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Month 6:29, Week 4:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5955:177 AM
2Exodus 9/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 25 September 2022
Worldwide Decision Time
The Greatest Treasure Earth Affords
Preparing for Yom Teruah


    Seventy years ago, amid the pomp and circumstance of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, there was a pause in the ceremony. During that pause the Queen was presented with a copy of the Bible and these words were said to her: "This is the greatest treasure that earth affords."

    Gold or Glory

    Shabbat shalom chaverim and welcome everyone who believes that this Book of books (holds up Bible) is the greatest treasure that earth affords, for we are at once of one fellowship who are able to declare that. This Book has turned the world upside down and it will turn it upside down again but only if the men and women who carry it proclaim its contents as the Creator's own mind and heart boldly and without fear! And as Leonard Ravenhill has reminded us, those who first did so two thousand years ago had no gold but lots of glory. Today Christendom has lots of gold but no glory [1]. Well, Yahweh is allowing the greedy élites, the fools that they are, to steal all our gold but in doing so they leave us, at least, only one resource - glory!

    The Death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom & Commonwealth

    Last week, on 19 September 2022, our great monarch was laid to rest with much pomp and ceremony in Westminster Cathedral and in St.George's Chapel, Windsor, that must have cost a fortune in gold. The former ceremony was attended by monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and other dignitaries, in which the Bible was read extensively according to the practices and traditions of the Anglican Church, with appeals being made to faith in Christ and hope in the resurrection, with an extensive quotation that was the late Queen's favourite, from the Book of Revelation which we are in the middle of studying. All of this was done in the presence of the world, before atheists and liberals, woke bishops, secular presidents and prime ministers, governors, kings and queens, and in front of television cameras broadcasting to billions of people. I spent all day watching it because I knew that this was more than just history-in-the-making - this was a vitally important prophetic marker in the unfolding of the Penultimate Judgment.

    A Prophetic Marker Missed by Nearly All

    The Queen was a believer, and though she was always surrounded by opulence she lived very simply. Yahweh used this occasion for her final witness, as the words of Scripture read out at Westminster Abbey fell on the ears of Satanists, devil-worshippers, atheists, and every kind of unbeliever, many of whom claim to represent the Creator but whose allegiance is to other gods, principalities and powers from the dark side. And behind the High Altar was my own ancestral Coat of Arms in two shields side-by-side. What you may not realise was that the great assembly in Westminister Abbey was the occasion, which none of us could have foreknown (since none of us knew when the Queen would die) on which Yahweh would make His final statement before executing Penultimate Judgment on the world. Oh yes, you have no idea the magnitude of the prophetic significance of the death of Queen Elizabeth, but you will! But I doubt many had a clue what was going on as far as the unfolding Plan of Yahweh is concerned.

    Now is the Time

    We are pausing our Bible study of the Book of Revelation not just because this is the season of the autumn (fall) festivals but because now is the time that the authentic nevi'im (prophers) have been telling you would come. How ironic, then, that Yahweh, the Father of all Light and Truth, should use the very instrument of global state oppression - the media - to make His announcement! Today is 'the day before' so that you will understand and know the context of, and the pretext for, of all that is about to happen.

    Prophecies for the King and His Son

    I shall be watching with keen interest to see whether the same presentation is made, and the same words spoken, about the preeminence of the Bible during the coronation of Charles III, King of England. If it is not removed by the King, just as he has pledged to be the defender of the Protestant faith already, then there is a ray of hope for Great Britain, and Yahweh will send His Britannic Majesty counsellors, and indeed nevi'im (prophets), to guide him during his important reign. If he does remove it, then you may be sure that the Windsor Dynasty will end very soon. The King must make a choice: follow Christ or the Babylonian world system. If he chooses aright, he will be blessed in ways he cannot begin to imagine, in spite of the past. Every David must have his Jonathan, to love him as a close-knit brother, and every David must have his Nathan to correct and guide him along the Way for he cannot rule alone! King Charles is strongly opinionated, a passionate, sensitive man who has done much deep thinking, but his influence will be minimal, if not destructive, if he does not at the very least imitate his late mother by submitting to Christ and to His Davar (Word). If He does, his son William will succeed him, and if his son likewise follows in the faith of his grandmother, he too will be guided by a namesake; and then Britain, as the head nation of Ephraim, will, if it repents and reforms, still be able to effect much good, and be a place of refuge, but not until it itself has been painfully purged of the cancer that lies at its very heart. The monster-on-the-river must, and shall, be incinerated and all that it represents. If the King does not, he will effectively be the last monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all the other territories of the monarchy.

    William, Prince of Wales (left) & King Charles III (centre)

    Will the United Kingdom Now Disintegrate?

