus' from? Why did he use that Latin word in particular? Well, he got it from the Greek word parousia which literally means both 'arrival' and 'presence'. Thus Christ's return or parousia is both an arrival and a presence. He will arrive and be present with us once again. The Latin, and therefore the English, German, French and every other Western European language, address only the 'arrival' part, but not the 'presence'. And this omission has shaped nearly two thousand years of theology concerning the return of Christ! A whole theology from just one word!

The Theatre Parable

Let me illustrate what parousia means with a parable. Let us say that you have all gathered to meet me at a theatre in town. I have been away and am returning home. I arrive by car, unseen, at the back door of the theatre and am taken to the theatre stage behind the big red curtains. Nobody in the audience sees my arrival. And then, suddenly, as the orchestra plays its entré theme, the curtains are drawn back and, hey presto, there I am, standing on the stage, revealed for all of you to see. You didn't see me arrive or from what direction I came from, and if you had never been in a threatre before and never heard of one, it might even seem like magic.

Demystifying the Mystery of the Second Coming

Now this is a human example. The return of the Messiah is a supernatural event. Just like the illustration I gave earlier of the joining of heaven to earth in three distinctive stages with three sudden shiftings of the fog, so Christ will suddenly be seen by everyone everywhere as though He had always been there no matter where on earth you may be - as though a veil had been suddenly lifted. He will suddenly be 'present' or parousia, having 'come', from a human perspective, from somewhere else and from some unknown 'direction'. Here is the mystery demystified and it is astonishingly simple once you have grasped the basic concept: heaven, earth and hell all exist in the same physical space but in different dimensions! When we die we don't go on some fantastically long space journey to a Kolob-like planet at the edge of the Milky Way or Universe as a whole, we simply 'change state' or shift dimensions and are 'there'. Some seconds may pass in this transition, as we appear to enter a long dark tunnel to a light at the end of it, but we have not actually 'moved' any great 'distance' in the sense in which we understand 'distance' in the material universe. We're just 'there' as the resurrected Christ was suddenly 'there' in the Upper Room when He appeared to His talmidim (disciples) - or we'll be in the 'other place' if we are unrepentant and unsaved.

How Angels, Demons and UFOs Manifest

This is why, incidentally, we sometimes see the spirits of the departed as 'ghosts' in the physical space with which they were familiar when they were here in mortality. This is the same space where demons manifest on earth out of hell and where the majority of UFOs come from. They simply, if I can put it in scientific terms, 'change frequency' and move between dimensions. We can't cross inbetween these dimensions willy-nilly for there are invisible barriers separting these different dimensions. Demons can only cross if we give them the legal rights to do so by sinning and Yahweh allows them to pass. There are strict rules in place concerning these things or there would be chaos in the created universe. That is why demons are often seen entering our dimension through 'portals' like doors or tunnels. This is how they access us - I was telling you a little about this yesterday in my Sukkot VII talk [1]. It's the same way malakim (angels) enter our dimension with authority from Yahweh to do so when they are sent on missions to earth. None of them need rockets or spacecraft to travel from their dimension to ours. As for UFOs and why we see them, and why and how they physically manifest to do the most astonishing feats of movement in our skies and oceans, this is the subject of another talk for another day as it's too big a subject for today's message.

UFOs manifest on earth from a different dimension

Christ's Sudden Appearance

When the heavenly shofars blast away in the heavenly dimension at the final Yom Teruah we will know Christ is about to 'return' or 'come back' to us by suddenly 'manifesting' or being 'present', for He Himself said He would catch the world asleep like a thief coming in the night (Mt.24:43; 1 Thess.5:2). He will suddenly be 'there' - maybe in a flash, maybe manifesting like an image being focussed gradually on a screen, I don't know. But He will be present everywhere on earth because, to the enormous surprise and shock of everybody, He is a supernatural, resurrected being. Thus He will be seen by all mankind on earth, and by all mankind in heaven and in hell too. Will He appear in the air? Possibly, at least at first, so that we can understand that He has come from the heavenly realms 'above', symbolically-speaking, and not from the demonic realms 'below', symbolically-speaking. But remember this: the word 'air' translates the Hebrew ruach (the root of which means 'power', 'open', 'space', 'spread') and can as likely mean the Ruach or Spirit as the atmosphere or sky as we know from Job 41:46.

