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Month 2:3, Week 1:2 (Shanee/Matzah), Year:Day 5941:26 AM
2Exodus 7/40, Omer Count: (Sabbath #2)
Gregorian Calendar: Sunday 26 April 2020
Jericho March 2020 III
The Divine Pattern Revealed

    Continued from Part 2

    The Origin of NCAY's Jericho Marches

    Today is the third day of our annual 'Jericho March'. For those of you unfamiliar with this nine year-old Messianic Evangelical tradition, which is not a scriptural commandment or anything remotely like that, I want begin by saying that this is primarily an historical commemoration or remembrance, in much the same way we view other historical events in the Bible, but which also contains insights into Yahweh's character and prophetic pointers for the spiritual life today. We have noticed, consistently, that this observance has been richly blessed and that it, apparently, blesses others too. Indeed one of our friends said how much she looks forward to this time of year because spiritual warfare most definitely is a mitzvah (commandment):

      "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this æon (age), against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph.6:12-13, NKJV).

    A Special Time of Communion

    The Jericho Story also contains lots of valuable revelation about deliverance and about the divine calendar and is one of the proofs we use to show it is luni-solar and not purely solar. Since 2011 we have had some wonderful encounters with Yahweh and every year I personally enjoy special communion with Him. So just to state for the record, this is not a divine moed or appointment, we don't have regular meetings (except on the first day which is Rosh Chodesh when we are commanded to assemble to hear the nevi'im/prophets), and you don't have to do anything over the Jericho week if you don't want to. It's strictly voluntary and we love inviting other believers to join with us if they want to. We certainly appreciate their prayers.

    The Search for Divine Patterns

    One of the things the Ruach (Spirit) led me to do years ago was to seek for the divine tavnith or pattern in all of Yahweh's teachings and works. As a result, the Tavnith website was created. It has been such a fruitful source of revelation for the end-time restoration of all things. Bible students have actually been doing this for centuries but not, I think, to quite the same extent or depth, nor with the same goal in mind, as we have. This is not the same as the Jewish practice of making a drash or a midrash of a text, which is the allegorical or homiletical application of a passage of Scripture, nor is it what they call sod (meaning 'secret') which is looking for hidden meanings using gematria or the numerical value of letters, something that is potentially dangerous as it is so easy to slip into the occult. I have seen a lot of people waylaid by getting involved in gematria which is usually the door into Jewish occultism or kaballah. Neither is it remez or 'hint mode'. Tavnith is the hunt for divine patterns.

    Why a Seven Day-Long March?

    Let me give you an example. Yesterday I asked the question, why did Yahweh choose a seven day-long march around Jericho and not some other number of days? Why not bring the walls down on the very first day? You are all familiar with the number of 7 and how it depicts a week. But was this seven-day march a regular 7-day week? Well, on the surface of it, it does look a bit as though it is because in some ways, it resembles a reverse creation week (if such a thing may even be said to exist).

    A Reverse Creation Day?

    Let me explain. Nothing happens (to Jericho, at any rate) on the first six days, and on the seventh the walls come tumbling down as the result of a mighty earthquake (one supposes, as this is an earthquake-prone reagion). At the creation, Yahweh 'worked' for six days and then rested on the seventh, which He called the sabbath. So, in a way, this appears to be a creation week back-to-front. The problem is, the seventh day of the Jericho March 'week' was not a sabbath day, for indeed Israel would have been forbidden from doing any such activity on the sacred day of rest, let alone marching around the city seven times blowing shofars, shouting loudly, and then raising and plundering the city. They weren't exactly 'resting' on any of the other 6 days either because they were, again, doing 'work' marching and blowing shofars, albeit it only one circuit.

    The Explanation is in the Biblical Creation Calendar

    So there was no sabbath day during that week, which makes no sense whatsoever to those caught up in the false Roman Catholic Gregorian and Rabbinical Jewish calendars which nearly all churches and messianic congregations use to reckon time with. The only explanation is that the first day was, in actual fact, the New Moon - Rosh Chodesh - which is not a day of the biblical week, it's not a sabbath (even though it has restrictions on what you can and cannot do - you can work but not trade, for instance), only occurs once a month (unlike the sabbath which appears four times a month), and it marks the beginning of the month. Even Messianics - most of them, that is - have forgotten the complete extent of what Rosh Chodesh is for. The first day of the week is counted as a regular weekday, which begins the day after Rosh Chodesh. So the day after Rosh Chodesh is Day #1 of the first week of the month, of which of there are four in every month, and then the next month is reset by the moon. You can learn more about how this works on our Creation Calendar website:

    Two Different Cycles

    So the 7-day Jericho March is not a biblical 'week' - it cannot possibly fall into the same tavnith or pattern as a regular seven-day week so the hypothesis that Day #7, when the walls fell down, was a kind of 'anti-sabbath', doesn't work, because the seventh day of the Jericho March was not a sabbath - obviously - given what they did that day. And you know how strict the Sabbath was in the Old Covenant, its violation resulting in execution.

    The Jericho 'week' is not the regular 7-day week

    The General Meaning of 7

    No, the Jericho 7 days is a non-week pattern all for itself yet there were seven days so the general meaning of the number '7' is still relevent. What does the number '7' signify, of which the 7-day week is one example and the 7-day Jericho March is another example? Completion. It represents perfection. Thus, like the 7-day week, the 7-day Jericho March represents a perfect or complete cycle, and in particular it may be said to be a Cycle of Judgment because there is no rest for the wicked - there is no equivalent day of rest or 'sabbath'. The march consists of the new Moon Day plus the first six of the seven week days.

