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    Prophecy on Economic Collapse

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on December 11, 2009 at 3:03am
    in Prophecy & End Times

    MLT cannot vouch for this prophecy. Please test

    I, Gordon Borneman, am seeking God for wisdom as to whether or not the 11/25/09
    Dubai stop payments on debt is the trigger to the sequence that David Wilkerson
    described in a prophecy:

    1. Very soon a European or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on
    its international loan.
    2. When that happens, within two weeks, Mexico is going to default.
    3. When the banks open the next day at 9:00 in the morning, $15 billion an hour is
    going to be withdrawn from our American banks; they're going to be running our banks
    -- the Arabs, all the Latin American countries -- and before the day is over, the
    U.S.A. is going to have to declare a "bank holiday."
    4. We're going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen -- there's
    going to be chaos -- not even the National Guard's going to be able to quiet it
    down; we're going to have to call out the whole U.S. Army.

    The key here is to understand that nation that starts this sequence. The nation
    described as the trigger is not very specific. Was Dubai that country?

    David Wilkerson's Economic Vision

    Key points to remember about this vision:

    1. From the time the first country goes down, you'll have two weeks to get your
    money out of the bank.
    2. America will come through this crisis; there will be restoration.
    3. But the nation will never be as it was before.
    4. God is saying: Get our lives straight. Get rid of idols. Seek the face of God in
    5. God will be a wall of fire about you ... And the glory in the midst of you!

    It's about to happen---very soon, one nation, and I'm speaking prophetically--if
    I've ever heard anything from God in my life, I heard it ... Very soon a European
    or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on its international loan
    and when that happens, within two weeks, Mexico is going to default.

    Mexico owes $100 billion ---80% of it to American banks---and here's what is going
    to happen: about two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt, (we're going to
    survive that, because most of that (money of the first country) is owed to European
    banks---German, Swiss and French banks) but a second country is going to go down,
    probably Argentina or Brazil, and we'll kind of live that down and say: "Well,
    maybe it's not going to hurt," but two weeks after the first country goes down,
    Mexico's going to default on $100 billion.

    And when the banks open the next day at 9 in the morning, $15 billion an hour is
    going to be withdrawn from our American banks - they're going to be running our
    banks-the Arabs---all the Latin American countries, they're going to be running our
    banks- and before the day is over, the U.S.A. is going to have to declare a "bank


    And we're going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen---there's
    going to be chaos---not even the National Guard's going to be able to quiet it
    down---we're going to have to call out the whole U.S. Army.

    Now I've had visions recently, for I've been in New York City and I was in Macy's in
    a vision, and I saw people walking around stunned because they couldn't get their
    money out of the bank.

    Now I'm going to give you a word of advice, the first country goes bankrupt---I've
    documented this and I've got it sealed in an envelope, and I'm going to call all my
    friends and I'm telling you---this is the first time I've said it in a public
    meeting like this---but the first country that bellies up, you go get every dime
    you have---church get your money out of the bank--because there's going to be a
    'bank holiday' and you won't be able to get a dime for six months. Now, of course,
    there's going to be -restored, but the nation will never be like it is again.

    There's going to be fear like we've never known---judgment at the door. When I was
    at Macy's Dept. store in a vision and I watched people walking around stunned, they
    didn't know what to do, they didn't know what was happening; then a bunch of people
    walked into Macy's and suddenly went wild and began to steal and within an hour
    everybody---I saw the spirit of everybody in the store---they were robbing and
    stealing---they raped Macy's and destroyed five floors--- Macy's was raped and
    ruined in a period of an hour or two.

    That's just the beginning. Folks it's all in this book (the bible) ---we've been
    warned and warned and warned---you can't tell me God hasn't warned us. You can't
    tell me God isn't saying something awesome here tonight in this church...we better
    get our prayer life straightened up, our lives straightened up, get rid of the
    idols, as Paul writes, and seeking the face of God in holiness or you're not going
    to be ready for what's coming. God's warning, get ready and you'll not fear these
    things that come onto you and you'll start rejoicing, you'll not be afraid because
    your hands will be clean. You've been praying and God's building a wall of fire
    around you to keep you."

