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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 54

    3 ABRAHAM 54
    or Judith 46

    The United Order in the Holy City. The professions and occupations of its citizens.

    1. Now by this time, even the forty-nineth year of my lord, had our family grown exceedingly large on account of our numerous daughters.

    2. But there was not one son, which greatly perplexed us, for there had never been such an exceedingly large family in the Holy City with so many daughters and no sons.

    3. And because our family grew, we were given a larger home to meet our needs.

    4. And the distribution of wealth in the Holy City, whether it be houses, or food, or clothing, or any manner of material substance, is under the control of the Council of the Twelve Patriarchs, who distribute according to need, for we abide the law of the Chavurat Bekorot where all things are held in common.

    5. Therefore no man is held above another in wealth, for it is not expedient in the eyes of El Elyon.

    6. Therefore were all our temporal needs provided.

    7. Now every man and woman worked in the Holy City, each according to his or her skills.

    8. And we were a highly industrious people.

    9. Nevertheless the first duty of each woman was to her family, that she might raise up a righteous seed unto El Elyon.

    10. And there were numerous skills that were sought after, for there were craftsmen in wood and stone, clothmakers, those skilled with dyes, farmers, herdsmen, masons, cleaners, administrators and judges.

    11. And the Supreme Judge in the City of Salem was Noah.

    12. And the Council of the Twelve Patriarchs are the chief magistrates of the Holy City.

    13. And there were teachers, and physicians, and musicians and artists.

    14. And behold, it was common that each man should have more than one skill;

    15. Therefore our lord Abram served as a herdsman, and as a teacher, and as a magistrate.

    16. Now in the Holy City we were not paid for our services, but each family received what it needed.

    17. And those who would not work in the spirit of the Chavurat Bekorot were brought before the magistrates;

    18. And if they would not labour, then they received not of the substance of those who did.

    19. And if a man began to sin in this area, he would invariably begin to sin in others;

    20. Therefore if he did not repent, he would be cast out of the Holy City into the hostile and uncaring world where the fallen laws of Nimrod prevailed.

    21. Therefore there were few who did not live the laws of the Chavurat Bekorot, for they knew the source of their happiness and contentment.

    22. Now the Holy City was an exceedingly clean and orderly city for we dislike the disorder and filthiness of the world.

    23. Therefore when our father Noah located the City of Salem he chose a place high where it is cooler in the winter but hath pleasant summers.

    24. And he chose a place where there were numerous springs, which he called the Springs of Salem because of the refreshing waters thereof which bring peace unto the flesh in the heat of the day.

    25. Now the waters of Salem are collected in great pools in the city and they are sent unto the several houses, and unto the fields for irrigation, by means of channels, some beneath the streets, and some above.

    26. And there were also wells from which we could draw colder water when we had need of it.

    27. Now at night the city required no lights, for we used not torches and lamps as the cities of the world do, for our light is the Holiness of El Elyon.

    28. And this is a light that is perceived by the natural eye and illuminateth everything.

    29. Now if a man or a woman transgressed the laws, the light within his home would diminish;

    30. And the darkness would stand out, even as a light standeth out in the world.

    31. Therefore was all unrighteousness exposed at the beginning, and none could hide.

    32. And for food we ate all manner of fruits, and herbs, and cereals, and nuts, and vegetables, yea, and all things good.

    33. And we made cheese and butter from the milk of cows and goats.

    34. And our raiment we made from the wool of sheep.

    35. And we ate no meat until we came into the world.

    36. And behold, there was food in abundance, for we blessed the soil and did all our labours unto the glory of El Elyon.

    37. And we women also worked and laboured in the fields when there was need;

    38. And we were exceedingly industrious with our hands, for we know this is the will of El Elyon toward us.

    39. And we teach our children the skills of the Holy City from a small age, and assign them duties in our homes.

    40. Bwehold, our homes were as temples, being made of stone and wood.

    41. And we cleansed our homes each day that the dust of the air might not accumulate in their walls, nor the earth come from without.

    42. And at our door there was always a jug of water and a basin;

    43. And whenever any came into our home, their feet would be bathed.

    44. And this was done by the children or by one of the wives or by a man-servant or a maid-servant.

    45. Now we also had servants, and these were often unmarried men and women who would be assigned unto our homes to assist with the children and the cleaning thereof if a family had many responsibilities.

    46. Yea, and we had nurse-maids also;

    47. And behold, I, Judith, was also a nurse-maid when I was small, and my lord Abram served as a man-servant.

    48. And thus we are instructed from a young age concerning the importance of service.

    49. For it is required by the law that every unmarried boy and girl shall serve from half to one year as a domestic servant, that they may behold the workings of at least one other family.

    50. Nevertheless, they sleep in their natural family's home.

    51. And all are taught several skills that they may arise knowledgeable in all skills and sciences.

    52. And so there was always perfect equality amongst us, and none lorded it over another.

    53. Therefore we were a free and happy society.

    54. And there were many thousands of souls who dwelt in this blessed Order.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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