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Should Symbols Be a Part
of Our Religious Worship?


Q. We are getting concerned enquiries from members and friends about the allegation that the Star of David or interlacing hexagram is a satanic symbol which has the power to attract demonic powers and is one of the most potent and therefore dangerous of all. Some ministers are advising people to destroy all objects, magazines, etc. which have stars of David on them. Inasmuch as NCAY has used the star of David on some of its banners, I wonder if you would give a response to the accusation that we are giving an open door to Satan through our banners?

A. This view is not at all unlike the view taken by the Jehovah's Witnesses who have, in actual fact, been far more honest and consistent in this matter than the Christians who are now taking up the warning cry to get rid of any and every symbol associated with the occult. I hope that by the end of this interview to show you that this is nothing less that a wave of hysteria that has more to do with superstition than common sense, reason, logic and the plain teaching of the Bible.

To begin with, a symbol in itself has no meaning or life. On one level, it is simply a mark (like a triangle) made with the pen or a shape carved with a chizzel. On another level, it is a pre-existent object (like the moon, an Islamic symbol) which then comes to be used as a symbol of something else. A symbol only assumes a larger dimension when a human being invests a particular meaning into it or begins to ascribe magical properties to it or, worst of all, begins to worship it as a god.

Let us take some well-known examples. The swastika, for instance, was originally a symbol of life in eastern religions and is one of the oldest symbols known. It appeared on the oldest coinage in India and latterly became associated with Buddhism. It was once the Red Cross emblem of nationalist China, and was painted red. You will find a number of martial arts organisations using it. It is also present in Hindu weddings and represents good luck. Examples of the swastika have been found in Europe, Africa and Asia from the earliest times. Pointing clockwise it usually represents the sun (the one we are most familiar with) and anticlockwise the moon or the feminine principle (and is called a sauvastika). There is also a word 'swastika' which in the Sanskrit means "to be it" or "amen". Were you therefore to translate the Bible into Sanskrit, the word "Amen" would be rendered "swastika". Yah'shua (Jesus), is is called the great "Amen" in Revelation 3:14 would, in Sanskrit be called the great "Swastika".

The swastika was first used as a magical sign in Europe at the beginning of the twelfth century and you will find it was much used in mediaeval Church decoration and heraldry where it was known as the croix gammée, the fylfot, gamma cross, or croix cramponée (literally the 'hook cross' which in German is called Hakenkreuz). Of course, Europeans know it best as the symbol of nazism and when you show this symbol to people over here it they will almost without exception associate it with the evils of Hitlerism.

Q. I would have thought that with a history like that that the swastika was a proven evil sign and that no good could possibly come from it?

A. You know, I almost agree with you. But did you know that a blue swastika was used on a white disk as the emblem of the Finnish airforce from its inception in 1918 until 1944, long before nazism appeared in Europe? The inter-war Latvian airforce used a red swastika on a white disk on its aeroplanes. If you had gone to a Finnish aerodrome in 1923 you would have found rows of aircraft with blue swastikas painted on them. To a Finn in those days, recenly liberated from the Russian Empire and fighting against the communists, it would have been a symbol of national pride. The swastika was actually used as a goodluck symbol by a Swedish Baron called von Rosén who donated his private plane to Finland which had this emblem on, and was the first machine of their air force. And did you know that it was the pale blue of the swastika with its white disk background that influenecd the choice of the pale blue colour of the cross and white background of the Finnish flag? Does that mean that the Finns were influenced by Hinduism or Nazism in their choice of air force emblem and national flag? Does it mean the nation was under some sort of hex or voodoo curse because it used the swastika emblem?

Q. Well, they did suffer defeat in the Winter War of 1940 and the Continuation War afterwards.

A. Yes they did, but are you seriously going to ascribe that to occultic forces coming through the swastikas on its aircraft?? Finland fought magnificently in both wars and suffered defeat only because they were hopelessly outnumbered by the Soviets. I think I can say with confidence that had Finland substituted the blue swastika for the white, blue and white roundel they adopted after 1944 that the Russians would still have beaten them in 1940. Would you agree?

Q. Yes, I suppose that is true. But the swastika was nevertheless a proven negative symbol as far as Christianity was concerned.

A. With the greatest of respect, that is entirely subjective. Mediaeval Christianity used the symbol but with an entirely different meaning. Admittedly the Church was Catholic and superstitious. However, no-one in their right mind can accuse the pre-war Finns of being New Age or Nazi. Indeed, did you know that one Soviet regiment used the swastika in the pre-war period? It was used for good luck. But then that's my point: a symbol means only what you personally invest in it. I am pretty sure that had nazism never emerged that it would be as popular a symbol today as the Yin-Yang one is.

Q. Are you then saying that the swastika is an acceptable symbol?

A. That depends on the meaning you invest in it! To me, it is simply a rather attractive geometrical shape which is actually found in nature, in Elohim's (God's) Creation. For that matter, the 'Star of David' (properly called the 'Seal of Solomon' as it was never used by David) is found in nature as well! Everytime it snows zillions of these hexagonal stars fall out of the sky! Just look at a snow crystal before it melts under a microscope and you will see that the hexagram is a part of Yahweh's wonderful creation. Shall we go out and destroy all snow every time it falls?

The point that I am going to be making throughout this interview is that symbols in themselves are entirely neutral and harmless and it's how you use them that matters. I will agree that some symbols which can be proven to have been invented with the sole purpose of glorifying Satan are probably not worth recovering, such as the so-called 'Peace Logo' or upturned broken cross, but I am not going to lose any sleep every time I see one or rip out any pages in books in my library which may have that symbol. There is a psychological dimension that I will address also. You know, for some people entirely neutral symbols can send people into psychosis. I know one woman who gets the creeps every time she sees a butterfly but just loves caterpillars!

But lets get to brass tacks. Symbols are used by all religions, including Christianity and Messianism. You simply can't get rid of them because every object is potentially a symbol. Just looking up into the sky at the sun is to look at a symbol because that big ball of fire in space means warmth and life to so many people. Now pagans, as you well know, have worshipped the sun, which is something condemned in the Bible, because that is idolatry. Obviously you cannot destroy the sun in order to be rid of a pagan symbol! An idoltater is simply supposed not to worship the object.

Q. But surely the Mosaic ban has to do with things made by man and not things made by Elohim (God)?

A. Are you so so sure? What of the Ark of the Covenant, made by man at the command of Elohim (God)? It was latterly worshipped by the Jews. It was used by them as a talisman in battle against the Philistines1. Man is capable of worshipping anything made by his hand. Some women worship jewels, some men money, but Christians don't go around crushing diamonds or burning wads of bank notes when they renounce their idolatries, do they? They simple transfer their devotion elsewhere. The potential for idolatry is inherent in any object. And yet Elohim (God) commands us to destroy anything which is specifically made for idolatrous purposes to be destroyed or at least neutralised. Thus if I make a diamond for the purpose of worshipping it, do you think I should destroy it?

