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Month 1:1 (Aviv), Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5946:1 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Saturday 2 April 2022
Rosh Chodesh I
Aviv 2022
The Gathering of the 12 Tribes Begins


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon - a blessed New Moon Day, a blessed Aviv or Month of Blossoms and a blessed New Year to all the House of Israel - to the Twelve Tribes who, since the days of Paul, are still waiting to see the promises made to them fulfilled and who, as they become aware of who they are, "earnestly serve Elohim (God) day and night" (Acts 26:7, NIV).

    Knowing Your Tribe

    Once you realise who you are in Christ, you also start becoming aware that you belong to the Kingdom of Israel in King Messiah; and once you become aware of that, kindled within each awakened soul is the desire to know your Tribe and your spiritual fathers. Like a twelve-petalled flower, the twelve tribes form a part of a whole, aware that they are incomplete without the other. We are a big Family but we are not one single homogenous mass. As each family has sons and daughters who are different to one another and together make up a single family spirit, so too the Twelve Tribes of Israel, largely forgotten by Christendom who, rather than thinking of itself as twelve-faceted Israel, peel off into this denomination and that, who are not united, not of one mind, and therefore not echad.

    Fathers' Day

    Rosh Chodesh, which means the 'head of the moon' and marks the beginning of each month, has been set aside specifically as a time of gathering around the fathers and the nevi'im (prophets). If there ever was a 'father's day', today is it, the Day of our Heavenly Father, Yahweh-Elohim, the Day of the Father of our Salvation, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), the Eternal King, Prince and Cohen Gadol (High Priest) of Israel and of His proxy on earth, "the Prince" of the House of Joseph (Gen.49:26; Dt.33:16) while Yah'shua (Jesus) remains in Heaven, the Day of the Heads of the Twelve Tribes (who, as I mentioned last sabbath, are the equivalent of the end-time 'apostles'), the Day of the Clan heads, and the day of the fathers and husbands of each family. Today we honour all of these, as we honour the Mothers of Israel, from the sevenfold Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) to the mothers and wives in Israel four times a week each Sabbath, 4 being the number of creation and of things of the earth. This is why I say Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah each and every Rosh Chodesh and why today I greet Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon which is my own spiritual family.

    The Sevenfold Ruach haQodesh

    A Long-Awaited Day

    If I am sounding very formal and sober today it is because I am. This is a day I have been waiting for a very, very long time. We have just been through a terrible year of Penultimate Judgment in which Elohim (God) declared His verdict on those claiming to belong to Him, upon the whole world of mortal men and women, and upon the fallen angelic hosts who steer those who give them conscious and unconscious allegiance. The righteous and the innocent have suffered much. The writing is very clearly and visibly on the wall. Now I use the words 'declares His verdict' carefully because the execution of His punishments on the wicked and the vindication of the righteous does not occur in a single day but will last, effectively, until the next and Final Judgment upon the Return of Messiah, but there is also a special sense in which He will exact vengeance on the wicked and justify the righteous this year. The consequences of judgment, once declared, are ongoing, as every exile of Israel and Judah has shown. The consequences of these verdicts must now be lived out in the years ahead - Paradise is not about to be ushered in, as some mistakenby believe, save in little pockets here and there, nor are all the wicked to be removed or imprisoned all at once, but all will begin to reap the curses or blessings they have brought upon themselves because of the life choices they have made in the years before today but especially last year in which the grace and longsuffering of El Elyon (the Most High) to give extend the opportunity to repent and be reconciled, was extended to the wicked in high places especially one last time before the verdict was signed and sealed in the Council of Yah's Elohim.

