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    Section 214
    The New Olive Leaf III

    Together with the first two New Olive Leaf Revelations (NC&C 44 & 99), the New Olive Leaf III completes the New Olive Leaf Trilogy on Firstborn Ahavah (Love). It represents, in many ways, the apex of New Covenant Christian mysticism, whose purpose is to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Messiah" (2 Cor.10:5b, NIV). There are few, if any, mystical, let alone Christian mystical, traditions that do not at some point diverge into the dangerous doctrinal waters of New Age occultism and pantheism. In New Covenant Christian mysticism, of which the New Olive Leaf Trilogy are typical representatives, every doctrine, principle and thought converges back on Yah'shua (Jesus) of Nazareth and the B'rit Chadashah (New Testament) witness. As with the previous two New Olive Leaves, the third needs to be read prayerfully several times to be fully appreciated [Oppsal, Oslo, Norway].

    Continued from Part 2

    1. Beloved qodeshim (saints) of the New Covenant, hearken unto the Davar (Word) of Yahweh your Elohim (God), whose Light seeketh to penetrate your hearts and minds with pure doctrine that ye may no longer be led to and fro by your imperfect perceptions of ahavah (love).

    2. Though I have now spoken unto you many times concerning the ahavah (love) of the Firstborn, ye have still not fully understood.

    3. And why have ye not understood? It is because ye have not repatterned your lives to receive this higher ahavah (love), and therefore ye cannot receive it.

    The Pure Love of Messiah

    4. Verily, verily, I say unto you, that the pure ahavah (love) of Messiah, which is the ahavah (love) of the Father and of all the firstborn of Elohim, is neither intellectual, emotional nor sexual, for it is far higher than any of these.

    5. And there are many who wrongly suppose that a man or a woman must be married in order to experience this ahavah (love).

    6. The love of Messiah is pure and refined and is hidden up in all things that possess the Light.

    7. Verily, it is the Light which transformeth a man, to make him glad, which enableth him to stand alone and be satisfied.

    8. Ye have learned only to love that which ye can see, or feel, or think, because ye are yet centred in your old ways.

    9. Ye seek to nourish your souls by feeding off each other, not understanding that ye are cannibals after the ruach (spirit).

    The Parable of the Caterpillar

    10. Ye act like the caterpillar which devoureth the leaves of trees, filling yourselves like the rich man who would not give of his substance unto Lazareth.

    11. Therefore understand the parable of the caterpillar, for the caterpillar is a representation of the lower, carnal man.

    12. He gorgeth himself with food -- intellectual, emotional, and sexual -- until he is fat and bulbous and despised by all.

    13. He lusteth after every pleasure, seeking only to fill himself.

    14. His countenance is pale and weak, and there is no life in his eyes.

    15. Behold, what beauty is there in a caterpillar?

    16. It is a creature to be despised and none [in Messiah] are attracted to it.

    The Parable of the Butterfly

    17. But consider well the butterfly.

    18. What man failed to notice a fellow man filled with Light and luminoscity?

    19. What [spiritual] man ever despised a butterfly or declared it to be a creature of ugliness?

    20. Nay, verily none, for the butterfly is a symbol of the higher man, even that which is spiritual;

    21. And for this cause have I, Yahweh, made creatures varied and diverse, that ye might meditate upon them and learn of yourselves.

    22. And there are many creatures which are corrupted on account of sin, and which are revolting to the sight, and which cause the sensitive spirit to flee.

    23. These are that they might instruct you also, that ye might behold your poverty and seek for the higher life, even that of the butterfly.

    Eat and Destroy

    24. Consider well the caterpillar, beloved, which not only filleth itself but also destroyeth that which it eateth.

    25. It consumeth the leaves of trees, that it might obtain life;

    26. And as it consumeth the leaves of the tree, so the tree becometh weakened, and cannot produce flowers and fruits.

    27. For the caterpillar hath raped the tree that it might obtain its nourishment, robbing it of its divine calling to multiply and replenish itself.

