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Month 1:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5945:1 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 14 March 2021
Aviv 1 2021
Judgment Year Messages


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and mishpachah, and welcome to this special evening service at which time we celebrate not only the Biblical New Year according to Yahweh's Creation Calendar and take the opportunity to celebrate the Birth of our Messiah, but on this one-and-only special occasion we are here to mark the beginning of the Penultimate Judgment about which I have spoken so often now for so many years. That time is now definitely and effectively upon us. That is also why we have begun a new season of sermons called 'Mishpatim-Yahweh' which will very much define the immediate times ahead of us.

    A Strange Cocktail of Events

    This is a very strange, almost 'unnatural', combination indeed because on the one hand we celebrate the beginning of Spring (at least in the northern hemisphere - I realise it's a little different for our friends in South America, Southern Africa and Australasia - and with the welcome change in season from winter to spring we celebrate the birth of our Master (Lord) and Deliverer (Saviour) Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), the Light of the World. And yet at the same time we are called to mark (as opposed to celebrate) a terrible judgment that is being unleashed - terrible, at least, from the point-of-view of the wicked - but glorious for the righteous who are trusting in Yahweh even if we are, to some extent, going to be dragged through all the chaos and difficulties this judgment will bring. That is why you have been urgently called to make serious preparations now for several years and why Yahweh gave us an extra four-year 'stay of execution' which ended in January, to help us prepare for the unfolding woes. Be alert tomorrow (the Ides of March) and, of course, on Passover Day itself.

    The fateful Ides of March - expect treachery in the Enemy's own camp

    A Difficult Day for a Preacher

    To be perfectly honest with you, I was not expecting to stand before you today, in part because I have not known how to juggle the apparent contradiction that this 'mix' of celebration and imminent global collapse confronts us with. Part of me - a big part, I might add - just wanted to stand aside and say nothing today and over the times of tribulation as they unfold - partly because my heath is so bad right now but partly because I just wanted a 'sabbatical' - but another part of me knew I had a responsibility to bring a word to you from Yahweh because there are a lot of worried brethren and friends out there, and rightly so, who follow this ministry and what Yahweh has to say through us.

    A Rosh Chodesh Message

    As this is Rosh Chodesh let me first of all discharge my obligation to bring such instructions and messages that Yahweh has given me that I have not already shared with you. Some of you here have already heard some of these things but I hope you'll bear with me as I repeat them for the benefit of those who have not heard them, but must. It's as well, anyway, that we have clearly imprinted in our minds the changes that are about to happen.

    The Story of the Olive Branch

    The first message concerns this volume I am holding which is known to us as the Olive Branch, a collection of revelations, visions, prophecies and instructions given to us in the first years of our ministry in England and Norway up to the point where we moved to Sweden in 1997. There's a whole website devoted to it and there is, of course, this printed volume which can be ordered from us. It defines this work and what we have been called to, but has somewhat been 'on the shelf' for the last 25 years while we have focussed on other aspects of our Five Commissions. At the end of last year I felt led to start writing an in-depth Commentary on it and that is now starting to appear on the website. Whether you own a copy of the book or not, you'll find this Commentary helpful, I hope. It will probably take me a couple of years to complete it, Yah willing.

    NCAY's first volume of revelations, visions, prophecies,
    instructions and commentaries from the 1980's to 1997

    A Prophetic Dream About the Olive Branch

    Four days ago I had an intense prophetic dream about the Olive Branch (PWNC 210310) which I want to share with you. In it I found myself walking down the lane and up to the main building here, our Swedish and International Headquarters, and as I passed through the gate I was confronted by this enormous, beautifully polished pale marble stone structure that looked brand new, yet wasn't - it was new because most of you know next to nothing about this book, being as you are the second generation of this work - and old because it's been around now for a quarter of a century.