    The Stirring of Slumbering Israel

    In a few days' time we commence the nineth year of the Last Exodus but today - on this day of Aviv 1, the gathering of the Twelve Tribes begins too. This gathering will not occur in a day - you will not find large concourses of people suddenly rushing off to twelve designated places and assembling overnight or in weeks or months. This will take place gradually and inconspicuously. It could best be described as a stirring out of a great slumber. Nor is it random. Though each spiritually regenerated-, born again-in-Christ and Torah-obedient soul will, if he or she does not know it, begin to have revealed the name of his or her spiritual tribe, which at core is a spiritual disposition or temprement, if you will, which may or may not be channelled through a particular bloodline (for remember many are ingrafted gentiles and not literal blood descendants of Israel). And though there are physically distinct tribal entities, there is to be much cross-fertilisation of the tribes as women from one tribe marry husbands from another and, though they themselves become adopted into their husband's tribe with its dominant spiritual signature and leave behind their own (as when a woman leaves behind father, mother and kindred when she marries), they are nonetheless infusing these birthed characteristics of their children into their adopted tribe through marriage, and on this basis they are creating a wholly new level of echad unity. This is one of the enabling functions of Holy Echad Marriage so that all the gifts that Yahweh has blessed various bloodlines with may be shared in the short space of a single generation. By this means Israel becomes both one and twelve simultaneously.

    The slumbering lion of Israel is slowly waking up...

    The Final Gathering and Babylon's Pushback

    Now this, I am sure you will agree, is a little different from the more physical way the tribes were originally planted and consolidated in the Promised Land under Moses and Joshua, as we find described in the Tanakh (Old Testament). And though there shall be a geographical re-planting in the Promised Land again in the last days, this has not yet happened, and is not to be accomplished yet, but only after the Final Gathering has been taken place and thereafter when the twelve tribes, gathered in their designated places around the world, subsequently begin their respective journeys to the Promised Land before Messiah returns. For that to happen, though, a great many things must first occur, a reason the better part of a whole generation is required to accomplish it, and why many things must yet happen, following the Penultimate Judgment that enabled it in the first place. For though the Western Sabbatean faction of the world system or 'Babylon' unravels and tries one last desperate time to reconsolidate its power, using all the high tech it has been accumulating and trying to implement am electronic satanic control grid over the years, the Remnant - which is the Gathering - is to be supernaturally endowed, both to prosper where it is, as it is gathering, but also to enable it to accomplish great feats unseen since the foundation of the world.

    The Patriarch-Apostlic Gifts

    That is why last sabbath I mentioned what the authentic endtime twelve patriarch-apostles would look like and what they would be doing, and why, on occasion, they, and their people (tribes) would split mountains and move them out of their place, in order to escape their enemies, walk on water, turn pathways through the oceans into ice so that it might be crossed on foot or in vehicles, and many, many other things. And don't forget there will be a new order of female apostles that has not existed before too - more about them another time. None of these supernatural occurrences are for entertainment, they will not be given to impress or 'wow' us or others for impression's own sake, which is the way and fare of the false miracle-workers in our own time, but has a practical reason and outcome - their escape from a murderous, high tech Babylonian World System which the new élites in Russia and China are already using. Remember, though Cyrus was a blessing to Judah, he was also a heathen empire-builder whom Yahweh used. Do not supposed that the New Order will be any better than the current one that is passing away - it's just not so well established yet which is the breathing space the Remnant needs. So the last Exodus will be very different from the First in so many ways.

    Though used by Yahweh to bless Israel, Cyrus resumed
    his pagan empire-building until eventually felled

    An Age of Miracles Shortly to Be Upon Us

    This is, after all, the 21st century AD, not the 13th century BC! Their places of gathering will be supernaturally protected from the 5G grid, from spy satellites, weapons located on orbital platforms, drones, nanotechnology surrepticiously inserted in our bodies through vaccines and food, and the like. There will be a new wave of supernatural healing which I pray will come very, very soon, and it will be on a scale never before seen even in the days when Yah'shua (Jesus) was on the earth. One of the many reasons for it will be because the righteous will be denied access to medical services by the élites, both the old ones and the new. For you will recall the Master prophesied that His apostles would do greater things than He did in order to demonstrate His messiahship:

      "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it" (John 14:12-14, NKJV).

    And when these superlative gifts are received by the end-time patriarch-apostles, and spread to all the Bride, it will not merely be to demonstrate who the genuine Ministers of the Covenant are (for Satan also will be endowing his ministers with dramatic powers, also prophesied in Scripture, even to the calling down of fire from heaven [1]), but with a practical purpose in mind, as I said: the relocation of Great Final Exodus of the Twelve Tribes from their gathering places to the Promised Land.

