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Month 2:2, Week 1:1 (Rishon/Pesach), Year:Day 5945:31 AM
2Exodus 8/40
Gregorian Calendar: Tuesday 13 April 2021
Jericho March 2021 II
Enemy Agendas & Activities

    Continued from Part 1


    Brethren and sisters, today is the second day of our Annual Jericho March and as I said yesterday, the object of our march - our 'Jericho', as it were - is the Clay-and-Iron Feet of the Beast System attempting, as I speak now, to take control of the world through various diabolical devices. And as I also said yesterday, this would be a 'tall order' - an impossible task for so few - were it not for the fact that we ourselves are not the 'power' that will bring this system down, but Yahweh-Elohim Himself. I am speaking, once again, of that stone which strikes at the feet that brings the whole idolatrous system to ruin.

    The Demonic Élites at Work

    There are many symbols here that must be translated uniquely into our present situation which is the Penultimate Judgment of world history. Remember, what we face is not the final system that the last generation must face, but a very immature and apparently haphazzard version of it. As the satanic élites try out various aspects of what is an enormously complicated task, one which they themselves cannot understand completely because the guiding power is a supernatural demonic power and not their own, so they learn, through their mistakes, what works and what does not. As a trained Systems Analyst myself, it is not hard to appreciate the level and complexity of the task and the required coordination of intricate timelines, something which in reality only a supernatural power could directly manage and yet still requiring Artificial Intelligence (AI). That's why the speedy development of computer systems is urgent to them. Mass surveillance and 5G, something that have invested in heavily, is now a reality, and they are sending up hundreds of space satellites every year now to cover the whole planet in one enormous surveillance grid. Without supernatural aid, there will soon be nowhere for anyone to hide.

    Weaknesses of the Demonic System

    So these wicked, heavily demonised people have made a lot of progress but they are far from anywhere near their final goal. With so many variables involved in the beast system's equation, it takes but one mistake, or a major pushback from human beings themselves on a suffiently large scale (as is currently happening with mRNA gene-modification therapy or 'vaccines'), to slowing down or bringing major sections of their project to a grinding halt, thus impacting the whole Project. And because people are waking up to them in ever increasing numbers (from about a third and few years ago to ½ now), they know they don't have much implementation time, a reason they are hurrying things through as quickly as they can because the windows of opportunity are necessarily small when so many variables are involved...a bit like waiting for the conjunction of many planets in the solar system. Getting the populations of their countries to fully comply is their greatest challenge because people are no longer as ignorant of modern large scale totalitarian systems as they once were under Stalin, Hitler and Mao. Once bitten, twice sky, a reason Russia and Eastern Europe will not be as easily fooled as America and the European West because they recently went through the Great Terror in the 20th century. We are learning, admittedly the hard way, how the demonic mind operates and where its vulnerabilities lie. It is a system of clay and iron intermingled, something they won't manage to overcome even by the time of the Second Coming, because this is a handicap Yahweh intended from the beginning. We have to understand this system to skirt around the iron.

    The Control and Elimination of Humanity Through Genetic Modification

    The élites are messing around with so many different things now. They're tampering with time, light, sound, DNA, species boundaries, electro-magnetic frequencies, the weather, social systems, economies, gender and sexuality, you name it, they are tweeking it and threatening life itself as we have known it for thousands of years. They believe the future is post-human, that we as a species are scheduled to be replaced by essentially a new species of their own invention and making, part living, part machine. You have all heard of trans-humanism. They began with crops but now they are trying to turn human beings into GMOs too.

    The New 'Artificial Reincarnation'

    These people believe in a new kind of 'reincarnation', 'transmigration' or 'metempsychosis' which they can control. Never mind that there is no such thing as 'reincarnation' but there is such a thing as demon possession, aspects of which are being hidden from them by their demonic overlords so that they believe they have a degree of independent action. The Satanists are only fed information by the overlords that they need to know in order to remain 'useful idiots'. They think of themselves as geniuses, far superior to us 'lower' lifeforms. But they are the biggest fools of all. Satan's objective is not to create a new human species per se but to find a way to incarnate demonic spirits as humans do and so acquire an artificial sort of 'immortality', a transmigration, like parasites, from one body to another as each one wears out, but without having to subjugate the human occupants - us. They want us out of the picture altogether. But not content with the weaknesses and frailties of human bodies, which are now in an advanced state of degeneration owing to genetic corruption, they wish to create a super-human by restructuring our bodies to make them compatible with their own spirits but no longer with our own. The first project, in the time before the Flood, resulted in unwieldy, rapcious giants who were destroying the finely tuned ecosystem designed for human beings by the Creator, not them.