    We'd like to teach you a song about God's protection. It goes like this:

    "There's a wall of fire around me...There's a wall of fire between my soul and the
    There's a wall of fire that you can't see...Between my soul and the enemy. There's a
    wall of fire around me. May it be so with us all..."
    I believe this prophetic word from David Wilkerson, a true servant of the Lord,
    needs to be spread. May the Lord speak to your hearts and minds through it and help
    us to prepare both spiritually and economically for what is soon to come.

    I have a document somewhere that outlines the "Red Shield" power and can be seen how it has continued from Nimrod to the present day having ruled the world. Still in power by prophecy of the scattering but ultimately in total control of YHWH as to what they are allowed and we see some terrible things they are allowed to do in the scriptures. We ask YHWH why and the answer is very clear. It is more of a bottom up problem not top down.

    These cause war at their command, they are the right hand/ left hand behind everything, controlling nations. Fomenting opposition between nations to carry out their plans. Control all monetary transaction by setting boundaries, same as they control nations, not micro but macro control. They implement discipline to their "law" and give reward to those who will worship them in obedience just as their master does for them.

    It is amazing also that these are behind even the break up of their own system from Harlot Babylon to the Final Solution Great Babylon. Many caught up in that do not know what the very top of their own structure is doing. But, as an onlooker, seated high above them all with Messiah, we can discern it if we ask Him and seek Him out for it is all in the Torah even more than we may can comprehend, from the I Am Being All Things Made to the Light of ALL Mankind...

    Many of these people, are well documented in a 'church' in Jerusalem where few are allowed to visit but YHWH has had some of His children view those things. The people who are in those 'bloodline' families are very serious about what they are doing and not playing games. I guess they laugh at so much confusion as they think no one sees them. They have ruled nations for years from the top and have planted their people as rulers over nations as well. They have a plan even though evil, YHWH has led them to perform His will, that His rebellious people also would be punished. We still are in the scattering, were sold into bondage, but being redeemed into the Kingdom of YHWH that will be made manifest on the earth to crush the false kingdom setup by man and their false god. That plan of the enemy is being carried out. It was being carried out before I was born and is not like some think when these things are pointed out, to panic that it just happened. We are looking into something like a big tree that has been growing for a long time. We await just as those who have already gone on before us in the body of Messiah for that great trumpet blast of re-gathering of the elect who are elect in the body of Messiah the elect servant. (Isaiah 42:1 Mat 24:31).

    At the top of the "Nimrod" system are those familes where few have ever heard their names. They follow their own "divine law" but amazingly is under the boundaries of YHWH as they are very careful to avoid punishment for stepping out of bounds. We are near the pinnacle they have planned but we know who will have the Last Word over them All! "Nimrod" will finally get that temple built He was building but for a short time to deceive All who love their LIES and that ultimate LIE of the man of Iniquity (twisted truth of Torah).

    We remember Yahushua's words when he was tempted that that power could give him the world if He would bow down and worship... but Yahushua went on to conquer all and take authority back over all things to the Taw t in "It Is Finished!". Now we are bought and paid for with a great price and we are not our own in Yahushua. We have YHWH's seed within us even for an incorruptible body at the appointed time! Even we who have become Echad/One with Messiah's body have overcome being baptised by the circumcision of Heart of the seed of YHWH the Holy Spirit into His death, burial and resurrection!

    The rebellion is then to run it's course revealed in the Revelation but filling in many puzzle pieces we find in the Torah and Prophets even that prophecy of scattering to the re-gathering to the restoration all because Yahushua became perfect righteousness of Torah to see it fulfilled to the very 'jot' and 'tittle'. He paid the price to make it so!

    That we can understand by our teacher YHWH of the Life given to us of the Holy Spirit and learn to think similar to an object oriented programmer as analogy, in terms of objects, attributes, polymorphism, etc... But, that skill is learned and can be used also to apply to our reality in the Kingdom of YHWH. In analogy, we could take scriptures and then determine the objects, the attributes, the multiple roles of each object, also that when a 'beast' is young it may not appear as it will when it grows to maturity. Having head(s), eyes, horns, neck, body parts, legs, etc.... And then fit our observations of this day and age into those objects from History and from Current Times. We have seen over the years where many have seen parts of that current or final beast, or maybe said seeing it, when it was one age and then an older age, thinking they found the whole, but because of that information, as an investigator role, we can take the truths and put them into the big puzzle. And that I can say is not by human mind power but by revelation of the Holy Spirit for we who have purpose to know exactly what is.

