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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    3 Abraham
    Also Known as the Book of Judith
    Chapter 22

    3 ABRAHAM 22
    or Judith 14

    The Temple Ordinance of Betrothal, Part III.

    1. And now Abram seated us upon thrones and began to wash our feet, and this in token of humility, that he might serve us all his days.

    2. And this ordinance we do in token of the Messiah, who shall come, descending into the world to reconcile it unto the Father.

    3. Therefore he washed our feet.

    4. Now the chamber, even the Bridal Room, was made of white stone, and shone as the brilliance of the sun.

    5. And Kadar and I had decorated it with flowers and all manner of beautiful things in token of the Garden of Eden, which is the Paradise of our first parents.

    6. Therefore was the place exceedingly beautiful and pleasant unto the eye.

    7. And there was a great spiritual tranquility.

    8. Now after that Abram had washed us, he took us by the hand and bade us rise.

    9. Therefore he arose, and stretched forth his hand.

    10. I took the right hand of Kadar and placed it in the right hand of my master.

    11. And he, taking my right hand, placed it upon his and Kadar's;

    12. And he took hold of a white cord and began to bind our hands together.

    13. And he said unto me: "Art thou, Judith, willing to receive Kadar as thy sister-wife, to be united forever in the bonds of the New and Everlasting Covenant, to love, cherish, uphold, and sustain her, as you both shall love, cherish, uphold and sustain me?

    14. And I said unto him: "Yea, my lord."

    15. And he turned unto Kadar and said: "Art thou, Kadar, willing to receive Judith as thy sister-wife, to be united forever in the bonds of the New and Everlasting Covenant, to love, cherish, uphold and sustain her, as you both shall love, cherish, uphold and sustain me?"

    16. And Kadar said unto him: "Yea, my lord."

    17. Therefore were Kadar and I sealed together in our own right under the wings of the Covenant of the Ancient of Days, to be companions and helpmeets unto each other as the wives of our lord and husband, Abram.

    18. And thus having been bound together and with our lord, did Abram loosen the cord that bound our three hands together.

    19. And we did kiss each other upon the cheeks, and we again kissed our husband upon the mouth.

    20. And we embraced each other, Kadar and I, for the love between us was so strong.

    21. And we became one in the Spirit of El Elyon.

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    Author: LThE

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    Updated on 10 June 2016

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