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    The Jezebel Spirit

    Posted by Lev/Christopher on November 18, 2009 at 7:27am
    in Deliverance, Psychiatry & Demonic Oppression

    One of the members in ME has requested some information on the spirit of Jezebel. I hope the following help.

    D4. Jezebel: The End Time
    Queen of Heaven Demoness

    Part 1

    No study of demons is complete without a thorough examination of Jezebel. This demoness, who is mentioned more than any other in the New Testament, controls modern society. Indeed, I have never met a living soul who was not under her influence at some time of their life, including believers.

    As a Bible-believing Christian you are bound to have heard Jezebel mentioned at some time, and usually in connection with feminism and the attempt by women to dominate men. And this is most definitely one of her chief hallmarks for one of her rôles is to overturn male headship (especially in marriage) and to establish matriarchy. Religions that specifically promote her (though mostly using different names) such as Wicca extoll the 'goddess', 'Maia' and so on, and present her as a benevolent mother earth-spirit and as the 'original' deity that pre-existed the biblical God. But Jezebel is far more than an anti-patriarchal demon as we shall see. The entire spirit of this current depraved 'age' is under her invisible government.

    Jezebel (in the Hebrew, Izevel) is one of the most carefully concealed demonic powers there is, and one of Satan's Ace cards. She cannot be discerned except by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) because her enchantment over the carnal nature or flesh is total. She cannot be seen until the flesh has been conquered by the Ruach (Spirit). Moreoever, this conquest is not automatic - you can't discern the spirit of Jezebel simply because you have 'accepted Christ' or been 'born again' - the spirit of Jezebel is the very root of the carnal nature and will remain invisible until she is dug up from the human psyche and exposed to the rays of the sun of righteousness (Mal.4:2). And that is why the evil world system is moving forwards at such a rapid pace - even Christians interceding as prayer warriors against her are, often without realising it, cooperating with her. Jezebel not only controls the psychic 'atmosphere' in which we all operate whilst awake but controls the dream state of those who have not uprooted the carnal nature too. Millions of Bible-believing Christians are having dreams whilst they are asleep, and 'spiritual impressions' and 'inspiration' while they are awake, which they believe is the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) but which, in fact, is demonic ... the power of Jezebel. It is for this reason that so many believers will be swept away by the end-time delusion and fall for the deceptions of the end-time Antichrist when he publically manifests himself ... until he reaveals his true colours and they can see the grizzly evidence of his satanic origin for themselves. By that time, however, it will be too late - they will already have received the Mark of the Beast (Rev.19:20-21). It should be obvious, then - if what I am saying is true (which I of course firmly maintain that it is) - that exposing the spirit of Jezebel is a major priority for deliverance ministers.

    The Biblical Jezebels
    Historically, as most Bible students know, there were two Jezebels. The first one was the pagan queen of apostate Israelite King Ahab who supported and promoted idolatry in the Kingdom and who came dangerously close to eliminating the true worship of Yahweh (1 Ki.16:30-33; 18:4; 22:2; 2 Ki.9:22). The queen demoness who ruled Queen Jezebel back then is now accomplishing on a global scale what she accomplished two and a half millennia ago in the northern Kingdom of Israel. If you want to know what the spiritual condition of our age is, just go back and read the accounts of this wicked queen. There were then, as there are now, only a handful of true worshippers of Yahweh. The vast bulk of the population were either raw pagans or had compromised true worship with the worship of idols - they were religious syncretists. They would have used the Name of God (Yahweh), participated in the rituals of the Mosaic Law (to varying degrees), but at the same time included the worship of pagan deities alongside Yahweh. They would, in short, have imitated the foolish ways of 'wise' King Solomon who, by gradual steps under the influence of foreign pagan wives which Torah had forbidden him to marry because of this very danger, became more and more of a pagan (1 Ki.11:1-11). How could it have happened to so blessed and wise a king, who built the most magificient temple ever which Yahweh graced with such power as has never been seen since? Though the later Queen Jezebel will give us some more concrete information about the demoness of the same name, we will begin with Solomon because his life shows us the gradual way in which most foolish people slip into apostacy.

    Israel was, and is, and is always supposed to be, a 'holy', 'set apart' or 'separate' nation (Ex.19:5-6; 1 Pet.2:9). When the Bible admonishes us to be holy, it means to be separated and distinct from the surrounding pagan culture. Our homes are supposed to be miniature temples where no unclean thing can enter. These temples are, of course, more than our homes - they are our very bodies, which we are told are the "temple of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit)" (1 Cor.6:19). Anyone who is not treating their bodies and homes as temples of Yahweh is under the influence of the demoness Jezebel.

    Solomon's fall occurred, as we know, through women. The spirit of Jezebel is a female demon or demoness (the parallel male spirit of Ahab we shall speak of another time). In saying this, I am not singling out the women for 'special blame' for sin - sin is endemic in both genders, though each gender does tend to sin and get demonised in slightly different ways. Adam and Eve were both as guilty of sin as each other, as are our modern men and women. And the spirit of Jezebel (like the spirit of Ahab) oppresses and possesses both men and women alike. For political reasons (in other words, trusting in politics more than Yahweh), Solomon married foreign wives so that he would have peace on his frontiers and gain trade advantages. And this is how sin and demonisation always start - we make an unequal peace with our enemies either because we fear them or because we want to control them. Remember Jacob, and how he tried to bribe Esau with gifts when he returned home to Canaan, so that his cheated brother would not kill him? We likewise send presents to our flesh nature to appease it (Gen.33). The only godly fear, however, is of Yahweh (Ps.111:10; Prov.1:7; Mic.6:9; Is.11:2-3), and the only way to control your enemies is by allowing Yahweh to control you. Any other method will open the door to sin and demonic influence in your life. Our part is simply to fear Yahweh (and no one else) and to yield complete control of our lives to Yahweh through His Son Yah'shua (Jesus). It sounds so simple, doesn't it? But the truth is, in order to do this, you must wage relentless war against the flesh until you have overcome it. In short, you must become an overcomer.

    Solomon's great weakness was women. Though Torah permitted him to have several wives, it was clearly stated that they must be virgins, of the covenant, and not in large numbers (Lev.21:14; Dt.17:14-17). Power turned Solomon's head. He realised that with his wealth and power, he could have all the women he wanted. And so he helped himself, just as the fallen Watcher Angels did in the days of Noah, coming to earth and helping themselves to the daughters of men with whom they destyoyed the gene pool by internarrying with them, and created a race of giants or nephilim, provoking Yahweh to destroy the entire corrupted world by water (Gen.6:4; Num.13:33). And you will remember, that the Saviour said that when He returned, the earth would be exactly as it was in the days of Noah (Mt.24:37; Lk.17:26; 1 Pet.3:20).

    The fall of Solomon began when he started ignoring some of the 'less important' (so-called) commandments of Yahweh, thinking that he was somehow 'above' them or that they were 'not applicable' to him. This kind of carnal rationalisting is how all sin begins. Yah'shua (Jesus) said the very opposite - He said, in no uncertain terms, that those who break the least of the commandments, and teach others to do the same, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt.5:19). Find me a church or a community of believers who have decided to 'leave out' some of the commandments and I will show you the spirit of Jezebel at work. Show me a church which rejects any part of the Bible and I will show you Jezebel in action. Indeed, I know of one church which only accepts the Book of Acts! Their doctrine is so off the mark it's a wonder their church can be called Christian anymore! And what is their excuse? "We have the Spirit and so we don't need the Word any more!" Such thinking, to greater or lesser degrees, is the plague of contemporary evangelical Christianity. It's chief weakness is that it's doctrine rests on a HUGE assumption - the assumption that they have the fullness of everything and are in no need of being taught anymore (Jer.31:33-34 - read this carefully). They will likely tell you that they are not sinning anymore and that they are walking in the very presence of God. The trouble is, if any of our actions contradict the moral, ethical, behavioural, or spiritual standards of Yahweh as revealed in the Word, it is evidence that we are sinning. And if we are sinning, then obviously the fullness of the Ruach (Spirit) is not in us. And if that is true, and we are believing in our minds that we have the 'fullness', then what, in fact, do we 'have´? If you haven't already guessed, then you need to read on further.

