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    Herding Swine into the Arms of the Beast System

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on April 30, 2009 at 12:05am
    in Prophecy & End Times

    Posted: 29 Apr 2009 09:54 AM PDT
    Joseph Herrin (04-29-09)

    The Spirit of Christ has been revealing much about those things which are coming upon the nations and upon the church. As I have been traveling across the nation the Spirit has been bring me clarity concerning certain aspects of those things which are at hand. Let me begin by sharing a few basic concepts in order to facilitate understanding.

    The Harlot and the Beast System

    Revelation 17:3-5, 16-17
    And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names... And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality, and upon her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH...” and the beast... will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose...

    The harlot that rides upon the beast is the Christian religious system that is also called Babylon. The name Babylon denotes confusion and mixture. The kings of Babylon conquered many people and nations. They allowed the people to continue to worship their gods, but they led them to adopt many other gods in addition to the ones they knew.

    When Israel and Samaria were conquered by the Assyrians, and Judah and Jerusalem were conquered by Babylon much idolatry and confusion was introduced. Alongside the worship of Yahweh there was introduced the worship of many other gods.

    II Kings 17:30-33
    And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, the men of Cuth made Nergal, the men of Hamath made Ashima, and the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak; and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech the gods of Sepharvaim. They also feared Yahweh and appointed from among themselves priests of the high places, who acted for them in the houses of the high places. They feared Yahweh and served their own gods according to the custom of the nations from among whom they had been carried away into exile.

    The church today has repeated the error of Israel and Judah. The people of God have been espoused to Christ as pure virgins (II Corinthians 11:2), but they have become harlots in their affections. The church has lusted after the idols of the nations in which they dwell. In America there are many idols, including the love of money, of pleasure, of entertainment, ease and comfort. The church has gone whoring in her affections, yet she says she fears Yahweh.

    This confusion and mixture is observed everywhere today. Christ said that no man could serve God and mammon, yet the church in America has adopted many false doctrines which declare that Christ’s words were a lie. Many shepherds have arisen to herd swine rather than sheep. A people who can discern the difference between truth and error, but who do not love the truth, preferring a lie of prosperity ease and comfort to Christ’s message of the cross, have transformed themselves from sheep into swine. There is an important parable of the state of the church found in one of the miracles of Christ.

    Yahshua crossed with His disciples in a boat to the land of the Gerasenes (Gadarenes). There He met a man filled with many demons. The name given by the demons was legion, for there were many. Christ cast the demons out of the man and they begged to enter into a herd of swine which were being tended by herdsmen. Christ gave the demons permission, and in this event we see a great parable of the current church age.

    The Scriptures reveal that there were “about two thousand” swine, and this is a parable that there would be “about two thousand years” when the kingdom of God would be depicted as swine who are inhabited by demons and who are destined to run headlong into the sea of death. I have spoken at length of this parable in the presentation titled Parables, which can be viewed online at Google Video. A link to the video can be found on the Heart4God website:


    Many Christians today are offended at the suggestion that the church age would be typified by a herd of swine tended by swine herders. Yet the Scriptures reveal in many ways that this would indeed be the character of the church during the two thousand years following Christ. There would only be a “little flock” of overcoming saints, while there would at the same time be multitudes of swine and swine herders.

    This fact of the pollution and mixture of the church age is brought out in the parables of Christ. He said the kingdom of God would be like leaven that was mixed into three pecks of meal until it was thoroughly leavened (Mark 13). Leaven symbolizes sin, and the affect of the leaven increases over time until it reaches its zenith at the end of the age.

    Christ compared the kingdom of God to a mustard tree that grows up into the largest bush in the garden and in which the birds come and nest in its branches (Mark 13). The birds of the air are symbolic of Satan and his demons and emissaries.

    Christ compared the kingdom age to a field of wheat in which an enemy sowed tares (Mark 13). The tares represent false Christians and false disciples, and Christ declared that it was an enemy (Satan) who sowed the tares there.

    The apostle Paul declared that the last days of the church would be typified by men who are “lovers of pleasure, lovers of self... rather than lovers of God.” He said that the church would heap up to itself teachers (swine herders) to tickle their ears and tell them the things they want to hear. Swine do not love truth, as is symbolized in the fac that they do not chew the cud. Swine do not have any appreciation for pearls of truth, and will turn and rend those who cast pearls before them.

    In the miracle at Gadara we read that the swine herders fled in fear at the presence of Christ, and all their herds were lost to death in the sea. This is also the fate of those who follow preachers of confusion and mixture in this hour. For this reason the Spirit has persistently been proclaiming an urgent message to the people of God.

    Revelation 18:4
    Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues...

