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    Tamiflu anti-viral drug revealed as complete hoax; Roche studies based on scientific fraud

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on December 14, 2009 at 3:25am
    in Is That Kosher? Health and Wellness

    (NaturalNews) When it comes to selling chemicals that claim to treat H1N1 swine flu, the pharmaceutical industry's options are limited to two: Vaccines and anti-virals. The most popular anti-viral, by far, is Tamiflu, a drug that's actually derived from a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called star anise.

    But Tamiflu is no herb. It's a potentially fatal concentration of isolated chemical components that have essentially been bio-pirated from Chinese medicine. And when you isolate and concentrate specific chemicals in these herbs, you lose the value (and safety) of full-spectrum herbal medicine.

    That didn't stop Tamiflu's maker, Roche, from trying to find a multi-billion-dollar market for its drug. In order to tap into that market, however, Roche needed to drum up some evidence that Tamiflu was both safe and effective.

    Roche engages in science fraud

    Roche claims there are ten studies providing Tamiflu is both safe and effective. According to the company, Tamiflu has all sorts of benefits, including a 61% reduction in hospital admissions by people who catch the flu and then get put on Tamiflu.

    The problem with these claims is that they aren't true. They were simply invented by Roche.

    A groundbreaking article recently published in the British Medical Journal accuses Roche of misleading governments and physicians over the benefits of Tamiflu. Out of the ten studies cited by Roche, it turns out, only two were ever published in science journals. And where is the original data from those two studies? Lost.

    The data has disappeared. Files were discarded. The researcher of one study says he never even saw the data. Roche took care of all that, he explains.

    So the Cochrane Collaboration, tasked with reviewing the data behind Tamiflu, decided to investigate. After repeated requests to Roche for the original study data, they remained stonewalled. The only complete data set they received was from an unpublished study of 1,447 adults which showed that Tamiflu was no better than placebo. Data from the studies that claimed Tamiflu was effective was apparently lost forever.

    As The Atlantic reports, that's when former employees of Adis International (essentially a Big Pharma P.R. company) shocked the medical world by announcing they had been hired to ghost-write the studies for Roche.

    It gets even better: These researchers were told what to write by Roche!

    As one of these ghostwriters told the British Medical Journal:

    "The Tamiflu accounts had a list of key messages that you had to get in. It was run by the [Roche] marketing department and you were answerable to them. In the introduction ...I had to say what a big problem influenza is. I'd also have to come to the conclusion that Tamiflu was the answer."

    In other words, the Roche marketing department ran the science and told researchers what conclusions to draw from the clinical trials. Researchers hired to conduct the science were controlled by the marketing puppeteers. No matter what they found in the science, they had already been directed to reach to conclusion that "Tamiflu was the answer."

    Now, I don't know about you, but where I come from, we call this "science fraud." And as numerous NaturalNews investigations have revealed, this appears to be the status quo in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Virtually none of the "science" conducted by drug companies can be trusted at all because it really isn't science in the first place. It's just propaganda being dressed up to look like science.

    Sadly, even the CDC has been fooled by this clinical trial con. As stated by author Shannon Brownlee in The Atlantic:

    "...the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention appears to be operating in some alternative universe, where valid science no longer matters to public policy. The agency's flu recommendations are in lockstep with Roche's claims that the drug can be life-saving -- despite the FDA's findings and despite the lack of studies to prove such a claim. What's more, neither the CDC nor the FDA has demanded the types of scientific studies that could definitively determine whether or not the company's claims are true: that Tamiflu reduces the risk of serious complications and saves lives. Nancy Cox, who heads the CDC's flu program, told us earlier this year she opposes a placebo-controlled study (in which one half of patients would be given Tamiflu and the other half would be given placebo), because the drug's benefits are already proven."

    Did you catch that last line? The CDC isn't interested in testing Tamiflu because "the drug's benefits are already proven." Except they aren't. But this is how the pharmaceutical industry operates:

    Step 1) Fabricate evidence that your drug works.
    Step 2) Use that fraudulent evidence to get your drug approved.
    Step 3) Use fear to create consumer demand for your drug (and encourage governments to stockpile it).
    Step 4) Avoid any actual scientific testing by claiming the drug has already been proven to work (and cite your original fraudulent studies to back you up).

    This is the recipe the CDC is following right now with Tamiflu. It's a recipe of scientific stupidity and circular logic, of course, but that seems to be strangely common in the medical community these days.

    Even the FDA says Tamiflu doesn't work

    The FDA, remarkably, hasn't entirely given in to the Tamiflu hoax. They required Roche to print the following disclaimer on Tamiflu lables -- a disclaimer that openly admits the drug has never been proven to work:

    "Tamiflu has not been proven to have a positive impact on the potential consequences (such as hospitalizations, mortality, or economic impact) of seasonal, avian, or pandemic influenza."

    Even further, an FDA spokesperson told the British Medical Journal, "The clinical trials... failed to demonstrate any significant difference in rates of hospitalization, complications, or mortality in patients receiving either Tamiflu or placebo."

    It's the same message over and over again, like a broken record: Tamiflu doesn't work. And the "science" that says Tamiflu does work was all apparently fabricated from the start.