    The Marble Pillar

    This marble stone somewhat resembled the famous London Centotaph yet was different and must have been six or seven times taller than myself. It was so large that it obscured the house itself. Nevertheless it did not block the driveway as you could walk or drive around it without any difficulty. Carved into the marble at the front, about 10 to 15 feet up from the ground, and painted a darker colour, were the words, 'The Olive Branch, and in various panels across the front face of the pillar (and possibly the other sides too, though I did not observe these), was other writing that I did not have time to read because I was then transported into the house, back in time, to the area where in physical space we have glass doors separating the ante-room from the dining room. In a word, right where I am standing now, though slightly to the side, right here - I could see the same pillar, obelisk or whatever you want to call it, only it was much smaller than the one I had just seen outside. Even so its flat top penetrated far above where the ceiling lies, and we have very tall ceilings here, as you know, nearly 15 feet high, in what used to be old school classrooms.

    Return of the Olive Branch

    I pretty much understood the meaning of the dream the moment I woke up. Like I said, over the many years since we arrived here in Sweden in 1997, the Olive Branch has more or less been 'hidden' from the public gaze as we have focused almost exclusively on our biblical teaching work. The message of the prophetic dream is that, now, nearly a quarter of a century later, the Olive Branch will once again come to prominence and even more so than it had previously in Norway, where as you know most of it was received and published in 1997, being delivered to this building almost immediately after we moved in.

    NCAY has mostly been based in Norway and Sweden

    Silent for 25 Years

    I know people have asked us why we did not make the book more prominent before now and the answer I would give is complex. For one, we wanted our work to be fully steered by Yahweh and not by the will of man, and we were aware of how modern revelation can become idolised and even come to supplant an older book like the Bible simply because it's new and fresh. Just consider the chaos caused by all the prophecies circulating around the internet today and how people are swallowing them whole without properly testing them against the ancient Scriptures. We have always wished to push the Olive Branch deep into the shadow of the Bible and not into the limelight because we know how revelation and prophecy can so easily get abused by carnal man. So I reackon a 25 year 'cooling' time was what was needed to make sure that happened. You will find over the last quarter of a century the book has been hardly used or cited. We have wanted to be sure we were first of all totally Christ- and Bible-centred and to make sure we remain that way. It's in any case mostly for our own members, and especially the Priesthood, though I know of many people not of this work you regularly use the Olive Branch in their private devotionals. It is to be found spread around the world.

    Needed for the Very End Time

    I had not planned on using the Olive Branch again in my lifetime and had assumed it would come into it's own in the days immediately before the Millennium. But now, it would seem, we are not far off from that, probably no more than 40 years away (though don't quote me on that), and so the book will now become important for key events in Penultimate Judgment, the rallying of the 12-Tribed Remnant, the Second Exodus, and the Final Gathering. Even I, who received nearly all of it, am 'rediscovering' it, as it were. So I must confess that I myself was astonished at this new revelation as I had assumed the book's major rôle had already been fulfilled in initiating this work, and did not imagine it would therefore become prominent again in my lifetime. I had even been prepared to lay it aside altogether were that to be the will of Yahweh but since around November/December of 2020 I began to get strong stirrings within to write an authoritative Commentary to pre-empt any future misinterpretation of the revelations and, following the dream, I felt an even greater urgency to complete this huge task now. So it's underway and you can follow it's progress on the main Olive Branch Index page.

    When a Cult Gets a Hold

    One thing most of you may not know (because I've never shared it before in public) is that many years ago Yahweh showed me a vision of a group of people who had somehow got hold of the Olive Branch and, not being possessed either of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) or having had any connection to its background, totally misunderstood and misapplied it, forming what amounted to a cult. I remember they wore these very strange sailor-like hats with a lion emblem sown on them. And as we know from how the Bible has been abused by cults over the centuries, it's possible to totally get the wrong meaning when the original witnesses are no longer alive and/or if you don't have the Ruach (Spirit).

