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    Musical Braiwnashing

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on July 11, 2009 at 7:42am
    in Music

    by Leo

    Call me crazy but I think music in general serves a purpose other then we've been led to believe. A society that is constantly deluged with "tunes" whether in the car, donut shop, mall, gas station or work, is a society unable to hear the voice of God. We read in the Bible "be still and know that I am God".How on earth are we to commune with our creator when we're humming tunes all day because they've been subtlely implanted into our consciousness.

    I became aware of this a while back when in a donut shop trying to think while sipping my coffee, all I could do was hum along to whatever was playing on their sound system. Our controllers are producing a society of robots who have a continuously running soundtrack playing in our heads.

    Who benefits from this? Certainly not us. Our communication system to God has been jammed and most people haven't got a clue. It's an addiction so evil, that people are unable to tolerate silence. Once in the car, they must turn on the radio. As soon as they arrive home the T.V. or radio must be activated as background noise. Even cottagers must bring all the comforts of the city (TV, stereo etc) to their home away from home lest they be without their "fix".

    A society unconscious and unaware is of course easy to control. I could go on but I won't. Lets tell people to turn off the "tunes" and turn up the volume on God.


    by Herb

    The alcoholic says �I don�t have a drinking problem�. Pop music must be as addictive as any other narcotic.

    Back in 1989 Joe Schimmel [maker of "sold their soul"]came to my church with his record collection and slide show and pretty much settled the question on what the sexual revolution was all about. I remember the same reactions that are in many of your reader comments. Is this why we cannot break free from our illuminated keepers? They have given us a drug, and we cannot see that it has hooked so many who cannot break free.

    One comment goes back to rock and roll bands of the seventies saying Boston or ELO were not satanic. So were they promoting anything useful? Since the music industry�s target audience is youth, I think it is worth questioning the purpose of rock music and what ever other forms it has taken with so called genre. How many lives have been trashed by this assault on youth? They are hooked on mindlessness for life, and I�d bet none of these defenders of rock are under 40.

    Sound Christians over the last fifty years have rejected rock for what it is � a demonic assault on youth. So now it is in the churches too. Are these the same mindless churches that ardently support a war based on lies and call Bush a born again Christian? Is this the �great apostasy�?

    Lucifer is the deceiver and the Bible says he was created a musical being too


    by Richard

    Where to begin? Your post tells the truth about something that even a lot of hard rock fans know, but prefer to suppress at times. I still like to listen to Hendrix now and then but, after reading a biography of his childhood abandonment by a wayward mom and dad who left him and his brother as virtual orphans, taken into the homes of neighbors and near strangers, I do so with a heightened awareness of the pain and history of child exploitation that underlies his music. He was confused at best, but still a believer in God, however with syncretic pagan elements like voodoo having crept in. Hendrix was never an overt satanist like Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, who went so far as to buy Aleister Crowley's house, or other avowed satanists like Courtney Love, Eminem, et al.

    Even Bono of U2 has proclaimed his allegiance to darkness. That's really no surprise, given the Davos and D.C. crowds he hangs out with. Bono has dressed up on stage many times as satan in drag, wearing heavy makeup and sporting red lame' horns, calling himself MacPhisto. You can figure out some of the allusions of that name.

    Back in 1998 I saw an MTV interview with Marilyn Manson. In my work in a number of public school systems I had noticed that a lot of kids with indications or known histories of abuse, especially sexual abuse, were big fans of Marilyn Manson. I had always reasoned that the singer must have been such a victim himself. In the 1998 MTV interview he revealed that around the age of 9, I think, he was sexually molested over a period of months by a man who lived next door, who threatened to kill his dog if he told anyone. This certain sheds additional light on Manson's antics and stage persona.

    I think it is important to note the fact that a history of sexual abuse as children underlies for many people their predilection for the more extreme forms of satanic music and performance art. Given that in the U.S. the statistics indicate that at least one fourth of girls and one fifth of boys (higher epidemiological estimates run to one third and one fourth, respectively) are victims at least once in their lives of some form of unwanted (and always inappropriate and morally wrong) sexual activity by adults, the interest in such entertainment follows. And vice versa, ie. such entertainment softens kids up for exploitation on many levels.

    This constitutes a plague. And it is one which is both fed by, and which feeds, the array of satanic elements in music, culture, and the pederast power culture and occult structure of the elite, ad nauseum.

    Islam has a history of keeping a weather eye out for the unsalutary effects of much music. Some branches of Islam hold all music to be potentially evil in effects, as do some branches of Christianity, whereas the various muslim Sufi sects use music as a form of praising God and drawing nearer in one's heart to the divine presence.