Q. Mmmm. I see the point you are getting at. Yet Yahweh commanded the golden calf to be smashed into pieces and melted down, and all the Canaanite altars to be destroyed.

A. I see that you are sure about some things but in a dilemma about others ...

Q. But you yourself have destroyed statues, have you not?

A. Oh, yes, there are most certainly some things that I would destroy, and have destroyed, such as idols. You might say that some physical objects are beyond redemption. But I would like to develop my theme a little more fully before coming around to such specifics.

Let us first get a little more specific by examining the word 'symbol'. It derives from the Greek, symbolon, and is used as a sign, a pledge and a token. The importance of a symbol biblically-speaking is derived from the fact that is is a representative object which guarantees the reality of which it symbolises.

Let's see how the Oxford Dictionary defines it:

Thus a clear distinction is made between a symbol and an object - this has to be so and is an assumption made in analytical philosophy. Otherwise you end up destroying the sun as an idoltarous symbol because at one time in history the general concesus was that it was a god! As Malinowski said,

Q. OK. So what you are saying is that the hexagram is a positive, endearing sign for millions of Jews and perhaps millions more Christians whereas it is a negative, demonic sign for satanists, occultists, Moslems and others. Its influence is either positive or negative depending on the people who use or recognise it.

A. Exactly. In the West the swastika is definitely a negative symbol, except for a small minority of neo-nazis and high-ranking occultists, whilst in the east it is positive. But for a Christian/Messianic in either east or west it is a negative symbol. Today it would not be used in modern churches.

Q. So this is a symbol to be avoided?

A. Well, let us say that it is not to be used in a religious context. But I have swastikas in many history books of mine which I am not going to destroy simply because of its negative connotations. The symbol is quite harmless to me personally. The swastika is, after all, merely a symbol - it is not the substance of nazism or occultism. So long as I do not use it to represent Elohim (God) or something qadosh (holy), when in contemporary consciousness it represents either fascism or New Age religion, then I am in no danger from it. In fact, I possess some World War Two nazi regalia as part of my historical collection but I do not believe for one moment that they are a door for demonic oppression. But had, for example, a nazi banner been used in some occult ritual, as they were by the Thule group in nazi Germany, then I would not have had it in my house, but burnt it.

Q. Could you give us a summary of how symbols are used biblically so that we may know what is, and what is not, acceptable in Elohim,'s (God's) eyes?

A. Certainly. As you know in early Israelite thought the clan or family was the fundamental unit, and not the individual as it is today.

Q. (laughs). I guess people have therefore become idols!

A. True, but we don't go burning them at the stake, do we?

Q. Right!

A. According to the Bible the life or nephesh of the individual made up the life of the group, and the life or nephesh of the group was extended through all the individuals. Modern psychologists call this 'corporate personality' or 'group consciousness' and it helps us understand how biblically one person could symbolise a group of people or even the presence of Elohim (God).

Q. Can you cite some examples? This should be very interesting ...

A. All right. We can start with this passage:

    "But the men said, 'You [David] must not go out [to battle]; if we are forced to flee, they won't care about us. Even if half of us die, they won't care; but you are worth ten thousand of us. It would be better now for you to give us support from the city" (2 Sam.18:3, NIV).

Q. I see. So David represented symbolically all his people, rather like Goliath the Philistines challenging Israel to battle ... ?

A. That's right. The same concept is to be found in the Body of Messiah. We are 'Messiah' because we are the Body of Messiah. Messiah's people are a symbol of Messiah Himself, and we represent that symbol by using a secondary set of symbols like crosses, doves, menorahs, and in the banners we use.

Q. So we as people may be said to be primary symbols which can then be represented on a secondary level as secondary symbols?

A. Exactly. All Pentecostals are a symbol of the Pentecostal vision they have of Christ which is in turn represented in images or pictures which often incoporate doves and crosses. All Catholics are a symbol of the Catholic vision of who Christ was which is in turn represented in symbols such as the Latin Cross, the Pope's mitre, St.Peter's keys, etc.. All Jehovah's Witnesses are a symbol of the Jehovah's Witness Vision they have of Christ which was, until recently, represented in the few symols they had retained, namely drawings of their printing presses at Brooklyn and elsewhere. The only symbol that remains now is the outline of a watchtower on their Watchtower publications. The Mormons use statues of the angel Moroni blowing a trumpet and pictures of the Salt Lake City temple, as well as the title of their Church which has also become a logo because of its fixed style.

Q. You mentioned people symbolising Elohim's (God's) presence?

A. Yes. Exodus 7:1 is a good example:

    "Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'See, I have made you like Elohim (God) to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your navi (prophet)'" (Ex.7:1, NIV).

Q. So Moses became a symbol of Yahweh while Aaron became a symbol of Moses!!

A. Correct. But these aren't thus isolated incidences. There is a Hebrew expression, 'tish há'élóhím, which is used more than seventy times in the Tanakh (Old Testament), which is translated "man of Elohim (God)". But it can also be translated "divine man". Twenty-seven times it refers to Elisha, and in the remaining instances to nevi'im (prophets) such as Elijah and Samuel, or Moses and David. Elijah is credited with divine powers, such as restoring life3 and mind-reading4.

Q. So the nevi'im (prophets) are symbols of Elohim (Gods). They have to be, I suppose, otherwise they must be gods themselves ...

A. Yes. The nevi'im (prophets) stand in the place of Elohim (God), but not as gods in their own right. They do the works of Elohim (God) as representatives of Elohim (God) but they are not Elohim (God) themselves. They are mere mortal human beings. Therefore these men are symbols of Elohim's (God's) panim, face or presence.

Q. Doesn't the Bible say that Moses was as Elohim (God) to Aaron?

A. Yes, in Exodus5, and to pharaoh as well6. Not only that, he was Elohim (God) in word and deed7. All the nevi'im (prophets) spoke the Davar Elohim (Word of God), and when the Israelites heard them they heard Elohim (God) Himself. As a result, the person of a true navi (prophet) was immune from harm.

Q. This quite a potent symbol, then!

A. Yes, with consequences for life and death. But these are human symbols, where people became living representations of El Elyon (the Most High God). As such, these nevi'im (prophets) carried a heavy responsibility on their shoulders indeed.

Q. Which is why false nevi'im (prophets) were stoned to death?

A. Yes, because they then gave a defiled picture of Yahweh - they became a false symbol, a misrepresentation of the divine.

Q. What about physical objects?

A. There are many in the Bible as you know - things which also symbolised Elohim's (God's) presence, in either a representative or conventional manner. Take the rainbow - it was accepted as assurance that Yahweh's wrath had passed and that he would remember His b'rit (covenant)8.

