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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 75

    3 ABRAHAM 75
    or Isaac 2

    Isaac concludes the record. The family of Abram gather together. Abram, Judith and Sarai appear before them in a great light. The eleven wives of Abram are transfigured and are translated with Abram, Judith and Sarai.

    1. I am Isaac, the son of Abram, and I conclude this record of my father.

    2. Now after that one year had passed since my father had been received into the paradise of Elohim, I, Isaac, being the High Priest of the Chavurat Bekorot according to the designation of my father Abram, summonsed the family together in the Tent of El Elyon.

    3. And behold, my mothers, the wives of my father, were all veiled, for they had hidden their faces from the world.

    4. And as we were in the act of singing and praising El Elyon, a great light appeared in the tent.

    5. And my father Abram stood before us clothed in brilliant white.

    6. And a great wind swept through the tent of our meeting, and the veils [of morning] were blown off from the faces of my mothers.

    7. And to the left side of Abram stood Judith, and to the right stood Sarai.

    8. And all were as they were in their youth;

    9. And they shone like angels.

    10. And Abram stood forward and, raising his hand above my head, blessed me in the Name of El Elyon, that I might be preserved, and that my seed might be preserved until Messiah should come.

    11. Therefore he blessed all those in the Tent.

    12. And after that he had blessed everyone, he stretched forth his hands, and spake unto my mothers, saying:

    13. "Beloved ones, return unto me, ribs of my side, and be one with me."

    14. And at once his wives began to move toward him;

    15. And as they drew close unto him, the light began to grow brighter and brighter until the tent was filled with, as it seemed, a thousand suns.

    16. And behold, we shielded our eyes.

    17. And behold, there was a great humming sound that became lounder and louder;

    18. Yea, and a throbbing, pulsating light filled the tent.

    19. And the glory was too great for us;

    20. Therefore we departed hastily from the tent.

    21. Now the tent had become as water, for we could see through it with our natural eyes.

    22. And we saw the thirteen wives of Abram round about him.

    23. And behold, all were as they were in their youth.

    24. And they all looked lovingly upon him, in the brilliance of their glory.

    25. Yea, and we could see through them, for they had become as clear as water.

    26. And we saw a pillar of light descending out of the heavens fall upon them;

    27. And they ascended in the pillar into the night and were seen no more.

    28. And we marvelled.

    29. I suppose they have gone to the Paradise of our Elohim, to rejoice forever in His love.

    30. They could not be separated in death;

    31. Therefore Elohim took them unto Himself.

    32. Therefore I, Isaac, close this record of my father Abram, and seal it up until the day that it shall come forth unto the children of the Firstborn who shall arise in the end times.

    33. And this is a parable of the Love of Elohim which sheddeth itself upon the souls of the righteous. Amen.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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