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Month 7:22, Week 3:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5945:199 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Tuesday 28 September 2021
Shemini Atseret 2021
Vision of the 12 Tribes Gathering

    Continued from Part 2


    Good morning, welcome to a new day and to a new message. Nothing spectacular has happened on this new day. The sky hasn't lit up a new colour, it all looks, on the outside, much like any other day. Things look much as they did before. But something has changed but it's going to take a while to readjust to it which is why we have roughly six months to reorientate, in the inter-festival winter period.

    The 'Day After'

    You're probably wondering what on earth I am talking about. Today is Shemini Atseret, the 'day after' the year's cycle of festivals, and known as the 'Last Great Day'. Anciently the worshippers who had come up to celebrate the Pilgrim Festival known as the Feast of Tabernacles, and had had a good time for a week, were instructed to 'tarry' or stay behind an extra day before going home - they couldn't have traveled on it anyway it as is was both a regular and a High Sabbath on which an offering would be made in the Temple. They weren't really told why they had to do that and why they needed to be there. Yahweh clearly considered it important and in any case it would be the last time they would all be together before the next Pilgrim Festival the following spring at the New Year of Aviv, the month of blossoms, six months down the line.

    Unfolding the Last Autumn Festivals

    We know Shemini Atseret (or Atzeret) as the first day in a new æon or era. When that day arrives in anything up to 30 or so years' time, we won't wake up as we have today to 'just another day'. We will wake up to the long awaited 1,000 year-long Messianic or Millenial era of peace and of Heavenly Kingdom rule. All the drama will have begun at the previous Yom Teruah when the heavens and the earth will have been shaken by the sound of the last blast of shofarim or trumpets, much like what those Israelites experienced when they gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai to receive the Torah and they heard the Voice of 'I am who I am' thundering out from the heavens, a voice so powerful that the ground shook and they were terrified, becauase they had never encountered the Creator before.

    The heavenly trumpet blasts start the events leading to the millennium

    Meeting the Returning King in the Air

    They chickened out of their calling but we won't, will we? Because Yahweh will have manifested as, I hope, the very familiar Person of Yah'shua the Messiah, Jesus Christ, though this time in His glory. We will have experienced the extraordinary thing of being briefly supernaturally lifted up into the air to meet and welcome the returning King with His vast entourage of the resurrected qodeshim (saints, holy set-apart ones). We will have passed through the Final Judgment of the world and of defeated Babylon at Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements) and then we will have been invited to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb to celebrate our King and allegorical Bridegroom. And then, after the week's festivities, the Millennium will have begun.

    An Unexpected Message

    However, the Millennium has not yet begun, as is plain to see, but something else has...and I don't just mean symbolically or ritually either. Yesterday evening, when I sat down to prepare this message for you, I had no idea what today would look like. No message came and I wondered if I would have anything to prepare for you. Indeed I was pretty sure I wouldn't have anything more to say and that it would be best just to remain silent, and maybe even take some leave from the ministry for as you know my health has been very bad, but... Christendom doesn't want to know what's coming anyway and though that realisation has been a huge disappointment to me, and has sometimes left me depressed, well...most believers are, sadly, going to have to learn the hard way, as must most of those who think they are the Remnant are going to have to too. Everyone has their preconceived ideas as to how things ought to be, or even are.

    Expectations and Hopes

    If any of you follow ministries online on YouTube or other video platforms, you will know there is currently great expectancy in the air. Christians and messianics are hoping for all sorts of things to happen, from thunderous audible and visible heavenly judgments, events that can be heard and seen, to Yah'shua (Jesus) returning, metaphorically speaking, the 'day-after-tomorrow'. Well, you are going to see one or two dramatic and highly visible judgments, but for the most part you aren't because they will be happening behind the scenes in the conclaves of the élites. And you won't find Yah'shua (Jesus) returning the day-after-tomorrow, and once again the clamouring, excitable false prophets will be exposed. As far as the Penultimate Judgment goes, things won't entirely happen the way we thought they would happen, and things we thought wouldn't happen, might very well. So just watch and witness.