    In any case, the United Kingdom may not survive very much longer as a nation, following the latest Northern Ireland elections which the anti-Union Republican Catholics, who are now in a majority through a higher birth rate than their Protestant rivals, seem to have won. Add to this the Northern Ireland Protocol which the last UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, signed up to as a condition for Brexit, and Ulster may soon be gone, something I, as an Anglo-Ulsterman, find distressing. So the death of the Queen could also see the end of her Realm too and a return to the old Union Flag without St.Patrick's red saltire cross.

    The old Union flag - Is the UK about to lose Northern Ireland?

    A New Kenyan President

    In the meantime, Yahweh has raised up in the Commonweath nation of Kenya, just days before the Queen's funeral, a President, William Ruto, seemingly of strong Evangelical Christian faith, possibly as a sign and a promise that the East African nation will be in continuous revival until the coming of Messiah, and be a beacon of hope for the whole of East Africa, and to much of the world, including Britain, if it too allows itself to be guided by true nevi'im (prophets). But Kenya must beware for there are many false prophets there too, as in all the nations, including the United Kingdom, just as there were throughout the days of ancient Israel. And Ruto himself is allegedly involved in a number of political corruption scandals that might compromise him. The blessings Kenya needs all hinge on a right attitude toward the Davar Elohim (Word of God).

    The Davar Alone

    The late Leonard Ravenhill, whom many called a modern-day John Wesley, once wrote that "the blessed Word of the living God (Elohim) is more than a book of texts. It is also a textbook. The Bible is the only textbook which has charted the whole pathway for every man who has his back to the City of Destruction and his face to the City of God. The Christian's pilgrimage is uphill all the way, and the staff upon which he leans is the Word of the Lord. The child of God must bear the burden and the heat of the day, and the well of comfort from which he drinks continually is the Word of God. The Christian's way is dark, and the Word alone can be a lamp to his feet and a light unto his path" [2].

    Gazing at Christ Through Obstacles

    To which I would add, of course, the living presence of Elohim (God), a consciousness of the Throne Room, and an abiding shalom (peace). Either you are facing the City of Destruction and embracing it whether you know it or not - and you might be doing so viâ any number of different devices - or your back is facing it and you are moving away from it and going deeper into the Light by the day. It's that simple. It doesn't matter where you are in your journey so long as you are facing in the right direction and are moving ever closer into Light and Truth! Then it does not matter what obstacle stands in your way because you have a Saviour on the other side of it ready to tear it down. But you must maintain your gaze on Him through the obstacle even though you cannot 'see' Him while the obstacle remains.

    Yah'shua Has the Key of David

    Am I speaking a strange language to you? Surely not. Obstacles there will be in your life no matter what because the Enemy continually throws them up against us so we should expect them and get used to seeing through them to the Saviour. After all, has He not removed those obstacles in the past, each in its own season? And even though an obstacle may appear to us as a locked and chained iron gate, just remember who it is who has the Key of David:

      "These are the words of Him who is qadosh (holy, set-apart) and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open" (Rev.3:7, NIV).

    Don't Give Up on the Lost

    You know, I had a bit of a shock last Thursday because during the night Yahweh showed me all the people whom I had begun to think were lost and out of my life forever. Yahweh has not given up on them and neither should we, no matter how much time has lapsed, no matter what disastrous decisions they have made - unordained (and sometimes adulterous) marriages, turning to alcohol and sexual immorality for comfort, even turning their backs on the Saviour and facing the City of Destruction! Now I am not saying that none of those who have done this will lost because I have no idea but people in my own family and circle of friends whom I thought were gone forever were absolutely not, for I saw them gathered with the Saviour at their head! We should not give up on anyone.

    Do You Want Revival?

    Something else I have understood too - many of those who say they want Revival don't actually want revival because true revival also requires a revival of truth which would require them to radically change their attitudes, lifestyles and habits! We can all imagine revival but only in our own imperfect image, an image often shaped by the world. End-time revival in particular only occurs when things we don't want come too, and when things we do want, don't. What do I mean by that?

    Ahabs, Corrupt Priesthoods, Groves and Idolatrous Rulers

    Well, I have spoken to you of the need for Elihah prophets but Elijah was not raised until there was an Ahab to rebuke and a corrupt priesthood to overthrow. Are you in the business of rebuking and overthrowing? That's the easy part - the question is, can you rebuke and overthrow in the spirit of love and truth, or is it just your flesh wanting to do these things for the show and a psychic rush? I have met many false prophets who love to rebuke and (as they vainly imagine) to 'overthrow' who themselves were first rebuked by the true nevi'im (prophets) and then overthrown themselves. The Messianic Community/Church is littered with their spiritual corpses. Elijah also had Ashtoroth groves to pull down. Daniel did not appear in power until Nebuchadnezzar came close to massacring all his wise men and then demanded to be worshipped. John the Baptist appeared at a time when priestly arrogance was at its height, spiritual apostacy was rampant, and the nation was in captivity to a foreign invader.