    Come out of Babylon! Come out of confusion and mixture. Come out of the pigpens of the Christian religious system where much that is impure and defiled is served up week after week to a people who once were able to discern truth from error, but lost their sensitivity for the impure fodder of an apostate religious system looked so attractive to them. There have been few who have had the heart of Daniel and his three friends, refusing to defile themselves with the meat of Babylon.

    The harlot then is Babylon, and she is impure even as swine are impure. The harlot glorifies herself, and lives luxuriously, sating herself as a pig would do, living to gratify the appetites of the flesh. Rather than subduing and ruling over the beasts (Genesis 1:28), the harlot has seated herself upon the beast.

    The Beast system is typified by the governments of this fallen world system that is under the dominion of Satan. Daniel spoke of numerous images of beasts that he was shown in visions and dreams. He tells us clearly that these beasts represent kingdoms of this earth.

    Daniel 8:20-21
    “The ram which you saw with the two horns represents the kings of Media and Persia. And the shaggy goat represents the kingdom of Greece...”

    The Spirit has been testifying that America is a beast nation, given into the hands of a beast ruler. The day the election results were announced proclaiming Barack Obama as the next President of the United States, the pick three lottery from Obama’s home state of Illinois came out as 6-6-6. Indeed, this man won the lottery. He was given the prize of ruling over a beast kingdom.

    This image was further revealed when it was announced that the Secret Service had prepared a brand new limousine for the President to ride in. This heavily armored vehicle was nicknamed by the Secret Service “The Beast.” Vehicles represent ministries, and the ministry entrusted to Barack Obama was to be ruler of a Beast System.

    There are many swine herders among the church today who find it very attractive to yoke themselves to the beast system of this fallen world. As the harlot is depicted riding on the back of the beast in Revelation, so too does the church today ride on the back of the world system. This was profoundly demonstrated in the news not long ago.

    Barack Obama is well known to be a champion of abominations. He is an advocate of homosexuality and a staunch promoter of the most despicable forms of abortion (they are all abominations). This man invited a homosexual clergyman to pray at his inaugural festivities.

    All this corruption did not trouble Rick Warren, who is pictured to the right of Barack Obama above. The two are seen at a forum hosted by Warren’s megachurch in California. Rick Warren was invited to give the invocation during Obama’s inauguration, and was happy to yoke himself to this man who calls evil good, and good evil.

    Note the symbol of Warren’s church behind the head of the President. It appears that horns are arising from his head. Yet what is most symbolic is the name of Warren’s church. The church is called “Saddleback.” Truly the harlot is riding on the back of the beast, and Yahweh is revealing these things that the wise might have understanding.

    It is great folly for the people of God to embrace the Beast System of this fallen world. Those who do so will suffer the fate spoken of in the book of Revelation.

    “and the beast... will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose...”

    It is a great parable in this hour that an epidemic called by the name “swine flu” is stirring up fear in many hearts. Just before I sat down to write this post a sister sent me a link to a news item on the swine flu. The nation of Egypt has issued order to slaughter all swine in the nation as a preventive measure to keep this disease out of their country. It was mentioned in the article that 90% of Egypt is Muslim and does not eat pork. The only ones who eat pork in Egypt are the Christians who comprise 10% of the population.


    Egypt is a symbol of the world. Only Christians have the ability to discern between the holy and the profane, for such distinctions belong to those who are partakers of the HOLY Spirit of Christ. Yet Christianity does not love the truth and consequently have become as swine, and at this time Yahweh will pour forth His plagues upon the harlot, Babylon, who has become as a swine in His sight. Those who have refused to come out of Babylon have much to fear, but the righteous need not fear.

    This event, and many coming events, will be used of God to make a division among His people. Those appointed to salvation will find themselves being led in troublous days to cast themselves wholly over into the hands of God. They will be led to trust Yahweh for their health, for their safety, for their food and shelter, and for all things. Yet a great multitude will be led into the embrace of the Beast System.

    The Beast System will present itself as an ark of safety and refuge for all mankind in very dark days. Those who do not know the voice of God will run into this systems embrace, urged on by ministers who serve as herders of swine. These ministers will tell the people that it is the will of God that they flee into the arms of the Beast, and the Beast himself will be depicted as a savior and messiah.

    See the following blog to see how much work has already gone into building an image of Obama as savior to mankind.


    People of God, the hour is very late. Multitude will find themselves in the valley of decision in coming days. Terrors will be on every hand, and these frightful things will be used to herd mankind into the full embrace of the Beast system which is found in the governments of this world. Those who are driven by fear will risk running headlong into the sea of death.

    We live in an hour when all the saints of God must distinguish between the voices that arise from their own soul, and the voice of the Spirit of Christ. The saints are to be led by faith, not driven by fear. The Scriptures declare that “faith arises out of hearing, and hearing comes by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17).