    This morning, at dawn, as Sukkot ended and Shemini Atseret began, I was shown something unexpectedly. I saw an underground church with maybe a hundred souls ...and they were literally underground in a large, windowless subterranean room which looked more like a cave under a building than anything else as there were no decorations of any kind. It was a very grey scene. The atmosphere was subdued. Christians had gathered expecting to do things 'the old way', in ways familiar to them from the past (that ended at dawn this morning) but nothing seemed quite to come together. They really didn't know what to do. One or two people stood aimlessly in front of this congregation that was seeking guidance and direction but those who stood in front hadn't much of an idea what was going on themselves. You see, most true believers won't be meeting in church buildings above ground, nor will they be advertising their denominations and meetings on large billboards they way they have been doing now for generations. They weren't even sure who exactly they were or what they were supposed to do because what they had been expecting hadn't happened and so they had no idea now what to expect. They were disorientated. The Saviour hadn't returned in the clouds, they knew nothing about the Penultimate Judgment that the world had just gone - or was still going - through, and, well, their 'preachers', 'apostles', 'evangelists' and 'teachers' had all failed to prepare them for what was coming because they themselves didn't know. Indeed, I'm not even sure they were there any more. It didn't look very organised at all.

    The underground Roman catacombs where early believers hid from persecution

    A Disoriented People

    I was standing at the back of this underground meeting with an assortment of believers from presumably many denominations though it was hard to tell. You know, it's a funny thing - I sometimes hear online some Christians talking about different peoples coming together from divergent beliefs to their chat rooms, including (as they called them) 'heretics', though none of them would ever, of course, consider they they might be in error themselves. No big surprise there. There were no fiery sermons, no brimming self-confidence, but mostly a sense of 'what now?' The people who went up to speak...not the regular pastors or ministers...mumbled words I could not hear in subdued tones, often with long periods of not saying anything, and then went back to the congregation to sit down again. It was all very hushed. And this is what the Body of Christ is going to start looking like in the times ahead.

    The Well-Dressed 'Witch' Speaks

    Then a man, wearing a brownish chequered suit and tie (denoting a certain amount of affluence and respectability), who was standing at the back of this congregation looking on, suddenly turned around in my direction and announced himself as a male 'witch' (warlock). He was very scornful of the congregants. He went on and on in a loud voice, arrogant and overbearing, and simply mocked the gathering. He was in particular mocking the cross and made many inaccurate theological statements. He fully believed himself to be in the right and was certainly 'in charge' in a way, in the sense that he had brimming self-confidence unlike the Christians. He was convinced that Christianity was finished and that a new order of things was on its way or had already begun, and in a sense he was right. The old ways are over but it's going to take those believers who have not sold themselves out to the world system a while to figure out what on earth they're going to do next...because the old denominational system was over. There were no more 'health-and-wealth' preachers because this world wasn't 'theirs' anymore, in the sense that they had once perceived it was 'theirs' and theirs for the taking through 'naming-and-claiming'. Now they were all exposed. Now their 'naming-and-claiming' were hollow words and everyone could see it.

    The rise of the spirit of witchcraft

    The Gradual Realisation of the Earliest Believers

    Yesterday I was talking to you about the gradual way the new believers 2,000 years ago came to realise who Yah'shua (Jesus) was. Oh, they know He was the Messiah alright - the resurrection had proved that to them - and they would go on, after a period of waiting between the spring and summer festivals (they had to wait until 'Pentost', more properly Shavu'ot or Ekatost), when they would suddenly be empowered by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and be enabled to go out and fearlessly proclaim the Besorah (Gospel, Good News) with power, even unto death if needs be. Gradually, and especially after Paul had been raised to be an apostle to explain it to them, they came to understand that their Messiah was actually, in some way, Yahweh Himself - that He was Divine, that He was verily Elohim (God), like the Father.