    Solomon's weakness was women. He knew what Torah taught but chose to go 'beyond' it. The weakness of men in all dispensations (and let's be completely honest here) is sex. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with sex, because Yahweh made it and proclaimed it to be 'good' - within marriage and provided certain regulations about sexual cleanliness are also observed (like not having intercourse during a woman's menstruation - Lev.15:19-24). This is a large subject and beyond the scope of this essay - however, if you make a careful study of sex in the Bible you will discover that there are both clean and unclean practices even within marriage. And please bear this in mind: every time you disobey a commandment, you give one or more demons legal right to oppress you. And if you sin in the matter of important doctrinal areas, that touch on salvation, then those same demons will deceive you into following a false spirit too. Obviously, then, we cannot be too careful about doing things Yahweh's way.

    The trouble is, most modern Christians don't want to hear these things. Solomon didn't want to hear either. He wanted his women. So he got them and Yahweh gave him over to a strong delusion (2 Thes.2.11). When believers and unbelievers alike consciously reject them, He allows their hearts to be hardened and gives them over to "strong delusion". The key to the exposure and conquest of the spirit of Jezebel (and in principle all demons) is a choice to (a) trust in the blood of Yah'shua (Jesus) for salvation, and (b) obedience to all the commandments of Yahweh in the Bible (e.g. Rev.12:17). This, I have found, always determines whether deliverance ministry will be successful or not. I have helped many people be quit of demons by persuading them to trust in the Name and Blood of Yah'shua (Jesus) but have come up across a wall of resistance to having the other demons thrown out because they won't obey the commandments - they have swallowed one of Jezebel's lies that the commandments don't matter any more because they're just 'religion' (how that buzz word has been used to justify all manner of sinning by Christians! - and in case you have been swallowed by the 'religion' lie of Jezebel, check out what the Bible says about the two types of religion in James 1:26-27).

    You all know that demonisation takes place when we believe in lies. Any lie acts as a magnet for demonic oppression. The more lies you believe, the greater the oppression until it becomes (if taken to the limit) possession. Small lies do matter in the end. Anything that would allow a demon residence rights in your body matters because that demon is a wall between you and Yahweh to some degree or another; and one 'little' demon may tell you a 'little' lie that will put you in a highly dangerous situation because you were listening to its voice instead of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit).

    Solomon had suffient wealth and power to have all the women he wanted. With the advent of cheap and even free porn on the internet, and national laws that have totally redefined or indeed eliminated adultery altogether as a criminal offence, men and women can pretty much do as they please these days. They can have as many partners as they want and not have to look over their shoulders at people holding them accountable to Yahweh's laws. So it will not surprise you to learn that the second Jezebel mentioned in the Bible was a false prophetess who was encouraging early New Testament believers to commit fornication, that is, having sex without the responsibilities and hedges of the marriage covenant. How did she do this? By injecting occultism and other demonic practices into the Messianic Community (Church) (Rev.2:20) so that they ceased to follow the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) but followed the demoness - with all her whisperings to rebellion against Torah - instead.

    Most Christians who are under the influence of Jezebel have no idea that they are under the control of occult power. They assume that just because they believe in "God" or "Jesus" and the "Bible" that they cannot possibly be occultists. But belief, as we have seen, is not mere passive assent. Biblical belief is always active and it is active because it is coupled to commandment-keeping and a lifestyle that clearly marks Christians out as being 'holy', 'set apart' and 'separated' from the non-believing and nominal Christian communities. So different is their lifestyle, in fact, that they appear to be "peculiar" to outsiders (1 Pet.2:9; Tit.2:14; Dt.14:2, KJV). That lifestyle, which comes about as a result of commandment-keeping, is the fruit or evidence of true faith in Christ. That which is false or untrue faith leads to a life which ignores the commandments and a lifetsyle that is either similar to, or identical with, the surrounding pagan culture.

    Those who have compromised with the truth will become as Solomon became - an admirer and imitater of things pagan. Those who have moved out of salvation and into a false spirit will like the same behaviour, music, sexual tastes, partying spirit, etc., of the pagan world. It does not seem to occur to most believers that the gulf between the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God) and the spirit of the world is so enormous that the two might as well be metaphorically standing on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon! True Christianity and paganism are as water and oil - they can by no means mix. And if they do mix, it is only because you have moved out of Christianity and into paganism even if you continue using the words and rituals of Christianity. Paganism can absorb Christianity, but Christianity cannot absorb paganism - ever - without first becoming tainted by it, and finally, destroyed by it. That is how Satan has consistently overwhelmed Yahweh's people ... by gradual compromise leading eventually to a flood that drowns out every last vestige of true faith and practice.

    Solomon was spiritually seduced by his pagan wives. They turned his heart away from true worship by leading him into occultism. All false religion (and that means, everything that is not Biblical Christianity), is occultism. And all occultism is ruled by demonic powers. Western Christianity has largely become occultic. It is using typical occultic, Wiccan and Satanic practices whilst using all the terminology of the Bible. You only have to look at 'New Age Christianity' to see how the Bible is co-opted (and perverted) into serving the occult. Only the other day I came across a website for 'Christian witches'. They do all the occult crafts (like casting spells, etc.) whilst talking about Christian 'love' and 'tolerance'. These witches have simply seized (knowingly or unknowingly) upon what is basically an already occultised Christianity (mostly Roman Catholicism) and slightly modified it. Wiccans and othjer occultists know that these 'Christians' are simply 'working magick' under a false spirit and therefore respresent no threat to them. The true Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) they hate and loathe because their demons are disturbed and agitated in the Ruach's (Spirit's) presence. These witches are also at home in the 'name it and claim it' charismatic churches which employ exactly the same visualisation techniques of witches themselves. Witches like to imagine in their mind's eye that (for example) they are surrounded by an invisible psychic force field which they can use to ward of hostile spirits. What they are doing is simply usiing a demonic power. When Christians 'visualise' that they are surrounded by 'God's love', for instance, they are doing exactly the same thing, only they are not aware that it is the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) which is not empowering them but something else.

    Meditation, yoga, and other occultic practices are very popular in many churches today. How many believers do you know who read horoscopes ... and believe in them? It's all witchcraft. And it is all under the control of the spirit of Jezebel.

    "But I hold against you that you allow that woman Izebel (Jezebel) who calls herself a prophetess, to lead and lead My servants astray to commit whoring and to eat food offered to idols. And I have her time to repent of her whoring, and she did not repent. See, I am throwing her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great affliction, unless they repent of their works. And I shall slay her children with death. And all the assemblies (churches) shall know that I am the One searching the kidneys [minds] and hearts. And I shall give to each one of you according to your works" (Rev.2:20-23, ISRV).

    I have highlighted some key words so that you can know what to expect when the spirit of Jezebel is at work. It all begins when we 'allow' or 'permit' iniquity in our midst and do nothing about it. The Gospel of Yah'shua (Jesus) is about love but also truth and obedience. Love does not equal compromise with truth or obedience! Ever! We are commanded most strictly to excommunicate and disfellowship all those who bring the spirit of Jezebel into the churches and will not repent (1 Cor.5:11-13). Such people should be isolated and ministered to by the Elders and other mature members who possess the true spirit of prophecy (in order to discern) and are equipped as deliverance ministers to expell the demonic influence. Without this kind of ministry in place, churches will be destroyed. They already are being destroyed. Indeed I know of very few who do not have a Jezebel problem of one sort of another.