    Many things cannot be discussed even in a forum nor with others but very few because of so many roadblocks in pre-conceived ideas or even it could be a serious thing to those powers. We must consider of our own thinking where we may have only discerned some parts of the puzzle, thinking it is the whole, but cannot get past to see the whole thing. I have to tell YHWH my own thoughts are as dung, give to me that wisdom you freely give and share that no man owns. Not to sell nor make money off of, nor for power or for playing king of the hill knowledge games. We are not in a game and it is very important if we seek to serve Him in all He has for us to know our world, our Kingdom, and to stand up for our birth right even in the face of the very wicked one. We don't want them laughing at us because we have not properly discerned. Our YHWH will give us the words and thoughts we need. And therein is the Power of our Kingdom as we don't just have a form of 'godliness' but are Living the Kingdom every day from putting our pants on one leg at a time to everything we do and are aware of in this world. And have spoken/written the truth in the face of the 'beast' that they know we are for real and their time is short. (Home land may pass this on) See if YHWH will keep silent, I don't play games.

    But, every study of these things is blessed, a blessing and we are blessed to seek out our Kingdom of Righteousness. That day we shall all be together seeing perfectly Face to Face with Messiah because we kept Faith In Him because we did Hear His Voice Within for our salvation Yahushua and do still hear saying always unconditional Yes to Him!

    YOHS said:
    Lev, I fully believe that the US is a British Corporation. Study Admiralty Laws. The Red shields control Britain. Britain is the vehicle not the driver. The Empire lives on but in a less conspicuous mode. It’s mostly all behind the scenes now. Just look at all the Nation States that Britain has set up; the US, Israel, Jordan, India, Australia, New Zealand, to name a few. The devil IS in the details. Of course to face this fact requires sacrificing ones instilled National Pride. That’s hard to do, especially for anyone who has lost a loved one to a war cause. Speaking of which, I am sure that many may die to bring Iran back under a British Puppet Leader like the Shah was. Just look at Iraq---that was the same kind of deal, Saddam quit kissing the ring and was hung. Look at Haiti---the US overthrew the people’s choice there as well.
    JFK also had his brains publicly removed for the same.
    Lincoln also.
    Andrew Jackson somehow survived an attempt that was made on him just after he issued US Bonds that he used to pay off the National Debt. That was the last time Americans were at all truly “Free”.

    Long Live the King!-YAHUSHUA


    We live in a facade! We are under admirality law. Different than we are led to belive in every nation. Most all Judges know this/ most lawyers. There is a hierarchy/triggers as to what law something may fall under and they consult/determine decisions based on those things. Basics of control of water, the seas, and even we people who are made mostly of water. They think they are pretty slick but the contract even on every single person to their system is actually null and void for every redeemed person that we are not willing participants but by cohersion. Though would anyone give up their salvation to the flatteries of the beast to worship Babylon or ultimately save this temporal life to become a part of the final solution economy/society. Some top insurance execs know about this also who issue Insurance on 'assets' and they look at people just as much as materials and processes. This has been for years and years. Likely implemented in the US around 1913... but I don't really know when. A Judge could probably tell us but then he/she would no longer be a judge?...

    And I guess something that makes me angry is to see how they have now infiltrated corporations and the minds of managers and execs to look at people as dollar assets. They form plans on every person as to what they may be worth in dollars and what they will invest in salary to determine if the benefit they receive is worth keeping the person. Not usually taking into account the big picture of performance or the normal ups and downs of life... And that leaves it open for political play and ruin of many good people where managers who may not like some particular person or other can manipulate the analysis because most of it is based on opinion and abstract judgment. Seen it. Been there and experienced that and no longer there from those things being used against me. There is no sicker thinking than to start looking at others as mere assets and objects and what value a person may be with a presumed price sticker put on them. In humane. It's one thing to determine value of a process and the people who perform it as in cost. It is another to begin to assign a value to a person. Are we tied to the monetary system in value like a house or other mere tangible object? But in these days we see the natural compassion, love, empathy, etc. go out the door... in lieu of the opposite and a 'robot' society.