    Time to Change 'Church Address'

    I need to share more of what Yahweh showed me this morning. In order to simplify this as best I can, because this isn't easy to put into words, let me just say that believers are going to have to spiritually 'relocate' - 'change their address', not in Christ obviously, but in relation to 'church' and 'kingdom'. What we've been teaching and preaching about for decades has to emerge and we will be there to help guide them, because the Kingdom is not a patchwork quilt of churches and their denominations, nor an assortment of do-it-yourself ministries like a box of multi-coloured Smarties or M&M's, but it is a nation divided into 12 tribes each of which is divided into clans and families in those clans. But it's more than that because we have to properly understand the spirit, and not just the structure, of this Messianic Israelite Kingdom - see Leadership.


    The Twelve White Buildings

    I found myself on a journey this morning, a long one, and Yahweh showed it to me using symbols so that I could understand it better. I found myself in a complex of buildings rather like 'colleges' on a University campus, each of which was designated by a different colour as opposed to having a name as such. I arrived there looking for my 'college' which I thought was 'green' - the buildings weren't green, you understand, but these were the 'names' of these colleges. There were, as I understand, 12 of them. I was looking, as I said, for mine, which was 'green' even though it shouldn't have been because I knew it was another colour, but could not find it. It took me a while to understand, as I moved between one 'college' or 'tribe', that those who had thought of themselves as being one colour turned out to be another one. It reminds me of those who proclaim themselves to be of this Israelite Tribe or that, not because they are, but because they want to belong to the most 'important' one in their estimation. Usually it's Judah or Ephraim, isn't it? You don't normally get someone coming up to you and proudly anouncing they are of the Tribe of Zebulun, Issachar or Gad, do you?

    The House of Ephraim - Beside a Pine Tree

    I could not find my 'college' or 'tribe' until finally I encountered an administrator and he told me that the buildings had all been assigned new colours - or in other words, there had been a reorganisation - a 'straighening out'. He told me that my building was called 'white' but it was now located elsewhere on the 'campus' following the colour change. Now whether the colour had changed or simply the buildings had, I was never entirely clear about. He gave me directions and said that my building was next to a very large tree - a tree with 'pine cones'. As I approached it, the vision closed.

    A house of Messianic Israel - Ephraim - a white building next to a pine tree

    Global Change for Good and Evil

    Now there's more to this than meets the eye but I am not to attempt to go into that now. Understand, though, that whilst the élites are going to be, and are being, defeated, everything in our world is still changing, for good and evil. In the vision the witch wore the suit and tie, traditionally the uniform of those in power and authority like politicians, bankers and industrialists. It was a 'different' kind of suit, mind you, not like the ones we wear, and hard for me to describe. What we're entering isn't a 'Christian' world, nor will it be one when Messiah returns - 'Kingdom-Now' theology is quite false. Like I said, the true assemblies of Yahweh will not be visible - no fancy churches and billboards, but out of sight for the most part, and no longer institutionalised. Our immediate task will be to guide those believers still locked into old churchianity thinking patterns into thinking and aligning their lives into a new mould, that of Messianic Israel. They'll be forced to in the end because the new world will not be conducive either to traditional evangelism or to 'doing church' or 'messianic synagogue'.

    The Mystery of Chloë & the Number 13

    I have to say that the buildings in this 'campus' - which is another way of saying 'gathering' - were very beautiful and each was very different in architectural style. And although they each had different colour designations, they were all painted white. And there's one other thing I didn't mention, because it seemed to be of peripheral importance at the time, and especially in the light of what I was saying yesterday about the importance of the 'messianic seed'. Throughout the vision I was aware that our Yorkshire Terrier dog Chloë was by my side. Sometimes she was walking but when I was in a hurry I picked her up and carried her. No detail in a vision or prophetic dream is unimportant, however. Her name in the Greek means 'blooming' or 'fertility', and indeed she has had two large litters of puppies in her time. But what those of you who do not know us well might not realise was that yesterday, on the last day of Sukkot, it was her 13th birthday (which makes her about 91 in human years). She's been through a lot and had to have major surgery once. What some of you may also know is that the number '13' is perculiar to, and important to, Sukkot.