    When the scriptures speak of 'whoring' and 'eating food offered to idols' it is not just talking about sexual fornication and adultery, and eating meat offered of demons in pagan temples. We spiritually fornicate and commit adultery with Yahweh when we believe and embrace occultic doctrines and practices. We 'eat food offered to idols' when we partake of the Jezebel spirit in place of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and enter into the fellowship of those who are deceived and led by demons. That is why there are no eccumenicals in heaven, only those who adhere closely to the truth where demons cannot come.

    A couple of weeks ago a man came to me for deliverance ministry. He had been married to a woman who had dominated and controlled him, and had become her victim because he had himself been the victim of abuse by his own mother. I annointed his head with oil and layed my hand on him and began to command various demons to come out of him after we had been through a long interview and various prayers. When I mentioned the demoness Jezebel, his body began to violently contort in pain. The chances are that were you to do the same with most people - believer and unbeliever alike - you would get a similar reaction.

    In the next essay I shall be looking in greater depth at this demoness so that you can see the extent to which she has the West under her control. But before I do, let me offer those who have a Jezebel problem some words of comfort - powerful though this demoness is, she is nothing before the blood of Yah'shua (Jesus). Once you have understood how she works and how she has deceived you, you will not only want to be rid of her but will be able to be rid of her. But first you need to understand. In the Book of Revelation we read:

    "And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh" (Rev.19:21, ISRV).

    This grizzly end-time scene occurs just before Satan is bound in chains and cast into the pit for a thousand years (Rev.20:1-3). Of interest to us, however, is the fact that these birds are eating human flesh. In the Scriptures, the honoured dead are always buried, and not to be buried is a disgrace (2 Ki.9:34) and being given over to be eaten by dogs and buzzards is the ultimate disgrace (Mt.24:28). And the demoness Jezebel is about to suffer the ultimate disgrace, just as the historical queen did centuries ago.
    The prophet Elijah, you will remember, was the one sent by Yahweh to challenge the authority and power of Jezebel and her prophets of Baal (1 Ki.18). Everyone knows the story of the contest on Mount Carmel when Elijah invoked the power of Yahweh to burn up his water-drenched offering. The pagan prophets tried the same thing, yelling and screaming to Baal and cutting themselves in the process (cutting, as every deliverance minister knows, demonises a person). Yahweh was vindicated and the prophets of Baal were executed for leading millions of souls astray. Now you would have thought that Elijah would have been buoyed up with confidence after so dramatic a display by Yahweh but he turned tail and fled, afraid of the wrath of Jezebel. The wrath of a woman can be fierce, and enough to terrify any man, but Elijah ran nevertheless. We must be lenient with him because if the truth be known the threats of the spirit of Jezebel have cowered us in the past. Her bark, however, is worse than her bite.

    Once he had come to his right senses, Elijah prophesied the end of Ahab and Jezebel. He declared, through the Ruach (Spirit), that the dogs would eat the flesh of Jezebel by the walls of Jizreel. He also said that any of Ahab's people that died in the city would be eaten by the dogs and those who died in the field would be devoured by the birds (1 Ki.21:23-24). A gruesome end indeed for the most wicked of couples and their supporters.

    Well, the prophecy was fulfilled sure enough. Jehu had Jezebel thrown to her death from a high window in her castle. She even had the nerve to make herself up with cosmetics and put on her finest clothes before her undigified execution. After she had died from her fall, Jehu - who was to become king - wanted to accord her a proper burial - but by the time the attempt to recover the body was made it had been eaten by the dogs (2 Ki.9:32-37).

    Jezebel met her deserved end - in utter disgrace. Which brings me to a final remark about demons which they will never let on because they have been deceived themselves: demons are mortal. They think they're immortal because of the lies Satan has told them about himself but there is no immortality apart from a life in Yahweh, because only Yahweh-Elohim is immortal. The demoness Jezebel will, one day, end up like Queen Jezebel of old.

    In the next essay we shall examine the way the West was hijacked by the Spirit of Jezebel and how she controls nearly all the political and social institutions. In the meantime, be assured that Yah'shua loves you and wants you delivered if you will but believe His promises and pursue the battle plans He has given. So we will end today with the admonition of the apopstle James who wrote:

    "Submit yourselves, then, to Elohim (God). Resist the devil [Satan], and he will flee from you. Come near to Elohim (God) and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before Yahweh, and he will lift you up" (James 4:7-10, NIV).

    To be free of Jezebel, the partying with sin must end, and that requires a major change in attitude and a brief period of mourning and contrition. Then - and only then - "He will lift you up" off the ground and into the spiritual heights where the true joy of the Father may be found.

    Copyright © 1987-2008 New Covenant Ministries - All Rights Reserved


    D5. Jezebel: The End Time
    Queen of Heaven Demoness
    Part 2

    Of all the major leaders at the Third Reich put on trial in Nuremberg at the end of the last world war, only one - Albert Speer, Hitler's Chief Architect and Minister of Armaments - pleaded guilty to war crimes. The others had swallowed so many lies and in the process progressively dulled their consciences, that they ceased being sensitive to the difference between good and evil. The blood of millions of men, women and children were on them, and with it, strong satanic legal grounds for demonisation. When a person goes deep into satanism - and nazism was just another variation on the occult - it is hard to come out of it again. With every chain that the Adversary wraps around you because you have conceeded power over you to him, the harder it becomes to get out. Most of the chief nazis were defiant until the end, offering paltry excuses for their evil deeds. They loved Satan more than God. And so they perished.

    We are talking for the second week running about the demoness Jezebel. We have seen the two historical characters and how the demoness of the same name lures men and women into her snare. We saw that she empitomised the spirit of harlotry and idolatry. However, she is much more that that. In the Book of Revelation principally, she has a much wider rôle than leading dupes like Solomon into paganism. Her influence, as I hinted last time, is global and works as much on nations as a whole as on individuals. Here is how she is described by the apostle John:

    "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
    She has become a home for demons
    and a haunt for every evil spirit,
    a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.
    For all the nations have drunk
    the maddening wine of her adulteries.
    The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,
    and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
    (Rev.18:2-3, NIV)

    No doubt you have read, or have heard much, about "Babylon the Great". She is a favourite theme of many end-time writers and commentators. Like the original Jezebel who was a queen and a false prophetess, so the original Babylon was a city, also known as Babel, famous for its abortive tower and the division of the universal language of man into many. The original city fell years before John penned this revelation. This one, however, is a "city" that exists at the end-time just before Yah'shua (Jesus) returns. She is described here as demonised with every type of evil spirit there is. Moreover, she has such wealth and influence over all nations that she clearly has a position of prominence in the world. Not only is she the source of the world's wealth but of every other nation's wealth by virtue of their trading with her. She is a "city" that lives in luxury.
    To help you identify who the end-time Babylon is, let me point out that in the Bible a "city" can either be a small village or a whole state. Anciently cities were states in themselves which grew in power and influence to dominate and control other city-states to form empires. Babylon itself began in this way. Therefore cities - be they small villages or large empires - had their own "kings" - kings who were either local sheiks or mighty rulers of large dominions such as the Babylonian empire. Thus our end-time city is both a city and a state, that state being defined by its capital-city. When we speak of Berlin or London we are also speaking of Germany and the United Kingdom since these are the capital cities of these nations. Likewise Jerusalem, as capital city, also represents the whole of Judah or of unified Israel.

    Concerning latter-day Babylon, Yah'shua (Jesus) goes on to warn through the apostle John:

    "Come out of her, my people,
    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
    for her sins are piled up to heaven,
    and Elohim (God) has remembered her crimes.
    Give back to her as she has given;
    pay her back double for what she has done.
    Mix her a double portion from her own cup.
    Give her as much torture and grief
    as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
    In her heart she boasts,
    'I sit as queen; I am not a widow,
    and I will never mourn.'
    Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
    death, mourning and famine.
    She will be consumed by fire,
    for mighty is Yahweh-Elohim (the Lord God) who judges her" (Rev.18:4-8, NIV).