    You have illuminated (I would like to re-take that verb for benevolent use again) a terribly important aspect of our culture, and by allusion, also shed light on a much deeper aspect of human culture, the power of music, and its potential range of effects from demonic to divine.

    My wife and I always appreciate your yeoman's efforts. If it weren't for a very few individuals such as you, the web would be a near total wasteland as far as insight into the forces that are moving our world is concerned.

    Daniel said (October 30, 2006):

    First of all I am a 44 year old musician, have played bass for 30 years, and my favorite type of music is heavy metal. So I feel I have a pretty good perspective. Do I think you're right, oh ya. Do I feel that the Illuminati uses music to infiltrate the minds of its' listeners, oh ya, no doubt about it. When one simply stands back, and thinks for a moment it is
    easy to understand why and how.

    If I were to try and find a way to corrupt the minds of youth, I would attempt to find something that is popular, something that relates to the struggles of youth, something that is repetative, and something highly
    symbolic. Ah Ha... music. One common thread of todays youth is music. When I was young, no one
    carried around music, till the walkman, and now music is everywhere. I see kids with MP3 players everywhere, being used even at times when their activities conflict with music.

    Music is now a very very powerful medium.
    For kids today music is like breathing, how conveiniant.

    Combining this with the turmoil of youth, is like adding gasoline to the fire. When I was young, rebellious, full of frustration and
    anger, music became a friend, an ally if you will, in my daily struggle against the institution. There was a bond, and i'm sure every kid knows of what I speak. One felt as if the music and lyrics were almost an entity
    that knew how you felt and could relate to your struggle.

    I remember a thousand favorite songs i've had over the years, never stopping to wonder how is it I can remember those songs to this day. I can
    recite the lyrics, and hum the melody, even though at times never prompted,they just appear with the memory of a favorite moment. If only my ability to recall my chemistry and physics had been that easy. Then again, if I had
    recorded my chemistry and physics and listened to them over and over and over, it might have yielded the same result. Yet another key component in mind control ...repetition.

    The final key in my theory is symbolism. We see it everywhere, on everything. Music is the perfect venue for symbolism. We see the hand
    signs, we see the band logos, we see the fashion, we see the lifestyle, we
    see the videos, we see the reality tv, everywhere music is, you find
    symbolism. It becomes part of who you are. Better yet we ourselves become symbols.
    These to me are the keys to how music is used as a form of mind control.

    People do not understand mind control, but they need to find out. Henry, until I started to research the Illuminati/New World Order and the ominous machine that it is, I had never ever even thought of mind control. Upon my research into this topic I quickly became confronted with two themes, mind control and satanism . People do not know who the Illuminati are, and they
    have no knowledge of mind control and, until they do, people cannot see how music can and is being used to change societies norm and therefore in the end have them participating in satanism.

    Prior to my awakening I was one of those people who coveted music without any knowledge of it's use by satanists/Illuminati/New World Order to further there mission. I believe that until people understand that there is angenda
    to use music maliciously, and combine it with mind control techniques,people will always react in the typical way, denial. They do not want to
    admit they have been had, I didn't, still don't, but it is a fact I can't deny anymore.

    For those who feel Henry is saying every band, every group is satanic,read his article again. Henry is not that dumb, trust me. What he is saying is satanists are using music to the demise of us all, it is rampant, and it
    is being used as part of a large mind contolling agenda.

    Whether you want to admit how much you participate is up for debate, but
    not whether it is taking place. Do the research, I have, I don't like to admit it, but they fooled me for many years. Sometimes it is worth being wrong.

    Thanks Henry, again for enlightening us through your words and perspectives, and encouraging us to THINK.


    by Sarah

    Back in 1990, I attended a lecture at my local Seventh Day Adventist church given by Louis Torrez, yes, that Louis Torrez (base player for Bill Haley and the Comets). laying before us his life's history, the path of his youth which led to his involvement in - dare I say, virtual creation of rock 'n' roll music, his experiences in the band and so on, he fervently, almost pleadingly informed us of how the very structure and rhythms of the music itself can directly stimulate the 'carnal appetites' - principally the back-beat, on the second and fourth beats of a bar, rather than first and third.

