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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 66

    3 ABRAHAM 66
    or Judith 58

    Judith relates her experiences in trial and tribulation. Her thoughts on endurance, selfishness and sacrifice.

    1. Now I, Judith, have known much joy and glory on account of Elohim and His Messiah, and the wonderful family that He hath given me.

    2. But I have also known trial and tribulation as I have sought to teach the mysteries unto dull hearts and ears.

    3. For few will receive them.

    4. And I have laboured with the newly married wives of our lord Abram who have mot always understood in the beginning, and I have wept many tears on account of them.

    5. But they have know of my desires toward them, that they are pure, for some of those who came out of the world, seeing that I had dwelt with Abram the longest, supposed that his love for me was greater than for them.

    6. But because we have come before one another with contrite spirits, and because of our overflowing love for Abram and His Elohim, and our Elohim, we have been healed of all afflictions.

    7. And we know one another because we are as an unfurled banner.

    8. Therefore we see each other even as we are seen.

    9. Now I would speak somewhat concerning endurance, beloved ones, that ye may learn to endure hardship with joy in your hearts.

    10. Therefore I relate unto you another of my psalms:

    11. "Endure unto the end -- O bitter phrase filled with wearied words of wrath and anguish, that all the tears of time cannot efface.

    12. "Endure, a living sepulchre.

    13. "Yahweh said unto me: 'I am Alef and Taw, the Beginning and the End.'

    14. "O Holy Elohim, Thou art Eternal Now, Fullnes of Life, First and Last, beginning and End, Author and Finisher.

    15. "My death is now to enduring in the flesh, to the Death, being born to Life.

    16. "In the beginning I was born of Word, of Spirit I was born and brought to this End, even to Thee.

    17. "Take me to thy bosom, Finished, by Thine own Holy Hand."

    18. Now Yahweh our Elohim hath passed me through many fires of affliction, and He hath burned out the dross, that my gold may be a holy offering unto Him.

    19. Behold, I have learned somewhat concerning the need to die as pertaining to the selfishness of man, and to be born anew in the Messiah.

    20. Therefore I have made of myself a living sacrifice, and I have learned concerning the joy thereof.

    21. For selfishness is as a great burden upon the back of an ass -- therefore why should I be burdened?

    22. Nay, for sacrifice is as the sweet savours of Kadmon, yea, it is sweeter than the sweetest honey, stronger than the lions that dwell in this land, cooleer than the brook Kidron, more glorious than the most heroic deed.

    23. Therefore sacrifice, that ye may be bathed in the holy waters of Messiah.

    24. And this I have done, and I am at peace.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 11 June 2016

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