    As saints, we must wait patiently to hear a word from God, and then we must quickly obey what Yahweh speaks to us. In this way we will be able to abide in a place of peace when all the world around us is shaking.

    I have heard from some who are hearing the voice of the alarmists who are inciting much fear and causing stormy waves to begin to arise in the souls of many. It is difficult to remain at peace when our eyes are upon the wind and the waves. We must place our eyes upon Christ, then we will be able to walk upon the water and the stormy waves will be under our feet.

    Yahweh would have His people to discern the parables that are being given in the events occurring all around. At the same time He would have them to not be driven by fear, but to walk by faith.

    It is my hope and prayer that those appointed to salvation in this last hour would enter into the true ark of safety, which is God. Do not allow yourselves to be driven as a herd of swine into the arms of the Beast system. That path leads only to the sea of death.

    May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

    Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws
    Parables Blog: http://www.parablesblog.blogspot.com

    Mailing Address:
    Joseph Herrin
    P.O. Box 5546
    Macon, GA 31208

    This article was not from our ministry but Joseph Herrin's - I have great respect for much that he writes about. You could be right in your comments.

    Herding Swine - Part 2

    Posted: 01 May 2009 08:24 AM PDT
    Joseph Herrin (05-01-09)

    Recent news events are revealing much about the plans of Satan to corral all mankind into the embrace of the Beast system in this last hour. A very revelatory thing occurred recently that was reported widely. Following is an excerpt from a news article on CNN.

    'Furious' Obama orders review of NY plane flyover

    NEW YORK (CNN) -- A "furious" President Obama has ordered a review of the decision to fly a Boeing 747 frighteningly close to the lower Manhattan skyline, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday.

    The review will focus on "why that decision was made and to ensure that it never happens again," Gibbs said. Jim Messina, a deputy chief of staff, will lead the effort.

    On Tuesday, Obama told reporters, "It was a mistake. It was something we found out about along with all of you. And it will not happen again."

    Officials said that when Obama first found out about the incident, he was "furious..."

    After a YouTube video showed panicked New Yorkers scrambling as the plane flew frighteningly close to the lower Manhattan skyline, a former Homeland Security adviser questioned whether the man who approved the flyby should remain in his White House office...

    Louis Caldera, director of the White House Military Office, quickly apologized for Monday's incident after the planes prompted workers and residents to evacuate buildings in New York and New Jersey...

    The Federal Aviation Administration said the aircraft, which functions as Air Force One when the president is aboard, was taking part in a classified, government-sanctioned photo shoot...

    An angry Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it "defies the imagination" that an agency would schedule the photo shoot so near the site of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center...

    The YouTube video shows dozens of people standing in a parking lot, watching the plane approach. As it nears, they begin to run. Someone unleashes an expletive. "Run, run!" says one person. "Oh my God," cries another.

    A 911 call released by the Hudson County Sheriff's Department in New Jersey shows the panic caused by the plane.

    "There's a plane falling, there is a big aircraft falling like 9/11," a man says to the operator. "Everybody is running and people are crying and panicking."
    CNN's Mythili Rao and Ed Henry contributed to this report.
    [End Excerpt]

    There is a parable revealed in this news event. In what occurred Yahweh is giving those with ears to hear and eyes to see a “heads up” on the devices of the enemy. Satan will use his ministers to both create panic and crisis and then present them as a savior that has the best interests of the people at heart. We see that it was one of President Obama’s own staff members who approved the flyover that caused fear and panic in the hearts of Manhattan residents, and then Obama is presented as the defender of the people who will “safeguard” them, keeping them from further distress.

    This is not a new tactic of Satan. He uses methods that have proven effectual over thousands of years. He has found it profitable and effectual to present his ministers as saviors to mankind.

    II Corinthians 11:14-15
    For even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness...

    The media and government actions on the current swine flu outbreak follows the pattern revealed in the New York flyover. Following is a link to a rational analysis of this much hyped pandemic.


    I will quote an excerpt from the article here.

    Much Fear Mongering Being Promoted

    I suspect you have likely been alarmed by the media's coverage of the swine flu scare. It has a noticeable subplot - preparing you for draconian measures to combat a future pandemic as well as forcing you to accept the idea of mandatory vaccinations.

    On April 27, Time magazine published an article which discusses how dozens died and hundreds were injured from vaccines as a result of the 1976 swine flu fiasco, when the Ford administration attempted to use the infection of soldiers at Fort Dix as a pretext for a mass vaccination of the entire country.

    Despite acknowledging that the 1976 farce was an example of “how not to handle a flu outbreak”, the article still introduces the notion that officials “may soon have to consider whether to institute draconian measures to combat the disease”.