    YOHS said:
    Lev, I fully believe that the US is a British Corporation. Study Admiralty Laws. The Red shields control Britain. Britain is the vehicle not the driver. The Empire lives on but in a less conspicuous mode. It’s mostly all behind the scenes now. Just look at all the Nation States that Britain has set up; the US, Israel, Jordan, India, Australia, New Zealand, to name a few. The devil IS in the details. Of course to face this fact requires sacrificing ones instilled National Pride. That’s hard to do, especially for anyone who has lost a loved one to a war cause. Speaking of which, I am sure that many may die to bring Iran back under a British Puppet Leader like the Shah was. Just look at Iraq---that was the same kind of deal, Saddam quit kissing the ring and was hung. Look at Haiti---the US overthrew the people’s choice there as well.
    JFK also had his brains publicly removed for the same.
    Lincoln also.
    Andrew Jackson somehow survived an attempt that was made on him just after he issued US Bonds that he used to pay off the National Debt. That was the last time Americans were at all truly “Free”.

    Long Live the King!-YAHUSHUA


    Yes, as Bush senior said, "By Rule Of Law".
    The Truth is that the people of YHWH are destroyed because they lack knowledge.
    Hos 4:6 “My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.
    The thing with the Laws is that if you don't care to read them, study them and raise objections to them you by default and through negligence agree to them.
    Most ALL US citizens have agreed to the Admiralty Laws.
    When people make application for a Marriage License they are agreeing that they have no Divine given "Right" or more correctly, obligation to take a husband or wife. By default they have "agreed" that the State has the sole authority in this most Sacred Union. Then when there are children born to the Licensee's they are issued "Birth" certificates. This is done after that the children are delivered to the "Port" or "Land" after they have been born forth from the "water". The mother’s water breaks forth and the baby is born. That is why they do not consider the unborn as "Persons". This is all parallel to a Ship bearing Precious Cargo that comes into Port and goes into "Berth". When that happens a "Berth Certificate" i.e. Bill of Lading and a Manifest of Cargo is produced and presented to the "Port Authority".
    That is why there is a Dept. of Human Resources. Humans are considered to be resources.
    Gotta go for now.

    Redeemed by the Blood of YHWH's LAMB

    And we come to know that is just one of the tips of the iceberg.

    Though we being redeemed cannot be agreeing through cohersion of the 'powers' nor even of ignorance though we are taught by Babylon that ignorance is no excuse for overlooking an obvious deception such as small print or 'hidden' laws that have not been made public. Worship would be to willingly agree and accept the deception when we are made aware though it is still by cohersion. We do not agree that we are put in prison or bondage but if we come to understand we've been sold into bondage by YHWH and for those who accept His pardon of salvation will inherit total freedom in the Kingdom of YHWH at the appointed time. Though we understand Daniel 11 that we would not give up our "continual" blood sacrifice of that Life flowing from the true temple where Yahushua is at YHWH's right hand in lieu of the flatteries and deceptions of the 'beast'. Which also makes me wonder what will take place in the great Court Room of Heaven at the declaration of the great trumpet blast where the elect are gathered in the resurrection and in relation to those who will remain on the earth who have not paid heed to the words of our Messiah Yahushua.

    There has to be a time before the re-gathering when the man of perdition is revealed where all whose names are not found written in the Lambs Book of Life wander/wonder (false signs) and follow after the 'beast' though many already do now. We who are alive and remain who are redeemed must still be here for a time after that until the trumpet blast of re-gathering. Maybe it won't be much longer after but it will be penalty of death not to worship the man 'god'... but we participate in the re-gathering dead or alive in this body!

    It may be at the worst moments if we are alive during the time of the ultimate LIE(AR), where everything looks grim and no hope if we see from a worldly perspective that many are being put to death or killed in turmoil, if we make it to the "1335" (Dan 12) in the body, that our greatest joy will arrive?! Though it is a blessing to know YHWH has a plan for each of us that He formed before we were even born and if we do not live that long in this body, we will still fulfill that plan and make it to the "1335" dead or alive but of course, alive in LIFE! of the resurrection because to make it to that "1335" is to make it to the end of this body in the faith of Messiah so that resurrection will be for great joy!

