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Month 9:15, Week 2:7 (Shibi'i/Sukkot), Year:Day 5955:250 AM
2Exodus 7/40
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 29 November 2020
Spiritual Equipping VII
Petitioning for the Ruach-Baptism!

    Continued from Part 6


    Shabbat shalom kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah from a crisp, snowy Sweden, and welcome back to what I think will probably be the last in this series as I have other topics I need to address. This is our seventh week on 'Spiritual Equipping' and the fifth on 'Ruach (Spirit)- and Fire-Baptism'. If we need to, and we probably will, we will return to this theme at another time.

    Review of the Previous Sermons

    We have covered a lot of ground, there's a lot for you to digest, and we could potentially make this critically important subject last for months by looking at all the examples of spiritual activity in the post-resurrection and post-First Messianic Shavu'ot (Weeks, 'Pentecost') anointing phase of the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament). Some material we have covered multiple times to make sure we clearly understand what these passages actually mean and not the spin put on them by the more charismatic denominations in search of the dramatic, exciting and spectacular. We have seen that baptism with fire is the baptism of purification and judgment that being filled with Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) brings and we have seen that we can only be filled with the Ruach (Spirit) to the extent that we have emptied ourselves of our own will and have allowed the fire of heavenly purging to release the space held by sin and sinfulness to the Ruach (Spirit) who rightly owns it. This can, and usually is, a long process.

    Letting Scripture Speak for Itself

    I think we have looked at all of the key Scriptures on this topic, we've simply let them fall where they were intended to fall, as it says in Ecclesiastes:

      "Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie" (Eccl.11:3b, NRSV).

    The Witness of John, Yah'shua and the Apostles

    In other words, we go to the Scriptures in their proper first century AD context, we carefully examine the words to understand precisely what they mean and how they were actually used 2,000 years ago, and then - and only then - can we respond to those self-same Scriptures and let them tell us what heavenly reality looks like and what earthly reality is, and all the grey fuzzy areas inbetween. If our feelings or mental dispositions or wills don't like what this tells us, and if out flesh wants us to go in another direction (to maybe 'fit in' with a denominational belief system), then we are obliged, as honest guardians of the Book, to resist what our carnal thoughts and feelings might prefer, and to see where the words of Elohim (God), Christ, the nevi'im (prophets), and shilichim (apostles) all the point. And so far, beginning with John the Baptist, and then moving on to Christ and the apostles, we have seen they all point in the same direction, telling us the same thing. They are consistent and harmonious, as we would expect them to be.

    The Consistent Requirement for Torah-Obedience

    And one of the things we have seen from our studies these last six weeks is that those filled with, and baptised in, the authentic Ruach (Spirit), discover that the Scriptures on this subject always point toward Torah-obedience and away from the kind of lawessness and insanity we see raging in the churches today. There is, however, a caveat to this that must be underlined and which I find I must repeatedly reiterate for the benefit for those coming out of both Christian and Messianic backgrounds, and it's this: being Torah-obedient does not mean following every messianic interpretation out there and especially not the rabbinical traditions. So we don't just blindly start observing a Roman Saturday Sabbath or using their bastardised calendar which is a compromise with Rome. It also doesn't mean that Torah-observance is the main thing, because trusting in Messiah is always the main thing, but nor does it mean we push the Torah so far to the side that it to all intents and purposes disappears from view. When that happens the soul-life will fill in the vacuum by imitating the gentiles world around us, which is contrary to the requirements of Messianic Israel.

    Dancing With Torah

    It's like a couple dancing, Messiah and Torah, and Messiah always leads from the beginning to the end of the dance, with Torah holding on tightly to her partner, with the "end of the matter" remaining the same as always, as Solomon reiterated, namely, to "fear Elohim (God), and keep His mitzvot (commandments); for that is the whole duty of everyone. For Elohim (God) will bring every deed into [the fire of] judgment, incuding every secret thing, whether good or evil" (Eccl.12:13-14, NRSV). In our illustration, Messiah is Elohim (God), as is true, as in marriage the husband must lead the wife. The reverse, in either case, is perversion of divine tavnith or pattern.

    In the dance of life, the Messiah must always lead Torah

    How We Were Saved by Messiah

    The Elohim (God) we fear - that is to say, the Elohim (God) whom we hold in deep awe, reverence, and love - has revealed Himself in power through the Master Yah'shua the Messiah (Lord Jesus Christ), who, as Paul wrote to Timothy, "has saved us and called us with a qadosh (holy, set-apart) calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace (undeserved loving-kindness) which was given to us in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus) before time began, but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Deliverer (Saviour) Yah'shua the Messisah (Jesus Christ), who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Besorah (Gospel, Good News)..." (2 Tim.1:9-10, NKJV).