    We are reminded in reading this of the warning given to Lot and his family to leave the city of Sodom. Though Abraham pleaded that the city be spared, he had to prove to Yahweh that there were enough righteous people living within her walls. Only four people left that city, and one perished on the way. In that city, we are told, "the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against Yahweh" (Gen.13:13, NIV).
    This city is later used as a model by Yahweh to describe what it will be like for Israel if she ever departs from her covenants:

    "When such a person hears the words of this oath, he invokes a blessing on himself and therefore thinks, "I will be safe, even though I persist in going my own way." This will bring disaster on the watered land as well as the dry. Yahweh will never be willing to forgive him; his wrath and zeal will burn against that man. All the curses written in this book will fall upon him, and Yahweh will blot out his name from under heaven. Yahweh will single him out from all the tribes of Israel for disaster, according to all the curses of the covenant written in this Book of the Law (Torah). Your children who follow you in later generations and foreigners who come from distant lands will see the calamities that have fallen on the land and the diseases with which Yahweh has afflicted it. The whole land will be a burning waste of salt and sulfur -- nothing planted, nothing sprouting, no vegetation growing on it. It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which Yahweh overthrew in fierce anger. All the nations will ask: "Why has Yahweh done this to this land? Why this fierce, burning anger?" And the answer will be: "It is because this people abandoned the covenant of Yahweh, the God of their fathers, the covenant he made with them when he brought them out of Egypt. They went off and worshiped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them. Therefore Yahweh's anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. In furious anger and in great wrath Yahweh uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now" (Deut.29:19-28, NIV).

    When the notthern Kingdom of Israel was expelled from Canaan by the Assyrians, she never returned. Only Judah remained until suffering the same fate, first at the hands of the Babylonians, and then finally at the hands of the Romans. The Israelite tribes for the most migrated north over the Caucasus Mountains and then West into Europe and finally into the Americas, Australasia, and Southern Africa. Others went elsewhere. All the Bible prophecies following the division of the Kingdom of Solomon into Israel and Judah refer to two distinct tribal groups and nations which are not to be joined together until the very end time as a single national called "Israel". The little country in the Middle East which styles itself as the "Republic of Israel" is not biblical Israel but a Khazar entity set up by the satanist Roschschild family. It is something else which is beyond the scope of this essay (see Is Israel Israel? and other links). To cut a long story short, the Israelite tribes have not yet been joined together in the Holy Land but remain in their places of diaspora in the world.
    Those of you familiar with the history of the northern and southern Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, respectively, will remember that these were people who tended to descend into idolatry, harlotry and depravity. We saw last time what Queen Jezebel did to the northern Kingdom under Ahab. This northern Kingdom and Sodom are types of the end-time "Babylon the Great" and all three are ruled by the spirit of Jezebel. There are still ten Israelite tribes in dispersion but only one has the power and the wealth to influence and thus control every nation in the world today. Speaking of Jerusalem and by extension Judah, which fell for the same demonic spirit, Isaiah speaks descriptive words of any nation under Jezebel's influence, no less "Babylon the Great" today:

    "The look on their faces testifies against them;
    they parade their sin like Sodom;
    they do not hide it.
    Woe to them!
    They have brought disaster upon themselves"
    (Isa.3:9, NIV)

    You all know what the principal sin of Sodom and Gemorah was so I do not need to go into that here. Suffice to say, as any deliverance minister will tell you, the demons associated with it are amongst the toughest to get rid of.
    The destruction of Babylon the Great is as swift as the destruction of the original Sodom:

    "When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:

    "'Woe! Woe, O great city,
    O Babylon, city of power!
    In one hour your doom has come!'

    "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more - cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men" (Rev.18:9-13, NIV).
    The end of this great city and nation spells disaster for international commerce. It represents the end of the economic system as we know it today. Without going into all the why's and wherefore's, we may say that the end of this great end-time apostate Israelite nation is one of the signs that the return of Yah'shua (Jesus) is just round the corner. And though we, like Abraham, may wish to spare her destruction because of the righteous within her, the fact of the matter is that Yahweh will gather out the righteous from her as he did Lot and his family. When they have been gathered out, the city and nation will perish.
    Now this is not just "any old nation" - this is an Israelite nation, and the fact that it may have forgotten its identity and the covenants it entered into with Yahweh centuries before is entirely besides the point - for the children of Israel are not only held to stricter account than non-Israelite nations but also enjoy blessings that alone belong to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to no other nation. And if Yahweh did not spare ancient Israel and Judah when they entered into the self-same sins and forgot their covenant with the Almighty, then, being that He is a God of consistency whose Word never returns to Him void, Yahweh will pass sentence on modern Israel today. And remember, we are not talking about the little Talmudic Jewish state in Palestine! "How could Yahweh ever associate Israel with Babylon?" you may ask. The same way that he called Jerusalem "Sodom" (Jer.23:14).

    This great nation - this "Babylon the Great" - is not the only Israelite nation but is the most powerful of them all, and therefore its leader in the end-times. She is allied with other Israelite nations too all of whom share not only the same noble ancestry but also the same tendency to feud amongst each other, the same tendency to descend into paganism, idolatry and harlotry, yet sharing strong commercial links. Thus she and her allies are possessed of the same spirit, and that spirit happens to be the demoness JEZEBEL.

    I am hoping that by now you have linked what I said last time with what I am telling you today. You will not find many people preaching these things. They are critically important and if you miss them you will remain ignorant of end-time events that will spell either salvation or doom for you.

    Perhaps some of you caught these words in the last citation I gave you - if you missed them, pay close attention now:

    "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their ... bodies and souls of men" (ibid.).

    Some translations render this last part as "slaves" and that is indeed one sense of the original. However, we will under stand this amazing portion of scripture if we simply translate it literally:
    "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their ... bodies/flesh and psyches of men"

    Babylon the Great is the world's leading merchant of flesh and of psychic energy. The selling of flesh - whilst it includes slavery - also includes harlotry, pornography, body parts for surgery, and so forth ... anything to do with the flesh of humans. This will also be the country that offers the most human sacrifices to Satan both in terms of aborted babies and Satanic ritual murders.
    Finally, there is psuche or psyche. Christianity is the religion of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) whereas all other religion is of the PSYCHE - that is, latent human powers released illegally by witchcraft, demonic music, idolatry, false religion, the occult, etc., and controlled by demons.

    Satanism is in the business of, amongst other things, setting up satanic blood-lines and exporting them abroad as part of their plan for world domination. The leaders of the world are, for the most part, related just as the kings and queens of old were, and are. Babylon the Great is not only in the business of trading sex but also soul power or psychic enegy. The illegal (in Yahweh's eyes) release of psychic energy through commandment-breaking and devilish practices empowers Satan, the demons, and his end-time human slaves for the purpose of deceiving as many as possible and dragging them down to hell before Yah'shua (Jesus) returns.

    The destruction of this great Jezebel nation causes worldwide consternation. We read further:

    "They [the merchants] will say, 'The fruit you longed for is gone from you. All your riches and splendor have vanished, never to be recovered.' The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn 16 and cry out:

    "'Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls! In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!'

    "Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, 'Was there ever a city like this great city?' They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out:

    "'Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!

    Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! Elohim (God) has judged her for the way she treated you'" (Rev.18:14-20, NIV).

