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The 12 Books of Abraham

    Świętosława's Corner 6

    Hoping & Trusting
    in Yahweh
    In the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attack

    As I was reading this morning in the Psalms I read this passage that spoke to me about hope and trusting Yahweh.

    Psalms 46:1-3 Elohim (God) is our Refuge and Strength, a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas. Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tromble at is swelling and tumult. Selah.

    In troubled times like this what a blessing it is to know that Elohim (God) is indeed our Refuge and our Strength, that He will keep faith with us and we can stand on that promise with complete trust. I liked what Stanisław said about worrying being like not trusting Elohim (God). I have had to learn that lesson myself.

    I have talked to many people since everything broke yesterday (the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York and Washington) and I am finding a lot of anger and vengeful thinking. I understand the emotion but I pray that Elohim (God) will deliver us all from bitterness and vengefulness. I pray He guide our leaders to be wise as serpents but gentle as doves. And I pray that He deliver all of us from hatred and anger and vengefulness. Let us seek justice but also let us remember that vengance belongs to Elohim (God).

    And finally, my heartbroken prayers go to the families and friends who have lost people in these tragedies and a profound gratitude for the many thousands who are working tirelessly in the rescue efforts. May Elohim (God) strengthen them and guide them and fortify them for the days to come. And let us not worry, but trust that Elohim (God) will resolve all matters to His glory and purpose.

    Yahweh bless and keep you all.

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    Author: SBK

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    Updated on 8 August 2016

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