    From Exiles to Returns

    From this day the awakening of the twelve tribes shall begin and long have we in Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon been waiting for it! And as I hinted last sabbath, it must begin with, and in, the tribal heartlands of Ephraim (Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.), Manasseh (USA & Germany, Austria) and Benjamin (Norway) scattered around the world. And though we have been around for a very long time, dwindling from thousands to a mere handfull because of the unbelief and impatience of the majority, the seed for replanting has always remained, even if dormant. And just as the original Israel was unwilling, so even amongst the remaining seed there will be a degree of unwillingness too. Such is the effect on the morale and faithfulness of long captivity. The Babylonian captivity lasted 70 years and the people who returned home to Jerusalem (not all of them wanted to return, and stayed where they were) were changed and hard to motivate. The captivity in Egypt lasted 430 years, six times as long - the people had become so Egyptianised that it required an entire unreformable generation to pass away to bring Israel to the required spiritual condition that it would be ready to inherit ther Promised Land. If that was problem enough, what, then, of the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel taken into captivity in 772 BC, which was 2,800 years ago?! Now to be sure, the depaganisation of the 10 Tribes has been going on now for 1,000+ years with the arrival of Christianity. The 10 Tribes have been prepared. But now we live in an era where repaganisation is rapidly underway again. So there you have three exiles and three very different 'returns' and outcomes. So we have three examples and experiences to draw upon in preparation for the 'return of returns', that great adventure we are about to embark on, the scope of which no man has get fully comprehended.

    Called to the Impossible

    To most of you listening today this will all sound like a pipedream, an old man's fantasies. And for those who are not of the Remnant because they love their lawlessness and gentile lifestyle, the message will be of no interest whatsoever because they are not at all interested in change. And change the Body must if it is to enter into its new endowment of the Ruach (Spirit). If you are sceptical listening to me today it is because you have not yet been awakened, but you will be, eventually. But some have been awakened, and some are awakening even as I speak. These are to be the pioneers of the impossible - impossible, that is, to the spirit of unbelief. As one of our own mottos has it, we leave others to do the do-able and we ourselves do the impossible because in Yahweh everything is possible that is according to His design and purpose. It took Moses through Aaron to perform some miracles to convince the sceptical, Egyptianised children of Israel, that Elohim (God) was not only interested in them but that He even existed, let alone that He was infinitely greater than the gods of Egypt. And it is incredible to think that of that vast company of people under Moses only two actually maintained their emunah (faith) from beginning to end. So why should we be surprised when Yah'shua (Jesus) testified that few would be in the faith when He returned?

      "...shall Elohim (God) not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find emunah (faith) on the earth?" (Luke 18:7-8, NKJV)

    To which the answer, though He did not speak it openly then, is clearly a resounding 'No'. He won't, because few will have believed. That is why we roundly reject neo-conservative 'Kingdom Now' theology.

    Contending With Unbelief

    Nevi'im (prophets) have always had to contend with unbelief. It's part of their lot. The flesh is, by definition, sceptical of non-fleshy, spiritual things, always demanding more and more proof. Yahweh always leaves adequate proof for the honest seeker but never enough to satisfy the flesh, a reason the flesh must be overcome, and why, as we have been seeing in our Book of Revelation series, Yahweh's people must be overcomers of the fleshy nature. The 'proof' that the flesh demands is never fully satisfied for as the great physicist, Erwin Schödinger said in 1948, "in an honest search for knowledge, you quite often have to abide by ignorance for an indefinite period." That's a reason salvation is not by knowledge but by emunah (faith) and why gnosticism is false. And yet emunah (faith) is not blind either. Wise scientists like the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), who filled the gap, as it were, between Newton and Einstein, and who was himself a devout Christian, was wise enough to say that "thoroughly conscious ignorance is the prelude to every real advance in science". You are never going to be able to 'know enough' to 'believe enough'. An admission of ignorance is the first step toward genuine emunah (faith).

    James Clerk Maxwell

    The Search for Knowledge is Endless

    I say this in part because as a scientist, theologian and amateur historian, I have been mining bucket-loads of knowledge all my life and, as I have learned, the end is never in sight. Ever. The more questions you answer lead only to more questions. Only Yahweh-Elohim Himself can answer them all. Marie Curie, the great Chemist, similarly concluded that "one never notices what has been done, but only what remains to be done". I can bring to bear the influence of my knowledge upon you all but in the end it will always be your faith, or lack thereof, that will be the deciding factor not just in this life but in eternity too. The Bible tells us what kind of emunah (faith) is needed and how much knowledge is required to come to the point of making an intelligent choice. And it isn't a great deal. Indeed the requirements of biblical emunah (faith) are no different for us now in the scientific age than they were for the ancient Israelites in the non-scientific one.