    Whatever our national, allegiances may be, the true children of God will rejoice when this happens. Do not be deceived by false appeals to patriotism! Every despot has appealed to patriotism. Napoleon did, Hitler did - but it was not true patriotism - but an allegiance to a demonised despot and his demonised cronies who became the substitutes for the actual people. An appeal to nationalism and patriotism is always made by tyrants who commit murder with one hand and praise the people with the other. Our allegiance is to our country under Yahweh.
    The end of this nation - this Babylon the Great - is final - she will never be rebuilt again, just like the original Babylon. John's account ends in this way:

    "Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:

    With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again. The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again. The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth" (Rev.18:21-24, NIV)

    Notice that this Great Babylon will be famous for its music too. Which nation is the greatest exporter of modern music? It is a music, like everything else she exports, that carries a "magic spell" - sorcery.
    There are many who say that Babylon the Great is the Roman Catholic Church. Well, she is one part of it, and has played a major rôle in the corruption of Christianity by being a syncretism of the religion of Christ with occultism. Babylon is also, by extension, all nations that come under her influence, and thus "the blood of the prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth" is the fruit of the spirit of Babylon - which is Jezebel - working on all nations. Just as one city is the head of this nation, so this nation is the head of all the other nations in the world - first through her direct alliances and second those whom she influences with her power and wealth.

    The following chapter in the Book of Revelation describes the rejoicing of the children of Yahweh. The end of this nation is good news not only for the world, however, but her people also - those who have been saved out of her. Her devastation will mean the devastation - like a dominoes effect - of her chief Israelite allies, and of all the other nations in the world too. The only ones who will not be affected will be those who have been gathered out of the world to the Cities of Refuge.

    I think everyone hearing what I had said today knows who that Great City is, but in case there is anyone with lingering doubts, I will say it clearly: Babylon the Great is Washington D.C. and the United States of America and her Israelite allies are the principal nations of Europe like Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, France, Italy, and the other nations that will form the European Union (EU), but principally the United Kingdom who has the closest ties with the USA. These are the Jezebel nations.

    Next time we shall see how the spirit of Jezebel is competing for world domination and examine her chief rival, the spirit of Allah which controls the Muslim world. For now be aware that the whole cultural and spiritual milieu of the West, led by the United States, is the spirit of Jezebel - all of it. We here in Europe are as much a part of it as our brethren in north America. Also next time I will attempt to map out what is probably going to happen in the days leading up to this apocalyptic end of America and the West. This message is not popular and will be rejected by the vast majority of Christians, just as the Israelites and Judahaites rejected similar messages delivered to their nations from Yahweh centuries ago. History repeats itself - painfully and predictably.

    Our part is to get on our knees and repent both for our own seduction by, and involvement in, the Jezebel system, and to petition Yahweh to deliver his people to the places of refuge which He has designated. We at the very least are required to "get out" of Babylon and, like those living in Judah at that time, head for the mountains (Mt.24:16; Mk.13:14; Lk.21:21). Amen.


    D6. Jezebel: The End Time
    Queen of Heaven Demoness
    Part 3

    We end our study of Jezebel today by looking at her chief endtime rival whom she is destined to defeat before she is herself taken out of the way by the armies of Yahweh upon the second advent of His Son, Yah'shua (Jesus). That demons and demonic principalities rival or even fight one another comes as a surprise to many Christians who assume that the satanic hosts are completely united and work in concert against the Truth. They don't. Indeed there is great competition between different demonic hierarchies which have built up great power bases over the centuries.

    I mentioned last time how of all the major nazi leaders only Albert Speer pleaded guilty at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. Nazism is a perfect example of a demonic system. The leaders were often great rivals and hated each others' guts. Goebbels and Göring loathed each other and given the chance would have murdered each other too. Indeed, on one occasion - when Hitler decided to purge his brown-shirted stormtroopers called the SA and had its leaders like Röhm shot to death, Goebbels came precariously close to being numbered with them when Goering ordered the Berlin SS into murderous action. Hitler cunningly played the suspicions and hatreds of these nazi lords off against one another and got them to do his bidding. He was, as we have seen, prepared to kill some of his own people to further his own quest for power.

    The demonic hierarchy is no different. Satan exploits rivalries and channels them down the path he wants them to go. Because demons are a wild bunch there are often major clashes between them. For Satan it matters little, especially when the instruments of these battles are human hosts. Thus for Satan the outcome of the titanic clash between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia was irrelevent because the chief aim was always the creation of us much death and destruction possible and create the anarchistic conditions that would favour the rise of Illuminism. The Soviet victors in their turn had to stand aside for the Jezebel-conrolled West. Today, however, Jezebel has two rivals - a demonic lord called Allah, the god of the Muslims, and another demonic lord who rules over the Khazar Jews, though this one is actually an underling of Jezebel.

    We all know about the war between the West and the fundamentalist Muslims .. supposedly. Many have said that this is a "clash of civilisations" - the 'Christian West' and the 'Muslim Arab East'. It is nothing of the sort. Firstly, the West is far from being 'Christian' but is in truth now pagan. Secondly, it is not a West vs. Arabs war either. It is a war between the queen of demons, Jezebel, and a powerful demonic heirarch called Allah - a rivalry for territorial control. And behind both is Satan whose purpose is the extermination and blood-letting of as many people as he can.

    The rivalry is an unequal contest. Jezebel is the greater of the two powers. Nevertheless, just as Hitler was unwilling to conceed an inch of German territory, so neither is Allah: the fundamentalist Muslims intend to wage a war of extermination even if it means annihilating the Arab and Muslim peoples in the process. Such is the blood-lust of the demons that they ordered Hitler to order the total destruction of every facility in Germany in the last weeks of the war - water, food, everything. This Speer refused to do, enabling Germany to recover after the holocaust was over.

    This demonic trait to destroy everything rather than surrender must never be forgotten. The promises made by demons or their human dupes can never be believed. Thus it is written into Muslim law that Muslims cannot make treaties with infidels (non-Muslims) unless it is to enable them to survive. Such treaties are understood to be short-term and, moreoever, it remains the duty of Muslims to break them at the first posible opportunity. That is demonic thinking.

    What we have witnessed in the Middle East and in the last Iraqi war is just play-acting. It is all stage-managed. Indeed we learned in the news earlier this week that President Bush had planned the invasion of Iraq even before the September 11th terrorist attacks. We all know that the excuse that Saddam Hussein had mass weapons of destruction was a lie in order to justify the attack. The Soviet attack on Finland in 1940 was justified by the presence a 17th century cannon on the Finnish side of the border that was supposedly threatening the security of Leningrad! You know the kinds of pretexts and excuses that demonic warlords use to get what they want and wage war. It is a consistent pattern.

    Demons, and their human slaves, are prodigious liars. They always have been and always will be. Of Satan, Yah'shua (Jesus) said:

    "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44-45, NIV).

    Even the truth-statements he makes are always embedded in a matrix of lies, and so ultimately even these are lies.
    Last time I told you what would probably happen in the war against terrorism. The fundamentalist Muslims are in the pay of the West and are being directed by them - by the very spirit of Jezebel which we saw last time described as a "whore". A whore, prostitute or harlot sells her own body to be abused by those who have no right of access to it. September 11th was all masterminded by Western agents. The goal of Jezebel is world control - she wants to be the undisputed ruler. Indeed, Scripture even tells us that she comes to rule over Satan as well for a while! Things don't always work our for Lucifer!

    So what does the so-called "queen of heaven" intend to do? She intends to recruit Muslim fundamentalists to perpetrate more attrocities on Western soil but this time on such a huge scale that the West will have the excuse they have wanted to retaliate against the Islamic nations and wipe them out, eliminating the rivalry of the Muslim territorial demons. A dirty nuclear suitcase bomb in some American metropolis like Houston, for instance, in which hundreds of thousands are either killed or maimed, would be enough to awaken such fierce indignation in the American people who would not only want revenge but be willing to surrender more of their freedoms in order to supposedly protect themselves in the future ... from their own government! An immediate response might be a nuclear strike against the major centres of Islam like Mecca, Medina, Damascus, Cairo, and Tehran. The destruction of the Muslim holy shrines would mean the effective end of Islam. Another scenario is some incident in the middle east to provoke a massive Israeli-Arab conflict using nuclear weapons. There are many possible scripts.

