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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 33

    3 ABRAHAM 33
    or Judith 25

    The Temple Ordinance of Marriage, Part III.

    1. And it came to pass that our lord Abram came across the veil, but we did not behold him, for our eyes were covered.

    2. Therefore we waited in faith and longing.

    3. And it came to pass that we heard our lord come through the veil, but we saw him not.

    4. And he took hold of my right hand (for I was the oldest) that I might know he was summonsing me.....

    8. And the room was exceedingly bright, such that I could not see at first, for I had dwelt in darkness this long time.

    12. Therefore he took the oil and anointed my head...

    17. And I rejoiced that I could once more become his in the flesh, for I was already his in the spirit by holy ordinance.

    18. And now, having thus anointed and kissed me, he motioned me to (do) likewise....

    20. And I likewise kissed him, as he had kissed me....

    25. And I stood to one side while Abram crossed the veil again to fetch Kadar, for she was younger than I as to years in the flesh.

    26. And whenever there was a marriage in our family, my lord would bring the eldest across the veil first, and the youngest last.

    27. And this he did not because he esteemed one wife greater than the other, but in token of our birth into mortality.

    28. Now Abram inducted my sister-wife through the same ordinance;

    29. And when he had anointed and kissed her, he set her beside me, and placed her hand into mine, that we were again together.

    30. And never was one word spoken.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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