    What the Torah is, and Isn't, For

    In Messiah we see who Elohim (God) really is, His love - His undeserved kindness and mercy toward us - both in what He did for us on the cross of Calvary and how that lies behind the Torah (Law) and mitzvot (commandments). Torah always points to Messiah and the Cross - even the word torah is a series of pictograms in paleo-Hebrew pointing to the crucifixion (and subsequent resurrection) which is the goal of Messiah incarnate. Where the cross is not immediately in view when it comes to the mitzvot (commandments), there you potentially have a form of legalistic religion which is powerless to save. What Christ did not come to do was to perpetuate the apostate rabbinical system of the first century AD which weaponised the Torah, turned it into something hostile and scary, and used it to virtue signal their own self-righteousness and for political ends (i.e. maintaining the power of the Pharisees and other religious leaders who had set themselves up as its sole interpreters), which is what all legalism ultimately does with the emet (truth). So what we are dealing with here is, specifically, New Covenant Torah, where the person of our Messiah is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the alef and taw, and the Torah lifestyle is the 'stuff inbetween', as in a sandwich. The Torah only matters now because Yah'shua (Jesus) matters first. Torah is the servant of Messiah, Torah always points to Messiah, Torah is the 'led companion' in the sacred dance, not its leader.

    Signs of Ruach-Baptism Amongst Believers Today

    Last week we ended with a prayer and this week I said we would continue in the same vein. Many, if not most of you who are firm, trusting, Torah-obedient believers are probably already Ruach (Spirit)-baptised to one degree or another. You may have the gift resident within you by impartation from Heaven that is either dormant or only partially active. There is no way we can, or ought to try to, quantify this other than to observe what is working in and through us already.

    Birth Gifts and Impartation Gifts

    And remember, a distinction has to be made between what we are born with - our various inherited giftings - and what is imparted supernaturally to us after we have repented of our sins, been born-again and received Ruach (Spirit)-Baptism. Recall also that giftings can also be inactivated and even be turned and put to use by dark forces. I have known people who had the prophetic gift who abandoned their faith and that gifting was then used by dark forces to serve the ends of the kingdom of darkness in giving false prophecy and psychic utterances. I'll be the first to admit that I don't understand how all of this actually works because it's so much bigger than us. The only measuring rulers we have are the evidence of the acquired capacity to love selflessly (the main indicator of rebirth) and our response in terms of a willingness to surrender completely and be obedient to Elohim (God) in all things, an indicator of which is Torah-obedience.

    All Gifts Have to Be Cultivated

    The fact that you are a brilliant musician, as Mozart was, for example, from a young age - he began composing when he was 5 years old and wrote his first symphony when he was 8 - does not indicate a Ruach-Baptism gifting. This was an inherited gift, and quite an amazing one at that. Mozart wrote such inspiring music, some of it religious, but sometimes he was frivolous and on one occasion he wrote a piece glorifying Freemasonry called The Magic Flute. He used his gift sometimes in submission to his own will and sometimes in submission to Yahweh's, though I don't think he was a very religious man. Sometimes these gifts are passed on to us by our parents in reduced or enhanced form. One of my sons, from whom I became separated when he was very young, subsequently became a gifted writer which his mother acknowldges comes from my side of the family. He published his first science fiction novel this year and has other works in the making already. Those of you who have children have experienced of these things. These somehow pass along genetic lines, and whilst these giftings are graces like the spiritual ones following regeneration, and still don't reflect any personal merit, they do nevertheless have to be cultivated. Like David raising the financies and preparing all the building in materials in advance to build the Jerusalem Temple, Solomon still had to organise everything and get the job done. So it is with our gifts - our heavenly bequests - too.

    Choosing Which Gifts to Pursue

    Like a field left to go fallow, we may never actually develop some of our giftings. I know for a fact, because of IQ tests I have done, that I could have become an architect, like my father and grandfather, but I chose otherwise. Whether I made a mistake or not I won't know until I meet Yah'shua (Jesus), I just know I have developped other skills. Whether we are capable of developping all the gifts we inherit is open to question, especially if you have multiple talents that could lead you down any number of professional paths. Some of us struggle to know what profession we should enter. Others just 'know' early on. For myself, I more-or-less just 'fell' into my profession as an educator which I had definitely not planned. And if you'd seen me as a youth you would never have dreamed I would become a preacher - I was just too shy and very quiet, and preferred not to be under any sort of spotlight.