But the rainbow is also a potent New Age symbol too - it's used throughout occultism! For them, it is a bridge between earth and heaven. It is used in voodoo magic and is depicted as an event celebrating the marriage of a rainbow god to the serpent god. The Kabbalists teach that the rainbow represents a sexual rite, the bow being the phallus of the male god which has descended into the kingdom of the womb of the queen goddess. This union, they say, releases great divine powers.

Q. But that's pure occultic magic!

A. Yes it is! Are you going to tell children in Sunday School classes throughout Christendom to stop drawing rainbows, then?

Q. (silence and a look of shock)

A. I thought not. I think you are seeing the absurdity of conceding symbols to the devil. Why, even here in Scandinavia, the pagans believed that there was a rainbow bridge called Bifrost, which was even known as the "devil's bridge" and was equated the the river Styx - the river of death - of the Greeks and Egyptians. For the Greeks the rainbow was the embodiment of the messenger of the goddess Isis. And the Chinese, who have a five-coloured rainbow, said it represented the union of Yin and Yang. For the Babylonians it was a sign of terror, wrath and an attribute of the goddess Tir-an-na, bringer of misfortune.

The Masons love it, like the rest of the New Agers, who call it the antakharana. Yes, it's a Hindu term. For all occultists this is the bridge between the lower and the higher self. The Buddhists teach that the rainbow symbolises man's ultimate perfect state, namely, divinity or godhood, when he has achieved an inner unity of good and evil, and becomes one, through multiple reincarnations, with the "Great One".

I could go on. But do you see what I am driving at? The fact that pagans use biblical symbols for occult purposes does not mean that we as Christians/Messianics should discard them ourselves. Why should we yield divine symbols to the Adversary?

Q. But the hexagram isn't a biblical symbol like the rainbow, is it?

A. Maybe, maybe not. Let's wait and see. But you will at least conceed that it is a symbol in the Creation?

Q. If you mean as in snowflakes, yes, I have to conceed that.

A. All right, let's move on. You will remember that Moses made a serpent of brass, symbolising the wisdom and healing power of Elohim (God)9...

Q. ... and the serpent is a symbol of Satan, of evil. Alright, I'm getting you now. A single symbol can be used in one or two ways - for good or evil, for Elohim (God) or Satan.

A. Almost, but let's be careful. In the case of the serpent, the serpent was not itself the symbol of wisdom and healing power. The wisdom and healing power is represented by the serpent being nailed to the pole. Many Christians fall into the error of believing that there is a good serpent too. The serpent is a universal symbol of evil. To be healed of sin, that serpent has to be nailed to the cross...

Q. So you would never use the snake as a symbol of good?

A. Never. It is so deeply embedded in our psyche that it is beyond redemption. The snake was cursed from the beginning. It's used as a symbol of the medical profession in the Caduceus, but wrongly, in my view. Satan and the snake are so intimately connected that there is no way the symbol can, or should, be recovered.

Q. What about Yah'shua (Jesus) saying we should be as wise as serpents?10

A. Yah'shua (Jesus) told us to only imitate one quality of the serpent, not the whole nature. He carefully balanced that against the harmlessness of doves. LOikewise, mating doves can be very aggressive and violent but obviously we are not to imitate that 'quality'.

Q. What about a combined symbol of dove and serpent, then?

A. (smiles) - I don't think so! But you can try and persuade other Christians/Messianis if you like! Good luck with that one...

Q. (laughs) - what about other symbols?

A. Take the altar - symbolic meeting place of Elohim (God) and man. Or the Ark of the Covenant, which symbolised the presence of Elohim (God) because it was made up of the mercy seat (Yahweh's Throne) contained the tablets of the Decalogue - the Ten Commandments - where the Davar (Word) of Yahweh was - Yahweh is in His Davar (Word).

Q. In the literal words?

A. Ah, now you broach another important subject. Did you know that occultists like the Freemasons and Kabbalists actually employ the Tanakh (Old Testament) Scriptures? They even use the Name of Elohim (God), both the correct and corrupt forms of Yahweh and 'Jehovah', respectively, as well as El, Elohim, Yah, Jah, Adonai, and Messiah?

Q. You mean they actually use the Bible for magic??

A. Absolutely. They believe that by meditating on the Name of Elohim (God), including the individual letters of the Tetragrammaton11, that they can gain access to Elohim (God). The trouble is, they look upon Yahweh as an inferior deity in many instances, as an angelic Demiurge12, as the Gnostics blasphemously call Him. They believe that the individual letters of the Hebrew alphabet are magical. You will even find Tarot cards using Hebrew. The Rosicrucians and Masons love using Hebrew. They mix it altogerther with Greek, Sanskrit, and their so-called 'celestial script'.

Now then, shall we discard the Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) Name of Elohim (God) and the Hebrew language because both are used by occultists and satanists? Shall we rip out the Tanakh (Old Testament) and discard all parts of the New Testaments that relate to the Hebrew scriptures or to Yahweh? What about Yah'shua (Jesus) which is Hebrew? His Name means "Salvation of Yah(weh)" - shall we get rid of Him too?

Can you see how Satan deliberately uses qadosh (holy, set-apart) symbols, the Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) Scriptures, and the Qadosh (Holy, Set-Apart) Name of Elohim (God) - YHWH - for his evil purposes?

You are rightly shocked. But let me go on. Let's take the Temple which was a symbol of the earth, and the brazen laver which was a symbol of the sea, and the golden seven-armed candlestick or Menorah which was, amongst other things, a symbol of the sun! Occultism has its temples, its equivalents of brazen lavers, and its Hebrew candlesticks! At Christmas time millions of lighted Hebrew seven-armed candlesticks go up in the windows of Scandinavian homes, to invite the spirits of the ancestors in to feast, and menorah's appear on Satanists' altars. Shall we get rid of candelsticks as well? Here in Sweden they are obsessed with crowns of lighted candles worn by young girls during the St.Lucia festival, originally the Feast of Pan, the patron saint of sexual pastimes. It's from the demon Pan that we can the word 'panic' because women would go into panic when he turned up because he raped them for his pleasure.

I could go on and on. Almost every biblical symbol has been co-opted by paganism - ironically, the pagans accuse Jews and Christians of stealing their symbols.

There are many other biblical symbols like circumcision, the scapegoat, and so on. The whole concept of animal sacrifice, which is central to our emunah (faith), is, of course, widespread in paganism and is practiced on the altars of satanists, who use human beings too. These may be described as symbolic actions. Nevi'im (prophets) did unusual things, like going around naked to symbolise Judah's coming poverty and exile13.