    The Elijah prophets are raised up to confront the world's Ahabs & Jezebels

    True Prophets Do Not Court Popularity

    False prophets want all the perks of recognition that true nevi'im (prophets) get but none want to be thrown into lions' dens, deep wells, or be decapitated, sawn in half, and so on. They want to be popular, not hated. The two witnesses in Jerusalem do not get any presents from the world - rather the world sends presents to itself once it has murdered them. Today we have many more enemies than, say, John Wesley did in his day. Alcohol and prostitution were amongst his biggest concerns, but they seem as minor issues compared with the brazen Baal and Molech worship going on in our society today. As men drank the liquid fire of alcohol by which men drink their hell beforehand, today they are 'drinking' an arsenal of poisons so vast and destructive that the alcohol problem of the 18th century seems tame by comparison. And today you cannot even speak against the 21st century poisons and its poisoners without being subject to arrest and imprisonment because we are expected to 'drink' it happily to our deaths. Indeed, I wonder what John Wesley would make of our day? One thing I am sure, he would speak the truth in no less an impassioned and dedicated way as he did over 200 years ago!

    Truth-Telling Before Revival

    Truth-telling must precede revival. And the more truth is uncovered, the more telling there is to be done, and the more by way of spiritual preparation and obedience has to be done before the Almighty will rain His Ruach (Spirit) on His people. Moreover, it will be done when He is raining fire down on the wicked too. And He does so in the most unlikely and unexpected ways so if you think the Book of Revelation that we're presently studying is far-fetched and unbelievable then you will assuredly be unprepared to receive, let alone see, the works of Yahweh in the days ahead.

    The End of the Christian West

    So, yes, the death of Queen Elizabeth II marks the official end of the Christian era in the West, but also of its wicked hegemons attempting to wield power on a moral platform they no longer have their feet set on because they long ago kicked it onto the garbage heap. And what they have are shifting sands, noxious swamps, and no hope. So if you are looking to the left or the right for your salvation, you will not find it. The choice is, in any case, between up and down.

    History Turns on Small Hinges

    None of this means that every part of the West is dead. The United Kingdom has a choice and that will in large part depend on what the new monarch chooses. You may not think that one man can do much but you would be wrong. Great reformations of the past have been driven by solo men like King Hezekiah and Martin Luther to whom the masses at times respond because they see no better way to go. The men Yahweh raises to change the entire course of history invariably begin as obscure monks like Luther and then suddenly rise to prominence which is why the Herods of the system, who brook no rivals, are constantly on the watch so that they can catch them and destroy them early on, even if it means massacring innocents to do so. I mean, think about it. Killing the babes and small children of Bethlehem was terrible enough but earlier on in history, before the Flood put pay to his scheme, Satan set about genetically corrupting the whole human race with Nephilim DNA to prevent the Messiah from being born a pure human and completing His redemptive task. Stalin, to save the revolution, was prepared to murder tens of millions, as were Mao and Pol Pot.

    The corruption of human DNA is once again a satanic target

    The Unlikely Instruments Yahweh Uses

    So, yes, there are some lights in high places in Europe, America and Australia (for instance) that the denizens of evil are desperate to snuff out. And maybe some of them were responsible for misdeeds in the past which they now deeply regret. Whoever they are, if Yahweh's hand is on them, support them in prayer and in deed. There are no completely dark places...yet. There is light and hope to be found provided you aren't wearing blinkers that prevent you from seeing them. A 'you', like Merlin in the romantic fable of Camelot, or El Cid of Spain, may be called to serve them even if at first they are insufferable and treat you abominably. Your patience, long-suffering and love may be what brings them around to repentance and enable them to arise into their noble calling. So, yes, some of Yahweh's Remnant will be in the highest courts of nations doing just this, restoring right-mindedness to the presently led-astray...some, at any rate, for you do not know whether the toad you are serving may one day become a prince or indeed whether the toad will not, by his contrary behaviour, refine you too. Many are the ways that Yahweh brings lost souls to their senses.

    A Mixed-Up Tape

    Let me give you an illustration. When I was preparing this sermon for you I took out a tape (for you all know I am a reel-to-reel enthusiast) to play in the background while I worked. When I took the tape out and read the list of musical contents, I thought to myself, 'No, this is not conducive to the spirit I want while I am working' and was about to put the tape away when I felt the urge to play it anyway. When I threaded it onto the tape recorder, it was something entirely different! I had got out the contents register mixed with another tape and what I instead had was just what I needed.