    (Thinking outside of first life/first death, but that born again life (redeemed people of eternal life) vs. second death (un-redeemed people of eternal death), where the redeemed people are all intact even though they/we may have already gone on from this body, finding ourselves being/to be, in the body of Messiah which is very much alive and well. What a day it will be to see Him!)

    YOHS said:
    Yes, as Bush senior said, "By Rule Of Law".
    The Truth is that the people of YHWH are destroyed because they lack knowledge.
    Hos 4:6 “My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.
    The thing with the Laws is that if you don't care to read them, study them and raise objections to them you by default and through negligence agree to them.
    Most ALL US citizens have agreed to the Admiralty Laws.
    When people make application for a Marriage License they are agreeing that they have no Divine given "Right" or more correctly, obligation to take a husband or wife. By default they have "agreed" that the State has the sole authority in this most Sacred Union. Then when there are children born to the Licensee's they are issued "Birth" certificates. This is done after that the children are delivered to the "Port" or "Land" after they have been born forth from the "water". The mother’s water breaks forth and the baby is born. That is why they do not consider the unborn as "Persons". This is all parallel to a Ship bearing Precious Cargo that comes into Port and goes into "Berth". When that happens a "Berth Certificate" i.e. Bill of Lading and a Manifest of Cargo is produced and presented to the "Port Authority".
    That is why there is a Dept. of Human Resources. Humans are considered to be resources.
    Gotta go for now.

    Redeemed by the Blood of YHWH's LAMB

    Enjoying this posts! Just throwing my 2 or 3 cents in the round:

    The Ten Horns who give the AC world rule may be 10 economic super regions, just like it is outlined by the Club of ROME plan in the 70's.
    North American Union, Asian Union, African Union, EU - everythings getting ready and implentend through false flag Ops.

    As "Israel" is by Abba always named the woman/virgin, the Harlot should be apostate Israel, which includes the "British" Redshield Kingdom (Ephraim) and her proxies Manasseh etc., as also their main babylonian religion Catholicism & Islam, as also her enslaving fractional reserve debt system

    The Beast from the bottomless pit (a personage? angel? son of perdition/AC?) hates jacobinian descendants especially and after the Harlot gave him the world rulership, she will be destroyed.

    I have read that also, and my Truth sensors flagged.. the USA is a company, the "Virginia Company", hence the yellow ribbons around the flags.
    The empire lives in "conspicuous mode", hence "MYSTERY Babylon"!

    Washington, District of Columbia literally means District of Semiramis, Queen of Babylon!
    (found on a page for baby names- :-D)

    I personally believe the next false flag will be Iran and China against the Zionist State and America, London.

    YOHS said:
    Lev, I fully believe that the US is a British Corporation. Study Admiralty Laws. The Red shields control Britain. Britain is the vehicle not the driver. The Empire lives on but in a less conspicuous mode. It’s mostly all behind the scenes now. Just look at all the Nation States that Britain has set up; the US, Israel, Jordan, India, Australia, New Zealand, to name a few. The devil IS in the details. Of course to face this fact requires sacrificing ones instilled National Pride. That’s hard to do, especially for anyone who has lost a loved one to a war cause. Speaking of which, I am sure that many may die to bring Iran back under a British Puppet Leader like the Shah was. Just look at Iraq---that was the same kind of deal, Saddam quit kissing the ring and was hung. Look at Haiti---the US overthrew the people’s choice there as well.
    JFK also had his brains publicly removed for the same.
    Lincoln also.
    Andrew Jackson somehow survived an attempt that was made on him just after he issued US Bonds that he used to pay off the National Debt. That was the last time Americans were at all truly “Free”.

    Long Live the King!-YAHUSHUA


    Financial Dist London, Financial Dist - Manhattan NY, Financial Dist Rome, are just as "independent countries" similar to an embassy, a part of MB.

    Consider 10 horns, 2 horns that YHWH is always talking about the apostate rebellious houses of Israel that are poking at Him and will not give in in to His great Love. The redeemed He calls MEN are thus called, are those who have grabbed hold of the TzitTzit of our great savior Yahushua and have found great salvation in remission of sin and power to walk with Him apart from Babylon but still in Babylon doing His work.