    Superstitions About the Number 13

    That is one reason Yahweh chose a seven day March, followed, on the seventh day, by seven encirclements. In total, then, the Israelites under Joshua marched around that city 13 times - once on each of the first six days, and seven times on the seventh day. And 13, as some of you already know, is not a 'baker's dozen' (because that's not a biblical concept) nor is it an 'unlucky' number as folks in the West often view it, especially when it is the day of the month coupled to a Friday (which belongs to recent, post-biblical European history - 1307, to be exact, when the Pope arrested the Knights Templar, robbed them and then had them killed) and is no more than a superstition. Nor is it an 'evil' number, as kabbalists claim, because gematrically the Hebrew word bew, meaning 'chaos', adds up to 13. Kabbalists, who are occultists, associate the number 13 with the snake, dragon, or Satan.

    The Positive Aspect of 13

    On the contrary, the number '13' is connected to the Tabernacles Sacrifices and is a positive number, representing the sum-total of what Yahweh brings to pass - the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot - the completion of all His works, begun by the work of the atonement on the cross (at Pesach or Passover) and ending with the Second Coming, the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, and the beginning of the Millennial Reign of Peace. It also represents the 13 "I AM" sayings of Yah'shua (Jesus) in the Gospel of John, the 13 children of Jacob (his 12 sons and daughter Dinah), and much else besides.

    Judgment of the Wicked

    Remember, though, that in order to complete His work, Yahweh must bring judgment on the wicked. No judgment, no Millennium, no Eternity for the blessed. Likewise, no judgment of Jericho, no conquest of the Promised Land, no national Israel. So do you see the divine tavnith (pattern)? The number 13 is bad news for the wicked, but exceedingly good news for the righteous. We must learn to like the number and decouple ourselves from satanic thinking!

    The Penultimate Judgment

    That is why the Jericho March this year is so important because this is the first year of the Judgment - the judgment I have been speaking of for so many years....not the Final Judgment but the penultimate (or last-but-one) Judgment. This is a judgment that the Dutchman, A.A.Leenhouts, understood was coming when he wrote his book, Competition of the Altars, published in 1948, 72 years ago, which I only started reading a week or two ago thanks to a brother who lent me his copy of this very rare book.

    More Judgments to Come After the Virus

    If you haven't seen our Mishpatim Yahweh website, you need to, because coronavirus is only the opening move of this Judgment, a reason you must be prepped and a reason you must restock your suppies if you have been using them during the lockdown and as quickly as possible because economic collapse and localised famines are to follow and - unless we do something to prevent it - a fully functional global one-world dictatorship will follow too. We have already had a little foretaste of it during the CoVid-19 Lockdown in many countries. Do you understand why I have been so deadly serious about the warnings I have given? We are not only at the beginning of Judgment but the Remnant is called immediately to spiritual warfare, and what better time to raise consciousness of this need than during the Jericho March week? It's time to get marching!

    The Army Commander of Yahweh of Hosts

    Brethren and sisters, it's time to make war - not physical war, not my means of physical violence, and not willy-nilly, but pinpoint-accurate spiritual war directed by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) on specific targets. That means revelation is needed. The "commander of the Army of Yahweh", before Whom "Joshia fell on his face to the earth and worshipped" (Josh.5:14, ESV), is here, leading the army column containing, please note, seven cohenim (priests) bearing seven shofars or ram's horns.

    Engaging in Spiritual Combat

    We have been 'blowing our horns' or trumpets now for three days. I'm 'blowing' mine, spiritually-speaking, and I hope you're 'blowing' yours, by announcing imminent judgment to the satannic Sabbatean deep state élites and by engaging in spiritual warfare on targets assigned by Yahweh. Three more days of this are to follow. Today we are quietly 'marching' around the demonic system that is breaking to the surface for all to see. In four days, something is going to happen. I know what I am bidden to do but I shall not speak of it before the seventh day when we assemble for the last time.

    Circumcision of the Heart Mandated

    You see, this isn't just a symbolic march this year - we may not have, or even need, the paraphanalia that Israel was commanded to employ back then, nor do we need physical circumcision as was required of Israel before the March (Josh.5:2-7), but we totally need cicumcision of the heart, as it is written, because Yahweh cannot use stiff-necked, carnally stubborn, prideful servants:

      "Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer. For Yahweh your Elohim (God) is Elohim (God) of gods and Master (Lord) of masters (lords), the great Elohim (God), mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing. Therefore love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. You shall fear Yahweh your Elohim (God); you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in His name. He is your praise, and He is your Elohim (God), who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen. Your fathers went down to Egypt with seventy (70) persons, and now Yahweh your Elohim (God) has made you as the stars of heaven in multitude" (Deut.10:16-22, NKJV).

    Paul added:

      "...circumcision is that of the heart, in the Ruach (Spirit), not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from Elohim (God)" (Rom.2:29, NKJV).

    The Awakening

    As the cabal is exposed and frantically scrambles around to prevent the collapse of its globalist empire, so the Mountain of Yahweh's House is being established as the highest of the mountains, and peoples will soon start flowing to it (Micah 4:1) as authentic miracles begin to proliferate and the power of Yahweh's right hand is revealed. The Enemy will have plenty of counterfeits, so beware, but remember also he is losing his grip on increasing numbers of people as they wake up to the deceptions.


    The ancients of Jericho and the Middle East generally had their satanic magical arts just as the moderns do and I have no doubt the Jerichoites were cursing to Joshua and his men, as this was common practice, as we learned yesterday from Sumerian practices. The world is changing, our lives are changing, everything is changing, as I have said before, and we're never going back to the world as we knew it, for good and evil. So buckle up your seat belts and get ready for the journey of your lives! Until tomorrow, Yahweh bless!

    Continued in Part 4

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    This page was created on 26 April 2020
    Last updated on 26 April 2020

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