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    Section 99
    The New Olive Leaf II

    This revelation is called The New Olive Leaf II and is an expansion of The New Olive Leaf I (see NC&C 44) which had been misunderstood by some of the members. The pure love of Messiah is the beginning and end of the Besorah (Gospel). It is non-compulsive, cannot be hoarded, and is to be given freely to all. It cannot be demanded or expected, and should never be rejected or turned away. Ahavah (Love) is the foundation of Zion. To be together in the ahavah (love) of Messiah with fellow talmidim (disciples) means to first learn to be alone in Messiah. The way to this ahavah (love) is narrow and requires much sacrifice to be obtained. To receive it means crossing the veil of the Firstborn, a spiritual barrier that separates the lesser realms of Light from the higher. To cross it is a rebirth. The parable of the new-born baby. Beware of the world's false love and false expectations. The full understanding of the Cross and Messiah's Atonement cannot be obtained without this pure ahavah (love). There are times for a man to be alone in Messiah to be renewed in this ahavah (love) and times to be together with fellow believers in which to share it. A third New Olive Leaf revelation follows (NC&C 214) [Frogner, Oslo, Norway].

    Continued from Part 1

    1. Inasmuch as some have not understood My Davar (Word) in the New Olive Leaf (Part I) because their thinking is patterened too much after the world with its seductions and deceptions, I give unto the qodeshim (saints) a fuller explanation, that those in the outer covenant may comprehend the deeper mysteries of the Firstborn.

    Love: The Alpha and Omega of the Gospel

    2. Thus saith Yahweh: ahavah (love) is the beginning and end of My Besorah (Gospel); and all that the Father doeth through the Son revealeth this ahavah (love) and maketh it available unto the sons and daughters of men if they will receive it on the conditions on which it is given.

    3. For the pure love of Elohim is the greatest of all intelligence, leading always to goodness and wholeness. It shall never pass away, but abideth forever.

    4. Nevertheles it cannot abide in a filthy soul, nor can it be used for gain, but abideth only in those who renounce the selfish and competitive behaviour of the world.

    Love is Non-Compulsive

    5. Ahavah (love) is free, and cometh unto its own according to the immutable laws of Heaven.

    6. It cannot be forced or imprisoned, but can only be directed;

    7. But if it is directed for selfish gain, behold, it shall work against you, and consume you.

    Love Cannot Be Hoarded

    8. It is impossible to imprison the ahavah (love) of Elohim which is greater than all things; for it shall break free, returning unto its source if a man abuseth it.

    9. A man cannot live without ahavah (love), for it is the substance and power of life and all that liveth.

    10. It flourisheth when it moveth from one living soul unto another, but whithereth away when it is still and imprisoned, vanishing as the hoar frost before the morning sun.

    11. Therefore love one another, even as I have commanded you, not withholding your ahavah (love), but giving it freely within the boundaries of the Torah (Law), otherwise the ahavah (love) which you have shall depart from you, even as the talent is taken away from the profitless servant.

    12. For if ye love not one another, ye love not Me, neither do ye receive My ahavah (love) that ye might give it unto others, but that ye might consume it upon your lusts.

    13. And unless ye share freely the ahavah (love) which I impart unto you, ye shall not be refilled, nor shall it multiply within your souls. And thus ye shall be without increase.

    Do Not Turn Love Away

    14. Never at any time have I said that ye should not love; neither have I said that ye should not receive ahavah (love).

    15. If a person loveth thee, receive that ahavah (love) with gladness.

    16. He who rejecteth the ahavah (love) of a person rejecteth Elohim, for Elohim is the author of all ahavah (love).

    17. There is not one soul upon the earth who loveth perfectly on account of sin;

    18. But thou shalt not reject a man's ahavah (love) because it is imperfect, remembering that thy ahavah (love) is also imperfect, yet {still} being conformed {shaped} into the image of the Son.

    19. I have told you not to seek to be loved and some, not understanding, have supposed that it mattereth not whether they love or receive love, and have supposed that they should wax cold in their hearts for their brethren.

    20. Such thoughts lack the intelligence of ahavah (love), saith Yahweh, which ever striveth to enter a man's heart, and to fill him.