Q. What about the New Testament?

A. It is essentially the same as the Old except that now Yah'shua (Jesus) is not a symbol of Elohim (God) but is actually Elohim/God-in-the-flesh. This takes the concept of a symbol to an entirely new dimension. He and the Father are One14.

Q. What about the apostles? Were they symbols?

A. Yes, and no. Whilst Messiah was on the earth, they were purely servants under discipline - or discipleship - as opposed to being just representatives. Yes, they were representatives but not in the same sense that the Levitical Cohenim (Priests) were because these were human intercessors. Yah'shua (Jesus) is our intercessor today. The apostles are only to point to the heavenly intercessor, the resurrected Messiah.

Q. But aren't ministers in some sense representatives of Elohim (God) and Messiah?

A. Yes and no, but unlike the Levical Cohenim (Priests) who were the only mediators between men and Elohim (God), technically - in terms of salvation - ministers aren't needed. New Covenant Cohenim (Priests) aren't intermediaries to Elohim (God) - Messiah is. They are better described as teachers, yet they may be said to be intermediaries in a strictly secondary sense, since they preach the Besorah (Gospel), and it is the Besorah (Gospel) that saves. For people are saved by the foolisness of their preaching15.

Messiah's healing miracles were symbolic actions, not performed simply as deeds of sympathy. They were symbols or signs demonstrating that the Kingdom of Elohim (God) was near and at hand. The Master's (Lord's) Supper is probably one of the most important action-symbols left us which means more than fellowship (in the sense I started off with - of having a corporate identity like Israel) but His actual presence amongst us. The bread and the wine are symbols of the body and blood of Messiah - not literally the body and blood, which are received only by emunah (faith).

Baptism is another very important action-symbol which I have discussed at length elsewhere.

Q. What about the Cross?

A. Ah, now we have really come to something interesting. The Cross is a pictorial representation of an historical fact, and it is also a visual summary of certain essential features of the Christian/Messianic emunah (faith), and at the same time a means of grace to the worshipper. Paul, when he talks about the "Cross"16, is usually talking about the central message of the Christian/Messianic emunah (faith), namely, the death and resurrection of the Messiah17.

The trouble is, the cross is used by others too, and means quite different things. Satanists use an inverted St.Peter's Cross representing the inversion of Christianity - its very opposite. You'll find them wearing it on T-shirts even, either upside down or in a red circle with a red line going through it, symbolically cancelling it.

You'll find cults like the neo-Buddhistic 'Christian Scientists' using it. Even the UFO cult called the Aetherius Society use it. There are many forms of the Cross but the most familiar one to us in the West is the Latin Cross which wasn't even adopted by Christianity until the seventh century and wasn't made 'official' until the nineth century. It was more normal for early Christians to symbolically represent Christ as a Lamb18, as we have done since our inception19. The Jehovah's Witnesses and most Messianic Jews believe Messiah was hung on a vertical execution stake or "tree"20, and together with occultists, like to point out that the cross was an occult symbol!! Many of the early Christian fathers repudiated the use of the cross because they said it was pagan.

Q. Is it?

A. Yes .. if by 'pagan' you mean that pagans used it before Christians did. But if you mean that is is pagan just because pagans used it, well, then I might wish to differ with you. What do you think?

Q. I don't know - I'd like to hear your view.

A. Well, it's an established fact that the cross was in use by pagans before the Christian era. It appears on a Roman coin of the emperor Gallienus, where is represents the sceptre of Apollo. For the Greeks, it represented the life to come in the Egyptian religion of Sarapis.

The ancient Gypsies, who came from India originally, marked a horse's right foreleg (considered to be male) with a Latin cross, and a circle on the left (female) foreleg, on the theory that the two symbols would attract each other, draw the horse's feet together like a hobble, and keep the animal from running away. The Celtic Cross, consisting of a Latin Cross with a circle in the middle, represents this union of male and female. The cross represents the phallus and the cicle the female yoni in certain occultic traditions.

If you want to know about the history of the cross symbol, go and read the literature of the Jehovah's Witnesses who claim that the later Christian use of the cross was derived from the symbol of the pagan deity Tammuz. According to the Freemasons, the Egyptians, Assyrians, ancient Americans, Hindus, Greeks, and Romans were all acquainted with the cross for whom it meant a sign of life. Masons use the cross symbol in the Royal Arch degree and called it the 'Triple Tau'.

The cross is used in occulic initiation to represent the four elements and has an entirely different meaning to the Christian/messianic concept of salvation by atonement. Rather, it is a representation of matter manifested as a result of three principles. It is also a symbol of the earth and continues to be used as such in astrology and astronomy, the four arms representing the four points of the compass. The supine or inverted cross used by Satanists has a double meaning for it not only represents the reverse of Christianity, but since the cross is a phallic symbol for them, the supine cross becomes a symbol of perverted sexuality since it combined two phallic symbols in such a way that one penetrates the other. The upturned cross is therefore also an occultic homosexual symbol - in fact, it may be said, in a way, to be the true symbol of homosexuality.

I could go on with the history of the cross but this is enough, I think. The point is that two systems of religion use it. And so the question needs to be asked: should Christianity/Messianism discard it?

Q. And what is your answer?

A. My answer is the same as for the Rainbow - why should we? Historically, the Messianic Community (Christian Church) has never forbidden the use of symbols because they are rooted in the nature and experience of man, but it has similarly not encouraged them either. The legitimate fear is that in stressing a particular symbol - or set of symbols - a Christian/Messianic might lose the Master Yah'shua (Jesus) Himself.

Q. How do you mean?

A. Well, take the Dracula stories where a physical cross is supposed to ward off evil and frighten away vampires, werewolves, and the like, irrespective of whether the person using such a crucufix is a believer or not (let alone a heretic)21. When crosses are used in this manner it becomes at best superstition and at worst, occultism and magic. In this instance the symbol takes on a life of its own and ceases to be a symbol, since it is no longer representing the atonement of Messiah but supposedly the wooden cross possesses magic power in itself. It's the mistake the Israelites made in sending the Ark of the Covenant to the battle front, thinking it would bring them good luck because of supposed residential magical power. But the Ark was merely a symbol of Elohim's (God's) presence, just as the Cross is a symbol of the saving work of Messiah.

I use the cross a lot in deliverance ministry, but only as a mental concept. I do not use objects shaped like crosses.

Q. What is your view of using crosses on church buildings, pulpits, and so on?

A. We should use them with great care and circumspection. I have no objection to using the cross as a symbol of the atonement. I would certainly never translate the Greek stauros as a mere "torture stake" as Jehovah's Witnesses and many Messianic Jews do because for me a torture stake conveys only one aspect of the atonement - the violent, bloody physical side. But the Cross, with a capital 'C', is for me good news of the resurrection and it is that I would wish to emphasise.