    Furthermore, the life of drug-induced debauchery they lived was not glossed over either. Still a brilliantly talented musician, he and his wife (a prominent US concert violinist) have dedicated their lives to preaching the truth as to the demonic , satanic foundations and nature of r&r. Tragically (myself at that time falling into this category) many from amongst Christian ranks dismissed presentations like these as nothing more than over-zealous 'kill-joying' designed to rob life of any vestige of fun. how wrong we were. As if this were not bad enough, Christianity, in a desperate attempt to drop down to the world's level, has embraced Rock holus bolus in its disgraceful drive to try and win and hold onto its youth. nearly 60 years on, rock seems to have dislodged everything else in its wake - the timeless musical classics both contemporary and historical which so beautifully elevate the listener heavenward, providing inspiration to strive and seek refuge above are not merely sidelined but deliberately portrayed, in my belief, as toffy', snobbish' and inaccessible to the young (and not so young).


    by Dan

    I've got to really write my 90's experiences out sometime. I lived in Austin, which I know now is a youth 'experiment zone', a test center,
    for this level of social engineering. It has a music industry--all the big musicians have links there, mostly under the radar.

    It also is a center for Satanic cult indoctrination, which I discovered
    by 1991 was operated by none other than US Army psywar guru Col Michael Acquino. Aside for the visible Temple of Set connection there, Austin
    is headquarters for the Southwest US zone of the Ordo Templi Orientis,through the 'Scarlet Woman' Lodge. These were both out in the open
    during the 90's, actively recruiting at UT, and aiming at med students,law students, as well as lawyers and medical people already in practice.

    The music industry is, as Svali said, an arm of recruitment for the Satanic satraps of the Illuminati. They condition the kids for Satanism.

    I could write a book on this.

    I do not know what the influences are in this decade, though. The US has been in a period of fear, and my take on it is that they switched
    emphasis to death rock groups like Pantera and to gangster rap by the late 90's because those are militaristic--in a Hitlerian, brownshirt
    sense. Aimed to direct poor male frustration and confusion into an urge to kill and to be part of a heirarchy of killers. Perfect for recruiting soldiers for the 'war on terror'.

    In the seamy, Hyronimus Bosch world of teen music, females are objects for sexual use, degradation and sacrifice to Satan. Males are serial killers in a world of might justifies all.

    Pretty picture. It makes no sense to us non-psychotic folks, but it's got a goal. They're conditioning the next generations for being a
    'horde' that can be used in the 100 years wars they plan. Which isn't the end result. What they want is a public they can use for killing a
    lot of people off, leaving a human race that's a blank slate. Then they'll mold their 'new man' for their 'new age'.A completely compliant slave.


    by David Livingstone

    Looking at Manson's picture, I realize that he is not the evil we should be worried about, but just another misguided kid, like so many
    living in America.

    I was looking at Vloggies, which is an award for best vlogs, and at the top of the list is Living in Baghdad, which is real Iraqis
    telling their miserable stories.
    Everyone after that, on the other hand, are just the opposite. And they are all the same. I just fluffy reflections and attempts at
    mild humor on nothing in particular. The amazing thing is that the latter represent the mental state of Americans, while the Iraqi vlog
    represents an attempt to wake them from that very sleep.

    It is amazing how unconcerned Americans in general are.

    And that is the heart of the problem, and the real aim of the Rock n Roll mind control program.

    We have to remember that what we are witnessing is an agenda that has been under way since the successful coup d'etat of the Illuminati in
    1776. Ever since, their primary aim has been to discredit Christianity, and by that, all God-centered religions.

    First, they managed to convince that the Church was a corrupt organization committed only to its own power. The myth of evolution and of progress was further mobilized to discredit religion as well.

    But their fiercest blow was in suggesting that religious values are too strict, or even counter to our nature. This is the very basis of Gnosticism, that God is an oppressive god, and that he has imposed laws upon us that are natural. So Satanists instead teach indulgence.

    This is a clever diversion from the truth of the message of Christianity, and in fact of Judaism and Christianity as well. Because did not teach us that we should be "ashamed" of our bodies,
    but that we should "have shame", that is, show a little self-respect.

    But sex is not the big issue in Christianity as it has been made out to be. Rather, Jesus' central message was to "love one's
    neighbour". Self-restraint is an important matter, but not the core issue.

    The ultimate examples of this kind of prejudice against Christianity, and the supposed prudishness of conventional values, are the overly-preachy and self-righteous efforts of shows like South Park and the Family Guy. And Marilyn Manson is just another symptom of this
    ignorance, or shall we say arrogange.

    And so, through this ruse of criticizing Christianity's take on sexuality, the Illuminati have succeeded in distracting the masses
    from the central issue. And I think that is how you can explain America's complete lack of concern for the plight of so many of
    humanity, as exemplified by the shallowness of a new legion of vloggers.


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