    Fear has become so widespread that Egypt has ordered the slaughter of the country's 300,000 pigs, even though no cases have been reported there.

    Fortunately some respectable journalists recognize this and are seeking to spread a voice of reason to the fear that is being promoted in the majority of the media.
    [End Excerpt]

    The mention of the Egyptian government giving orders to destroy all pigs in the country leads to another very telling parable. Ninety percent of the population of Egypt is Muslim and does not eat swine. The 300,000 pigs in the country exist to satisfy the appetites of the ten percent of the population who identify themselves as Christian.

    Egypt stands as a symbol of the world. The lost are not pictured as swine, for they do not have the ability to differentiate between the holy and the profane. One must receive the Spirit of Christ to know the things freely given to man by God.

    I Corinthians 2:11-14
    Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.

    It is Christians alone who have the ability to divide between spiritual truth and spiritual error. One must have the Spirit of Christ to have the mind of Christ. Yet a great multitude of Christians, having the ability to discern truth, do not love truth. They are therefore pictured as the swine. They have a split hoof, but fail to chew the cud.

    There is a parable to be discerned in the fact that in Egypt (the world) it is only Christians who are eating swine. This is a parable of the unclean appetites of Christians today. They are consuming many doctrines that do not profit them.

    A year and a half ago when I experienced a heart attack as discipline from the Lord I read several books on a heart healthy diet. A number of these books by the same author said that the very worst food for the heart is pork. The doctor said if he had to pick one food to convince people not to eat it would be pork.

    I have never advocated that Christians subject themselves to the Law of Moses. Believers have received the indwelling Spirit of Christ and are to be led of the Spirit in all things. Yet there is a parable to be observed in understanding that pig meat is bad for the heart. Christians who eat unclean things on a regular basis (I am speaking of spiritual food), will find that their heart is affected. When such behavior is continued despite warning signs being manifested in their bodies, death is often a natural result.

    The Death of Jonathan Edwards

    As I have contemplated the devices of Satan in this hour in seeking to herd undiscerning Christians into the embrace of the Beast system, I have been mindful of the way in which Jonathan Edwards died. Jonathan Edwards was an American Minister who was greatly used of the Lord during the revival known as The Great Awakening. Many Christians recognize him today as the author of the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

    There was much that was admirable in the life of this man, and although I do not agree with all of his theology, I am persuaded that he was a man of great integrity and had a sincere devotion to God. Yet all men must guard against presumption, and I believe it was an act of presumption that precipitated the death of Jonathan Edwards. In this, I see a reflection of the life of King Josiah.

    Josiah was a very godly king. We read the following of him.

    II Kings 22:1-2
    Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem... And he did right in the sight of Yahweh and walked in all the way of his father David, nor did he turn aside to the right or to the left.

    Josiah was greatly blessed by Yahweh because of his obedience and devotion. At the age of forty it was reported to Josiah that the king of Egypt was crossing through his land to wage war with the king of Assyria. Josiah did not seek the mind of Yahweh in this matter, presuming that God would be with him and give him victory if he went out and confronted the king of Egypt. The king of Egypt warned Josiah that it was not Yahweh’s will for him to fight.

    II Chronicles 35:21-24
    [Pharaoh] Neco sent messengers to [Josiah], saying, "What have we to do with each other, O King of Judah? I am not coming against you today but against the house with which I am at war, and God has ordered me to hurry. Stop for your own sake from interfering with God who is with me, that He may not destroy you." However, Josiah would not turn away from him, but disguised himself in order to make war with him; nor did he listen to the words of Neco from the mouth of God, but came to make war on the plain of Megiddo. And the archers shot King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, "Take me away, for I am badly wounded." So his servants took him out of the chariot and carried him in the second chariot which he had, and brought him to Jerusalem where he died...

    The Scriptures declare that Pharaon Neco was speaking the words of God to Josiah, for Josiah was acting in presumption. Josiah had no command from God to fight against Pharaoh. His actions led to his death.

    Jonathan Edwards life was truly remarkable. Although offered many prestigious appointments, he chose to take charge of a relatively obscure church and he also devoted much of his time to the evangelization and protection of native American Indians.

    After several years in outpost work he was asked to serve as president of Princeton University. By this time smallpox was raging up and down the Atlantic seaboard. Some pastors railed against vaccination while others insisted on it. Edwards said nothing, content to "speak" by having himself vaccinated. The mini-dose of the disease proved too much for the man rendered frail through several years' hardship. He died one month after assuming the presidency.
    [Source: http://www.victorshepherd.on.ca/Heritage/newpage129.htm]

    Jonathan Edwards died just a few days after having received an experimental vaccination for smallpox. His death occurred on March 22, 1758. He was 54 years old. I cannot say with certainty, but I have a sense that it was presumption that led to the death of Jonathan Edwards. I first read of the manner in which he died many years ago, and I suspected then that he had no command from the Father to receive this experimental vaccine and this act of presumption proved costly.