    Trying to Recreate a Lost Angelic Paradise

    The stupid satanic human élites think it is they who will obtain these bodies when in reality they are just the guinea pigs for what was always intended exclusively for the demonic hosts themselves. This demonic objective is running in parallel with the other goal of leading the spirits of humans to ruin by making sure that as few are saved as possible. It is basically a dual project of survival and escape from Elohim's (God's) justice, coupled with revenge against human beings who were given the planet once inhabited by the malakim (angels) before they fell. They want the planet back, the way things were before they rebelled, fell and were destroyed by an even earlier global flood than Noah's, so that they can take the planet back for themselves and destroy humanity physically and spiritually altogether. Genesis 1:1 describes the world after that earlier flood, a formless, lifeless, body of dark waters hidden from sunlight by thick layers of cloud. (The sun, moon and stars weren't 'created' on the 4th day but rendered visible). Not that they could ever recreate their former paradise, they lack the intelligence, power and - above all, love - to accomplish that. This planet, and humanity along with it, is so damaged now that only the Creator Himself could ever restore it. It is that New Creation we await.

    The Strange Dark Relationship Between the Wicked and Demons

    'But,' you may ask, 'don't Satan and the demons know they are already defeated?' Yes, deep down, they do, but they are also blinded somewhat by their own vanity and hatred - vanity creates a false light and hatred generates intense darkness. Like fallen, unrepentant humans who 'hope against all hope', there is an irrational, reckless side to these fallen malakim (angels) too. They are so intoxicated by the evil they are spawning, and the power rebellious humans are giving them here on earth that, like drug addicts, they are driven to get more and more. Of course, once the parasite kills its host (people), they are going to be left with an unfulfillable lust...which is why they are also cloning or farming us. They are in a circular, contradictory trap. It's why the élites also clone for themselves to meet the cravings of their perverse sexual appetites. It's a bizzare relationship between rebellious, wicked humans and fallen angels - they each want to be independent of the other but are stuck together in an unholy and ultimately self-destructive alliance for both of them.

    Supernatural Dark Intelligence

    There is supernatural intelligence and power involved in all of this, of course - believers are unwise to underestimate them, but these demonic entities are not omniscient (all-knowing) - not remotely. They have a lot of knowledge acquired over millennia but it is not remotely enough to ever match Yahweh's, and they certainly don't have anything remotely approaching His power. They are created beings, not immortals, and survive only by misappropriating or stealing, commonly with extreme violence (because of the quantity that produces - ritual abuse), the life-force from living beings - principally (but not exclusively) from human-beings. The parasitisation of our life-force is what keeps them conscious. They, like human beings, possess agency, granted by the Creator to all living forms, and must therefore be allowed to ripen in iniquity before they themselves can be apprehended, judged, incarcerated, punished, and finally neutralised for good by entirely removing them from interacting with other life forms ever again.

    Imposed Boundaries on the Limits of Demonic Activity

    So there are processes that must be allowed to fully take their course. Are we not, then, at a disadvantage, given we are not supernatural entities? Certainly, potentially, but not in actuality because there are also cosmic-wide rules in place - boundaries, fences, and supernatural resources - when it comes to what they are allowed, and not allowed, to do do as finite beings like ourselves. The Book of Job illustrated this quite well. They're not, for example, allowed to tamper with time - they can't go back in time to change the future (there are some exceptions but these are such tiny, infinitessimal chunks of time); they are not allowed to destroy the planet entirely, so they can't do whatever they want with weapons of mass destruction - Yahweh will, does and has frequently stepped in to stop them going too far.

    Divine Intervention and Equipping of the Saints

    A recent example was His interference with the previous American presidential election because the élites were trying to subvert Yahweh's historical agenda which cannot be interfered with. So He put Trump in office, not to 'make America great again' (a delusion of vanity), but to prevent the devil running amok through a modern-day Jezebel called Clinton. When we as human-beings function in divine tavnith or pattern - when we are obedient, and trusting in the One who has given us salvation through emunah (faith) in His Name (Character, Love and Power) and in His saving works (like the Cross, the Red Sea and Jordan River crossings, in healings and transmaterialisations like Philip being transported to Azotus, in fire from heaven to consume the adversaries (a gift of the Elijah prophets), and so forth, we can be - and are - supernaturallyu kitted up to deal even with supernatural entities more powerful than ourselves in our natural state who then are rendered powerless before the Creator and Redeemer of mankind because of Messiah (Christ) in His faithful, obedient servants. Believe me, the élites fear the Elijah prophets, because they know what happens to them when they try to mess with them.