Q. So you don't like Catholic crosses with carved images of Christ fixed to them?

A. Personally, no, though it is good to be reminded of the terrible price Messiah paid for our redemption. But pre-occupation with such can lead to morbidity. A simple cross to me is more suitable. But that is a personal opinion. Personally I don't like using crosses much in churches or meeting houses.

Q. You have traditionally used a lamb in a hexagram, have you not?

A. Yes, we have, though since the mid 1990's we have used the Calvary Cross22 as a symbol on a red banner on the preacher's stand. But since the late 1990's we have more and more de-emphasised symbols. We do retain banners, and our Priesthood banner in particular contains the hexagram, as do the banners of the Local and Metropolitan Assemblies. (See the historical foornotes at the end of this interview. Use of hexagrams has now tortally ceased in NCAY for the reasons given below).

Q. So what, then, is your answer to those who say you are using a demonic symbol and opening your organisation up to demonic harrassment by using the hexagram?

A. As one involved in deliverence ministry23, who is accutely conscious of occult objects inhabited by demons or used by them as spiritual homing devices, I would say this is nonsense. But that does not mean that I accept all hexagram and similar images as being harmless. For instance, I would never countenace symbols used exclusively in the occult like the upturned pentagram which is used to represent the Goat of Mendes or Satan. I would never use the so-called "peace-logo" because it was designed specifically by witches to mock Messiah and initiate fallen Christians into Satanism, even though it was subsequently adopted by the so-called 'Peace Movement' through the auspices of Bertrand Russel, the atheist philosopher. (It was also used by the nazis as an emblem of one of their panzer divisions24). Similarly I would not use the yin-yang symbol which represents good and evil in harmony. And I would not use the swastika. None of them appear in nature as does the hexagon. (The north polar region of the planet Saturn is now know to have hexagon-shaped gas formations).

Q. What about the ordinary pentagram?

A. A difficult one because this is the logo of both Wicca and hard-core Satanism, though the latter invert it. A green pentagram appears on the flag of Morocco. The five-pointed star is an almost universal symbol - that would be the end of the United States flag if we took this matter too far.

Do you see the kinds of problems you can get into if you get fanatical about symbols? The six-pointed star is actually a logo of a Norwegian beer company and appears on their products. Do all beer-drinkers get demonised because of the logo?25

Christians/Messianics use the dove and fish logos a lot too, but long before Christians used the dove to represent the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) it was an almost universal pagan symbol of the 'Great Goddess' in Asia Minor and was used to represent Aphrodite and Astarte (Ishtar). Thus it came to principally represent female sexuality. The gypsies, whom I've already mentioned, believed only the souls of women could fly into and out of a magical mountain, and that they did so as doves. And in paganism the dove was seen as the counterpart of the serpent, as female is to male.

I could say much more about this but I don't want to get into a discussion on the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) here. The important thing is that almost all symbols taken from the creation are used by all religions in both positive and negative ways, especially animals. Paganism and Christianity/Messianism have used many of the same symbols but for different reasons.

Q. You mentioned the fish ...

A. Yes, I almost forgot that. The early believers used the fish as a symbol of Messiah because the first letters of the words "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour" in Greek formed an another Greek word, ichthys, meaning 'fish'. But long before this symbol was adopted by Christians as a means of secretly communicating with each other during times of great persecution, the fish logo, consisting of two intersecting arcs or thin crescent moons - the intersection point making the fish tail - was used to represent the pagan sea-goddess Atargatis. This sea-goddess had a number of other names, including Aphrodite and Delphine, whose name meant both 'womb' and 'dolphin'.

But my answer to the pagan charge that Christians have 'stolen' their symbols is either "so what?" or "rubbish". Symbols are, for the most part, neutral representations, and it is up to people to make what they want of them, especially when what is being represented are creatures from the creation.

Q. What of abstract symbols?

A. Many abstract symbols like geometric shapes, such as the hexagram, are merely mathematical representations. Both Christianity and paganism use numbers symbolically. The hexagram, consisting of two interlacing triangles that create a central point, is a well-known representation of the number 7, sacred to both Christians/Messianics and pagans but used in different ways. Seven is universally accepted as the number of creation, which is what the completed hexagram actually represents when used properly26. Pagans worship nature so it is natural that they would use the number seven, and associated symbols, in their iconography.

The Greeks were great mathematicians and loved geometry. They discovered, for instance, that a man with his arms and legs outstretched fits perfectly into a circle and that his body forms five points corresponding to a pentagram, or five-pointed star. It was only natural that pagans adopt the pentagram as one of their chief symbols because they worship self. But it doesn't follow that the pentagram must necessarily either represent man or the worship of man. That is what the pagans chose to make the symbol mean. That was the meaning they invested into it, not what was inherent in it.

But whether believers like it or not, the number seven - the number of the complete hexagram - is a qadosh (holy, set-apart) number which Elohim (God) built into a symbol of His own, the seven-armed menorah, with its two parts consisting of three arms corresponding to the two triangles of the hexagram, plus the central arm corresponding to the latter's central point. The true hexagram is a perfectly legitimate representation of one of Israel's holiest symbols, the menorah. This is a symbol that appears in both Old and New Testaments. Even occultists use the menorah for the same reason that they use the hexagram only they use them both for different reasons, namely, the worship of man - the worship of self27.

Q. What do you say to the accusation that the hexagram has something to do with the number 666?

A. My Bible, just like yours, has a page numbered 666. Does that make page 666 in my Bible demonic?

Q. No.

A. I'm glad you agree with me. There is nothing qadosh (holy, set-apart) or unholy about the number '666'. It is not a "cursed number". How could it be? It isn't even in the Bible!

Q. I don't follow?

A. Most of our Bibles include the number '666' in the Book of Revelation, don't they? It is allegedly the number of the beast. But it isn't there!

You look baffled, and I sympathise with you. You see, the original number, which is still to be found in the oldest New Testament manuscripts, is '616'. The Scriptures nowhere teach that the number '666' is in some sense "evil". So much needless speculation has arisen over this number. People have said that the names of Henry Kissinger28 and Mikhail Gorbachev29 add up to 666 and have claimed that these two men were the Antichrist in their times. But if you write Gorbachev's name in Greek it adds up to 888, the number of 'Jesus' in Greek!

Though the number 666 is certainly a gematric number in the Bible it does not primarily refer to Anti-Messiah or Antichrist but to worldliness in general.

Q. Are you sure that 616 is the original number in Revelation 13:2 and not 666? What proof do you have?

A. It is found in the two oldest New Testament manuscrips - the Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus in Paris, Latin version of Tyconius, and an Armenian manuscript. Irenaeus knew about this, so did Jerome - the latter accepted it30.

