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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    2 Abraham
    Chapter 24

    2 Abraham 24

    Pharaoh and the Egyptians are healed. Sarai is returned to Abram. The whole of Egypt is converted to Yahweh. Pharaoh is admitted into the Abramic Covenant. The Temple of Seth and Shem restablished.

    1. Hearing these words, Pharaoh summoned me to him, and when I entered his presence he asked: What is this that hath been done? or I have taken Sarai to wife while she was yet thy wife, and for this thing a curse hath fallen upon me and all the males in the land of Egypt. Therefore pray for me that this curse may be removed from me.

    2. According to Pharaoh's request I prayed over him. And he and all the males of Egypt were healed. When the king had been blessed, he saw that he had recovered, and he praised Yahweh for his recovery. Wherefore I took him into his garden and immersed him in the Name of Yahweh, and all his household with him.

    3. And when I had blessed him again, Sarai came before him, and he knew that he had been healed of his lust toward her, for the Spirit of Elohim fell upon him with this testimony. And the witness thereof was sure.

    4. Then Pharaoh arose and praised Yahweh and proclaimed to all his people that they should worship El Elyon who had healed them. And he desired to enter into a covenant of eternal brotherhood with me, that I should be his spiritual father and he should be my spiritual son.

    5. Wherefore I said unto Pharaoh: Put forth thy hand upon my thigh and I will make thee swear before Yahweh, the Eloah of Heaven and earth, that thou shalt be true to me, and thine heirs to my heirs forever. And I shall receive thee unto myself to be my son and brother, to inherit all the blessings of my house and to bear the Priesthood of Eloah forever.

    6. Wherefore Pharaoh put his hand upon my thigh and sware unto me according to this oath. And when he had sworn, Lot admitted him into the Patriarchal Covenant that he might belong to Yahweh forever. And Pharaoh rejoiced therein.

    7. And the king clothed me in his own robes and seated me upon his throne, placing his crown upon my head and his sceptre in my right hand. And I did teach him and his people in all the mysteries of godliness from the first to last.

    8. For Pharaoh did introduce me into the temple which had been built by the fathers, commenced by father Seth and completed by father Shem after the great flood. And therein I did officiate in the administrations of the House of Yahweh.

    9. And Pharaoh made all matters right with Sarai, and he blessed her with the outpouring of the Spirit that was in him. And she was blessed by his ministry. And he gave unto her Hagar, his own daughter, also, to be her companion. And to Hagar he gave many gifts.

    10. And I was seven years in the land of Egypt teaching the Word and administering unto Pharaoh and his household, and all the Egyptians, the blessings, laws, statutes and ordinances of the Word, and the power thereof. And I established among them the Order of the Fathers or Patriarchs, until the name of Yahweh was glorified through the land of Egypt.

    11. And I taught the people the nature of the Heavens and of the earth, and the plan of salvation, and the blessings of Yahweh unto those who serve Him in purity of heart; and to believe on the Son of Elohim who should come and make an atonement for their sins.

    12. And so great was the power of Elohim among us that in time all of the Egyptians had turned away from their idolatry to the worship of the true Elohim. And I, and my people, had cause to rejoice in the fruits of our labours.

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    Authors: JB, LThE, SBSK et al

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    Updated on 6 June 2016

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