    What is certain, however, is that Jezebel does not not intend to eradicate just the fundamentalist Muslims, who are mercenaries (knowing or unknowing) in her wicked schemes. She means to wipe out Islam altogether and thus displace her chief endtime rival, Allah. And she will accomplish it.

    The Muslims, Khazar Jews and Christians are slated for extermination. The extermination of Muslims and Khazar Jews is merely a prelude to the main goal, which is the elimination of Christianity, the consistent objective of the Illuminati conspirators over the centuries. Hitler and Stalin, as we both know, played major rôles. Both considered religion the "opium of the people" and both knew how to persecute it.

    The Roman Catholic Church plays a major rôle in the Jezebel conspiracy. She birthed not only Islam (as a means to counter true Christianity in the Middle East and North Africa) but also nazism and communism. Sometimes her creations have turned on her, however (the same dog-eat-dog code of the demons). She has certainly played the whore - we all know what she did to the first Protestants. The current pople, John Paul II, is seriously ill as I speak to you, and many are wondering who will replace him. He has certainly paved the way in making the Catholic Church even more compliant with Illuminist goals. Whilst pretending to be very "conservative" on the other hand (by speaking out against abortion, homosexuality, and birth control), with the other he has qualified himself as a One World Religionist by declaring that there are many paths to salvation and that all religions are equally valid ... like a good Wiccan or Satanist. Satan has always had a forked tongue.

    Jezebel, we are told in the Bible, painted her face (2 Ki.9:22). Jeremiah and Ezekiel both refer to it as the art of seduction, employed by harlots to lure men into immorality (Jer.4:30; Ez.23:40-44). Jezebel was a pagan, practiced witchcraft, and worshipped Baal. Indeed, wicked and immoral women have for a long time been called "Jezebels". Nils Pederson in an article, The Painted Face, relates this interesting story:

    "In this connection (of "Jezebels") I should like to share an incident. About 25 years ago, a returned missionary from China spoke at our church and related the following. He had been to China for 7 years, and upon returning to this country for furlough [leave] he immediately noticed something different about the American women. In the 7 years that he had been gone, many of the women had adopted the popular fad of painting their faces [makeup]. In China, the prostitutes were the only women who painted their faces, wore earrings, and had long painted fingernails. This was their means of identifying themselves to their men-partners in sin. The shocking thing to the missionary was that American women had taken on the custom of the heathen harlot" (The Satisfying Portion, March/April 1991, Vol.18, No.1, p.5).

    Today we don't even think twice about women's makeup. Indeed, even men are doing it now. To suggest that something might be 'wrong' about it would provoke a predictable reaction. Now I am not saying that wearing makeup necessarily makes a woman a sinner - however, a question has to be asked: what is the ground cause for wearing makeup in the first place? People wear it in public. One can understand some old people wearing it to cover up their wrinkles but what is the principal purpose? Is it not to lure? To capture people's attention? Is it not frequently to sexually attract? Do people really wear makeup at all times just to "look nice"? And if so, what for?
    The wearing of makeup transforms a face into a mask or an illusion. And you will remember from last time how Babylon the Great was able to make herself look stunningly beautiful, to the point that even the Apostle John was awed ... yet the beauty was only skin-deep. Underneath was a harlot and a murderess.

    Evil has always made itself up to look attractive. It is a carnal drive even in man. The apostle Peter reminds Christian women that they are to seek after a different kind of makeup, one that is genuine and cosmetic-free, that will clearly distinguish them from the women of Jezebl:

    "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear" (1 Peter 3:1-6, NIV).

    When women present a mask - a Jezebelic illusion - men will respond in kind, the opposite to what Peter went on the write:
    "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers" (1 Peter 3:7, NIV).

    The Islamic world detests the West for its hypocrisy and carnality. They regard the West as a harlot. And she is - like her misstress, Jezebel. She allures with wealth and outward beauty. The West, in its turn, detests the Islamic world for its harshness and cruelty, especially to women, but also its intolerance of everyone else and its mediaeval drive to enslave non-Muslims. The two civiliations represent the opposite of the ideal, heaven-blessed attitude of the genders described by Peter. The West and the East detest each other (all the political correctness notwithstanding) - and in Yahweh's eyes they are equally detestable. The East detests the falseness and spiritual shallowness of the West, and the West detests the harshness and cruelty of the East. The solution is that both must repent - both must cast out the spirits of Jezebel and Allah!
    We all know, however, what is going to happen. The harlot will win ... for a while, until she is herself destroyed. The question is - will you get out of her allure? Will you cease imitating her ways? Will you seek to be like Sarah of old or Jezebel? And if you are under the influence of Jezebel, what is preventing you from becoming like Sarah - either as a Christian woman to her husband or as a believer to Christ the allegorical Bridegroom? Well, Peter tells us what the problem is, doesn't he? "You are [Sarah's] daughters if you do not give way to fear"!

    What is it that stops you from being a submissive wife to your husband or a submissive disciple of Christ? Fear! Fear of what? In a world where being "tough" and "cool", where "image" means everything, is it perhaps fear of being looked down on as being "weak"? Is it fear of not "going with the trend"? Or is it fear of having to deal with the reality of who you really are, and not how you would like others to see you as? I believe - and I believe it passionately - that most people live in fear of dealing with the sin in their lives. They are afraid to be seen not to be in control of their lives whereas the mask can hide that. They thus prefer to "do the Jezebel thing" and hide in their masks, their projections of who they would like to be, their illusions. Jezebel plays on that fear and tells them: "Don't you know that you're a goddess (or a god)?" She puffs up pride, injects barrel loads of vanity, and creates the GRAND ILLUSION.

    The West is living in a GRAND ILLUSION. It thinks it is the greatest civilisation there ever was. America is busy exporting it internationally and insisting other nations should copy it, Britain is following suit as "Cool Britannia", and so are the rest of the Western Israelite nations wallowing in sin and paganism, just as they did centuries before when their capital was in Samaria, where Jezebel ruled as Queen. And most people are too afraid to confront the truth. As one victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) confessed to me a few days ago, she is running as fast as she can away from reality so that she does not have to confront the pain of her true situation. And if the truth be known, most people who refuse to confront sin issues are doing this all the time. And guess who is encouraging them? Worse, guess who is controlling them?

    Believing that there is no sin, believing that truth is relative, believing that you can come back reincarnated and try again at a time more convenient to your lusts, believing that the majority is always right, believing that you aren't beautiful enough, believing that to be successful you must lie and deceive, believing that being submissive and gentle is old-fasioned and a sign of weakness, believing ... well, what do you believe? How are you in truth resisting the the way of Yahweh? How are you fighting against the Truth? These and other questions are the ones those who want to resist and be free of the spirit of Jezebel have to ask themselves. And the list is probably quite long.

    The alternative is to swing to the opposite end of the spectrum and embrace the spirit of Allah. Many Westerners are doing that. I sympathise with many of the views that Muslims have of the West. They rightly see it as decadent and corrupt ... as a harlot. They rightly resent the power being weilded over them by the West. But the hatred, fanaticism and harshness of Islam is not the solution. Killing the "infidel" will create nothing but more resentment and hostility. And in the end Jezebel will crush it by brutal force.

    The solution is Yahweh through His Son Yah'shua (Jesus). Are you waiting for your enemy to yield? He won't. Instead, you have to yield to the Creator, to the Way of Truth, Love and Salvation. The enchantment of harlotry and idolatry is powerful and it does require a struggle to be rid of it. However, the struggle is better than spiritual slavery or annihilation.

    "Therefore, if anyone is in Yah'shua, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from Yahweh, who reconciled us to himself through Yah'shua and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that Yahweh was reconciling the world to himself in Yah'shua, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Yah'shua's ambassadors, as though Yahweh were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Yah'shua's behalf: Be reconciled to Yahweh. Yahweh made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of Yahweh" (2 Cor.5:17-21).