Q. But surely the vast number of other maniscripts makes this a minority view?

A. I would agree with you if the Bible did not confirm 616 absolutely. The fact of the matter is that if you add up the gematric number for "the beast" in Greek it comes to 616!

Q. Is that certain??

A. Not a shadow of a doubt! It's the same in Revelation 13:17, 13:2 and in 17:1 too. Revelation 13:18 could not be more explicit. Listen:

You'll find the same number in the Tanakh (Old Testament) in Hebrew which refers to beasts or creatures31. The number 616 always refers to the animal-like, to the serpent, to seduction, to deception, the whore, and especially to crawling creatures32.

Q. So how did 666 come to be so popular?

A. We may never know how it came to substitute for 616 but possibly the substitution was made because it was a better analogy with the 888 of the Greek 'Jesus'33. If 666 was inserted under the influence of the Alexandrian heretics it may be because it was a more triangular number - and you know how obsessed with numerology occultists are! 616 is more realistic as far as biblical symbology is too: if you add the numerals of 616 up you get 13, and if you add these you get 4. And four is a biblical symbol of the earth and of things pertaining to the earth, like the four elements and the four points of the compass.

Q. So all that Revelation is telling is is that the antichrist, or the spirit of the antichrist, is worldliness?

A. Exactly. The spirit of Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) is the exaltation or idolatisation of earthiness - of being flesh-centred instead of spirit-centred. And that is the credo of satanism, the New Age and all false religion, which exalts self, because it says that self is Elohim (God).

More important to this discussion, though, is how a number - in this case 666 - has been made into something magical by both Satanists and superstitious Christians and Messianics! People are afraid of it! But that is nonsense! There is nothing evil about the number 666 or 616. The only thing that is evil about 666 is that it has come to mean evil in the minds of evil people and, sadly, good people who ought to know better. We as believers should treat it as any other number.

Q. Why has the Bible gone to the trouble to put in this number - I mean, 616 - when so many people have seen it as something magical?

A. Because it is designed to show that the great sin is to worship the creature instead of the Creator, Yahweh-Elohim. It is the consistent sin throughout the Bible and recorded history. 616 directly related to creatures that crawl upon the ground, as snakes34 do, in all the filth of sin. Because of sin, man has been reduced to the level of the serpent - a creature who crawls in the dirt. Instead, man has been called to rule over every crawling beast35 which means also that he must regain his pre-fallen, Edenic position, and overcome his own serpent-nature.

When Yah'shua (Jesus) talked about "this evil generation"36 He was referring to 616, because the word "evil" or "wickedness" has a value of 616. All wickedness is a result of the seduction of Eve by the serpent in Eden, isn't it?37

People are carried away with all sorts of ideas about who the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) is and are missing the main point of 616 which is that the spirit of antichrist is in everyone who is led by the fleshy, serpent-nature. The same number appears in the beasts of Daniel's little horn38 and relates to the tares which are to be bundled up and burned at the last day39.

Q. You mean, false Christians/Messianics?

A. Exactly. Worldly, fleshy, serpenty Christians/Messianics who are not of the Ruach (Spirit). It lumps them together with those who do not claim to be believers. All those who are not saved are 616. It refers to all the "sons of men"40 and the "sons of this age"41 - they are also gematrically 616. And Yah'shua (Jesus) confirms this by calling the tares sons42.

This is an enormous subject but it proves conclusively that all the superstitions about 666 are worthless. Satan loves superstition. He's created all sorts of myths around symbols and numbers to scare Christians/Messianics and unbelievers alike. But we need not be afraid of such things.

Yes, Satan uses hexagrams, circles, squares, dots, crosses, numbers, and many other symbols that are biblical. Indeed, I could sit down and prove to you that the hexagram is one of the most holiest biblical symbols there is. Is it any wonder that Satan has tried to corrupt it?

The number of Yah'shua - Jesus in Hebrew - is 333. This is, like 666, is a special number for occultists because it is half of 666. But it is also biblically a qadosh (holy, set-apart) number. A nine-pointed star, consisting of three interlacing triangles, is a legitimate Christian/Messianic symbol, but is also used by occultists.

I have a book of pagan symbols which contains almost every single geometric shape and every beast of the earth43. There are thousands of them. Nearly every symbol used by Christians/Messianics of all denominations is to be found in it. I have dictionaries used by the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Satanists, Hindus, and others, full of similar symbols. If you are going to use symbols which pagans and occultists havn't used, then you are going to have to copy the Jehovah's Witnesses and get rid of symbols altogether.

But, you know, that isn't at all possible. We were created with an instinct for symbols. Our dream state is almost entirely symbolic. That is the way complicated concepts are conveyed to us in a meaningful way. That is why the Bible is packed with symbols because they contain deep spiritual meanings which are revealed only to those who are willing to probe deeply into Elohim's (God's) mind and heart.

The hexagram is a universal symbol and is used to represent many different principles found in the Creation. This year's (2001) Swedish Christmas stamps are covered in six-pointed star snow crystals. It is used by mathematicians and psychologists to represent physical reality - you may have heard of the Holotheme which shows the relationship between things, structures, states, actions, modes and phenomena. It is also used to describe the six states of mind, the six political persuasions, etc.. The two triangles are used to represent functions and modes of being, respectively. Yahweh has made the world and human beings based on this set of principles. The science of the hexagram is actually quite fascinating and shows the genius of Yahweh!44

Q. What, then, is your final counsel on the use of symbols like the hexagram?

A. Caution. If you have any amulets with occult hexagrams on them which are clearly of occult origin, destroy them. If you aren't sure, plead the blood of Messiah over them. If you have any books showing occult ceremonies and rituals that use magic circles using the occult hexagram (it usually has a circle around it), destroy them, preferably by burning.

As for the hexagram or false-called 'Star of David' in general, it is quite harmless, just as the crescent moon is, even though it figures prominenely in Islam and in occult ritual too. As a religious symbol, I personally do not believe in using the hexagram in itself because it repreents the number 6, or man. But brought to completion with the seventh point assigned to Messiah or Yahweh45, then I believe it is a most positive and instructive symbol.

Q. Do you forsee a time in the future where the hexagram will almost exclusively be associated with the occult and devilcraft?

A. We must wait and see. As our world becomes more occultised, so it will be saturated with more and more symbols. Look how the Ying-Yang and the so-called Peace-Logo have become a part of the modern liberal Western culture. People accept them without even thinking what they may mean. Two other logos used by the occult, the swastika and hexagram, have not, for the reasons I have already given. The Swastika is still too associated with nazism. But the hexagram is mostly associated with the State of Israel and Judaism. If the modern Republic of Israel gets swallowed into the One World Alliance, then the animosity felt towards it by the Arab and Moslem nations may well disappear. (In 2017, this is already happening, as Israel finds itself allied to Saudi Arabia and a whole host of Sunni Moslem nations).