    Grace and Judgment

    The Spirit is expressly testifying that it will prove very costly to act apart from His direction in the days which are now upon us. God has called His people to a very narrow walk of being led by the Spirit in all things.

    Romans 8:14
    For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

    Those who depart from this narrow path of being led of the Spirit in all things will find that destruction is not far off. There was another parable in the news recently that a sister in Christ (Kathy Furman) brought my attention to. This was a very short news item from the Associated Press.

    NEW YORK (April 30) - The New York City Fire Department says a five-story building at a construction site in lower Manhattan has collapsed. Fire officials say it appears no one was inside.

    The address is listed as 69 Reade Street, between Broadway and Church streets.

    According to WABC, the building was vacant at the time. Debris spilled onto nearby cars and two neighboring buildings were evacuated.

    No injuries were reported immediately after the collapse, said WABC.
    Copyright 2009 The Associated Press.

    Five is the number of grace, and this event testifies of grace being removed from many in the church who find themselves between the Church and the Broad Way.

    Matthew 7:13-14
    "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.”

    We will find these words of Christ being fulfilled in this hour. Many who have forsaken the narrow way will be given over to judgment and suffer destruction. It is those who have taken up their cross to follow Christ on the narrow path that will be saved. Many who have failed to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires, who have been feeding on detestable things (prosperity doctrines and messages of grace stripped of obedience) will find themselves being herded as swine into the embrace of a beast system. In seeking to save their lives, these ones will lose them. The Beast system they sought for refuge will turn on them and consume them.

    Revelation 17:16-17
    And the beast... will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose...

    Let those with ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is testifying in this hour.

    Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws
    Parables Blog: http://www.parablesblog.blogspot.com

    Mailing Address:
    Joseph Herrin
    P.O. Box 5546
    Macon, GA 31208

    Herding Swine - Part 3

    Posted: 03 May 2009 10:08 AM PDT
    Joseph Herrin (05-03-09)

    When I contemplated camping and catching up on some writing I had no idea the Father would have me write this series titled Herding Swine into the Arms of the Beast System. I had many other things upon my heart to write about, but I have sensed that I must first complete this series of writings as the Spirit has some very important things to declare to His remnant in this hour. Yahweh would have His people to walk in understanding of the days they are living in. The following admonition comes to mind.

    Matthew 10:16-17
    “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men...”

    Some months back a brother sent me a writing that spoke of the way in which wild pigs are trapped. Feed is put out in a certain area in order to establish the habit among the swine of going to the same place to look for food. Then one wall of a pen is constructed. The swine will be suspicious and may not go back for a day or two, but eventually the lure of free food will bring them back. Later the second wall of the pen will be put up, and the process will be repeated until all four walls are constructed with only a gate left open.

    The pigs will eventually begin entering the fully constructed pen, and then when they are all inside the gate will be shut and the wild pigs will then be captive.

    Yahweh teaches us many things through the parables of the beasts He has created. The relationship between God and man is often pictured as that of a Shepherd with His sheep. Sheep willingly follow the voice of THEIR shepherd, and they will not follow the voice of another.

    I remember vividly a testimony of a man who went over to Ireland on a vacation trip. He said he was driving through some very idyllic land and saw a shepherd leading his sheep down to a pool of water to drink. The vacationing man pulled off the road to watch this scene. Soon he saw two other shepherds approaching from different directions, each with their own flock of sheep. This man thought that a great problem was about to occur, for he could just envision the difficulty of having all of these sheep mixed together and then trying to sort them out again.

    Sure enough, all of the sheep did intermingle as they approached the pool to drink. The visitor wondered how they would ever sort things back out. He then observed as each of the shepherds began walking off in different directions and as they did they each began to sing. The sheep knew the voice of their shepherd and they all separated themselves out in a most marvelous fashion and began to follow their shepherd.

    John 10:4-5
    "When he puts forth all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. And a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers."

    Undoubtedly, the Father has so ordered His creation that we might learn many lessons from it. He desires His people to be as sheep who follow a shepherd. Sheep are clean animals, having both a split hoof and chewing the cud. Sheep are non-resistant. They will meekly go to be slaughtered, and this was also the example of Christ. Those who would be Christ’s disciples must manifest the same spirit. They too must offer themselves to God to willingly accept any experience He would choose for them.

    Revelation 14:1-4
    And I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads... And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth... These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb.

    If Christ is pictured as a Lamb upon Mount Zion, then undoubtedly the 144,000 are also viewed as sheep. These will follow the Lamb wherever He goes. The one who offered Himself up as a sacrificial Lamb now serves as the Shepherd of our souls. He will lead His disciples to walk as He walked.