    The Need for a Critical Commentary

    Today, though, we have the advantage of mass media and publication facilities so it becomes easier to share information. That's one reason why I believe I have been strongly led to write an exhaustive Commentary, explaining not only the meaning of the text but explaining how it came to be received and written, the editing, the cosmetic changes and editing it has been through (such as the changes to messianic terminology), and so on. We don't want to leave ourselves open to accusation of text manipulation or anything like that so we are publishing quite a detailed history, particularly as over the years the text has been paraphrased in sermons and articles, mostly by myself when i have wanted to modernise the Jacobean language (much of it is written in King James English), all of which is explained in the commentaries.

    The Symbolism of Marble

    Back to the prophetic dream. Marble, which is what the structure was made of, is a symbol of purity and immortality in the general sense but also clarity, self-control and stability both physically, emotionally and spiritually, all of which are most certainly hallmarks of the Olive Branch message as anyone who has studied in depth will know, and therefore marble is a wholly appropriate representation. That the marble was polished is also significant as great efforts have gone into 'polishing' it with footnotes (and now a Commentary) so as to avoid misinterpretations. Of course, there have been many more revelations, prophecies and visions since 1997 so in a way the collection has been growing, both in number but also in stature as those who encounter the book are blessed and illuminated by it for the strengthening of their faith in the Saviour of the world, Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), which is who it is all about, not about endorsing a particular 'church' or exalting contemporary personalities. So the first message is, start studying the book again!

    Marble is a symbol of purity and immortality

    Prophetic Dream of the New Testament - the Dream-Catcher

    The second and third messages (really just one message) concern those demonic spirits which are currently operating against us right now, why they are, and how to deal with them. I've shared some of this with everyone who was here last sabbath. What I am about to share with you now occured on the same morning I had the experience about the Olive Branch, and actually came before it. It began, once again, with a dream, in which a lady was reading out from a slim pocket-shaped volume of the New Testament, on the very last page, at the conclusion of the Book of Revelation which, as you know, contains a warning not to change anything in the prophecy (Rev.22:18-19), and then ends with Yah'shua (Jesus) saying, "Surely I am coming soon" (v.20, NRSV) with John replying, "Amen. Come Master Yah'shua (Lord Jesus)!" (v.20b, NRSV). Curious, I went alongside the lady to see what she was reading from and there, in the middle of verses 18-19, in bold text, were the words, "dream-catcher". I immediately retorted, "That's not right! That's been translated wrongly!" And then I woke up.

    The 'dream-catcher' insertion

    The Bible is Not Cessationist

    I only got the full interpretation of that dream this morning and basically it goes like this. The dreams and hopes of many believers have been made captive because these verses have been falsely applied by preachers to be referring to the whole Bible which has in turn led to the Protestant dogma that there is no more Scripture than the Bible, no more revelation, no more prophecy - in short, they preach cessationism. Two things need to be said, and this we said a lot in the earliest days of our ministry:

    • 1. These verses are talking only about the scroll or book which is the Book of Revelation, not the whole Bible; and
    • 2. The Bible Canon (and specifically the New Testament part) did not exist when John wrote down this Apocalyptic revelation, and took another 200 years to assemble, proving the point.

    A Stepwise Canonisation Process

    Likewise, for the same reason, we have repeatedly taught (to the dismay of Protestants welded to their man-made traditions) that the "Scripture" in "All scripture is inspired by Elohim (God)..." or (the alternative reading) "Every scripture inspired by Elohim (God)..." (2 Tim.3:16, NRSV) refers only to the Tanakh (Old Testament) because that's all there was when Paul wrote to Timothy. The point being that Yahweh never closed the canon or even so much as hinted that a book called the 'Bible' would come into existence which would solely represent Him authoritatively, even though He has clearly providentially given it to us, a conclusion only possible to arrive at deductively and based on one or two (legitimate) assumptions. The New Testament is most certainly Scripture, fulfilling all the criteria, going through the same, or similar, processes to the Old Testament canonisation process even though the Bible nowhere names it. It's important to know that. It's important that Christians and Messianics grow into maturity regarding this - admittedly tough - truth. I guarantee there'll be a new canon in the Millennium when Christ returns.