Q. Do you think it might become another Ying-Yang of Peace-Logo-type symbol?

A. It's possible. We shall have to see. But that is not the case yet. It is still a politically-incorrect symbol in many parts of the world, particularly the Arab world. But then so will the Cross and other well-known Christian/Messianic symbols as false Christianity and Messianism get absorbed into the One World Religion.

Q. Then perhaps we should dispose of symbols altogether?

A. It's an interesting question. We shall have to see what the Ruach (Spirit) tells us in the future. (We did subsequently remove the hexagram altogether).

Q. What about NCAY's rich tradition of symbolism?

A. (laughs) - we'll see! They are but aids, you know. We are not ultimately dependent on them. But is is interesting that Yahweh has specifically revealed certain symbols for us for our witnesses.

Q. Such as?

A. Such as the Olive Menorah, which is a combination of two biblical symbols, the Gold Menorah or Lampstand46 and the Olive Tree47.

Two things I want to mention about this. First, there is no occult tradition or use of the Menorah until quite late when Jewish kabbalism adapted it for magic. It is therefore probably one of the purest and most uncontaminated symbols we have. Yet the Olive Tree was used by the pagan Greeks who associated it with Athena, which is not surprising since the Olive Tree was a staple both for fuel and diatary fat in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor.

Q. What about other NCAY symbols such as the Firstborn Cross and the Lion?

A. The Firstborn Cross is my own creation based on biblical symbology, consisting of two fused shin's48, representing the ahavah (love) of Messiah in heaven and on earth. The Lion was seen in vision but is a well-known biblical symbol. It is used to represent NCAY. We also use the nine-pointed star to represent Messiah, who is the number 333, the seven-pointed star, the twelve-pointed star, and (formerly) the hexagram with a Lamb in the centre. All of these relate to biblical symbology.

Q. Do you teach how the occult uses them too?

A. For those ministering to occultists, yes, so that they can know how symbols and numbers have been perverted by them49, and to a lesser extent to ordinary members too.

The Bible has a number of symbols but not nearly as many as are used by occultists. You might say that occultists are drowning in them almost. Our concern is that symbols should not become anything more than teaching aids. Where they become dangerous is when they are used for magical purposes, or where people get so fixated by them that they unconsciously get drawn into an occultic spirit. If that is a temptation, especially for former occultists, then it is better to dispense with symbols for their sake, so that they do not become stumbling blocks, though we cannot be extremist in this either.

When it comes to symbols like the hexagram we in any case always use it in association with a Lamb, so that it is quite clear what it is symbolising. The white lamb lying on the Book of Dispensations occupies the seventh point, showing that Messiah is at the centre of our world, both the spiritual (the upward pointing-triangle) and the earthly (the downward-pointing triangle). The occult has no equivalent of a white lamb - only a black lamb used by witches in sacrifices. Because the hexagram has become very much associated with the tribe of Judah (though this was not Judah's emblem anciently, but rather a lion50 - sometimes three lions), it also means for us - when the Lamb is at the Centre - Messiah the Lamb of the tribe Judah, to represent His sacrificial offering at Calvary. But we also have the Lion logo, which represents the conquering, resurrected Lion of Judah. Both Yahweh and Yah'shua (Jesus) are depected as a lion in terms of judgment - even against Judah and Ephraim!51

As you know we have a trinity of Assembly logos, all of which are potent biblical symbols. First, there is the general symbol of the triumphant Lion bearing a crown and staff of rulership, the staff bearing the firstborn logo, showing that His rule is based on ahavah (love) and justice. This, in a way, summarises the other three logos we use, the first of which is the Lamb of Elohim (God) holding a banner within a twelve-pointed star, symbolising the government of Zion of the Patriatchal Order. The second, is the reclining Lamb on the Book of Dispensations within a hexagram. The third, is the dove logo, representing the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). But there are oher symbols as well, as you know.

Q. How do you prevent people becoming too fixated on symbols, like the Catholic Church with its crucifixes and statues of the Virgin Mary, or the Eastern Orthodox with their icons of Christ?

A. By keeping them to a sensible limit and making sure the people are focussed on the right things spiritually. We are by carnal nature idolatrous and have to ensure that we don't turn emblems into cultic items, as the Israeliets did with the Ark of the Covenant and the brass serpent, which latterly came to be worshipped52.

Q. Is it not true that there was a time when this was actually a problem in NCAY?

A. Yes. The early Independent Church logo, which became the Priesthood logo for a period, did for a while capture people's attention, both members and non-members. I wouldn't say that it became an icon or anything as serious as that but as a symbol it certainly acquired a potency in some people's minds. As such, therefore, it occasionally became a distraction, being that it was an outer thing, when the people should have been more focused on the invisible Master. I guess that is why Yahweh is so concerned in the Decalogue53 about the building of images.

Q. You mean we are not to make symbols at all??

A. No, we are not to make objects of worship, as the Israelites did in the Sinai, when they made a pagan golden calf (the Egyprian god Apis) to substitute for Yahweh. That is, we are not to make idols of anything, whether of heavenly or earthly things54. Some people say that we aren't to make anything that might become an idol, but that is absurd, since potentially anything can be idolised, including the sun, moon, stars and people themselves. And as we have seen, the brass serpent was idolised, yet Yahweh commanded Moses to make it. In other words, we are not to make anything for the specific purpose of idol worship. Those who make Buddha images, Kuan-Ying statues, and so on, do so for the express purpose of worshipping them or using them as good-luck charms.

Q. So that would exclude St.Christopher medalions, astrological necklasses, and the like.

A. Absolutely, including crucifixes if you believe they are going to ward off evil or protect you in some way. All of this is idolatry, because they are substitutes for the power of the invisible Elohim (God). In the occult such objects are often demonised, that is, when worn, they give demons legal rights to trouble the wearer. Be very, very careful of occult jewellry - talismans, arm and wrist bands, earrings, or anythig like that.

Q. I notice you don't wear rings or symbolic objects at all.

A. No, I don't. There was a time when I would wear lapel badges of various kinds but not now. We are told in the New Testament that our lives are to be our advertisement.

Q. Surely people could then misinterpret who you are?

A. I don't think so. There's something utterly unique about a believer in the Master Yah'shua (Jesus). I once had some Moslem students who asked a colleague at work if I was a Christian because they had noticed my behaviour.

Q. Then why does NCAY use banners?

A. For the same reason that Israel did. As respresentations of Israel gathered (see Unfurl the Banners of Zion). They are dispensible, as I have said, and not essential. If using them would provoke unnecesary persecution I would probably not display them.

Q. Where, for instance?

A. In a Moslem country. Otherwise, we consider them useful. We have used them whilst witnessing and this has aroused people's curiosity to find out more about us. You can read an article I have written about this subject elsewhere55.