    In contrast, swine are not creatures easily led by the voice of a shepherd. They must be enticed with the promise of food. Swine are creatures that are driven by their appetites, and when enticement will not work, then they may also be driven by things that frighten them.

    In this hour we will see a division being made between those who know the voice of their Shepherd, and those who are being led by their appetites and driven by fears. Christians have the ability to act as either sheep or swine. We all are clothed with sinful flesh that is filled with strong passions and desires. We also have a Spirit that desires only to do the will of the Father.

    Galatians 5:16-17, 24
    But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please... Now those who belong to Christ Yahshua have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

    If we walk by the Spirit we will walk as sheep. If we walk according to the flesh we will walk as swine. If we walk as sheep we will have to contend with the wrath of man and Satan, but if we walk as swine we will have to contend with the wrath of God.

    Matthew 10:28
    “And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

    People of God, suffering is unavoidable in this life. Many who are resisting taking up the cross in this hour will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Because they would not present themselves as a “living sacrifice,” placing their flesh upon the altar for it to be consumed by fiery trials, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire as a mandatory offering.

    There is tremendous grace available for those who will follow the Shepherd of their souls wherever He would lead them. These will also receive reward that is far surpassing anything they will ever suffer in this life.

    Romans 8:18
    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us.

    Swine are driven by fears and led on by appetites. These will be the two great inducements of Satan to corral mankind into the arms of the Beast system in coming days. Many terrors will be manufactured by Satan and man with the intent of driving men into the arms of the Beast system. Enticements will also be laid forth. A promise of food, shelter and safety will lead many to disregard the voice of the Shepherd and to go where He has forbidden them to go.

    Revelation 14:9-10
    “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or upon his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.”

    Is it any wonder that those who experience the wrath of God do so “in the presence of the Lamb”? The Lamb stands as a reproof to their disobedience. Christ did not refuse suffering for the sake of the Father. Those who worship the beast do so in order to avoid temporal suffering. They are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

    Some Christians will say, “I will never worship the beast.” Yet their boasting is as hollow as Peter’s words when He told Yahshua that even if all the other disciples denied Christ that he would not. Worshiping the beast is not what many people assume it to be. It is not bowing before an idol and offering up prayers, incense and praise. All one need do to worship the beast is to obey Satan rather than obey Christ. It all comes down to which voice we will heed.

    Romans 6:16
    Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey...

    Who will be master of your life? Will you be driven by fear and enticed by fleshly appetites, or will you follow the Lamb wherever He would lead you?

    In this final section of this writing I want to share with you those things which are already being set in order by evil men under the dominion of Satan. The walls of the trap are already being constructed. Both fear and enticements are being used to herd swine into the pen. Those with understanding will understand that there is a malevolent mind at work behind these actions. They will be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves.

    In the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency an event occurred that was used to instill tremendous fear in the hearts of the people. This fear led to many actions that were unprecedented in the history of this nation, and many rights were taken away or seriously eroded. This loss of liberty is akin to the construction of one wall of a pen. It prevents people from going in a direction they one were freely able to go. The Patriot Act was the means utilized by the government to exercise much greater oversight and control over the people of the nation.

    Along with the Patriot Act, many other presidential actions took place during George W. Bush’s terms in office to make preparation for a complete wresting away of all liberty from a once free people. I will cite a portion of a previous article I wrote titled The Coming Enslavement of America.

    Removing Constitutional Protection

    Any person who has been watching the trends in the changes made to the constitution and laws of America in recent years should be alarmed. The changes to the bankruptcy laws were only one of many ominous changes. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 was another step toward establishing draconian rule over the citizens of America. This act, which the President assured Americans would never be used against citizens, strips away all constitutional protections from those who are declared to be enemies of the government, or those who aid and abet these enemies in any way.

    The Military Commissions Act of 2006 was passed for the following stated purpose. “To authorize trial by military commission for violations of the law of war, and for other purposes.” The Act uses the term 'unlawful enemy combatant' which it defines as “a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States...” Although the President assured Americans it would never be used against citizens, Congress has since ruled that the measures apply to all who are defined as ‘unlawful enemy combatants,’ and this includes citizens as well as aliens.

    The Military Commissions Act denies the right of habeas corpus to all who are thus designated. This means that a person can be held indefinitely without charges, and without trial. This is currently being done in American military prisons such as the one at Guantanamo where many Iraqis and some foreign nationals have been held for years. Of all those held, some for as long as five years, only a few have received trials. Jose Padilla was an American citizen who was held in this fashion for three years before he was brought to trial. Padilla contends that during this time he was subjected to sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation and stress positions, all of which would never be permitted to occur to an American citizen under imprisonment carried forth with constitutional protections.