    Give People the Benefit of the Doubt

    You see, people are like that too. We read the lables others slap on them and assume they are the truth with accurate character-content. We can't do that in the Kingdom of our Elohim (God) because Yahweh alone can see into their hearts and either knows what they truly are now or what they are capable of becoming when those called to minister to them step up to the plate and simply serve them as friends, counsellors, or whatever. Just remember that the Remnant is hiding in all sorts of unexpected places. That is why we must give people the benefit of the doubt (unless the Ruach/Spirit says clearly and unambiguously not to) until it becomes clear they are no longer worthy of that benefit. Character does not, in any case, always equate with a person's present belief system which, though whackey, is but a passing phase born of misjudgments and deceptions. Besides, do we not all of us have backgrounds that we are less than proud of? And yet here we are, thanks to the gracious working of the Father of All Righteousness. And you know, some of these souls may be our persecutors for the present, as Saul of Tarsus was.

    What Christianity Is and Isn't

    But if you are to help such people, or whatever your calling may be, one of the first things you have got to discover is that Christianity/Messianism isn't just religious truth but it is the truth about all of reality! It is total truth, not just truth in a particular sphere. Science, religion, psychology and philosophy aren't just four separate and mutually exclusive disciplines (there are more, obviously) but a single, integrated reality. That is why I do not fear to dip into any discipline because wherever I look, I find the same truth, the same reality. To be sure, I find perversions of all four but that does not negate the unity of spiritual and material truth.

    Tilling and Weeding Hearts Through Discipleship

    In part it is that which gives me such confidence to declare what I do, but unifying all these is first and foremost the unction, anointing, enduement or baptism of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). You cannot function as a whole being without it. But first the soil must be prepared - the soil is important. It is for that reason that we are spiritual gardeners first of all. Hearts must first be tilled and weeded, the lies removed, before sustained and deep spiritual growth can happen. That means you have got to tackle Darwin and Freud, the New Age and Satanism, Modernism and Postmodernism, and all the counterfeits that seek converts among 21st century humanity. As in no age previously, believers have a lot of preparation to do, and must in turn be prepared to invest a lot of time discipling people. And where do we start? Well, with 'the greatest treasure that earth affords,' of course! It is what made our late monarch great and thanks to her, it is what has helped keep my country together for 70 years. But now the new King must make a similar choice and if he chooses wrong, he and his house will be swept away before Messiah returns and demands every sceptre and crown which are on loan only.

    Ploughing of the soil of men's hearts necessary for strong spiritual growth

    Moral Relativism Denies Reality

    If you're going to interpret the Bible through the planetary eyes of Darwin, Freud, Plato, and other religions and secular philosophers you're going to go round in circles and be sling-shot away from Elohim (God) into the outer darkness of empty space until in desperation you cry out for Him to come back into your life...or for the first time if you've never known Him. Moral relativism is no foundation for any feet that were designed for firmness and security. Just walk into an active earthquake zone if you don't believe me. In any case, sooner or later you are going to meet cruelty head-on and, as Nancy Pearcey testified, "no one faced with genuine cruelty remains a moral relativist". She added:

      "The dilemma is that humans irresistably and unavoidably make moral judgments - and yet nonbiblical worldviews give no basis for them. When non-believers act according to their intrinsic moral nature by pronouncing something right or wrong, they are being inconsitent with their own philosophy - and thus condemn it by their own actions...

      "Yet what is the logical ground for this unavoidable belief in right and wrong? The only basis for an objective morality is the existence of a holy God (qadosh, set-apart Elohim), whose character provides the ultimate foundation for moral standards. Christianity explains why we are moral creatures, and establishes validity for our moral sense...

      "When Christianity is tested, we discover that it alone explains and makes sense of the most basic and universal human experiences. This is the confidence that should sustain us when we bring our faith perspective into the public arena, whether in personal evangelism or in our professional work" [3].

    A New Kind of Evangelism & The Funeral of Your Reputation

    The Remannt must therefore engage in a new type of Evangelism - Ruach/Spirit-filled and miracle-believing, absolutely, but throroughly truth-informed and prepared too, Bible-based, with solid answers for a lost world sliding faster and faster into the abyss. Then, like the first believers who had no gold, just as we don't, we will take the world by storm and experience an Exodus Power far greater than anything Moses or Israel ever had. But first, as Ravenhill reminds us, "your reputation must die and have a public funeral" [4]. Then anything is possible! Then Yahweh can use you for real.


    I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at Yom Teruah. Come with a shouting voice and a full heart for Yah'shua (Jesus)! Amen.


    [1] Leonard Ravenhill, Sodom Had No Bible (Offspring Publishers, USA: 2012), p.18
    [2] Ibid., p.124
    [3] Nancy Pearcey, Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity (Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois: 2005), p.396. I highly recommend this book for both active and back-slidden believers as well as investigators of Christianity.
    [4] Leonard Ravenhill, op.cit., p.192

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    Last updated 25 September 2022

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