Q. Thank you. This has been very helpful. I see now that this is not such a simple subject as I before supposed and that we must use the Bible coupled with a lot of common sense. But I can also see the importance of apostolic counsel in this matter as not everyone can be as well informed as you are.

A. Yes, this is true. And as our language, our symbols and culture become even more corrupted and perverted as we approach the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist) rule, the more we will need apostolic guidance. That is the reason we as apostles are here to guide not only NCAY but the Body of Messiah in general, and especially those who will give ear. There was a time when I was intimidated by occultic symbols and numbers, but not any more. Messiah has set me free from the fear of such things.

True symbology - biblical symbology - helps us realise how central Yahweh and His Son Yah'shua (Jesus) are in everything, and our place therein. Symbols are wonderful teaching aids and as Messianic Evangelicals we use them generously when there is the need. As for the hexagram, it is a beautiful creation symbol distorted and perverted by Satan. And because it is, I do not recommend that Elohim's (God's) people use it unless something symbolising Messiah - like a lamb or a yod - lies at the centre of it, as we have used it in the past.

Historical Footnote
22 June 2009

Nearly a decade has passed since the giving of this interview and in that time span a great deal has happened in the world. Without a shadow of a doubt, as predicted, the world has become considerably more occultised and symbols such as the hexagram or so-called 'Star of David' have become almost exclusively tied up either with Judaism and Zionism or with satanism, the occult, Free masonry and the emerging one world New Age religion. Though our use of the symbol has an entirely different meaning to the occult Rothschild-inspired Israeli star and the forms used by occultists for the incantation and channelling of demons, it was decided on 20 June 2009 to entirely remove all symbols and banners containing hexagrams from official NCAY public usage. Since NCAY and its symbols shall exist only as an organisation until the second coming of Messiah, and since the demonic system that uses, amongst other symbols, the hexagram or so-called 'Star of David' will increase in power and prominence in the interval between now and the Second Coming, we decided to destroy all of our banners and remove the star, wherever possible, from our publications so as:

  • 1. Not to be seen in the public eye as having any connection to occultism or Zionism; and
  • 2. To remove any possibility of these symbols being used for channelling by hostile parties.

The destruction of hundreds of hours worth of beautiful artistry and emblems of our former congregations was a very painful thing for us to do but one we felt definitely confirmed by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit). It was also for us a symbolic release from our the earlier history and our moving on in our current anointing. Accordingly at 22:00 on the evening of 20 June 2009 we incinerated our old banner collection as recorded in the pictures below:

For more information, please visit our Banners Page.


1 1 Samuel 4-6

2 A Scientific Theory of Culture, 1944

3 2 Kings 4:35

4 2 Kings 5:26

5 Exodus 4:15

6 Exodus 7:1

7 Exodus 14:16; 17:9

8 Genesis 9:13

9 Exodus 32; 1 Kings 12

10 Matthew 10:16

11 YHWH - the four consonants in YaHWeH, the Name of Elohim (God)

12 According to the Gnostics, Yahweh was a malak (angel) inferior to Messiah, the 'bad' Elohim (God) of the Tanakh (Old Testament) as opposed to the 'good' Elohim (God), Yah'shua (Jesus)

13 Isaiah 20:2

14 John 10:30

15 1 Corinthians 1:18

16 e.g. Galatians 6:14

17 1 Corinthians 1:17

18 e.g. John 1:29,36; Revelation 5:12-13, etc.

19 As in our original logo, the lamb on the hexagram or so-called 'Star of David', which we used as a priesthood logo for a time

20 Acts 5:30; 1 Peter 2:24

21 Mediaeval churches used to have gargoyles on them - grotesque human figures - which wee supposed to frighten away evil spirits

22 A Latin Cross on top of a plinth consisting of three steps which in New Covenant Christian theology has a number of symbolic meanings associated with the steps of sanctification, etc.

23 The casting out of demons from those afflicted

24 An award was made to nazi mothers containing this 'witch's foot' symbol too

25 The fact that they may get demonised from drinking alcohol is another matter!

26 The hexagram or so-called 'Star of David', as used in both Judaism and occultism, is an incomplete symbol

27 In occult rituals, the occultist summonsing up evil spirits stands in the centre of the hexagram at the seventh point which legitimately belongs to Elohim (God) but which he blasphemously usurps. The central seventh point in the Jewish/Israeli Star of David is empty and represents man without Elohim (God)

28 Henry Kissinger, Americanised German Jew who became U.S. Secretary of State and who shaped U.S. foreign affairs from 1969 to 1976. He was the most influential figure in the Nixon administration

29 The last President of the Soviet Union before it was dissolved

30 Dr. Paul Lewis Couchoud, The Book of Revelation: A Key to Christian Origins (Watts & Co.,London: 1932), p.140

31 e.g. Genesis 1:25-26, 28; 2:19; 3:1; Ezekiel 38:20

32 For a full gematric treatment of 616, see Del Washburn, Theomatics II: God's Best Kept Secret Revealed (Scarborough House, 4720 Boston Way, Lanham, Maryland 20706, USA: 1994), Chapter 20, pp.497-520

33 Note, however, that 'Jesus' is not the proper name of the Son of Elohim (God), but Yah'shua which gematrically adds up to 333

34 The serpent originally had legs and was not a 'snake'. Its curse was to become legless and crawl on its belly. There are some species of snake which still have vestigial legs, harking back to the original condition of this animal.

35 Genesis 1:28

36 Matthew 12:45

37 Genesis 3:14

38 Daniel 7:17, etc.

39 Matthew 13:38

40 Ephesians 3:6

41 Luke 16:8

42 Matthew 13:38

43 Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects

44 For a deep psychological examination of this, see Keith Albarn and JennyMiall Smith, Diagram: The Instrument of Thought (Thames and Hudson, 1977)

45 The hexagram sometimes appeares with the Hebrew letter yod in the centre, yod being the first consonant of Yahweh's name (Yod-Hé-Waw-Hé)

46 Exodus 25:31-39; 37:17ff; Numbers 8:2ff, etc.

47 Jeremiah 11:16; Hosea 14:6; Romans 11:17-24; Zechariah 4

48 The Hebrew letter sh or s which appears in the Name of Merssiah, YahSHua

49 Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated (Sharing, 212 East Seventh Street, Mt.Carmel, PA 17851-2211, USA: 1998). This is written by a Christian author and is good source material for occultic usage but does not show much knowledge of the biblical use of symbols

50 Genesis 49:9

51 Hosea 5:14-15

52 2 Kings 18:4

53 Ten Commandments

54 Exodus 20:4

55 Unfurl the Banners of Zion

This page was created on 25 January 2001
Last updated on 31 May 2017

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