    Yah'shua (Jesus) said:
    "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Mt.11:28-29, NIV)

    Copyright © 1987-2008 New Covenant Ministries - All Rights Reserved


    Sermons Series 3:30, 18 March 2006
    Preserving the Sacred Tie
    Introduction to the Marriage Repair Manual

    Main Themes:
    Minor Themes:

    Both my biological father and my adoptive spiritual father were, and are, great motor mechanics. My biological father was superb at car maintenance and knew how to keep a car in good running order. My adoptive spiritual father, on the other hand, knows how to build. In his younger days he built two tractors single handed. Both the one who builds and the one who repairs have vital jobs but they are not the same.

    The same is true of marriage which I want to talk about today: making a marriage and repairing one are two totally different jobs and each requires a different 'manual' and set of experiences to accomplish. Most of my writings have centred on how to build a solid marriage in Yah'shua from the day a child is born and preparing him for his future rôle as a spouse. The parents fashion the children as King David hewed the stones for the Temple at Jerusalem and then those children can enter marriage as Solomon took the stones of his father and essembled the House of Yahweh.

    Today we have two types of marriage to work with. The first, which is the task of this Mishpachah and the Holy Order, is to raise children in all the ways of Yahweh and prepare them fit for marriage as David and Solomon proceeded to ready and build the Temple. To do that you need to start from the womb and work your way up to adulthood and its consummation, marriage. Sometimes you can find young single people who are willing to sacrifice all for the Kingdom and subject themselves to an intense deliverance programme to bring them to the place they should have been had their parents raised them correctly, but they are few and far between and are a specialist work of the Mishpachah. Those who come in by this door are being prepared themselves to raise up the second generation who will have known nothing but the set-apart pattern from the day they were conceived.

    But in the local assemblies we have an altogether different task. We have, by and large, totally dysfunctional marriages where Yahweh's sacred rôles have been completely reversed. In this Jezebelised society we literally have to rebuild marriages completely, and often painfully. And one of the hardest tasks for pastors and spiritual parents is to preside over this process for which they get little thanks and a great deal of abuse. Today's sermon will, I hope, provide our ministers - as well as those seeking to get their marriages right before Yahweh - with some tools to get into the repair business in Yahweh's most sacred human estate. My task today is to outline the basics of the Marriage Repair Manual.

    Because of the nature of this restorative work, Yahweh has usually given us the worst cases imaginable and said: Get to it! Repair this mess and I will give you instructions along the way so that you can help others later too. So today I am going to talk about a case study which in so many ways is typical of our destroyed society - a married couple who have got everything back-to-front and are stuck in a cycle of frustration and pain in their relationship. Every attempt at making things work seems to have failed and the relationship has descended into petty recrimination and blame-shifting coupled by a deep yearing to get it right and make it work.

    To begin my illustration I want to share a dream with you which Yahweh gave me nearly a month ago on 19 January. In it Yahweh symbolises the relationship between a husband and a wife depicted as a prisoner and a prison warder, respectively. The prison is fenced off and walled in, like most prisons, and at one end of it is this enormously tall tower - so high that every single movement of every single prisoner can be seen all the time. There is simply nowhere to hide. The prisoner is a small, thin and undernourished boy about 13. He is very meek and mild most of the time but occasionally is given to outbursts of temper when he feels trapped and cornered. The prison warder is located high up in the tower scrutinising every single move of the prisoner down to the last twitch, grunt and facial expression. Occasionally she takes the prisoner aside and demands that he fills in long, complex and searching questionnaires detailing his every thought and action. Most of the time he is happy to do this but sometimes he feels he cannot breathe and just wants to run. He's in prison, accused and condemned of a crime he doesn't even understand. In fact, he's not guilty at all, but the warden treats him like a terrible criminal and over time he has come to believe it himself and to behave as one condemned.

    Your typical marriage today is not at all unlike this scenario. The couple are nominally equal according to the expectations of the secular society and secularised churches but in reality the wife is in command most of the time. The Biblical pattern is not adhered to. When the wife is 'on top' in the dominant position, the husband is bowed, submissive and craving for love as a little boy craves love from his mother. This is an unnatural position for both to be in and after a while he starts getting chlostrophobic and just wants to yell or run and she in her turn comes to despise him for being such a weakling not to stand up to her. When the tensions reach a pitch and he can't stand it any longer and goes onto the offensive, she is both delighted and enraged - one part is delighted because he is assuming his rightful positioning as her head, for which she was made, and to which she wishes to naturally yield, and the other part is enraged because the flesh is having its power base threatened on which it has come to depend like a narcotic. Once the wife finally submits (if he has stood his ground and not fled), the husband then has two choices: one choice will move the relationship forwards into new growth and the other will set it back to where it was and cause it to sink into ever greater darkness and spiritual bondage.

    The man, as I said, has two choices: he can either be a real man and assume his responsibility as a ruler or he can stay the little boy and react like the little boy. The man, having regained the high ground to which Yahweh has called him, can either show grace and love or return to being the little boy by punishing the rebellious wife and dancing a victory celebration on top of her, calling her 'rebel', 'witch', 'demon' or whatever, and demanding that the rôles be reversed and she becomes his slave instead ... to make things even. Needless to say this is not Yahweh's way.

    Now you all know in your heads that this second way doesn't work. The second path of revenge and a dictatorial impulse leads to the opposite kind of slavery - the macho male version instead, as opposed to the feministic Jezebel one. The trouble is, people often do this without realising it because they are blind to the reality of their own spiritual imprisonment. The Jezebels and the little boys are both prisoners of a demonic web of deception.

    For those of you who know your ancient history, when Rome was young it fought a series of wars with a neighbouring tribe called the Samnites who had rebelled against them. When the latter were defeated, the Romans had one of two choices: to be magnaminious or take revenge. Very unwisely they decided to humiliate the Samnites by making their army go through a degrading ritual and the result was deep resentment and more rebellion and bloody warfare later. Learning from this lesson, one or two later Roman Emperors pardoned those they had conquered and won friends and allies instead of enemies bent on revenge.

    The husband in a family headship position is called to act like Yah'shua in his dealings with his wife. If his wife has been Jezebelic and in rebellion, he has two choices: to punish or forgive. However, in reality he has a much wider responsibility because to forgive a Jezebel and let her take back the ground he took earlier is to defeat the whole purpose of authority. Once the ground has been taken - the ground of headship - it must be held on to at all costs. That ground is non-negociable. Once the Jezebel has surrendered it and ceased becoming a Jezebel but a Sarah she must not attempt to retake it and he must under no circumstances surrender it back to her. A true man in Yah'shua forgives and stays firm in the truth. He does not yield it even if the demonic programming in his heart may want to in order to get her approval and affection which he usually misinterprets as love. His experience is to return to little boy-mode, and to assume that bowing his head to her, forgiving her, and letting her mother him again, is true love. It isn't. It's dysfunctional. The need is for mothering from a true mother -- a wife cannot be a husband's mother, or a husband be a wife's father unless one or the other is spiritually mature and can perform that function for a while. Marriage was not supposed to be an extention of parenting.

    Now to some important principles. The husband is like a General who must steer his family-army through life. He can, of course, ask his junior officers for counsel but he can't cede the decision-making processes to them. He has to take charge and act whether they like it or not, whether they love him or not. His position as head can never be a function of his wife's approval or rejection. It must stand completely independent. As a General takes his orders from the King or President, so the husband must take his orders from Yahweh and it is none of the business of the junior officers to demand access to the deliberations of the two.

    When a husband's perceived need for approval or love interferes with the truth-process, then the husband has handed the leadership position to his wife and failed his divine commission to lead. Yahweh does not form and implement His laws based on our approval or not. Similarly, how a wife reacts to the leadership directions of her husband is immaterial because these are two separate spheres. When a husband is leading and ministering the Truth in his family he is acting as the family's Priest under the High Priest, Yah'shua, and as Yah'shua's allegorical bride. When he surrenders that rôle to his wife, then she assumes a satanic positioning as a goddess and she becomes his High Priestess and Messiah. This is both insufferable and deadly. The result is that both spiritually die.