    The 13 Bull Sacrifices of Sukkot

    To cut a long story short, and to keep things as simple as possible, Sukkot (Tabernacles) in the Old Covenant is associated with 13 bulls. On the first day of Sukkot 13 bulls were sacrificed, and on each subsequent day one less was sacrifced, so on Day #2 there were 12 and on Day #3 there were 11, and so on, until the seventh day seven bulls were sacrificed - 7 bulls on the 7th day of the 7th annual moed or appointment (7-7-7), making a total of 70 bulls in all, or 7x10. 7 is the number of spiritual perfection and 10 is the number of completeness of order. So by the time we come to the last Day of Sukkot we have arrived at the conditions - spiritual perfection and completeness of order - necessary to inaugurate the Millennial Reign, represented by today's divine moed (appointment), Shemini Atseret or the Last Great Day.

    Shemini Atseret, the Age of the Resurrected Ones

    Furthermore, 13 is the completion of something else, being 12+1, just as the inclusion of Shemini Atseret as a separate festival makes for 7+1, which is 8, 8 being the number of resurrection as it occurred on the 8th prophetic yom or 'day' when a cycle finally comes to an end, as the Old Covenant cycle did when Yah'shua (Jesus) was when He was raised from the dead. Similarly, when Yah'shua (Jesus) returns at the final Yom Teruah, Yom haKippurim and Sukkot, He completes the historical cycle of 7 annual festivals and starts a new æon or era, 7+1, the Age of the Resurrected Ones. Today truly will be a new beginning unlike any before it. And today, even though we have not yet arrived at this new æon quite yet, is also to be a New Beginning, not just in word (in my or anyone else announcing it) but in very spirit and deed. And in case you hadn't noticed, we are in the second half of the 8th or Resurrection Year of the Last Exodus.

    The Huge Reorientation Period Ahead

    These next few months are going to be a major reorientation period as we begin the countdown to the Secong Coming and Yahweh gets the Final Exodus moving and as we aim our sights at the Final Gathering places in the years ahead of us. A lot of things have been made public over the years but that has to start ending as from today.

    The Rise of Witchcraft & Communism

    hat 'male witch' is going to be there to stir things up, to throw down the gauntlet, to openly and boldly challenge the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) because he thinks he's on a winning ticket as institutional Christianity whithers and dies. The birth of the Remnant is not going to be straightforward of easy. Believers assaying to be the Remnant are going to have to deal with 'him', the spirit of witchcraft and the occult as it steadily grows. He's not just people who represent that Last Æon spirit but he is the very spirit of occultism itself that, in leage with atheistic communism, has done such tremendous damage to the churches over the centuries and overwhelmed most of them. Most of the visible churches and messianic synagogues are occultic now and saturated with witchcraft. Just check out the fastest growing denominations in the world and you will be able to put two and two together. I am. of course, speaking of the gigantic charismatic wave that is sweeping all before it as it heads in the direction of the One World Religion whose headquarters, incidentally, were only just announced in Jerusalem, the City of Hagar (Gal.4:25), the other day. And though it represents the so-called 'Abrahamic Faiths' of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in reality it is something else and will by the by incorporate all the religions.

    The Seven Primary Colours

    Does this give you a clearer picture of what is coming. One final word about Sukkot since it is the key to Shemini Atseret. Each day of Sukkot corresponds to one of the Seven Ruachot or Spirits of Elohim (God) and each is represented by a colour,. as does each of the seven annual festivals and indeed each of the seven days of the regular week:

    Ruach & Moed Colour
    1. Rishon
    Pesach (Passover)
    2. Shanee
    Chah haMatzah (Unleavened Bread)
    3. Shleshi
    Yom haBikkurim (Firstfruits)
    4. Revee
    Shavu'ot Weeks, Ekatost/'Pentecost')
    5. Chamashee
    Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets/Shouting)
    6. Sheshi
    Yom haKippurim (Day of Atonements)
    7. Shibi'i/Shabbat
    Sukkot (Tabernacles)