    In 2007 the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act included a section titled “Use of Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies.” This act provides for the use of United States Armed Forces to be used on American soil against American citizens. According to Wikipedia, this act declares the following:

    The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any State of the United States the President determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.
    [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act]

    This recent act lays aside the Posse Comitatus Act which forbid the use of the military in actions against U.S. citizens. Posse Comitatus had been the Law in the United States since 1878. Prior to this law change it required an act of Congress in order for such military use, but now this power has been granted to the President.

    Just after the events of 911 (September 11, 2001), the Patriot Act was rushed through Congress. This dramatically eroded the protections of citizens from being spied upon by the U.S. government. In each case, these acts have been rushed through speedily, often without the members of Congress even having taken time to read them. The justification given each time has been that these powers are needed in order for the President to protect American citizens from terrorists. This constant fearmongering has been the ruse utilized to change the laws of the nation in preparation for actions which will be taken in days soon approaching.
    [End Excerpt]

    Like swine, the citizens of America have been driven with fear, and enticed with promises of peace and prosperity, to lead them into the trap which is steadily being constructed around them. In the article Blowing the Trumpet I wrote:

    At this moment there is before the United States Congress the issue of granting the Treasury Department authority to establish control over the entire financial system of America. A bailout approaching a trillion dollars is being discussed and is being hastily rushed through. There is a pattern that is prevalent with those who are seeking power over this world system. They create crises and then propose solutions that bring them closer to their goals.

    The financial destruction of the American economy has been purposely engineered. With each new crisis the powers of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department are increased. The purpose of these events is all about control. If you read the proposals that are set forth before the Congress at this very moment, one cannot escape the fact that absolute control of the nation’s money system is that which is in focus. Section 8 of the proposed legislation titled “Legislative Proposal for Treasury Authority to Purchase Mortgage Related Assets” includes the following words:

    Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

    Wow! Absolute power is being asked for, and all of it is justified under the ruse of averting a complete meltdown of the financial sector that this same agency helped to engineer. This legislation includes the following clause.

    (3) designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Government as may be required of them.

    In one fell swoop, every bank, insurance company, or other institution that the Government relieves of their toxic debt will become an agent of the government.
    [End Excerpt]

    Over and over again we are seeing this pattern played out. Great crises are created and much fear is aroused. Then greater control of all things is given into the hands of the government with the goal in mind that every person might become a willing slave of the world Beast system.

    What we are currently witnessing with all the focus upon an influenza pandemic is part of a plan that has been premeditated and which Satan and his servants have been preparing for. Following are two government documents that detail part of what has been set in place, and which we are now seeing played out at this hour. In August of 2006 President Bush gave instructions to the Department of Defense to create an implementation plan to deal with Pandemic Influenza. The reason given to justify this preparedness was the much hyped Avian Influenza which failed to cause the disastrous results predicted at the time. Yet, it was enough to advance the next step of the plan which was to prepare the military to act as an arm of the President in controlling America’s citizens, and by extension the other nations of the world.

    You can read this government document here:


    Following are a few excerpts from this document:

    Department of Defense Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza

    Planning Assumptions

    International and inter-state transportation will be restricted to contain the spread of the virus.

    Voluntary, community-based measures, such as limiting public gatherings, closing schools, and minimum manning procedures, are most effective to limit exposure to the disease if implemented before or at the onset of the event. Quarantine and other movement restrictions, especially if the restrictions are involuntary, will have minimal effect on the spread of the disease due to a very short incubation period and the ability of asymptomatic individuals to shed the virus...

    Critical Planning Category Alignment with National Strategy Pillars and Priorities

    DoD Category #13: Quarantine Assistance to U.S. Civil Authorities. When directed by the President, DoD may assist U.S. civil authorities responsible for isolating and/or quarantining groups of people in order to minimize the spread of disease during an influenza pandemic. Isolation is a commonly used public health practice for the separation and restriction of movement of ill persons to stop the spread of a contagious illness. People in isolation may be cared for in their homes, in hospitals, or at designated health care facilities. Isolation is primarily used on an individual level, but may be applied to populations. It is often voluntary, but may be mandatory. Quarantine, in contrast, applies to the separation and restriction of movement of well persons presumed to have beenexposed to a contagion. Quarantine may be enacted at a home or other residential facility. It may also be voluntary or mandatory.

    DoD Category #14: Provide Defense Assistance for Civil Disturbances.
    When directed by the President, DoD will provide support to civil authorities in the event of a civil disturbance. DoD will augment civilian law enforcement
    efforts to restore and maintain order in accordance with existing statutes.
    [End Excerpt]

    This document stated that all plans were to be in readiness 18 months from the date of the issuing of this Presidential order. If you read the details of this document you will find that it includes directives to prepare for banning public meetings, for forced quarantines and “social distancing.” These measures will include closing schools, churches, and other social gatherings, and the military was instructed to plan to counter resistance among the people.