    You women must also understand something else that is important. Even if the husband does not pick up the sceptre of authority that does not mean that she 'has' to. She is not called into the leadership position ever. A lot of women fall into this trap - because their husbands fail to do their duty they assume they have to do it for them. That is fatal! That is what King Saul did though in his case he assumed that because the Prophet Samuel had not yet turned up for a meeting that he could go ahead and offer sacrifices in the priestly office. That blasphemy and presumption cost him his throne and likely his salvation too judging by the murderous spirit that followed him afterwards.

    So what does a wife do when her husband refuses to lead? Firstly, she does not take the lead herself. She doesn't, as they say, 'put on the trousers'. (Indeed the spirit behind women wanting to wear pants is very often this Jezebelic demon). Instead, in a quiet meek spirit, like Sarah the wife of Abraham, she remains in subjection, calling him lord, asking what he wants her to do, so that he will either be shamed into doing his job or be encouraged by the knowledge that she will not try to lord it over him. Many a weak man has drawn encouragement from such a contrite attitude and has grown and become strong, but a weak man had never become a strong one or assumed his proper rôle when Jezebel-like the woman has assumed the reins of power. To assume that she has the right or duty is presumptuous at best and blasphemous at worst, and has destroyed the soul of many a woman who may have thought she was doing right but in fact opened a Pandora's Box of demons into her husband's home.

    There is in the spiritual realm a sceptre of authority. Authority is critically important in life. In the Garden this sceptre is something tangible. During deliverance many months ago one of my adoptive daughters was holding such a sceptre and Yah'shua instructed her to give it to me as her lawful father and head. At first she was very reluctant and continued to cling onto it until Yahweh humbled her and finally persuaded her to do so when she saw that she was totally unfitted to carry and use it because that is not what she was made for. When a usurper has authority he or she is not entitled to, he usually finds is very hard to surrender, because the power that comes with authority, when it is not being wielded with wisdom in the Ruach, is very, very spiritually corrupting. We find the same today in the Messianic Movement with Judah (or a counterfeit) clutching onto the scepter which belongs to Ephraim. And they won't let go and probably won't until Yahweh humbles them and forces them to yield it to its proper owner.

    One of the worse curses for any woman - be she daughter or wife - is to hold on to her father's or husband's sceptre denoting his authority over her. The longer she holds it, the greater she is cursed. Things began to go more in the right direction for my adopted daughter when she finally yielded authority to me and she submitted to headship. Thew urge to rebell is strong and must be resisted. The same is true with mothers and sons and the same crippling relationship results when either mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically she tries to exercise authority. If you are in any doubt as to who was the authority in Yah'shua's family was after his father Joseph died, recall that on the cross He gave His mother to John to preside over and look after. Therefore I say: let the sceptre of authority go to whom it belongs or they will receive similar curses to the ones that fell on the Philistines when they seized the Ark of the Covenant. Those curses remained with them until the Ark was returned to the lawful people who were its custodians. The Ark was, in this case, a sceptre of the Nation of Israel. Nevertheless the Sceptre or Ark belonged to Yahweh - it was His Mercy Seat - and He gave it to Israel for safe-keeping. And as we know, they lost it.

    So what does a Jezebelised family do to restore order? Firstly, the husband must obtain the sceptre back. Until he does, everything he does will be vain. If his wife acknowledges Yahweh as her Elohim and Yah'shua as her Saviour then she must give the sceptre of authority to her husband. It doesn't matter whether he wants it or not. It doesn't matter whether he is worthy or not because it has nothing to do with worth but birth - it's his birthright which is why he was born a man. Whether he is a success or a failure, whether he loves her or not, is entirely besides the point: if he is a tyrant or a wicked man then even then she cannot claim the sceptre. However, she can depart from him and that must be her choice and responsibility, if he is making her break the commandments. His authority does not extend to the right to make her disobey Yahweh. However, she had better be pretty sure he is breaking the commandments before she takes such a drastic step.

    The foundation of a true marriage - a godly marriage - rests in a wife's affirmative or negative answer to the following two questions:

    1. Will you love and obey Yahweh?
    2. Will you love and obey your husband in all things?
    Firstly, a man should never marry a woman who is not totally and utterly committed to saying 'Yes' to these questions all the days of her life. He should ask her and get her to covenant to do this before entering covenants to be her husband. Indeed, she should make sure he can answer 'Yes' to the first question too before ever accepting a proposal of marriage. But what if this was not done because of a wrong upbringing or a false church tradition? What if one or both convert to Yah'shua after they are married and these matters are not resolved? The answer is this - they must be resolved before anything else is attempted. To not do so is to turn the marriage into Satan's territory - impotent and useless for spiritual growth and Kingdom-building.

    No man of Yahweh has any right to compromise or by-pass these questions. If He does, then Yahweh is not his Head and Yah'shua is not His King. Similarly, if a woman refuses to give a truthful 'Yes' to the second question then in truth Yah'shua not her Lord but Satan is, no matter how much she may quote the Bible or says she believes in Christ, because she is denying the authorities that Yahweh has established and breaking the terms of the New Covenant. She is making herself into a heathen and destroying her family. Only when the proper authorities have been recognised can the cycle of unforgiveness and blindness be brought to an end the the real enemy be exposed and expelled.

    I know so many people who are caught in this web of deception who mistake love for feelings instead of truth. Feelings will never set you free, brethren and sisters, only the truth. So you husbands, your first priority is to establish your base of authority not because you are someone wonderful necessarily but because Yahweh has appointed you to it. And what others feel about that is entirely besides the point - the issue is whether you accept that Yahweh is your authority or not, and if you reject the authority He has given to you then you reject the authority He has over your life too. You then become an apostate.

    Balanced against this must be forgiveness and mercy - always. The men must remain resolute and firm until they have taken the ground and then never yield it, consecrating it to Yah'shua as soon as they have obtained it so that it is clear that this ground is only theirs in Yah'shua. It's never theirs without Him. That doesn't mean the wife can go scrutinising to see if there are any 'fruits' before she will obey because accepting authority is never fruit-linked - a foot soldier can't decide he will obey his General until he is satisfied the General is 'good'. He signed up in the army just as you signed your Ketubah's or marriage contracts and you are bound 'for better or for worse' --Yah'shua doesn't allow 'sunset' or exception clauses except in the most drastic situations. Remember that.

    So, wives, what if your husband is a little boy spiritually needing a mother? What if he isn't much of a leader? What do you do? Attack him? Abandon him? Seize the sceptre? Do that, and you have sunk your own spiritual ship. Instead, submit to him in meekness and quietness, like Sarah, don't blame your own 'demons'or 'alters', or him for your lack of obedience, encourage him to sit on his own seat of authority by vaccating it and pointing him to it, and accept responsibility for your own sinful attitudes and behaviour - repent, change direction - do the right thing. And if you will not, then he has every right to send you away, as Torah teaches.

    And what of the men who will not grow up? They will eventually abandon their wives and she will then be free to marry a true man of Yahweh. And what if the women will not repent? Then so long as the husband keeps the ground Yahweh has given her, she will in the end desert him or he can dismiss her and he can marry a godly woman.

    Firmness in truth and love always pays and is worth the short-term discomfort to establish a happy and joyful marital future. Please be reconciled to Yahweh and Truth, return the authority to where it belongs, and honour it. Once this essential temple stone is in the place, the others will follow smooth. Without it, the temple will never be built, and the Ruach will have no habitation. May Yahweh bless you as you take thre right steps to rerurn your marriages to Him. Amen.

    Author: Lev-Tsiyon


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