    The Limits of Science and the Physical Universe

    Science is not the deciding factor and indeed more often than not it can become highly limiting and restrictive because its prophets promise what can never actially be given: any great degree of certainty as to the reality, size, purpose, mechanisms, beginning, end, or dimensions of physical existence. Why? Because the physical world is but a manifestation - a symptom - of a higher reality, and it is that higher spiritual realm which drives all the other realms which ultimately only matters. Besides, in its present pre-resurrection form, it is temporary and contains an element of unfathomable chaos. And as if to prove the point, we will be shorn of our physical bodies and become entirely spiritual beings for a while until we are in no doubt, all save the Remnant Bride who are blessed enough to be alive when Christ returns in glory and brings an end to all fleshiness and doubting, who will be transformed in ther twinkling of an eye without ever tasting death.

    Science is extremely limited when it comes to spiritual matters

    Learning Through Contrasts

    I must admit, if I am completely honest with you, as I try to be, that I had so desperately hoped more would believe than have believed during my life span which is approaching its end now. All messengers of Elohim (God) hope that more will believe. But it is what it is. So much evidence of the wicked designs of our public (and sometimes not-to-public) figures has shocked, is shocking, and will continue to shock, an astonished world and force it to consider the opposite reality of spiritual truth: goodness and love. We see and learn by contrasts which is what this world was designed for, whether it be through positive or negative contrasts. Yah'shua (Jesus) the Personality has never been improved upon, nor can He be improved upon, because He is both perfect man and perfect Elohim (God), the pinnacle of all that we secretly desire for ourselves humanly-speaking. But we don't, unfortunately, have forever to decide that. Our lifespan, however long or short that may be, is all that is allotted to us, and it is apparently adequate for making those key salvational choices. So, yes, search and be thorough, but don't procrastinate once you have adequate evidence to act upon. The invitation to follow Christ lies before you at every moment of your life.

    As One Empire is Replaced by Another

    I have thrown my life's energy into this work to which I have been called since 1984 and have only managed to continue so long because of the grace or undeserved loving kindness of my Heavenly Father, and I will continue for as long as I can. But even the physical body wears out in the end and can bear only so much. I am accutely conscious of that now because of accelerating illnesses. And that is why I am casting my eyes around ever more anxiously for Joshua's and Caleb's to take over and to carry on where I must in the end leave off for I am winding down. I pray for those miracles of healing and spiritual awakening that I mentioned at the beginning - we desperately need it in this age of the deliberate and relentless poisoning of the mind and body of man by the wicked agents of the devil who have been judged this last year and must now receive their punishment. The world order is making a dramatic shift and the writing is not only on the wall for America and the West but the judgment is in the very process of being executed. Even believers don't want to hear or believe this but they will have no choice as we make the shift eastwards to Eurasia and to a very new, unfamiliar and in many ways, scary new world. The arising Empire will, in the end, become even worse than the current one that is being replaced, and will be the final manifestation of Babylon the Whore. The days of ease are well and truly over. But with every new challenge comes limitless opportunity and blessings for those who will take the risk to move out in faith. And so it is we begin what I have only been able to talk about for the last 35-40 years.

    The Whore of Babylon is Shifting from West to East


    We will assemble, Yah willing, for one more Sabbath before the Passover Season begins. Msay I leave you, in parting, with the words of Yah'shua (Jesus) to the Philadelphians:

      "Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My Elohim (God), and he shall go out no more. And I will write on him the name of My Elohim (God) and the name of the city of My Elohim (God), the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My Elohim (God). And I will write on him My new name" (Rev.3:11-12, NKJV).

    May Yahweh show us grace and mercy so that we do this, I pray, in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name. Amen.

    End Notes

    [1] Fallen malakim (angels) have this power as demonstrated by the Viracochas in ancient, pre-flood South America - see Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods (Century, London: 1995) - also see my Rumble video, Bibliophiles Episode 30, Pre-History (24 September 2021)

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