    There are also instructions to administer “pre-pandemic vaccinations.” All of these plans have now been fully developed, and only the most naive would consider that the present media and government hype over a possible Swine Flu pandemic has appeared as if by magic at this very hour.

    One year later, in August of 2007, another government document was issued.

    The document can be viewed here:


    Following are some excerpts from this document.


    CONUS installation commanders are authorized, upon the recommendation of the military treatment facility (MTF) commander and/or the Public Health Emergency Officer (PHEO), to implement emergency health powers on their installations in order to protect military and civilian personnel and property (reference k). These powers include restriction of movement and use of containment strategies (isolation, quarantine, social distancing) as well as medical evaluation and treatment.

    Commanders of Reserve component facilities not located on an active military installation are authorized, upon the recommendation of the closest MTF commander or the senior military medical advisor in that geographic region, to implement emergency health powers in their facility in order to protect military personnel and property. These powers include restriction of movement and use of containment strategies as appropriate.

    Installation commanders at OCONUS locations may be restricted in implementation of emergency health powers by host nation law and applicable international agreements...

    North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza

    Executive Summary

    Canada, Mexico and the United States face a growing threat posed by the spread of avian influenza and the potential emergence of a human influenza pandemic. The highly pathogenic (HPAI) H5N1 avian influenza virus, which re-emerged in Asia in late 2003, has already spread to Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Although the virus has not yet reached North America, Canada, Mexico and the United States must be prepared for the day when it— or some other highly contagious virus — does.

    At the March 2006 Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) summit in Cancun, the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States committed to developing a comprehensive, coordinated and science-based North American approach to prepare for and manage avian and pandemic influenza.

    The North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza outlines how Canada, Mexico and the United States intend to work together to combat an outbreak of avian influenza or an influenza pandemic in North America.
    [End Excerpt]

    I will end this portion of the article by speaking of one more part of the fence that has now been mandated. It was one of the very first acts of the 111th Congress. This is the present Congress, and one must wonder why during a time of tremendous financial crisis that the Congress felt it necessary to make this act a priority, spending money that they do not have.

    Following are a few excerpts from this bill.

    111th CONGRESS

    1st Session

    H. R. 645

    To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations.


    January 22, 2009


    This Act may be cited as the `National Emergency Centers Establishment Act'.


    (a) In General- In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations.

    (b) Purpose of National Emergency Centers- The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure--

    (1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;

    (2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;

    (3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and

    (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.


    (a) In General- Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall designate not fewer than 6 military installations as sites for the establishment of national emergency centers.

    (b) Minimum Requirements- A site designated as a national emergency center shall be--

    (1) capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster...

    (3) capable of being scaled up or down to accommodate major disaster preparedness and response drills, operations, and procedures...

    (d) Preference for Designation of Closed Military Installations- Wherever possible, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall designate a closed military installation as a site for a national emergency center. If the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Defense jointly determine that there is not a sufficient number of closed military installations that meet the requirements of subsections (b) and (c), the Secretaries shall jointly designate portions of existing military installations other than closed military installations as national emergency centers...


    There is authorized to be appropriated $180,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010 to carry out this Act. Such funds shall remain available until expended.
    [End Excerpt]

    The pen has been constructed. Fear and enticements will be used to herd mankind into the arms of the Beast system. Those who do not willingly embrace the Beast system will be placed in holding pens that are being fast-tracked by the government.

    We are instructed to be wise as serpents, for it is serpents we must deal with. Yet behind all is the hand of God. He will use these very troublesome days to separate unto Himself a remnant who will follow Him wherever He leads. They will cast all over into His care, and will be content with whatever He chooses for them.

    We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, and any Christian who is contemplating armed resistance has failed to understand that it is Yahweh who has given this nation and the church in it into the hands of evil men who are workers of evil. The government, as evil as it is, is acting as Yahweh’s hand of discipline upon His people. The beast will turn on the harlot church system and consume her flesh. This is necessary.

    Revelation 17:16-17
    “And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose...”

    Those who have wisdom have already heeded the call to come out of the harlot church system, and have begun to follow the Lamb wherever He would lead them. Many have already been walking in wilderness places, and many more are to follow in coming days.

    I highly recommend to you an audio message by Nathan Leal. It is excellent, and I sense the presence of the Spirit in what is spoken. It speaks of the Swine Flu and is a message for this hour.


    May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

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    Joseph Herrin
    P.O. Box 5546
    Macon, GA 31208

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