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Month 9:1, Rosh Chodesh, Year:Day 5949:236 AM
2Exodus 6/40
Gregorian Calendar: Monday 28 October 2019
Rosh Chodesh IX II
Prophecy of the Two Great Winds


    Chag sameach Rosh Chodesh kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah.

    Why October is a Good Time to Discipline Yourself

    Years ago Yahweh impressed upon me to be at my most spiritually alert during the month of October each year and to spend extra time with Him by sacrificing some of my pleasures so as to be the least connected to the flesh as possible. I can't honestly say I have been nearly as diligent as I would have liked. There are sound reasons for this counsel, though. This is not only the transition between autumn (fall) and winter (in the northern hemisphere at least) at which time in more temperate climates we are susceptible to more infections - its cold, damp, and people have brought back their bugs with them from the summer vaccations from all over the world where they become incubated and spread around both at school and our places of employment. My mother always used to give me extra vitamins to be suitably fortified.

    Spiritual Warfare Against Evil Powers During the Satanic High Season

    But this also the time when the Enemy is often at his busiest, and though he never relents the year round, his servants - those from devil-worshipping and satanist cults in particular - devote a considerable amount of time and effort to depraved rituals, usually at night between around midnight and 3 am when their victims are in the deepest part of their sleep cycle and are more open to attack - sending curses to people during the Halloween (Samhain) season, particularly in the last 19 days of the month. This is a time when believers should not only have their spiritual armour on (and to do that adequately you need to spend regular, quality time with Yahweh) but they should be going onto the offensive in prayer. As I have said so many times, the best defence is offense. There are far too many child victims of kidnapping, ritual torture and murder who need intercession. And not just children, of course. As sinning gets worse and worse on a nationwide basis, as more and more people reject Elohim (God) and turn to Satan and ever worse sins, the need to be diligent becomes all the more urgent. We are the front line. If we don't hold it, in Messiah, who will? Know about the satanic seasons for effective spiritual warfare. Do your homework!

    The Doing Part of Spiritual Warfare

    The activity of the dark side is getting more and more intense and it will not abate until the powers of evil are finally defeated when Yah'shua (Jesus) returns. They were served notice at Golgatha when the Son of Elohim (God) was resurrected, defeating death, Satan and the fallen malakim (angels) - the demons. They know it but their human dupes don't (including far too many Christians), or don't want to. Every time we are attacked we must not only serve notice that have been defeated but employ that historical defeat 2,000 years ago in offensive spiritual warfare. So many young and innocent victims need help at this time of the year. Most of the world don't even believe this heinous stuff is going on. Will you stand in the breach for them? The Ruach (Spirit) will guide you in who to pray for, when and what. Just make yourself available. Preferably find others to join you.

    The Persons Who Need the Most Help

    The Enemy gives no quarter and neither should we - with one exception. You can't be soppy but neither can you be careless. When doing spiritual warfare I always ask Yahweh to spare the lives of those whom He knows want to be saved. Apart from those abducted against their wills for their vile rituals (and you know millions of children go missing every year), and those foolish enough to be ensnared and converted, the rest are born into this lifestyle and don't know how to get out of it. Those in the highest echelons of power are a part of this. In all cases, Yahweh knows the hearts of all men, women, boys and girls, and shows much undeserved loving-kindness - grace - to those caught up in this endless cycle of wickedness if they are sincere about escaping and changing Masters. They are not only perpetrators but in so many cases victims themselves caught up in a dreadful snare. So I pray always that such would be spared - shaken up, perhaps, rebuked when necessary - but saved nonetheless to turn around and become servants of the Kingdom of Heaven. Then there are those on the fringes, perhaps involved in softer-core Wicca or simply unwisely privately dabbling in the occult apart from any covens. Both of these are but stepping-stones into deeper darkness. None of it is innocent. You should never fool around with any of this stuff. Ever. It's not a different religion to satanism or devil-worship - it's just a step or two along the same road. It is the outer façade of the inner reality which is why all manifestations of it are an abomination to Yahweh. It is the worst kind of idolatry.

    This Year is Different - Backslidden Believers are at High Risk

    I do not enjoy October very much, not because I feel unsafe, not because I do not believe in the blood covering of Yah'shua (Jesus) that fathers and husbands extend to their families as heads, but because I am frequently permitted to see in visions what is going on beyond the gaze of the public when Yahweh wants me to interceed. This year has been no exception. But this year I was aware of something different for the first time. Last night Yahweh showed me something in a vision that actually scared me - not the power of darkness but what is starting to happen to lapsed believers in particular. This is the story I want to briefly tell you today.