    The Seven Ruachot at Sukkot

    In an interesting parallel to the old bull sacrifices, where one bull was reduced each day, so in New Covenant Sukkot each subsequent day adds another of the seven the Ruachot (Spirits) onto the day before so that by the 7th day there are 7 Ruachot (Spirit)-in-one. And when these combine, they form the colour white, which is the colour of Echadness, Oneness or Unity.

    How the 12 Tribes Will Be Unified

    Each of the gathering 12 Tribes of Messianic Israel will be bringing a colour and a Teaching (or Teachings) which it has been commissioned to bring forth by revelation and personal application or 'incarnation' - that's why each of the buildings was of different architecturak styles. What I didn't tell you, which I will share now, is that in the midst of the 12 white buildings of different architecture was a tiny lane, and on the other side of that lane was one of the 12, the one that had the name 'white' and which stood by the tall tree with pine cones. This is the Tribe of Ephraim, the Josephite head of New Covenant Israel, where all things are brought together-into-one and are then altogether freely shared amongst all the other tribes, so that by the by all the tribes collectively possess the same gifts, so that the Israel of our Messiah can present herself as One Bride to One Bridegroom - a 12-fold Bride.

    Returning Headship and Authority to Source

    Which teaches us something, I hope, about headship, which is not about 'lording it' over others but of bringing together and sharing. As Joseph of Egypt brought the 12 sons of Jacob together, so too must latter-day Ephraim-Joseph. He must bring all the colours together into one, rather like a reverse prismatic scattering of light, and then himself yield his headship and authority to Messiah as Messiah yields His authority back to the Father (1 Cor.15:20-28).

    And Then There Were the Noble Ladies...

    Only there's more - there's a 13th member, Jacob's daughter Dinah, who has a special and unique place at Shemini Atseret and in the Millennium. She represents, as it were, "the [five] daughters of Zelophehad son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Makir, the son of Manasseh, [who] belonged to the clans of Manasseh son of Joseph" whose names were "Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah" (Num.27:1, NIV) who received their father's inheritance because they had no brothers. Five is the number of grace (undeserved loving-kindness). Many noble women will find themselves in such a position in the end-times while the Patriarchal Order is gradually established again. 'Dinah' also represents Jemimah, Keziah and Keren-Happuch, the three daughters of Job given to him after the disaster that earlier on had decimated his family (Job 42:14). Three is the number of divine perfection. We have talked about these ladies in the past and we shall talk about them again in the future.

    What Happens After the Autumn Feasts are Over?

    Now I may not have painted as detailed a picture as you would like for the days ahead. I get people asking me to tell them what will 'happen' once the autumn (fall) festivals are over. Firstly, I can only share what Yahweh shows me - I try not to speculate, or at any rate I do so as little as possible. Secondly, we are all called to live by emunah (faith), not by sight, save that which Yahweh chooses to reveal to us. And it's clear that all the tribes will be making slightly different journeys until they are gathered, though there is obviously going to be a certain amount of contact between them.

    Facing the Future Together

    I'd like to finish this morning with a short one-verse poem by Geroge Croly (1780-1860) whose sentiments will, I hope, resonate with you as they have done with me. As we face the new future together, we must all have our eyes focussed on one place spiritually-speaking, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). So this is also my prayer, as it was Croly's:

      Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love,
      One holy passion filling all my frame;
      The kindling of the heaven-descended Dove,
      My heart an altar, and Thy love the flame.


    Have a blessed Sabbath, ponder on these things, and get ready who whomsoever Yahweh shall send our way. Amen.

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "Oh! How I hope to be in that number! Thanks for the exciting message, Brother Warren. Praise Yahweh for saints like you" (MM, USA, 28 September 2021)

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    Last updated on 2 October 2021

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