    28. He who is gluttenous, who filleth himself only to satisfy his own carnal lusts, destroyeth not only himself but others also.

    29. And when ye feed off others' ahavah (love), ye defile them and yourselves also.

    Sip and Bless

    30. Now the butterfly defileth no creature, for he sippeth the nectar from flowers and beautifieth the world by his graceful movements.

    31. His is the friend of flower and plant, assisting in the multiplication of his host by taking the seed {pollen} thereof far and wide.

    32. And when he bringeth forth his own offspring, he layeth his life down for them, for he giveth his all that his little ones might be.

    33. The sons and daughters of the Firstborn do likewise.

    Heavenly Nectar

    34. They feed off heavenly nectar, taking not by robbery, neither defiling nor destroying.

    35. Their works are full of grace, and they are a source of delight and wonder unto all who behold them.

    36. But they never take just for themselves, but always return the ahavah (love) that hath been given unto them, multiplying it a hundredfold to the giver.

    Lay Down Your Life

    37. And he loveth his own, even as I, the Son of Man, love My own, laying down his life for his spiritual children that they might live.

    38. By this means he multiplieth the ahavah (love) of Messiah in the universe.

    Man's Caterpillar Nature

    39. All the children of men must needs become caterpillars when they are born into the material world, to one degree or another.

    40. So long as man is beset by sin, he will consume all in his path and return little.

    41. When a child is born he liveth for his stomach, consuming with all his might.

    42. And if he receiveth not his nourishment, he crieth aloud, and demandeth his rights.

    43. And as he groweth yet older he beginneth to feel [external longings] in his heart and longeth for ahavah (love).

    44. And he feedeth off ahavah (love); and when he receiveth not this ahavah (love), he crieth aloud, each one according to his own disposition, and demandeth his rights.

    45. And as he groweth yet older he beginneth to think for himself, yea, to search and question.

    46. And he feedeth off thoughts; and when he receiveth not intellectual satisfaction, he crieth aloud, each one according to his own disposition, and demandeth his rights.

    47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, that not all do these things, but only because they are starved.

    48. A child must be fed, even as a caterpillar must be fed in order to become a butterfly, otherwise it shall wither away and die.

    49. Now the caterpillar cannot choose not to become a butterfly, for he must unfold according to the intelligence which I, Yahweh, planted in him; and therefore he must eat, or perish.

    50. But man is not a caterpillar, but an intelligent being;

    51. Therefore I give a parable unto you, for a man may choose to become a Firstborn talmid (disciple) or not, even as he will.

    52. And behold, few there are who become spiritual butterflies, for most refuse to cease gorging themselves on coarse materials.

    Times and Seasons

    53. I, Yahweh, have established times and seasons whereby men and women may mature into higher beings of Light, but it is required that each choose;

    54. For man cannot be compelled to become a Firstborn talmid (disciple) in the same way that a caterpillar is compelled to become a butterfly.

    55. Ye know that children are demanding, and parents become angry because they are repelled by the caterpillar-like nature of their offspring;

    56. Yet they forget that not only were they of this disposition when they were small, but that even now they are of the same disposition in their souls even though they wear an outer garment {body} of adulthood.

    The World's Hypocrisy

    57. The children of men are full of hypocrisy, saith Yahweh, and instead of loving and nurchuring their little ones in a sacrificial way, according to the eternal tavnith (pattern) established by the Elohimhead (Godhead - Col.2:9) from the beginning of the world, they withhold their ahavah (love) and feed their children with anger, violence, selfishness and hatred.

    58. Light cleaveth to light, and darkness to darkness, and the darkness hath never understood the Light (Jn.1:5).

    59. The caterpillar cannot see the butterfly for he seeth no further than his mouth.

    60. For this cause I, Yahweh, came into the world, that ye might see what ye may become.

    Become Like Messiah

    61. And what shall ye become? Verily, even as I am, if ye will but follow Me.

    62. The children of men see no further than their intellectual, emotional, sexual and carnal appetites, and they behold not the winged creature of glory that I, Yahweh, have purposed them to become.