    The center of those persecuted people are in (Britian and the USA) and in (Israel), are mainly not in any power but used as brainwashed 'slaves' especially we who are truly set-apart redeemed ones who have striven to follow the ten commandments and others which are trampled upon in Babylon everywhere we live and amazingly more and more by those calling themselves redeemed. Though we also see many having a form of 'Torahfullness' we see also that the 'Power' of it is denied as that is Yahushua who is the Aleph-Taw Torah to Know (Yah-dah) Aleph-Taw YHWH who is the foretold Covenant who became Alive as a Man with the Power of Life (the Holy Spirit) that was given of His Blood. (Jer 31, v31-32)

    Even the leaders we see in religion wanting some facade of power and mystery similar to 'witchcraft' but could not fathom speaking even the basics of learning and emphasizing the Ten Commandments. If they did that their 'money' would fly out the door and they might come to realize what our Master said that they would suffer persecution instead of great power wealth and esteem of man.

    We see many 'Dathan' types in Baal-Peor relationships with Babylon and even we have had to come out of her to become set-apart, not that we were in any better place than those who still have not begun that journey but are blessed to have paid heed to the calling of our Father and by taking those steps into unknown territory by Faith of Hearing His Voice.

    In total, the lost sheep have been scattered into all nations. Out of them there are those who have been redeemed along with their neighbors, HalleluYAH! But many rebellious still... What YHWH has done in our bondage to Babylon to cause us to do His great work that is far above any nation or power structure of this world. And we see in prophecy where Redeemed Yisrael in the end of the scattering has come to love the commandments of YHWH with all of their Heart and long to be in that place where YHWH will clean us all up to live in His kingdom being possible again to do so when we are Face to Face. We call upon YHWH and cry out with our Heart, the more we learn the more humble we become, seeing our lowly state to where we have fallen in the nations, but knowing that we are redeemed and will come into the Righteous Kingdom not yet manifest.

    Esau/Edom has the power seat of the dragon now, which includes the leagues of rebellous houses, and the rest of the world as seen in the attributes of the 'beast' which includes the 'multitudes' number of a man which is the prominent horn seen on the temple mount today with 4 religions. That prominent religion/governmental structure will be the supreme 'law' over all of those under it. That also, from the perspective of the powers, being the one world religion as many call it and will be enforced by the man of perdition who will proclaim himself as 'god' over all.

    Though the '10 horns' may be behind 10 world districts, several of them, financial, FEMA type, geographical boundaries, boundaries for their trade and financial transactions, etc... Club of Rome... Bilderberger... CFR... UN... many agencies and top political groups, the Cabal operate above/within these boundaries but that 10 horns is just a part of that whole beast.

    Also, if we get the scattering scriptures engrained into us from Torah we begin to see that the scattering always went as a wave into more or less unoccupied territory. The persecuted people always running to find peace where they always were overtaken by their bond masters who in past times and even in current have killed them and done to them/us exactly what YHWH said would happen to them/us. Considering also that has happened to the 10 as well as the 2 of rebellious Israel. We hear much of the death camps in Nazi Germany but not much said about what has happened to all of Yisrael that is just as nasty and severe. Even worse to those who have become redeemed at times in the past where to divorce 'Babylon' was a death sentence. We read Foxes Book of Martyrs and learn much of what it takes to stick up for our Faith even at penalty of death. Likely to be the same in 'peaceful' countries again in the days ahead.

    The last big territory that was occupied was North America/Mexico/USA/Canada. Ephraim used as a title for the 10 horn (tribes) split nation of Israel having no true ground to call their own, has no place left to run to but back to YHWH and is fulfilling scriptures even today. (Deu 30/Dan 9, many more) We are being called to be faithful to great revelations of our faith in Yahushua and must keep following to the end of this life in whatever we are called to do as we have no sin before understanding the lies of Babylon but after learning our inheritance in YHWH and His great Commandments / Torah in Yahushua we must say Yes to Him to prevent having sin and is more like learning more of who Yahushua is that we are a part of as Echad/One to still say unconditional Yes to Him that He still is everything He said He was even if we did not know more of the details since we first were redeemed. And to this generation where much understanding is given more is required of us to keep saying that YES always.