    The Tamiflu stockpiling scandal

    Junk science, though, is good enough for the U.S. government. Based on little more than fabricated evidence and Big Pharma propaganda, the U.S. government has spent $1.5 billion stockpiling Tamiflu. This turned out to be a great deal for Roche, but a poor investment for U.S. citizens who ended up spending huge dollars for a medicine that doesn't work.

    As is stated in the Atlantic:

    "Governments, public health agencies, and international bodies such as the World Health Organization, have all based their decisions to recommend and stockpile Tamiflu on studies that had seemed independent, but had in fact been funded by the company and were authored almost entirely by Roche employees or paid academic consultants."

    Even if Tamiflu did work, there are Tamiflu-resistant strains of H1N1 are now circulating (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ca...).

    The upshot of all this is that governments around the world are flushing billions of dollars down the drain stockpiling a drug that doesn't work -- a drug promoted via propaganda and scientific fraud.

    This isn't the first time your government has wasted taxpayer dollars, of course (it seems to be what the U.S. government does best), but this example is especially concerning given that this was all done with the excuse that natural remedies are useless and only vaccines and Tamiflu can protect you from a viral pandemic.

    But as it turns out, vaccines and Tamiflu are useless and only natural remedies really work. That's why so many informed people around the world have been stocking up on vitamin D, garlic, anti-viral tinctures and superfoods to protect themselves from a potential pandemic that most world governments remain clueless to prevent.

    I find it fascinating that the governments of the world are stockpiling medicines that DON'T work, while the natural health people of the world are stockpiling natural remedies that DO work. If a real pandemic ever strikes our world, there's no question who the survivors will be (hint: it won't be the clueless chaps standing in line waiting for their Tamiflu pills...).

    Which remedies really do work to boost immune function and protect the body from infectious disease? I've actually published a special report revealing my top five recommended remedies: http://www.naturalnews.com/Report_A...

    In addition to the remedies mentioned in that report, I also recommend high-dose vitamin D as well as the Viral Defense product from www.PlantCures.com

    I have no financial ties to any of the companies whose products are recommended here, by the way. Unlike the pharmaceutical industry, I don't operate purely for profit. My job is to get valuable information out to the People -- information that can help save lives and reduce suffering. This is the job the FDA and CDC should be doing but have long since abandoned in their betrayal of the American people.

    Sources for this story include:



    From some of the forums & news I've seen since this stuff came out there have been many deaths from its use especially in children. But of course most of this has not even touched mainstream news.

    Just like the vaccine deaths and injuries of the brain and health of everyone who takes one. There is a good neuro-scientist in Canada who put out some videos on the damages that vaccines cause to the brain and he shows that there is brain damage in Every One who has ever taken a vaccine. (I'll go through my saved links and see if I can find them.) Taking vaccines are just like playing Russian roulette where the brain damage and symptoms of it all lie in which part of the brain that gets damaged. Mostly showing up in the face where tiny parts of nerves have been paralyzed. But where sensitive parts of the brain have been damaged result in many of the other diseases of Gullian-Barre(sp), SIDS, memory loss, and others. Also, depending upon the ability of the poision to enter cellular structures and cause damage result in all other diseases associated to vaccines, Immune Deficency, Cancer, Fatigue Syndrome, (microplasma infection), arthritis, on and on... Seems like many of the worst cases making the news are in atheletes or someone active who may have been overly fatigued from hard exercise that may have caused the poison to circulate deeper into the body causing worse damage, just a casual observation. But these things affect everyone who un-knowlingly goes along with Babylon. Amazing we were told to come out of her so we would not partake in her plagues and that is so simple as to quit trusting her and to become our own person to listen only to our Messiah who is our shepherd speaking gently and kindly to keep us from these things.

    My last vaccine around 1988/9 was from a Hep C scare and was the worst thing I've ever done, back in those days of youth and ignorance... It ruined my health for several years and I've never regained the full energy I used to have before that. When I took the shot, it hit my body so hard I fainted and the nurses had to sit me down for a while. Days after I lost my energy and had to struggle to keep going. I started having severe liver pain and other internal symptoms. In one episode I had to be rushed to the emergency room where the doctors thought I was having a heart attack but would not listen to me explain that the pain was in my liver/lower area. Knowing that the medical path of doctors would be a crazy path of money and dead ends, I decided to find a solution on my own. That took several years but thankfully we had the Internet. In all I was able to wipe out the problems using a special kind of Olive Leaf extract unlike most that was 'charged' to be able to enter the blood stream, collodial silver, and other things we are given of our Father that are from the herbs and seeds of the fruit he put here for our healing. And just like the scripture states the serpent has not prevailed that we may have unknowlingly or unwisely taken up nor having eaten deadly poision has it taken it's toll! For many years after that I got into study of herbs, natural cures, natruopathic medicine, and it has paid off in many ways, keeping my family healthy and away from the money train of the medical community.

    Those serpents of the Dust do exist and were caused to Eat Dust, our Body, just as our Father has said. And we look forward to that day when Death is finally put to rest and we are no longer facing that curse. But we in our Messiah have already overcome! Just the passing of it is left and we who keep the sayings of our Yahushua will not see that Death that He has overcome for us. Shalom.

    Thanks for sharing that - and the links would be very welcome if you ever find them. I have been a scientist and teacher all my life and was kept in the dark about these things - I think I would have taught biology differently if I had known the facts.

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