    Things That Don't Come Naturally

    But these are inherited gifts from our parents and ancestors. We are here, today, more concerned with spiritual gifts which are supernaturally given only for Kingdom Service even if we may be tempted to press them into non-Gospel use because of pride and vanity for selfish gain. The point is, these spiritual gifts come only through Ruach (Spirit) Immersion and are lost as the Ruach (Spirit) departs because of persistent, unrepented sin. As a minister what I do in my service to the Kingdom does not come 'naturally' and not infrequently I feel utterly inadequate to the task. Sometimes I am just amazed when I go back and read what I have written or spoken because my training is in Science, not Theology. The glory is all Yahweh's, obviously. We just have to 'get on with it' in emunah (faith).

    The Charles Templeton Story

    In considering how this can all go backwards and lead to disaster, I often think of Billy Graham's early evangelistic companion, Charles Templeton, a brilliant preacher, filled with the Ruach (Spirit), who later became consumed by doubts and ended up an atheist though I am convinced part of him continued to truly believe, but got beaten down by the rising carnal nature he came to embrace. He even outshone Graham before his fall. Lee Strobel, the journalist who investigated Christianity with a view to destroying it but was in the end himself converted, tells of his meeting with Templeton while on his spiritual journey in search of truth. I related this in my sermon on Templeston given nearly three years ago, and shared how in tears Templeston related how much he missed Jesus. He knew the truth, but turned his back. He still knew the truth and will be accountable for his choice to abandon Him.

    Charles Templeton was powefully endowed with
    supernatural gifts but lost them with his faith

    All That Lucifer Lost

    And the prime example of all, Heylel, Lucifer or Satan the Archangel himself, who was the most glorious created being of all at one time, who chose rebellion and became what he is now - a highly gifted being, is still very intelligent, all these thousands of years later, but utterly devoid of the one thing that matters the most - love - which is his huge blind spot. Does he understand the things of the Ruach (Spirit)? Not really, not any more, even the memory of that will have been taken away. Now he only knows what provokes him to rage and impells him to destroy, the same rage and impells rebellious humans to destroy who have let that fallen malak (angel) into their hearts. He is the diametric opposite to the Ruach (Spirit) in his affections. Yah'shua (Jesus) said of him:

      "He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the emet (truth), because there is no emet (truth) in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it" (John 8:44, NKJV).

    Mankind, like Lucifer, knew the truth but chose to rebell and fall

    Reasons for Desiring the Ruach-Baptism

    A person who desires Ruach (Spirit)-Baptism desires to be equipped only to effectively bring souls to salvation and to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which can only be done supernaturally. It is not for self-glory. Indeed, the Ruach (Spirit) will not immerse a soul coming for impure motives, which is why the cleansing of Fire Baptism must precede it that comes only from genuine repentance and submission. It can only be accomplished by the will of Elohim (God), never by the will of man. We can only present ourselves having done our part in consciously changing life-direction and asking Yahweh to take over. That means the one thus immersed and filled with the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit), man and woman, youth and elderly, is presenting him- or herself to be fully used by Yahweh and His business alone. Like the covenants of Water Baptism and the covenant to become a son or daughter of Torah, this is a 'forever covenant', a covenant that a born-again soul will spontaneously delight in. Only the flesh will resist or oppose such an agreement, and that flesh has to be silenced by a choice - an act of the will. This immersion does not occur in willfully lawless, selfish people.

    The First Prayer for Ruach-Baptism

    All that remains for us to do is to pray for it, as we did last week. Make this the object of your prayers every day until it happens, adjusting your life whenever you are shown where adjustments are required. Let's pray again. You can, and should, pray your own prayers that are specific to your situation and needs. Whether you are partially immersed or not immersed at all, keep including something like this in your prayers:

      "Dear Father in Heaven, Yahweh-Elohim, I want to receive and experience all that You have in store for me in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) both so that I can commune fully in, and with, You and so I can be a fully endowed worker in Your Kingdom. I am sorry for my pride that may have kept me from experiencing any part of life in the Ruach (Spirit). I do repent of the pride, and I ask You to reveal Your life and love to me. I want You to take over my guidance and be my Master for the rest of my life. I do not know exactly what this means now. but I trust You totally to teach me.