How Moses and the Nevi'im Met Yahweh 'in the Air'

So meeting Christ 'in the air' could just as easily mean meeting Him 'in the Ruach (Spirit)'. Those who are born-again, spiritually-regenerated believers who are alive on the earth when He manifests in our dimension will be able to meet Him in that 'space' or 'dimension' where the heavenly world and the material world intersect by virtue of their possessing the Ruach (Spirit). We will be able to cross into that 'space' whereas no one else will, to greet the Messiah and the resurrected dead believers of old and then return with them fully into our space-time-continuum of the material world. This is what I believe. And what a sublime moment that will be! And if you want some kind of example of where this has happened in the past, you only have to recall Moses meeting Yahweh on the qadosh (holy, set-apart) ground on Mount Sinai and the divine encounters of the Cohen Gadol (High Priest) and some of the nevi'im (prophets) like Moses in the Tabernacle and, later, the Jerusalem Temple when the glory was present. To have been either on the Mount with Moses or in the Holy of Holies in the Hekal or Temple with the Cohen Gadol (High Priest) when Yahweh manifested each Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements) or on other special occasions, would be equivalent to 'meeting Him in the air' or 'in the Ruach (Spirit)'. Thus when we are 'in the Spirit' (for real) we are metaphorically 'in the air'. We are doing the 'meeting-in-the-air 'thing' all the time!

The Translation of Elijah & Azotus Travel

This, by the way, is how I believe the nevi'im (prophets) are transported into heaven when they are translated. We remember Enoch's disappearance (Gen.5:24) but more so Elijah because of the spectacular way He left the earth 'in the air' and 'on a chariot' (2 Ki.2:11), a representation of transportation. This is the apocalyptic language used to describe crossing dimensions in the readily understood imagery of the culture of the day in which these supernatural events took place. Am I perhaps being influenced by science fiction in these ideas to some extent? It's possible, of course, but remember that so much of science fiction has already been rendered into scientific fact by-the-by. I am quite sure the élites know about such things, at least as far as the dark side is concerned, and that may be a reason for the CERN experiments in Switzerland and France to find a way of illegally opening the barrier between earth and hell so that demons can swarm 'up' here to infest our planet. Whether Yahweh allows that or not is another matter. I somehow doubt it. When they are released from the 'pit' at the end of the Millennium it will be only because Yahweh gives permission. Those who break His rules are restrained. I suspect that 'Azotus Travel' or transmaterialisation will become frequently used in the Last Generation when the world population is locked down by the Antichrist dictatorship in their '15 minute city zones' and travel forbidden, occurs in a similar way.

Was the translation of Elijah a crossing over from one dimension to another?

A Final Gathering

I hope I have given you a lot of things to think about today. Today is Shemini Atseret, the last day of the annual cycle of divine moedim or appointments ordained by our Heavenly Father for His people. It is the exact mirror image of Pesach (Passover), the conclusion of humanity's Final Exodus from Babylon to the Millennial Zion, a long and thrilling journey that began all the way back in Genesis and ends in Revelation, a story in which we, as live actors, have our parts to play. Everybody has their contribution to make. For now, though, our eyes are on the soon-to-be Final Gathering as the Penultimate Judgment is executed in the immediate days head.

Celebrate Yahweh's Victory!

We may indeed justifiably celebrate Yahweh's Victory today! The current globalist horror show is about to take a dramatic turn as the élites suffer that defeat I have spoken so often of to you these last few years. Then come the many revivals, not like revivals of the Protestant past, but revivals of the New Restoration. Sweden, Kenya, the Philippines and Bolivia will arise and greatly surprise both Christendom and the world, and what we have dreamed about, and hoped for, for so long, will finally come to pass. The long wait will be over and we will have much to do. Indeed, we will be so busy we will lose track of time. You'll see. Then the mockers will be silenced and Yahweh given the glory.

The four permanent restoratinist revivals to come


I pray our visitors will have safe journeys back to Norway and Africa, and that our online viewers will be inspired to throw in their lot and join with us. We look forward to getting to know you better. Sukkot has been a time of mixed blessings this year, I hope you have managed to find some simcha (joy) amidst the many trials we are all undergoing. Yahweh rules, He sits unperturbed upon His Throne, Satan's kingdom quakes, Heavenly Father's will cannot be overturned, and He is absolitely victorious. HalleluYah! in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name. Amen.


    [1] ITS047 (2023-10-05), Psalms of Glory IX: Justice, Demon-Exposure & Deliverance, Psalms 95 & 96

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "WOW!!! What a precious and joyous message. What blessed understanding. How blessed I feel to have been led to your ministry. Praise the Blessed Elohim! I am continually inspired to reach for deeper evolved relationship with our Creator, Savior and Protector. I pray to share the ultimate joy you exude in helping others to share in this incredible hope we have for the not too distant fiture" (MM, USA, 7 October 2023)

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    Last updated 29 September 2023

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