    The last parts either will be forced or willingly follow a false 'god' because they still love Lies the same as what caused the scattering in the first place the same, ("Baal-Peor" relationships we see that even some 'redeemed' people are loving), or will become set-apart by Yahushua and return to YHWH by Salvation like many before us, have and will, the sum of 2000 years since Yahushua went to be at the right hand of YHWH to bring us the circumcision of Heart of the 'seed' of YHWH by the Holy Spirit. And we experience His Call to come out of Babylon, to become set-apart seeking Shalom with all mankind to find out how YHWH our Father made our Yahushua the Aleph-Taw Torah that written on our Heart of the inward man and our call to learn and love Him as He is which includes all of the awesome commandments of YHWH as He dwells within us.

    Psalms 44 is a good one. Read from a future perspective, where the redeemed are in the Kingdom manifest and call to YHWH in rememberance of where they went in the scattering, what it takes to become redeemed (rememberance of YHWH's Salvation Yahushua becoming redeemed) and did remain redeemed by walking in His ways of Spirit and Truth. A status many of us are in today of being humbled, sick of Babylon, no desire to build in Babylon any longer and if YHWH does not do something soon to deliver us we will all be undone. That we see coming but desire all to turn to the righteousness found in Yahushua to come to that awesome place to be as well, ready to do whatever He will do with an unleavened people proclaiming His salvation.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the burning of Harlot Babylon includes London, NY & Rome. We can't leave out the rest of the world though - and the other parts are described in scriptures. Arabia is a big player with the 'multitudes', Russia, and China as well. I believe we see polarization towards favor of a new Great Babylon with the same players but with focus placed on the nations that are going along with the new "World Order". The allegiances of the top players are not national as we've been brainwashed. It is to their "Nimrod" world government and from their perspective they do rule the world above all 'women' and 'nations'. The Right Hand/Left Hand of all conflict. And we see them fomenting another mid-east war that will give them full control over the areas foretold in Daniel 11. That I believe is next on their agenda leading up to the end of the 21 year for a day "Persian Resistance" and the final division of those who will come out of Babylon or not. Then we get to Dan 12 and some amazing things! Still the war on the Saints to get through (Rev 13:7) and likely what is coming will include that hatred against 'christianity' which is just and true from YHWH's perspective in what we are told in Jeremiah 5 and 6 as the grapes are gleaned twice, again at the end of the scattering.

    What's your stock option worth? What is your collateralized value? This explains why the US military views civilian life and property loss as "collateral damage"

    Here is a great informative 1st of a series.

    From my perspective here in the US we are already under money master puppet dictatorship and appear to be on the fast track to civil unrest and possibly some kind of civil war. All to usher in the UN troops and the NAU. This is bad news for anyone anywhere.

    So the "masters" plan to microchip their chattel to keep better track of it and manage it. Like people do with their dogs and cattle.
    The recent declaration of the dictator that is formalized in the forced health care bill reveals this.
    You will be chipped.

    This is what is written on the first page of the House Bill:
    "To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes."

    This is what is written in bold letters on the first page from the below link.
    Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff
    Class II Special Controls Guidance
    Document: Implantable
    Radiofrequency Transponder
    System for Patient Identification
    and Health Information


    (Page 503)
    13 ‘‘(E) encourage, as appropriate, the devel
    14 opment and use of clinical registries and the de
    15 velopment of clinical effectiveness research data
    16 networks from electronic health records, post
    17 marketing drug and medical device surveillance
    18 efforts, and other forms of electronic health
    19 data.

    (Page 1006)
    "2) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The Secretary of
    16 Health and Human Services shall establish and
    17 begin implementation of the registry under section
    18 519(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
    19 Act, as added by paragraph (1), by not later than
    20 the date that is 36 months after the date of the en
    21actment of this Act, without regard to whether or
    22 not final regulations to establish and operate the
    23 registry have been promulgated by such date."

    above 3 quotes taken from below link to the "bill"


    Here is the revelation of how health care will be "affordable" and also shows the definition of "Other Uses" for the health care. Eugenics is Obama Health Care.
    Do you know that Bill G has moved his Corp Office to Tel Aviv?
    Do the math.

    We are controlled more than we are led to believe.

    Trained by brainwashing to keep holding on to the facade while willingly ignoring the obvious situation we are all in. The carrot dangling in front of the mule...