    Of 'Aliens' and Other Strange Creatures

    There is a divine tavnith or pattern not only in the Jericho March but in the whole of the Exodus itself. It must be fully comprehended and accepted before the Remnant can get underway in the Final Exodus. And although what actually happens in this final Exodus is going to be different in so many ways from the first one out of Egypt, the basic ground rules and patterns remain the same. The false gods (demons) must be defeated - exposed and humiliated; pharaos who think they are gods, and act like them, must be destroyed - they and their armies; signs and wonders are granted to give courage to those quitting Egypt...and so on. But this Last Exodus is also more complicated than that first one because society is no longer primitive. We live in an advanced technological age and must learn to deal with all kinds of new weapons that are arrayed against us. We're not just being chased by a Pharaoh's army or harrassed by marauding Amalekites or tempted by the occasional Korah or Balaam (though we have them too) - we are having to deal with all kinds of entities, posing as 'aliens' but which are, in fact, the experimental manipulation of nature. We build robots and androids now, but so do the demonic powers. Many of the 'greys' and other so-called 'aliens' encountered along with UFOs are artificial 'creations' too. All kinds of strange entities inhabit both our own world and indeed space and other words too, entities that are able to move in and out of dimensions as demons always have done, because they is their origin. The enemy is constantly testing the boundaries, seeing how far he will be allowed to go or not.

    Return of the Elijah Prophets

    The Canaanite culture that Joshua and his army faced was thoroughly imbued with demonic thinking and practices, just as the modern one is progressively becoming, a reason both are marked for destruction. The ancient kings and 'gods' were no less immoral than the modern ones, only the modern ones have more natural and supernatural power at their fingertips now. They had to be wiped out in Canaan just as they will be in the final generation globally, which is why the Book of Revelation speaks of the death of so many millions (given the current population numbers). It's why none but Rahab's family were spared in Jericho when it fell. There will be another 'flood' and other 'Jerichos' but not by water this time, but by fire. And that is why I have been directed to give you such a long in-depth course about the Return of the Elijah Prophets and prophecy in general. This is the Age of Fire - not the drivvel or demonic counterpart being summonsed by charismatics in Africa and elsewhere, who are doing all sorts of satanic wonders (miracles) with it, which is just a form of shamanism, but the real heavenly stuff.

    Not By Human or Demonic Powers

    Today has been instruction about hidden, dark things, at least in outline, because Remnant Messianic Israel has to know about them. Know your Enemy and how to defeat him if he dares tangle with you. None of this means that the Elijah Prophets 'wield power' like some magician because that's not how it works, anymore than Joshua or those who marched around Jericho 'cast' destructive power on the doomed city of Jericho. That's occultism and far too many Christians and Messianics have been seduced by it and fallen because of it. That is one reason the charismatic movement has to be destroyed, root and ranch, and why Yahweh will bring it to harsh judgment, aĝlong with all its jabberings and 'tongues'. That is why you need to get out of it fast and stop imitating it! We're not here to impress charismatics and pentecostals but to warn them because they are handling "strange (profane, unauthorised, ilicit, unholy, a different kind of) fire" (Lev.10:1; Num.3:4; 26:61, KJV).

      "Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane ('strange' - KJV; 'unauthorised' - NIV; 'illicit' - NEB; 'unholy' - NRSV; 'a different kind of' - NLT) fire before Yahweh, which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from Yahweh and devoured them, and they died before Yahweh" (Lev.10:1-2, NKJV).

    Jericho was judged and destroyed Yahweh's way - "not by (human or demonic) might nor by power, but by my Ruach (Spirit),' says Yahweh Sebaoth" (Zech.4:6, NIV).

    Not a Game

    Today we continue to march by lifting up our voices in prayer and in unswervable faith according to divine tavnith (pattern). Understand that none of the teachings you have received were for mental or emotional titillation but for practical USE. These are not the opinions of men but the divine rules of Heaven so don't mess with them or denigrate them. When Joshua and his men marched they weren't making theatre - they were about serious, heavenly business with a concrete, practical, physical end in mind. This is not a game and never was.


    Yahweh bless you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    Continued in Part 3

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    The sermon is available on video from New Covenant Press


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    This page was created on 13 April 2021
    Last updated on 13 April 2021

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