    The Importance of Canons

    Now without going into the whole nature of revelation and scripture (because we don't have time) and the very real dangers of false Scripture being adopted (there are good reasons a canon or authortative collection of Scriptures was assembled historically...to prevent, at the very least, gnostic heresy), like the Mormons and their extra scriptures, the Catholics and Eastern Orthodox with their Apocryphal books, and Messianics and their various collections of pseudepigrapha (like the Books of Enoch and Jasher), I just want to say that I do believe our Protestant canon has been given providentially to us by Yahweh (I mean, goodness, even that slimmer canon has not halted the formation of 33,000 or so denominations based on man's faulty interpretations) but I also believe the Remnant needs modern revelation to sort all the confusion out, and that those who have the anointing of the Remnant will recognise the source of books like the Olive Branch, but not as an equal to the Bible (and certainly not as a replacement) but as an aid to greater light and truth.

    The Need for End-Time Elijah Prophets

    This has always been a highly controversial (and sometimes inflammatory) subject for dogmatists but the need for Elijah-type end-time nevi'im (prophets) is no more starkly evident than in the current religious confusion and apostacy that is battering Christendom everywhere, a reason I have been preaching on this subject so much, and why we shall in due course be returning to it.

    The Dream-Catcher Demon of Discouragement

    So I had that dream about the 'dream-catcher'. The next thing I know a demon is standing right next to my bed, such a weird looking one as well, the likes of which I have never seen before in all my years as a deliverance minister, and I have seen many. His face was angular, made of straight lines, cold, heartless, almost dead, almost like cardboard, yet there was a power within it. He wore a trilby-type hat, like those worn in the 1930's and 1940's, making him look even more peculiar. I discerned the demon's origin and intent immediately, and know it was the 'Dream-Catcher', that steals legitimate dreams and hopes, being a bearer or discouragement and hopelessness. I straight away ordered it out the room in Yah'shua (Jesus) Name and it turned tail and ran through the doorway, slamming the door in my face with great force as I pursued it. I cried out, 'Oh no you don't, you're not going to hide elsewhere in the house', and so I chased it down the stairs and out the back door and ordered it to never return. It was then I realised the source of all the discouragement I have been feeling of late. And I know a lot of people have been feeling as I do, especially in the wake of the last Presidential election in America where Yahweh was forced to expose all the idolatry over Trump and all the false prophecies coming out of the lawless branches of Christendom. Then, as I said, came the experience about the Olive Branch. (By the way, this has nothing to do with the occultic American Indian hand-made willow-hoop 'dream-catchers' people hang on walls to supposedly trap their nightmares).

    Discouraged Again

    You see, what had happened with the Olive Branch being shelved for 25 years while other important things happened (and those of you who have been following us, at least since we went onto social media in about 2007, will know what I am saying), like becoming better Bible students, was that I got discouraged what with all the apostacy, believing all the work I had done in Norway had been in vain. And now this happens. But there's more. You see, I got discouraged again last night, this time over my health, and the health of other members of my family, and I suppose the same entity returned to plague me. Anyway, this morning I was in a similar state of discouragement, as I have pretty much given up on the medical profession ever being able to help further for myself, my wife, my brother-in-law (who's dying of cancer) and a niece who has a terrible illness that has thus far destroyed any chance of her ever having an ordinary life, so I woke up without knowing if I could ever possibly address you today. The way I felt this morning I knew I couldn't possibly.

    Discouragement is the main issue amongst believers right now

    Dream of the Tree on the Ceiling

    I went back to bed in my room and slept. Above me is a ceiling lamp and I had a dream. In the dream the light had turned into a tree which was rooted in the ceiling, so it was upside down directly above me. I looked up, in a half awake state, to see a small man, apparently dressed in a mililtary-type unform with cap, furiously sawing off the branches. I was angry, ordered him to stop and drove him away in the Name of Yah'shua (Jesus). The ceiling represents a covering (which is Yah'shua/Jesus) and the Light is, well, the light of truth, love, inspiration, and so on, that comes from Him. It is also a tree, which means this is something that has to grow within through a life of discipleship, so the symbolism is quite plain to understand.