    One day we begin to realize we will never get the carrot always dangling in front of us even as we have 'eaten' many we have been able to get ahold of but magically another carrot appears... but then when we start looking around to find out what has been happening to us. A materialistic and lustful facade presented by Babylon in whatever flavor for each nationality of "American" or other national banner where there is never any rest for the individual (slave). And it is a shame to see that relationship of the religions commiting harlotry in fornication with Babylon, and even those calling themselves redeemed.

    But then we find that wonderful savior who gives us internal peace where his burden is light and yoke is easy. Still having to live in Babylon until the time to go home by putting off of this body but never again to be owned by the devil but a fight in many afflictions, of temptations, of oppression, of sickness or disease, of loved ones walking on the broad path leading to destruction, of many things, but YHWH Yahushua Delivers Us Out Of Them All, we keep hanging on to His TzitTzit!.

    We leave this life at death of this body at our appointed time even those who are alive and remain at the great trumpet blast have that appointed time. Then we shall all be gathered together, the body with the head as the elect gathering never tasting true death but rather is Life to Life, a great family reunion where the things of this former world will fade away in becoming face to face, as One Together, with our Father YHWH Yahushua and the restoration will be made manifest upon this earth as Babylon's rulers and those who have become as One with her are turned to ashes and the deceiver is locked up for 1000 years.

    We see the mighty Babylon ruling the world, even that Harlot being replaced now by a new thing. And it was foretold in Revelation of what the ten horns would do to appoint that final ruler who will completely destroy the harlot to bring in their 'final solution'.

    We are in the fight for our lives right now, the war is on the saints of YHWH and we better wake up and oppose the flatteries of the 'beast', of our particular nation even of those things causing many to worship the beast in all of it's many parts (nations/flags) and even those following after the restored 'head' of the dragon thinking that YHWH Yahushua has fulfilled many of His promises of His very BEING (if we can understand what He is Made Of), in a flesh and blood nation that oppresses those who are truly redeemed and won't commit fornication with them in their one world religious structure.

    Has Yahushua "that Jesus", already fulfilled the greatest thing He CAME TO DO in PROVIDING REDEMPTION FOR HIS PEOPLE and a GATHERING TOGETHER OF HIS BODY in a RIGHTEOUS NATION TO RULE THIS EARTH? (Regathering to Restoration) (Yom Teruah to Yom HaKippurim) A beyond flesh and blood thinking of mankind who are bound to death in a physical body. We do not yet see the greatest thing Yahushua YHWH will ever do, and be spoken of above even the Exodus from Egypt. What will it be like to have a new body incorruptible living here on the earth in His Presence? Shall we see that Righteous Nation come about? It will crush all standing in it's way, including all of the heads of the dragon and that one that was, was not and now is.

    If we see that "Wondering After" thing infiltrated into the thinking of the redeemed today, it makes us sick at such a deception and where there is failure to understand our birth right of salvation and into what TREE WE HAVE BEEN GRAFTED INTO!! Maybe too far beyond flesh and blood thinking that YHWH Yahushua Will Gather His Elect And WILL Establish HIS Righteous Nation right where HE said HE would!! And IT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET!!

    Is there an issue of blood for the twelve (years) of the redeemed? Is there a woman with an issue of blood who needs to grab hold of someone's TzitTzit?

    (It is not a (12 year) timeline issue (blood problem), but an identity issue of the twelve REDEEMED tribes). It is not a flesh and blood problem... The resolution is found in grabbing hold of the TzitTzit of Yahushua!! The redeemer!!

    Baruch HaShem YHWH Yahushua and HIS GREAT RIGHTEOUS HUMOR!, when we see him and our darkest thoughts of being cast away will vanish, in sight of our Yahushua who will bring In the Righteous Nation and will put an end to the rebellion.

    We like it or not we are right in the middle of that rebellion now. And, we have been given everything we need to Overcome. Fighting a good fight? and there are many battles in a war even individually. But keep in mind we always will win in the end hanging on to our Faith from that Hearing of the Voice of our Shepherd THE WORD within who is Salvation and Peace and Mercy and great Love.

    YOHS said:
    Here is a great informative 1st of a series.

    From my perspective here in the US we are already under money master puppet dictatorship and appear to be on the fast track to civil unrest and possibly some kind of civil war. All to usher in the UN troops and the NAU. This is bad news for anyone anywhere.

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