    63. But how shall they behold the glory to which they were elected?

    The Eyes of Faith

    64. Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye canot see without emunah (faith);

    65. For this cause were ye born into the world, that ye might choose the better part by emunah (faith) and yield yourselves unto the discipline of the Heavens.

    66. I have given you the tavnith (pattern) of the Firstborn in the revelations, but ye will not yield yourselves in obedience to the laws because your carnal man demandeth evidence to consume upon its lusts, or because ye refuse to see beyond your own self-imposed limitations.

    67. Verily, verily, I say unto you, that it is not possible for a man to obtain a vision of the Firstborn and to allow the Ruach (Spirit) to work a reformation upon his inner man until he hath humbled himself and covenanted by emunah (faith) and by works to discipline his soul.

    The Nobility of Work

    68. For it is only when a man hath done these things that My grace can flood into him and begin to work a sanctification in him.

    69. And by what means shall he perform works of righteousness out of his emunah (faith)?

    70. He shall work, for this is the Grand Key of Light, but nearly all refuse to believe it because their spirits are lazy.

    71. So long as a man pursueth after pleasure, he will be forever bound down to the lower worlds of matter, and the heavens will be forever shut against him.

    72. It is only as a man laboureth for the Kingdom, gathering the nectar of the Light from all that is subtle and fine round about him, that he becometh freed from his lower passions which become sublimated and purified in Me.

    A New Centre

    73. I have not called you to cease thinking, or feeling, or seeking [sexual] union in your marriages, but to centre yourselves on higher principles.

    74. It is expedient at certain times that the mind, heart and passions should be compelled into silence that ye might find the Firstborn;

    75. And for this cause it is expedient that ye should detatch yourselves from time to time from that which holdeth you down that ye might seek and find the more subtle elements of life.

    Choose Not To Sin

    76. The caterpillar must therefore say unto himself: Behold, I will no longer gorge myself at the expense of others, for I see that I am causing injury and harm unto them.

    77. And when the lower nature comprehendeth this, it is because the higher nature hath penetrated him, and stirred him up to a lively sense of his own guilt.

    78. And this is the beginning of sanctification.

    79. When a man chooseth not to sin any longer because he seeth the harm and defilement he bringeth upon others, then his teshuvah (repentance) hath truly begun.

    89. Into such a soul I, Yahweh, will come and make My dwelling, no matter what his former works have been, for such a one hath already turned towards the Firstborn.

    90. But if a man will persist in consuming himself on his lusts -- on food, drink, demands for emotional attention, sex, the entertainments of the world, and intellectual self-gratification -- I, Yahweh, cannot come unto him and make My home with him.

    91. And such a one shall be doomed to wander alone forever, slowly dying as his inner Light burneth out.

    The Poverty of Sin

    92. O the poverty of sin! Ye burn all your precious energies in seeking to be loved and fulfilled until ye are lifeless and consumed up in your lusts!

    93. Will ye never learn, beloved? For all are consumed in one way or another, and all are lost.

    94. Therefore come unto the Perfect Derech (Way), even the Master Yah'shua (Jesus) and His Besorah (Gospel), even He who speaketh unto you now.

    Faith and Works

    95. It is not sufficient to declare your emunah (faith) in Me, beloved, for ye must go forth and do works equal to your professions of emunah (faith).

    96. Otherwise your emunah (faith) is dead and profiteth you nothing.

    97. It is only because of your lack of emunah (faith) that ye have not gone further;

    98. Cease believing that if ye sacrifice pleasure ye will become impoverished, for the food that I deign to give unto you will make you rich indeed.

    99. Without will-power ye cannot do this;

    100. Therefore choose ye this day what ye shall do, and act, and ye shall begin to be transformed, little by little, until ye have arisen out of your carnality and have become truly free.