    The demon was furiously sawing the branches off the ceiling tree

    A New Beginning

    The reason I am sharing these things with you today is to make you aware, if you don't already know, of how the Enemy chips away at our confidence in Christ, by various means, to weaken our faith, our resolve, our health, or whatever. Today that ends and by the grace of Christ - the undeserved loving-kindness of our Messiah - we are having the invisible enemies in our personal lives exposed in the same way the whole rotten political Babylonian system is being exposed worldwide. Take massive advantage of that to get your lives cleaned up! It's time for judgment not only for those evil people who refuse to repent and who are determined to pursue wickness no matter what, but also it is judgment on the demonic hosts so that we can see how they're operating on us and to so give us a chance to get them out of our lives once and for all, so that we can walk in full victory. This is a new beginning, an awakening, a 'new birth' or sorts, that Yahweh has ordained to commence on the Commemoration and Celebration of the Birth of the Saviour this year.

    Adjusting to a Spring Birth

    Now I realise that a spring birth will sit uncomfortably with those who believe Christ was born on 25 December, or 6 January, or at Sukkot (Tabernacles) or some other time, and if you do, please take a look at our Christmas and Birth of Messiah websites because it's so important you get these things right so you don't miss out on what Yahweh is doing at this critical time. I'm pleased to say that Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn completely agrees with us on the spring birth. He is one of the few in tune at least on this matter.

    A Heavenly Celebration

    It is true we are nowhere directly commanded to celebrate the birth of our Saviour and for that reason many messianics and others, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, don't. It is our position to leave it up to individual families. And yet it can hardly be denied that Heaven itself celebrated the birth:

      "Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an malak (angel) of Yahweh stood before them, and the glory of Yahweh shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the malak (angel) said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Messiah (Christ) the Master (Lord). And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the malak (angel) a multitude of the heavenly host praising Elohim (God) and saying: 'Glory to Elohim (God) in the highest, and on earth shalom (peace), goodwill toward men!'" (Luke 2:8-14, NKJV).

    A Time to Give Our Time and Treasure

    Then there were the wise men from the east who came to worship the one "born king of the Yehudim (Judahites)" (Mt.2:2, NIV). They got there well after the birth, having put their lives on hold, and willingly gave their time and treasures to honour this great King while they rejoiced with "exceedingly great joy" (Mt.2:10, NKJV). Surely, then, all believers should worship and rejoice as well as well as open our treasures, not in pagan Roman present-exchanging with one another (which was lifted from their heathen Brumalia festival), but in bringing gifts to Him - gifts of love, gifts of worship, gifts of broken hearts and contrite spirits, especially gifts of service to the qodeshim (saints, set-apart ones) of Yahweh's Kingdom.

    The Real Reason We celebrate the Birth

    The birth was, of course, an historical occasion, but as births went it was perfectly ordinary (if you ignore all the malakim/angels and wise men). What was extraordinary was His conception, nine months before (Lk.1:35) which the Olive Branch speaks of in the most reverential terms (OB 11:2-3; 21:1-6). The eternal "Davar (Word) became flesh and made His dwelling among us" (John 1:14, NIV). The great Creator and Son of Elohim (God) "foreordained before the foundation of the world" (1 Peter 1:20, NKJV), submitted to the will of the Father and "made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men" (Phil.2:7, KJV). That is why Heaven celebrated and that is why we celebrate today...and give thanks.


    A fantastic year begins today for Elohim's (God's) people, for those who have trusted and obeyed and who will continue to trust and obey. May the grace and peace of our Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) be upon you all this year and always. Amen.

    Comments from Readers

    [1] "So grateful to Heavenly Father for you. So praying for your miraculous healing. How can I order a copy of the Olive Branch?" (MW, USA, 26 March 2021)

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    Last updated on 26 March 2021

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