    Love Cannot Be Demanded

    21. Thou shalt not demand another to love thee, nor expect it, nor declare it to be thy right.

    22. This is the meaning of the mitzvah (commandment) that thou shalt not seek to be loved.

    23. For when a man demandeth ahavah (love), he putteth a price upon it, buying and selling it for profit like unto a usurer (NC&C 97),

    24. He placeth a condition on his ahavah (love), saying: "I will love thee if thou wilt love me!"

    25. This is not the pure ahavah (love) of Messiah which sayeth: "I will love thee if thou lovest me not; for my ahavah (love) is free, even as the ahavah (love) which my Elohim imparteth unto me is free."

    26. All men and women need ahavah (love), saith Yahweh, and they hunger after it in the world because they have not been given it.

    27. Men and women everywhere exploit one another, attaching conditions to their ahavah (love), continually living in fear that they will not be loved.

    28. Therefore they seek after it even as a beast that is starving, selling their virtue and integrity that they might receive it.

    29. And they are left empty, for those who should have given it unto them take it away again once they have obtained what they sought.

    30. This is an abomination, saith Yahweh, and is after the fallen order of Satan who giveth nothing free, who bringeth men and women to ruination, depriving them of their chastity, honour and virtue.

    31. And thus the world is without emunah (faith), tiqveh (hope), or ahavah (love), having been consumed by selfishness.

    Zion's Foundation is Love

    32. Ye cannot come out of the world and gather as a Body of Messiah until ye learn to love as I love, letting not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth;

    33. Be ye generous and thoughtful one to another, counting not the cost, seeking always to serve one another, taking pride in your brothers and sisters but not allowing pride of yourself to take root.

    34. Go not unto thy brother, or sister, or mother, or father, or wife, or husband, seeking their ahavah (love), but go unto them seeking how ye can love them.

    35. And if they love thee back, rejoice, and thank thy Heavenly Father, and receive all that they would give thee.

    36. And if they do not love you, continue to love them still, expecting nothing in return.

    37. Ye cannot reform men, who do not love, by any act of compulsion, but only by being a light on a hill, radiating the pure love of Messiah always.

    38. And the light will reveal their darkness and put them to shame, and per chance they will repent of their selfishness and become light on a hill as well.

    Love Freely

    39. This is the Besorah (Gospel): love freely, with pure motives, not seeking after your own interests but after the interests of all the qodeshim (saints) and all living creatures.

    40. Exploit not one another emotionally, mentally, or temporally, but allow all the freedom of ahavah (love), and to be loved, according to the Covenants.

    41. Give freely. and expect nothing, doing all that I have told you, and you will surely flourish inwardly and outwardly.

    Aloneness and Fellowship

    42. Verily, verily, I have not called you to be alone in the world outwardly, neither have I called you to go into the desert or into caves where there are no men or women, even though from time to time a man or woman needeth to be alone outwardly in order to commune secretly with the Heavens, even as I, the Son of Elohim, used to retire into the mountains to commune with My Heavenly Father, where there was much stillness.

    43. Ye must be alone inwardly in order to cross the veil of the Firstborn, for in order to totally surrender yourselves to Me, ye must lay your all on the altar of sacrifice, even that which is most dear and precious unto you.

    44. This some of you have not understood because ye have not yet seen the Kingdom of My father, nor understood its laws and blessings, for ye yet abide in a lower degree.

    Parable of the Baby

    45. Hearken and listen that ye may understand. When a baby entereth the world from its mother's womb, it cometh naked and alone, crossing the veil of flesh that divideth the womb from the world.

    46. Can two babies come forth out of the mother's womb at the same time? Nay, because the passage is too narrow; each child must therefore come alone.

    The Path is Narrow

    47. In the same manner narrow is the path and strait the way that leadeth into Heaven, and only one man can pass [through] it at a time.

    48. And in the manner that ye were born into the world in the flesh shall ye be born into the Messiah-Taw (Omega) of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the Assembly of the Firstborn;

    49. For ye must enter it naked and alone before ye are reclothed and reunited with the Family of Messiah.

    50. Thus a man must learn independence from the companionship of his loved ones and total dependence on Me to cross the veil of the Firstborn, being alone in Me, and fully satisfied.

    The Firstborn Veil

    51. When a man or woman crosseth this veil it is both inward and outward -- outwardly when he cometh into his resurrection, and inwardly each time he crosseth this veil at each level of his progression in My Light.