      "Father, I ask You to baptise me in Your Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). I desire all that Yah'shua (Jesus) suffered and died to give for me. Beloved Yah'shua (Jesus), my Deliverer, Redeemer, and Saviour, I empty myself of all that stands in the way of Your baptising me in Your Ruach (Spirit); and what I cannot see that is an obstacle, please reveal it to me now so that everything is crystal clear. Pour out Your power on me that I might live a life worthy of Your Name. Help me to be a just and righteous person; lead me to perfection and maturity in Your love.

      "I thank You, Father. I do now open myself to receive all of this Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) from Yahweh. I thank You, Yah'shua (Jesus). I do now receive all of Your Ruach (Spirit). Yes, I receive fully of Your Ruach (Spirit). I thank You father Yahweh that You have made all this possible though Your faithful love, Your covenant faithfulness, and Your covenant justice. I thankfully ask and pray this in Yah'shua's (Jesus') Name. Amen."

    Scripture for Meditation: Isaiah 11:1-4

    Let us read out aloud together the first five verses of the 11th chapter of the Book of Isaiah, that great messianic prophecy, New King James Version (Evidence Bible, p.937):

      "There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse (Yishai),
      And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
      The Ruach (Spirit) of Yahweh (the LORD) shall rest upon Him,
      The Ruach (Spirit) of wisdom and understanding,
      The Ruach (Spirit) of counsel and might,
      The Ruach (Spirit) of knowledge and of the fear of Yahweh (the LORD).

      "His delight is in the fear of Yahweh (the LORD),
      And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
      Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;
      But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
      And decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
      He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
      And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
      Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins,
      And faithfulness the belt of His waist"
      (Isa.11:1-5, NKJV).

    The Second Prayer for Ruach-Baptism

    Let us pray one more time. Please join with me this time by repeating aloud after me if you are in agreement:

      "O my Heavenly Father,|| I am Your child|| and I believe in my heart|| that Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)|| bodily rose from death:|| I confess Him as my Master||. Yah'shua (Jesus) promised us in the Gospel of Luke:|| "How much more will your Heavenly Father|| give the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit)|| to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:13, NKJV). So now, I ask You|| as a son or daughter|| to fill me with Your Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit).|| I step into the fullness and power|| that I desire|| in the name of Yahweh-Elohim.|| I confess that I shall be,|| and that I am,|| a Ruach (Spirit)-filled believer.|| As I yield my bodily parts,|| my heart,|| my feet,||, my hands,|| and my tongue|| - I expect to manifest|| Your spiritual resources for me,|| so that I may live and work for You in power.|| Praise Yahweh!|| Hallelu-Yah!|| Amen."

    Love Divine

    We will conclude with Hymn 51 (Yahweh's Praises: Songs of the New Covenant, Vol.5), Charles Wesley's Ruach (Spirit)-filled hymn written in 1747, which is a part of today's message.

      1 Love divine, all loves excelling,
      Joy of heav'n to earth come down:
      fix in us thy humble dwelling,
      all thy faithful mercies crown:
      Yah'shua, Thou art all compassion,
      pure, unbounded love Thou art;
      visit us with Thy salvation,
      enter ev'ry trembling heart.

      2 Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit
      into ev'ry troubled breast;
      let us all in Thee inherit,
      let us find the promised rest:
      take away the love of sinning;
      Alpha and Omega be;
      End of faith, as its Beginning,
      set our hearts at liberty.

      3 Come, Almighty to deliver,
      let us all Thy life receive;
      suddenly return, and never,
      nevermore Thy temples leave.
      Thee we would be always blessing,
      serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
      pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
      glory in Thy perfect love.

      4 Finish, then, Thy new creation;
      pure and spotless let us be:
      let us see Thy great salvation
      perfectly restored in Thee;
      changed from glory into glory,
      'til in heav'n we take our place,
      'til we cast our crowns before Thee,
      lost in wonder, love, and praise.


    My final word is this: Do not cease in your supplication and obedience until Yahweh immerses you in power. Believe in emunah (faith) that you are receiving, day by day, portion by portion, until you receive all. Keep asking every day of your life and watch Him work!


    May the grace of our Master Yah'shua (Jesus) be with you this day and always is my prayer in His Name. I look forward to seeing you again next week, Yah willing! Amen.


    [1] Jackson H. Snyder II, Spiritual Gifts Revelation 2: Miracles by the Book, 7.0 (Lulu, 2004)

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    Last updated on 29 November 2020

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