    The 144,000

    101. And now I speak unto you a little more concerning the Heavenly Assembly of the Firstborn, that ye might comprehend better what beings are the 144,000.

    102. These are they who are no longer defiled by the lower realms of matter, for they have ceased preying upon the souls of men for their nourishment, but have cast their whole emunah (faith) upon the Father.

    103. These are they who are no longer defiled by women (Rev.14:4), which is the fallen matter of mother earth, because they have become entirely spiritual.

    104. These are they who have sublimated all the lower passions through the grace of Messiah and the Light thereof.

    105. These are they who no longer hunger and thirst after intellectual stimulation, emotional attachments, sexual appetite, food, drink, or carnal music, for they are sipping a finer nectar that bringeth them true simcha (joy).

    106. Have I not already told you these things? Verily, verily, I say unto you: Yea, but ye have not believed Me.


    107. And therefore ye run around seeking to fulfil your sexual appetites, dreaming up schemes to suck the life-force from your partners, yea, and even they who are not your lawful partners;


    108. Ye fill your souls with devilish and destructive music which numbeth your senses;


    109. Ye fill your bellies until ye are gorged, and seek every possible stimulation of the senses that ye might find happiness.

    110. But ye find it not; nay, for after the thrill of the moment, ye become empty and exhausted, and ye are more lonely that ye were before.


    111. Ye seek to fill your emptiness through entertainment -- through television, films, concerts, foolish books, filth and debauchery.

    112. Ye devise schemes to obtain that which is not within your reach, plotting in the dark recesses of your minds and hearts where others cannot see.

    113. But I, Yahweh, see all these things, for nothing that is hidden in the heart of man is hidden to the Yahweh-Elohim Almighty.

    114. And malakim (angels) see these things also, and flee, because ye are defiled.

    115. But when a soul seeketh after things spiritual, yea, delighting in every qodesh (holy) thing, then malakim (angels) throng into his presence, that they might share in his delight.

    116. Qodesh (holy) beings come to fellowship with you, to share their Light also, for they are of your family.

    117. Hearken unto My doctrine, saith Yahweh, for it is pure and undefiled, and filled with the intelligence of Heaven.

    No Unclean Thing

    118. No unclean thing dwelleth in the presence of Elohim, and no unclean thing can be spoken by Elohim.

    119. And I, your Master, speak only the Word of My Father.

    Pure Marriage

    120. The highest form of marriage is entirely spiritual and may be experienced by anyone on any plane of existence.

    121. It involveth no physical, emotional, or mental intercourse.

    122. It is pure moral will.

    123. It standeth above your movements in the material plane, and is above the body.

    124. All the souls of the Assembly of the Firstborn commune with each other upon this level of Light.

    125. They interpenetrate each other's being, only giving, never seeking.

    126. There are no barriers.

    127. That which ye call the body is preserved in the resurrection as a subordinate part of the Firstborn Soul.

    128. Bodies of physical matter, whether mortal or resurrected, cannot merge together into one substance, save between those who are married in the body -- mind, heart, and flesh.

    129. And behold, this is not the mind, heart, and flesh of fallen man, but of the resurrected Messiah.

    130. All those of the Firstborn are independent entities;

    131. There is no merging of the lower degrees, except in the marriage unions, that they might create.

    Loyalties and Priorities

    132. The spirits of the Firstborn love the Yahweh their Elohim above all else, for they serve Him from eternity to eternity.

    133. Their next loyalty is to the Assembly of the Firstborn, yea, even the host of souls who are the 144,000.

    134. They are one with each other, through the Ruach Mashiach (Spirit of Christ) which bindeth them together.

    135. Their next loyalty is to their husbands and wives, to whom they are joined, that they might be spiritual and material procreators.

    136. For all the Firstborn are married;

    137. Nevertheless, the greatest ahavah (love) is not this marrital ahavah (love), saith Yahweh, but the higher ahavah (love) which bindeth all the souls together, being an ahavah (love) which is entirely spiritual, being neither intellectual, emotional nor sexual.