    52. And a man must cross this veil many times in this life if he is growing in his sanctification, for each degree of Light hath its firstborn shadow and veil.

    53. At each degree of sanctification cometh a shedding of the false hopes and desires of the world which may be likened unto a man shedding his possessions as he journeyeth.

    The Law of Sacrifice

    54. The way becometh more narrow and demanding as a man ascendeth into the Light, and at each level he must shed more and more until he is spiritually naked and alone in Me, according to the law of sacrifice.

    55. And each time he offereth sacrifice on the altars of his mind, heart, and flesh, he becometh freer, and draweth closer unto Me;

    56. And whereas before in his carnal state he fed off the Light in others, in his sanctified state he feedeth only off Me, becoming independent of all people and alone in Me.

    57. That is not to say that he ceaseth to become a social creature, or that he beginneth to shun the companionship of his loved ones -- nay, for in this ye have not understood.

    Alone First in Messiah

    58. Rather, the government of his thoughts and feelings become centred in Me, and he is no longer tossed to and fro by the fickle and selfishly demanding thoughts and feelings of carnal man, but hath risen above them, not requiring them for his nourishment as he did in his fallen state when he was cut off from Me.

    59. To be alone is to accept Me, your Elohim and Master, as sole Saviour, not dividing your loyalty between Elohim and men.

    60. It is better to be alone in Me than to be dependent on any man or woman for your spiritual life, than to cause men and women to stand between you and Me.

    61. And it is even better still to be alone in Me and one with all others who are alone in Me, for then shall your joy be made full.

    62. This is the Derech (Way) of the Firstborn, and few there are who find the gate that leadeth unto this Kingdom.

    The World's "Love"

    63. These things are not hard to understand, ye saints of the New Covenant, if ye would apply a little intelligence and stop following after the dictates of your carnal natures.

    64. But ye have been blinded by the illusions and false expectations of the world, never having been taught the true order or pattern of ahavah (love).

    65. Ye shall love one another freely and receive that love freely in return, but ye shall love Me first, for I am the source of that ahavah (love), even the fountainhead of all that a man and woman truly desireth.

    66. Therefore why do ye clamour for imperfect love from the children of men as one who drinketh from a bitter fountain, when I am longing to give you pure waters?

    67. If what ye take is pure, then what ye exchange shall be pure also.

    Come to Messiah

    68. Learn My ahavah (love) first, directly from Me, then give it and receive it amongst yourselves in purity and wholeness.

    69. But ye can only learn this ahavah (love) if ye are first alone in Me, conforming your way of loving to the Way of the Messiah; and until ye do this, ye will never understand the deeper mysteries.

    70. The Family of Messiah is eternal and indivisible, and I am the Head of that Family, saith Yahweh.

    71. Let the children of men come unto Me for pure ahavah (love), alone, that they may return unto their beloved ones and pattern them in the Derech (Way) also, that they in their turn might arise independent and likewise become spiritual fathers and mothers in Zion.

    The Path of Atonement

    72. This is the whole way of true ahavah (love), and there is no other.

    73. It is the beginning of the Path of Atonement and Redemption, and blessed is he who understandeth it for it cannot be taught in words.

    74. Again I say unto you, that man was not created that he might be alone, for I placed within him the spirit of the Society of Heaven, which is the Messianic Community in all its myriad degrees and orders.

    Seasons for Togetherness

    75. For this cause gave I Adam an helpmeet. Nevertheless it was expedient that he should be alone for a season.

    76. And there are seasons wherein a man and woman must be alone, inwardly and outwardly, that they might die unto their fallen and selfish natures, and arise renewed and reborn.

    77. For this cause was the Son of Man alone on the Cross as He crossed that last veil;

    78. And I completed My Work, and I overcame the world, and the victory of Elohim was accomplished.

    79. Therefore see to it that ye overcome also, relying wholly upon My grace, conforming yourselves to the true tavnith (pattern) of Heaven.

    80. And he who overcometh shall receive a crown of glory, which is the shalom (peace), freedom, and all-consuming ahavah (love) of the presence of the Father. Amen.

    Continued in Part 3

    If you would like to purchase a copy of the whole book of revelations, which includes an extensive commentary, concordance, index and relevant articles, click the book below:
    Click here to order a copy of the Olive Branch

    This page was first created on 24 March 1998
    Last updated on 6 April 2023

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