    The Desperate Need for Revival & Pentecost

    One of my frequent prayers is that Yahweh will bring revival to the Body, and specifically to the Remnant, along with anointings to counter the rise in evil in this world. I always like to read a scripture just before I close my eyes at night and my Bible just happened to open up at Acts 2:

      "While the Day of Shavu'ot (Pentecost) was running its course [the talmidim/disciples] were all together in one place, when suddenly there came from the sky (heavens) a noise like that of a strong driving wind, which filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues like flames of fire, dispersed among them and resting on each one. And they were all filled with the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and began to talk in other languages, as the Ruach (Spirit) gave them power of utterance" (Acts 2:1-4, NEB).

    You all know the rest of the story. This immediately led me to start praying for a fresh anointing for the Remnant - for all of us - the much coveted Sukkot (Tabernacles) Anointing. And then I just lay back and mediated a while.

    Vision of Demonic Activity

    First of all my spiritual eyes started opening and I was watching the demonic realm at work. This was an incredibly intense vision. Demons are not pleasant entities to view at the best of times but seeing them, as it were, through a microscope in minute detail, was vile and unsavoury. But it was not as you might be supposing. I was not being confronted by some mediaeval visage of some hairy, disfigured humanoid-like monster with red eyes. When people see such images they are but projections designed to scare, intimidate or frighten off, amongst other things, unless the display is purposefully for deception when they will then put on sophisticated displays so as to appear like angels of light. That requiresd a lot of energy and effort on their part. I was watching one of these demons in particular who seemed to be practicing for something. I would describe him more as a seathing mass of energy, forming and unforming, in an attempt to preject something not to much to be seen as felt and, of course, misidentified. This was not a stationary display but consisted of relentless shape-shifting, sometimes large but mostly only in details. It was as though the entity was fine-tuning his deception. I knew he could see me and was trying to deceive me but I was able to watch every single tweeking of his performance. In the end he saw he was getting nowhere with me, I dismissed him in the Name of Yah'shua (Jesus), and the vision closed.

    Vision of the Lapsed Christian and the Great Wind

    I was ready to go to sleep and tried but could not. It was then that a second vision opened up and I saw, across the room by the opposite wall, a bed - not in physical space and time, but somehow connected to us here. In it was a family member who lives very far away, not of this congregation, who lapsed from the faith many years ago and had simply drifted out of an active Gospel lifestyle and had become progressively more secularised. Her health has declined quite seriously in the last year and she has had some close shaves. She was in bed, ill, and I suppose, sleeping as she was not moving. Then there was the sound of a mighty wind coming from my left and toward that bed. It rushed toward her, grabbed her, and lifted her up into the air and moved her half way across the room, She was resisting with the all energy she yet had (for she was weak) but was unable to break free. I was alarmed and went into intercessory prayer, begging for her to be released, but nothing availed. In the end the wind simply carried her further to my right through the air, and out of the window. And she was gone. I was shocked - profoundly shocked. What was this?

    The David Minor Prophecy

    And then I remembered a prophecy given by David Minor in the USA back in 1987 and this is what he said:

      1. The Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God) would say to you that the wind of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) is blowing through the land.
      2. The Messianic Community/Christian Church, however, is incapable of fully recognising this wind.
      3. Just as your nation has given names to its hurricanes, so I have put My Name on this wind.
      4. This wind shall be named: Dedicated to Yahweh (Holiness unto the LORD).
      5. Because of a lack of understanding, some of my people will try to find shelter from the wind, but in so doing they shall miss My work.
      6. For this wind has been sent to blow through every church that names My Name.
      7. It shall blow through every institution that has been raised in My Name.
      8. In those institutions that have substituted their name for Mine, they shall fall by the impact of My wind.
      9. Those institutions shall fall like a cardboard shack in a gale.
      10. Ministries that have not walked in uprightness before Me shall be broken and fall.
      11. For this reason man will be tempted to brand this as a work of Satan, but this is My wind.
      12. I cannot tolerate My church in its present form, nor will I tolerate it.
      13. Ministries and organisations will shake and fall in the face of this wind and even though some will seek to hide from that wind, they shall not escape.
      14. It shall blow against your lives and all that surrounds you will appear to be crumbling, and so it shall, but never forget this is My wind, saith Yahweh.
      15. With tornado force, it will come and appear to leave devastation, but the Word of Yahweh comes and says:
      16. "Turn your face into the wind and let it blow."
      17. For only that which is not of Me shall be devastated.
      18. You must see this as necessary.
      19. Be not dismayed, for after this My wind shall blow again.
      20. Have you not read how My breath blew on the valley of dry bones?
      21. So it shall breathe on you.
      22. The wind will come in equal force as the first wind.
      23. This wind too will have a name -- it shall be called The Kingdom of Elohim (God).
      24. It shall bring My power. The supernatural shall come in that wind.
      25. The world will laugh at you because of the devastation of that first wind.
      26. But they will laugh no more, for this wind will come with force and power that will produce the miraculous among My people and the fear of Elohim (God) shall fall on the nation.
      27. My people will be willing in the day of My power, saith Yahweh.
      28. In My first wind that is upon you now, I will blow out pride, lust, greed, competition and jealosy, and you will feel devastated;
      29. But haven't you read: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"?
      30. So out of your poverty of spirit, I will establish My kingdom.
      31. Have you not read: "The kingdom of Elohim (God) is in the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit)"?
      32. So by My Ruach (Spirit), My kingdom will be established and made manifest.
      33. Know this also, there will be those who shall seek to hide from this present wind and thy wil try to flow with the second wind, but they will again be blown away by it.
      34. Only those who have turned their face into the present wind shall be allowed to be propelled by the second wind.
      35. You have longed for revival and a return to the miraculous and the supernatural.
      36. You and your generation shall see it, but it shall only come by My processes, saith Yahweh.
      37. The church of this nation (USA) cannot contain My power in its present form.
      38. But as it turns to the wind of the holiness of Elohim (God), it shall be purged and changed to contain My glory.
      39. This is judgment that has begun at the house of Elohim (God), but it is not the end.
      40. When the second wind has come and brought in My harvest, then shall the end come.
      (Olive Branch 7)

    Yahweh Wants Us Purged

    I have referred to this prophecy many times over the years but I have never felt it with such power and force as I have today. It confirms, and conforms to, not only what others have been prophesying - myself included - but it bears out all the difficulties, struggles and devastations that we have been experiencing - all of us. Yahweh wants us purged of our false teachings. He wants us purged of our lawlessness (Torahlessness), our ungodly lusts, our penchant for searching out for fame, our pride, our lack of humility, and of course - fundamentally - our lack of love for Him and for each other.

    Great Things This Calendar Year Still on Track

    This is the primary prophetic message of Rosh Chodesh on this the first day of the 9th month of this Gregorian year of 2019. I said that great things were going to happen this creation calendar year (spring 2019 to spring 2020). I said this was the year we'd been waiting for for so long, and so it is. The purging is happening right now, it is ripping through the lukewarm believers, those who have abandoned the Derech (Way), those who thought they could escape the Judgments simply by maintaining a passive, armchair faith. Well, our emunah (faith) can never be passive, can it? It is an emunah (faith) that must stand up, it must put on the armour of Elohim (God), and it must go forth to war. So, yes, you are going to see a lot of things in the next few months; and it will appear that Yahweh's wrath - His anger - is kindled against His people.

    The Sukkot Anointing is On the Way

    It has certainly felt like that to me - I have certainly felt harsh judgment. And I know fully well that this is Yahweh's purging mechanism. He is sending His Ruach (Spirit) to cleanse out the people who call themselves after the Name of Christ or the Messiah. It doesn't matter what your background is - messianic, evangelical, catholic, eastern orthodox - Yahweh is going to call out His Remnant and bring them together. And He is going to equip them in such a way that none will be able to deny that they have been especially set-apart from the rest of those who call themselves Christians and Messianics. This is what you're going to see. You're going to see a supernatural work of Elohim (God) on par with that which took place at the first Messianic Shavu'ot (Weeks, 'Pentecost') in Jerusalem. What we've been praying for - the Sukkot (Tabernacles) anointing - for so many years, is on its way. But first comes the judgment on the House of Elohim (God) and that is not a pleasant experience - it is painful. And those who don't run away will be purged and be blessed.


    Please consider these words soberly - they are a prophetic davar (word) from Yahweh for all of us today, myself included. So I pray you will let this word settle in your hearts and that you will turn your face towards our Creator, get right with Him, prostrate yourself before the Throne of Grace. But do it quickly because the days ahead are dark. Yahweh bless you all. Amen.

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press

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    This page was created on 28 October 2019
    Last updated on 28 October 2019

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