    138. Their next loyalty is to the great mass of the redeemed in Messiah, even to the heavenly Assembly of the Qodeshim (Saints), which no man can number.

    139. And they have other loyalties, even down to the coarsest form of matter and to the souls who dwell therein, for they are ministers of flame (Heb.1:7), even elohim (judges), or malakim (angels), sent to guide fallen mankind to the Light of Messiah within them.

    The Two Greatest Commandments

    140. Thou shalt love Yahweh thy Elohim with all their might, mind, and strength -- this is the First Mitzvah (Commandment).

    141. And the Second is like unto it -- thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, whether he be thy friend or thine enemy (Mt.22:37-40).

    142. Ye are commanded to love all people and creatures but ye are to be wise in how ye expend your life-force;

    143. For ye may rob a more righteous man of your substance because ye have continually filled a caterpillar who refuseth to become a butterfly.

    Do Not Give Nectar to Caterpillars

    144. Ye shall love all equally, but ye shall be wise with your time, remembering that ye are called to save, not to strengthen people in their sins by feeding them that they might consume your ahavah (love) upon their lusts.

    145. This is not easy, beloved, and many there are who will use this saying to excuse themselves not to love others.

    146. But verily I say unto you, I have never said that ye should not love, only that ye should be good stewards of your time and energy.

    147. And all this for ahavah's (love's) sake, for ahavah (love) is intelligent.

    Discern All Things

    148. The Firstborn qodeshim (saints) discern all things, for they understand where their desires will lead them.

    149. Ye must also discern, seeing above your passions and feelings, from the vantage point of the Firstborn.

    150. Ye must become self-conscious, not hiding your sins away, but bringing all into the Light.

    The Table of the Master

    151. Leave the table of [worldly] pleasure behind, beloved, and come unto My table, where ye will be filled with heavenly delights that will not run out, but fill you with happiness and contentment forever.

    152. But ye must first exercise a particle of emunah (faith), doubting not, for the dinner guests of the Bridegroom are children of emunah (faith), who have laid down their own desires, nailing their sinful man to the cross [of Messiah].

    Be Still

    153. Cease all your commotions, your clamourings for all the keys of the mind and heart, but yield yourself rather to the service of your Elohim.

    154. I will supply you with keys in abundance until ye are the most intelligent beings on the planet, but these keys will not themselves save you if ye seek only to consume them like a caterpillar.

    The Grand Key

    155. O how slow is your thinking, and how perilous the inclinations of your hearts, when ye neglect the Grand Key, which is the love of the Firstborn, even Messiah Yah'shua, Yahweh-Elohim Omnipotent!

    156. And if ye love according to the House of the Firstborn ye will cease despoiling others and ruining your souls through carnal thinking, feeling, and behaviour.

    157. Work for righteousness, yea, give your souls unto Me, the living Saviour, and I will fill you with a love more sublime and pure than anything ye can obtain in the world.

    158. Doth a man go to a dirty well for water? Why, therefore, do ye go to each other for fallen ahavah (love)?

    159. Come unto Me, and I will fill you, that ye may then pour forth true ahavah (love) upon each other, and pour freely.

    Obey the Commandments

    160. Obey My mitzvot (commandments), every one, for this is ahavah (love) -- love of your own soul, love of your fellow man, and love of your Elohim.

    161. Cease seeking for salvation in the world, in your marriages, in your friendships, and in your studies, but come unto Me, the Living Fountain, and I will pour My riches abundantly upon you.

    162. This is the Davar Elohim (Word of God) unto those hungering and thirsting for righteousness;

    163. And I give ye these things from the Etz Chaiyim (Tree of Life), even a leaf thereof, for your own healing and salvation. So no more until later. Amen.

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    This page was first created on 20 March 1998
    Last updated on 6 April 2023

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