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The 12 Books of Abraham

    The 12 Books of Abraham

    2 Abraham
    Chapter 1

    2 Abraham 1

    Nimrod establishes the City of Ur to rival the City of Enoch. He establishes a wicked Order and becomes a satanic high priest. Terah, the father of Abram, is Nimrod's Prime Minister in Ur.

    1. I, Abraham, was born the son of Terah, who was Prime Minister to Nimrod, who reigned in Ur of the Chaldees.

    2. Now this Nimrod was a wicked man and an idolater; and my father was led to follow after his abominations.

    3. Moreover, Nimrod was a man of mighty power for he was Satanic High Priest and had in his hands the secrets of the ancients as they had come down from Cain wherein he knew the words of power.

    4. And this power did Nimrod use to get gain after the manner of the secret order.

    5. With this power he had set out to build a tower which would reach unto Heaven, even the city of my father Enoch which had been taken up, that he, Nimrod, might depose Elohim from His throne, for Elohim had taken up His abode among the people of Enoch.

    6. But Elohim frustrated the plans of Nimrod by confounding the language of him and his people that they could no longer remember the sacred words; and they scattered forth over the face of the earth.

    7. At that time Nimrod came and established the city of Ur, which by interpretation meaneth City of Light, for he yet retained his determination to build a city to rival the City of Elohim, that the light and power thereof might centre in him.

    8. And through the ministration of Satan he did receive again some of the words of power and did re-establish the secret order among his people; but he had not power as at first for the fulness of the pure language was not restored to him according to the decree of El Elyon.

    9. Now, in all the wickedness of Nimrod, my father stood by his side, for he was deceived by the subtle cunning and power which Nimrod possessed.

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    Authors: JB, LThE, SBSK et al

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    First created in 1990
    Updated on 6 June 2016

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